Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

Chapter 74: Dealing with the Banquet

Chapter 74: Dealing with the Banquet

Five days had passed since that nightmarish night.

Jrgen Bauer sat in the office of the occupied city's town hall, lost in contemplation. Though not an uncommon sight since the invasion of the Volden province, there were a few peculiar aspects this time.

Firstly, his body was covered in wounds.

During the Battle of Clavicure, a vampire emerged from behind the St. Gallen army and inflicted severe injuries upon Bauer. Miraculously, he managed to survive, but it was a close call. Amidst the chaos, the priests who would usually perform healing magic were given priority targets as the natural enemies of the undead forces. Therefore, it was a mage, not a priest, who tended to his wounds. Unlike the divine miracles performed by priests, this rough magic forcibly reshaped his body, leaving the wounds sealed but still painful. To fully recover, he would require the skills of a renowned professor from the Academy.

Next, it was oddly surprising that despite sustaining such injuries, Bauer's complexion wasn't pale. This was due to the improved nutritional situation in the army. They hadn't received additional supplies or succeeded in new looting efforts. With the army reduced to less than half its size, the available rations per person had increased. The problem that had plagued the expedition force for a long time was ironically eased by their major defeat.

And finally... his expression remained fixed, etched with deep anguish, almost like a mask.

"What should I do..."

"Dou sureba ii no da..."

Only his lips moved like another creaturebut dyingand spat out his distress.

The current military strength was roughly 16,000. This was still more than double the military force left in the Kingdom of Arquell in Volden. To the untrained eye, even an optimistic thought would come to mind.

Sure, we have been depleted as well, but they have suffered the same. We have already experienced their tactics, so we could devise countermeasures and face them again. If we do that, we might win this time... or so one might think.

However, it's not that simple.

For a military, troop numbers were never something that could be taken at face value. Soldiers were not just countless individuals; each one was like a cog in the machinery that constituted the army. The Zanktgalen army, reduced from forty thousand to sixteen thousand, was akin to a damaged machine missing twenty-four thousand components. Such a thing could hardly be expected to function properly.

One might have thought that the solution was to reorganize the army to operate with the sixteen thousand troops available. However, the process of reorganization was not as simple as it sounded.

Units that had suffered casualties and fallen below their designated strength naturally needed new recruits to fill the gaps. One could have likened it to new employees or transfers coming to a workplace. To ensure that these new soldiers could function effectively within the unit, what was required? It included taking over the responsibilities from their predecessors--the deceased or incapacitated--establishing communication and understanding among existing members and newcomers, conducting training to confirm movements and improve coordination, and so on and so forth. There were countless tasks to be done, and not a single one could be overlooked.

To rebuild a once-collapsed army, such a tremendous and intricate process had to be undertaken.

...even to the point of further overburdening the soldiers who were depressed by the defeat.

Of course, these tasks were being executed at a rapid pace. Without such efforts, they wouldn't be able to face the Arquell Kingdom again, let alone escape and return to their homeland beyond the mountains.

However, it would still take nearly another week to complete. Despite their impressive number for this continent, but the reality was that the training and morale were disregarded, and only the appearance of the army was arranged. Engaging in war with such an army was simply madness.

Nevertheless, it should be possible to defeat the smaller Volden enemy force in terms of numbers. The Arquell side also needed reorganization. In that case, the more experienced St. Gallen forces could complete the process more efficiently. Once they regroup and advance again, there was a chance to conquer the western region of Volden.

However, there was no hope of defeating the main force of the Arquell Kingdom, which would come to reinforce the enemy later. The current situation had incurred far more losses than they could afford, and despite the food supply improving, they had too few troops. Time was also against them. The western invasion had already been stalled after the battle at Clavicure, leaving them with the arduous task of rebuilding the army after the defeat. The schedule was severely delayed. Under such circumstances, it was even possible that enemy reinforcements might arrive during their next invasion. Even if they managed to conquer the west before reinforcements arrived, they wouldn't have time to rest their troops. Trying to hold out until winter in a defensive battle was risky, given their small and weary army, victory was far from guaranteed.

