Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 187: A late night visit, the little falcon is worth a suite (3/3)

Chapter 187: A late night visit, the little falcon is worth a suite (3/3)

Usually drink this?

What is this? Versailles literature?

So, do you drink enough like this in a year? Huang Sanshi asked with a smile.

Its a tradition at our Taoist temple that every spring we go to the mountains and pick some new tea, pack it up and store it, then fetch the tea from thirty years ago to manage a years supply.

The tea is calculated every year and is self-sufficient.

Ning Fei explained.

This was indeed a tradition at Qingfeng Guan now.

His master loved tea, and he had also loved tea since he was a child, and the best he could drink was thirty years of Purple Yin Puer.

So thats true, thats a great tradition you have. Huang Sanshi laughed.

As Huang Sanshi sipped his tea, Mr. He, who was beside him, also took two sips and said in his customary haughty manner.

Mmm, its really good, very refreshing.

Thirty years of Purple Yin Puer, it has many benefits for the body. Huang Sanshi slurped his praise.

Just at this time, it happened that the Little Falcon flew back after a day of playing.

Seeing that there were guests, the little falcon landed directly on Ning Feis shoulder and surveyed Huang Sanshi and He Rihuo.

Netizens who were familiar with Little Falcon saw this scene and didnt think anything of it.

But there were many netizens on the live stream of Yearning 6 who hadnt seen the Little Falcon before, and now when they saw such a sharp white falcon descending from the sky and landing on Ning Feis shoulder, they felt a few shocks.

Crap! What kind of bird is that?

Whats this Taoist Master raising?

Are there still such immortals in the mountains?

For the sake of science, thats a white falcon, scientifically known as a spear falcon.

This bird is so dominant.

This is too handsome!

Huang Sanshi was also stunned by the scene in front of him, but Teacher He smiled and said, This is the little falcon, right? Its really so majestic.

Mr. He was very good at business and knew basically everyone in the entertainment industry and their experiences. He had purposely learned about Ning Fei before coming to visit him, so he was familiar with all of Ning Feis pets.

Huang Sanshi, on the other hand, was carefully sizing up the little falcon, his face growing heavy with shock.

He had come to visit today after hearing Peng Xiaochang and Zhang Xiaofeng say that there was a Qingfeng Guan in the mountain village with a very powerful Daoist priest in it, and had associated it with the video he had seen of Ning Fei making oil paper umbrellas at a previous stage.

He also just wanted to have a chat with Ning Fei and show the netizens the life of a Daoist priest.

But what he didnt expect was that one thing Ning Fei presented surprised him more than another.

Huang Sanshi tentatively asked.

This one, is it a haidongqing?

The Haidongqing, the highest and fastest flying bird in the world, has the meaning of God of All Eagles, and legend has it that only one Haidongqing comes out of 100,000 sacred eagles.

Ning Fei touched the little falcon on his shoulder and explained with a smile.

There are many records of the Haidongqing in ancient Chinese texts.

According to the Compendium of Materia Medica Avian Division records: The carving comes out of Liaodong, and the most handsome bird is called the Haidongqing.

Historical records indicate that the haidongqing underwent very complex training to grow up to be a large and fierce raptor.

Modern zoologists have proven that the haidongqing is the spear falcon.

Its true that the young falcon is a spear falcon, but its still small and far from being like the haidongqing described in the ancient texts; it will be when it grows up.

Although Ning Feis reply was modest, it also side-stepped the fact that the little falcon was really a young bird of the Haidongqing.

The so-called God of Ten Thousand Eagles was referring to it.

The little falcon stood on Ning Feis shoulder, tilting its neck, its sharp eyes filled with dominance.

Huang Sanshi couldnt help but let out a gasp of awe.


I know a friend who raises birds, and he once told me that anyone who can raise a haitongqing is an awesome person, and that one bird alone is worth a suite in Kyoto!

Hearing Huang Sanshis words, the netizens felt even more shaken.


That white bird, worth a suite in Kyoto?

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