Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 169: The Return of the Geese to the South and the Hundred Birds to the Phoenix (1/2)

Chapter 169: The Return of the Geese to the South and the Hundred Birds to the Phoenix (1/2)

Hearing the systems beep, Ning Fei was somewhat surprised.

He hadnt expected that the Phoenix Jade Pendant actually had this function.

In addition to attracting a hundred birds to come and face the phoenix, it could likewise inspire a hundred birds.

Right now, the Phoenix Jade Pendant had two skills, Hundred Birds Pilgrimage to the Phoenix and Phoenix Laiyi, both have a 24-hour cool down and share the cool down time.

If you use one, you cannot use the other.

Ning Fei looked at the jade pendant adorning his waist with the intention of activating this skill as well.

It was too hard for the swans to migrate south.

They trekked all the way over mountains and jungles, and had to face the threat of many beasts.

Often, many swans lose their lives when they migrate through.

If one could increase the success rate of the swan migration by simply activating a skill, why not do so.

Thinking of this, Ning Fei simply waited quietly for the moment when the first group of swans began to migrate.

Often, as the first group of swans flew up, the others would also fly up in turn.

Look, everyone, the swans are gathering and are ready to take off.

Ning Fei pointed at the lake and explained to everyone.

The live stream was now getting hotter and hotter, and a number of people had recommended this scene like their friends last night, saying that they could see the swans migrating south and would definitely regret missing it.

So the netizens are very much looking forward to it.

Everyone was waiting for it, including Ning Fei.

The flock of swans also did not expect that so many people would be watching this migration of theirs year after year.

The heat in the live broadcast was still growing.

Look, everyone, thats just the head goose.

Once it takes off, all the other swans will follow.

Ning Fei stood on the shore, pointing at the strongest one in the flock of swans, and said.

When the netizens heard his words, their attention was focused on looking over.

Just then, as his words fell, finally, the head goose flapped its wings and prepared to take off.

The lake rippled and rippled away, in a circle, disturbing the otherwise peaceful nature of the flock of swans.

Then the head goose took flight and the swan flew upwards from the lake, bringing up countless droplets of water.

The swan chirped loudly, as if to inform the other members of the flock. The flock of swans that had just surrounded it all followed.

They want to move south, Go to the south to find a suitable place to live.

This flock of swans just took off. The next flock of swans is also ready to take off.

It was a spectacular sight, a dozen swans rising from the lake, white wings flapping continuously, as if they were angels returning to heaven.

Ning Fei looked at the head geese, touched the lanyard of the Phoenix Jade Pendant on his waist. In his heart, he silently activated the Phoenix Jade Pendants skill.

Hundred birds face the phoenix!

The netizens couldnt see it, but Ning Fei could clearly feel a holy, noble aura emanating from the jade pendant and spreading out towards the sky.

Little Fox and Black Handsome were both infected by such an aura? Mo turned his head to look towards Ning Fei.

The swan, on the other hand, was even more excited.

The head goose, which had been leading the first flock of swans towards the south, felt such a holy aura and was actually turning around and circling around Ning Fei.

And then, the second, third and fourth groups of swans all flew up from the lake, joined the hovering group.

When Ning Fei looked up, the flock of swans formed a huge circle above his head.

The scene was so spectacular. All the netizens who saw it were filled with a look of horror!

What was going on?

How did the flock of swans fly back?

My goodness, is the southward migration of swans so spectacular?

All the swans on the lake are actually circling.

Are they waiting for something? Or is there something that they cant bear to leave?

Its spectacular!

Its like heaven has come down to earth!

Wish me a year of good luck? Get rich, get thin? Be handsome? Find a girlfriend.

What a blessing!

As expected the pop-ups exploded straight away. The screen was filled with peoples awe. It was already crowded at this time of day, and to think they could see such a scene in Ning Feis live stream.

Ning Fei was at the centre of the swans circling, looking at the flocks of swans flying in formation, a touch of joy surging through his expression.

Many of the swans were chirping loudly, it was their way of expressing their truest tribute to the Phoenix.

Hundreds of birds are flying towards the phoenix.

The phoenix blesses all the birds.

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