In other words, there was no hope of winning. The St. Gallen Federation's strategic plan had completely collapsed less than a month after the war began.

"What should I do..."

"Dou sureba ii no da..."

Another sigh escaped his lips.

No matter what, the course of action had already been decided at this point. They needed to complete the reorganization quickly and withdraw beyond the mountain range. If they couldn't win anymore, there was no choice but to retreat. Engaging in further battles would only needlessly sacrifice soldiers and make him a futile and nameless leader. Such a decision would be merely driven by Jrgen Bauer's personal stubbornness, and he was well aware of that.

However, the problem lay in that very stubbornness.

What would happen if they withdrew after suffering a major defeat here? They would lose twenty-four thousand soldiers without even conquering a single province of Volden and would be seen as a laughingstock by the Federation and the Baharia Kingdom. He could handle it, but his homeland would be scorned by the royal family and other territories. His family, as commoners with little support, could face unimaginable consequences.

To avoid that, he needed to achieve a glorious military victory, even just once. He was willing to sacrifice his own life and the lives of all his soldiers for it. Even if the entire war ended in defeat, they needed some semblance of a significant achievement. After all, he was a member of Baharia, the essence of the St. Gallen Federation. He had to show a battle that would garner such acclaim from all over the country.

However, such military prowess was beyond his grasp. Even for fully equipped armies, it would be difficult to achieve. For a ragtag group of defeated and scattered soldiers like his, it was nearly impossible. He wasn't so naive as to believe it could be done easily.

On the other hand, running away now... No, it would be better than dragging the soldiers into a reckless operation.

His thoughts circled, and he couldn't find an answer. That's why he found himself groaning, wondering what he should do. However, he couldn't continue to agonize forever. Once the soldiers' reorganization was done, action would be the only option.

Advance or retreat. There was no room for hesitation or stagnation. If they wasted time like that, the enemy's main force would be reinforced with additional troops.

Caught in this unenviable dilemma of choosing between two impossible options, Bauer continued to struggle.

But that time would come to an end today.

"Sir, it's terrible! General Bauer!"

"Ta, taihen desu! Bau shougun!"

One of his subordinates rushed into the room with a panicked expression.

Bauer's already wrinkled forehead furrowed even more, as the commotion seemed far from appropriate for someone visiting the quarters of the supreme commander of the military.

"You seem quite agitated... What about the guards' briefi--"

"Awatadashii na... Sore ni eibei no toritsugi wa doushi--"

"It's not the time for that! Th-the, the Arquell army... The Arquell army!"

"Sore dokoro de wa arimasen! A, a, Arukru-gun ga... Arukru-gun ga!"

Clearly overwhelmed and in a state of agitation, the subordinate's report was disjointed, interrupting Bauer's reprimand. But from the creased brow and pale face, it was evident that the news was far from being good.

"--What happened to the Arquell army?"

"--Arukru-gun ga, doushita?"

When Bauer inquired, the subordinate took a couple of breaths to compose himself before finally uttering coherent words. However, it seemed too late to report the situation.

"The Arquell army is attacking! They are launching an assault on this town!"

"Arukru-gun no shuugeki desu! Kono machi e to, kougeki o kuwaete orimasu!"


"Na, ni...?"

Bauer couldn't believe it. The current Arquell forces within the state couldn't be more than six thousand, even with a generous estimate. Here, their numbers had a significant advantage, and they were fortified in a town that, though smaller, was still a city and held superior military strength. So why attack here?

Furthermore, the Arquell side should also require reorganization of their troops. They had lost nearly two-thirds of their forces, totaling around ten thousand soldiers. Not to mention that the main body of their enemy's forces was made up of recently conscripted farmers with no significant training, and they had just undergone a harsh battle. It would be near impossible for them to march to the eastern part of Volden and undertake a siege.

Then, the enemy force attacking must be...

"The reinforcements they called in? No, but...?"

"Raen shita hontai, ka? Iya, shikashi..."

