Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 166: Behold, riding a horse across the grassland (1/2)

Chapter 166: Behold, riding a horse across the grassland (1/2)

riding a horse across the grassland (1/2)

Now that this black horse has become familiar with my scent and is closer to me, I can mount it.

Ning Fei stroked the horses back, and the black horse did not resist, remaining relatively relaxed.

Ning Fei found that after the Qilin intimidation, the horse was very obedient and submissive.

The Qilin was a Beast, a divine beast, and its breath was the same as that of a god to the walking beasts.

The status was like that of a phoenix of a hundred birds.

Immediately, Ning Fei exerted a slight force, leaped up and rode on the back of the dark horse.

I wont saddle the black horse for these, its a wild horse and still belongs in the grassland.

Riding without a saddle, also known as riding naked. Riding bareback is very difficult and very dangerous if the rider does not have solid basic skills and a good grasp of balance.

In general, horse riding must be equipped with a saddle, which can protect the hips and control balance.

Moreover, the stirrups and reins can better control the horse.

Hearing Ning Feis explanation, many netizens nodded their heads and secretly said that this was the case.

But since ancient times, netizens were immodest.

One netizen said, The word naked riding always makes me think wrong.

Fuck brother, I didnt want to be crooked, if you say that, I also crooked.

I have heard of naked swimming and naked running. Is naked riding so wild?

If two people ride naked .

Theres the picture, what did you guys do, why is there such an unhealthy picture in my mind!

Whos wants riding naked with me, lets have horse sex!

The pop-ups were getting more and more immodest, the screen was full of 6666 and hahahahaha.

At this time, Ning Fei was riding on the black horse, still narrating in a serious manner.

I will now first familiarise the black horse with my instructions.

Ning Fei bent down slightly and placed his hands on the horses long neck, then gently tapped the horses belly with the side of his foot.

This was the command to go forward, similar to driving with the ignition on, putting it in first gear, releasing the handbrake, and releasing the clutch.

The black horse surprisingly did just walk slowly forward.

Seeing this scene, the restless netizens also calmed down for the time being and cheered for Ning Fei and the black horse.


Subject two learning horse scene, now is hanging first gear familiar with the situation.

Dont mention Subject Two. When I mention it, I feel very bad. I went to the library and hanged up twice!

Relax your mind, look at Ning Guan and see how relaxed!

See, Ning Guanzhu started to turn.

Thats a good turn for a black horse.


Fuck! Is it really knocking down the library? Can this horse walk backwards?

Awesome, Master Ning is an expert rider!


I feel like this horse has been trained. Its only been a short time since Master Ning took care of it.

Really fierce!

In the sunset, by the river, Ning Fei was riding on the dark horse like this? Together with the dark horse, he was familiar with the control commands.

Every now and then, Ning Fei would even stroke its body to encourage it.

The black horse could feel its masters encouragement, looked happy too.

At this time, the little falcon descended from the sky. The black horse was clearly a little uneasy at the sight of the little falcon, but under Ning Feis reassurance, it accepted the fact that the little falcon was a companion.

The sun is about to set. Ning Fei looked at the setting sun and he said to himself.

No, its about to set in the grass.

The sunset over the grassland is beautiful, too.

He made his way east to the river in search of horses, and the tribe was to the west.

The sunset was also to the west.

Its time to go back. Ning Fei said again.

By the way, I still need to give you a name, always called Black Horse is too uninspiring.

People in ancient China named their horses. Most of them were named after colours and birds. For example, Qin Shi Huangs horse was called Bronze Bird, and Li Shimins horse was called Salu Purple. A proverb in the Three Kingdoms period, Leap from nothingness, Caos Baihu , the white swan means white swan.

Or maybe it was called chasing the wind, lightning or something like that to describe a very fast name.

Lets call you Black Handsome? Black and handsome!

Ning Fei said ruefully.

Hearing Ning Feis words, the netizens were speechless for a moment.

They thought that Ning Fei would give the black horse an old-fashioned name, like Lu, Tilu and Red Rabbit, and the result would be two simple adjectives Black and Handsome.

In fact, black handsome has another meaning. In ancient times, black horses were the horses of fierce generals, and black handsome also means a great commander in the army.

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