That also felt wrong. If they gather and organize troops in the capital and then proceed towards the Volden Province, it would take at least until next week, even if they act quickly. It was simply impossible to reach East Volden, away from the main roads, at this very moment.

Furthermore, if there were so many reinforcements nearby, there would be no reason for the enemy lord to march into the Clavicure Basin. They could simply defend the provincial capital and coordinate with their main forces to encircle the St. Gallen army from both inside and outside. That would be a more prudent strategy.

This possibility also didn't exist. So, where did they send the troops to attack this place from?

"...There's no time to hesitate. I will take command of the counterattack--"

"It's no use! The enemy forces have already infiltrated the city! We were taken by surprise, and our chain of command has been severed!"

The despairing reports continued.

What was this? Only five days have passed since the defeat at Clavicure. No matter how exhausted and beaten down they were, they were the St. Gallen army. There should have been a vigilant defense in place. They shouldn't have easily overlooked the enemy's march, let alone their invasion into the city.

But still, why?

"What's going on!? Weren't there lookouts"

"We don't have time for such discussions! General, we need to escape from here!"


Being scolded by his subordinate, General Bauer shook off his stupor. Indeed, there's no use in dwelling on what went wrong. First, he needs to escape from the midst of the enemy assault and regroup their forces.

Struggling with the pain of remaining wounds, Bauer left the room with the help of his subordinates.

"What the--?"

However, they were forced to stop the moment they left the room. A foul smell of blood filled the corridor, and the stench of scattered organs hung in the air. The floor, walls, and ceiling were dyed in red, red, and red. The enemy had already breached their defenses.

And within this horrifying scene, there was the figure of the one who had brought this calamity, as expected.

"Identifying the individual presumed to be the enemy's commander. Moving in for capture."

"Teki no shirei-kan to suisou sa reru jinbutsu o kakunin. Kakuho ni utsuri masu."

Covered in full plate armor and wielding a large sword, the warrior-like figure seemed almost mechanical and inhuman, with a flat tone in their voice even though only a small part of their face was visible, almost giving the impression of being a golem or something of the sort. Their movements were more precise and swift than any machine.

"Run, General"

The subordinate who pushed Bauer was sliced in two, joining the countless pieces of avant-garde art on the floor. Left alone to face the enemy, the wounded and weakened General whipped his body back into action, drawing his saber from his waist.

"...Don't underestimate the General of St. Gallen, no, Baharia!"

He hadn't risen to the rank of the general of St. Gallen, a country of forests and elite soldiers, solely based on his intelligence. His swordsmanship was as skilled as that of any ordinary soldier could never match. His thrust found its mark, piercing through the joint of the enemy's armor, and all the way to their heart.

There was a feeling of impact. He had succeeded. The enemy soldier, who seemed to be the one responsible for his subordinate's death, let out a gurgling sound as blood foam bubbled from their mouth and fell dead on the floor. Jrgen Bauer's swordsmanship remained undiminished. However, this was not something he could do repeatedly. With just one swift attack, the wound from the previous battle opened again, and blood oozed out steadily.

"Guh... I must... escape and rejoin the army."

With a fierce resolve to his battered body and clouded mind, he crawled forward. Along the way, he came across the puddles of blood left by his fallen comrades killed by enemy soldiers, but he pushed through them without a second thought. He had to reunite with his allies as soon as possible. According to the reports from his deceased subordinates, the enemy's attack had severed their chain of command. If he didn't bring order to this chaos, the reorganizing army would be in complete disarray. Now was his moment of truth, and he moved forward on all fours, drenched in his own and his comrades' blood.

Before him appeared,

"Identifying the individual presumed to be the enemy's commander. Moving in for capture."

"Teki no shirei-kan to suisou sa reru jinbutsu o kakunin. Kakuho ni utsuri masu."

"Attention. Confirming the presence of S-51's corpse. Upgrading the threat level of the target."

"Chuui. Esu-gojuuichi to omowa reru shitai o kakunin. Taishou no kyoui-do o jouhou shuusei shimasu."

"Understood. Modifying the top priority from capture to neutralization."

"Teigen o ryoukai. Saiyuusen jikou o taishou no kakushu kara muryoku-ka e to shuusei shimasu."

Just now, he had just killed an enemy, or so he thought. But now, three new soldiers, dressed and behaving exactly like the one he had killed, emerged before him.

(What... What the hell are them!?)

The same armor. The same helmet. The same sword. The same flat tone. Everything about the figures before him resembled the soldier he encountered earlier. They looked like triplets, or if you include the first one, quadruplets. However, upon closer inspection, their heights, facial features, and voices were completely different, yet their appearance, most notably their demeanor, was so strikingly similar that it made him dizzy. Combined with the blood-drenched surroundings, it felt like he had wandered into a nightmare.

The nightmare-dweller creeps up on Bauer with the mass of reality.

"What are you all...?"

"Nanimono nan da, kisamara...?"

In response to his inquiry, the mechanical voices answered.

"We are the Arquell Army. We are here to apprehend you."

"Wareware wa Arukru-gun desu. Kikan no mibun o kakushou shimasu."

"Resistance is futile, so please understand."

"Teikou wa mu-imi to iu koto o rikai shite kudasai."

"Moreover, there is a risk of unnecessary damage to your mind, body, and life for the sake of suppression."

"Dokoroka, chin'atsu no tame ni fuyouna dameeji o kikan no shinshin, oyobi seimei ni ataeru risuku ga arimasu."

With these words, the three enemies readied their large swords without dropping their guard. There was no escape route. He had no strength left to resist. The general, who had overcome mountains with unwavering determination, felt as though the pillar supporting him had broken.

Finally, he murmured a bitter utterance of defeat.

"S-such... such a ridiculous war, I can't bear it...!"

"Kon, na... konna bakageta sensou ga, atte taeru ka...!"

And then, like a doll with broken strings, he fell down on the floor. In the distance in his consciousness, he could hear the scraping of his armor and feel the touch of a hand admonishing him.


"Report from Fourth Squad: We have successfully taken control of the northeastern part of the city."

"Daiyon shoutai yori houkoku. Shigaibukutoubu no seiatsumi, kanryou shita to no koto desu."

"Similar reports have been received from Fifth and Sixth Squads."

"Daigo, dairoku shoutai kara mo douyou no renraku ga hairimasu."

"Eighty-seven percent of the northern area has been secured. Shall we proceed with mopping up the remaining enemies?"

"Hokubu eria no seiatsu wa hachijuunana paasento kanryou. Zantei no soutou ni ikou shimasu ka?"

The headquarters of the Arquell Army, which had advanced into the eastern part of Volden, resembled the chaotic scene during the previous battle in the Clavicure Basin, with rapid exchanges of communication and reports within the tents.

However, one notable difference from the previous time was that the overwhelming volume of communication was not being managed by just one person, but instead by several slaves.

One of these slaves asked for instructions, and after a moment of contemplation, Margrave Doldran spoke up.

"No, instruct the unit that has secured the northern part of the city to focus on supporting our allies in other areas rather than conducting mop-up operations against remaining enemies. They should launch attacks from the rear or the flanks. The enemy, already fatigued, will crumble with just such pressure."

"Iya, shi-nai hokugawa o osaeta tai ni wa, zantei soutou yori mo houhoumen no mikata no shien ni mawasu. Kouhai ya sokumen yori kougeki o kuwaeru dake de yoi. Sore dake de hihei shite oru teki wa kuzureru darou."

"Understood. I will relay the orders accordingly... To all units responsible for the northern area from M-27, I repeat, from M-27"

"Kashikomarimashita. Sono you ni tsuutatsu shimasu... M-27 yori hokubu eria o tantou suru zentai ni tsuutatsu. Kurikaeshimasu, M-27 yori"

As he glanced at the mechanical transmissions, he let out a deep sigh. He had accompanied Tullius, the supreme commander, as an advisor, but whether it was during the last campaign or the current one, he had been casually handed over the actual command. Admittedly, in terms of military experience, Doldran had a vast advantage over Tullius. However, the main protagonist of this war was none other than Lord Tullius of Volden. Despite being political allies, or rather, in essence, subordinates, it sounded unpleasant to have someone from another house relinquishing their authority.

During the Clavicure campaign, it was necessary to portray it as an emergencythough they had to do sobut surely this time Tullius should be the one taking command. He had suggested that, but...

"Well, you know, each person has their own expertise. I'll leave it to you, Your Excellency, the Margrave, who is a specialist in these matters. Considering the interests of your own household, it wouldn't be a bad idea to earn some points here, right?"

"Iya, maa, mochi wa mochiya to mo iimasu shi. Koko wa senmonka de aru henkyou haku kakka ni o-makase shimasu yo. Anata mo ieju no koto o omoeba, koko de tensuu o kamaide oku no mo warukunain janai desu ka?"

He couldn't help feeling a bit frustrated by how smoothly he was brushed off.

The man who came up with strategies like using musket-like new weapons, focusing on disrupting supply lines, and employing tactics involving trench warfare, regardless of appearances. One might question what he wasn't an expert in.

However, when it came to actual discussions and planning operations, there were sometimes misunderstandings and discrepancies due to basic knowledge. In response to this peculiar imbalance, Tullius explained that he was a creator, not a fighter who used the tools.

Well, words can be deceiving. He sighed again as he muttered so.

"Oh my, oh my. What's troubling you, Your Excellency, Margrave Doldran?"

"Oya oya. Dou itashimashita, Dorudoran henkyou haku kakka?"

Inquisitively, a nobleman approached him, noticing his melancholic demeanor.

Doldran put on a forced smile if to hide it and replied,

"Oh, it's nothing. Just suddenly thinking about how war has changed."

"Iya, nani. Sensou wa kawatta, to fui ni omotte na."

The sentiment he expressed was not merely a superficial lie.

The fact that he was commanding such spine-chilling battles, where generals stood apart from soldiers, remotely manipulating armies like pieces on a chessboard, causing enemies to die and allies to perish, sent shivers down his spine. It was himself, of all people, who was leading these eerie and unsettling battles. It was only natural to feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied.

However, the man before him seemed to interpret Doldran's words differently.

"No, no, not at all. Such fierceness in battle has its precedent in history. His Excellency Count Oubeniel's skill is truly awe-inspiring."

"Iya iya, mattaku. Kono youna ikusa no shiburi wa kokon ni rei ga gozaimasu mai. Oobuniru hakushaku kakka no shuwan ni wa, makoto ni osore hairimasu na."

Saying that, he smiled and his eyes sparkled with delight.

This nobleman's name was Baron Alrez. He was a noble from the Volden region, governing the port town of Alrez in the southwest. During the time Tullius was still a Marlan Viscount, he was brainwashed by him and incorporated into his faction. The contents of his brainwashing were the same as Doldran'sonly the removal of the right to refuse orders and the will to resist. However, for some reason, he held a favorable view of Tullius.

"Thanks to our achievements this time, our faction is finally entering a period of rapid progress. If we apply this method to the entire national army, our country's defense will be secure. No, we might even be able to unify the continent... Oh, I might have gone too far. Hahaha!"

"Kono tabi no senkou ni yori, warera ga ha wa iyoiyo mottete yakushin no toki o mukaemashou. Sono akatsuki ni wa kokugun zentai ni kono shuhou o mochiireba, wagakuni no boubou wa antai. Iya, hyottosuru to koto koso kanou ya mo shiremasen na? ...to, kore wa ii sugimashita ka. Hahaha!"

That's the reason.

He was captivated by the brilliance of knowledge and gold brought by the alchemist. He was a greedy man who had sold his soul to the devil. That was the true identity of Baron Alrez.

It might be distasteful, but Doldran didn't think it was wrong. Once brainwashed by Tullius, there was no way to undo it. There might be a way, but Tullius was not the kind of compassionate person who would allow someone trying to remove the chains he put on them. So, Doldran chose to submit completely and reap as many benefits as possible under that man's command. It was something he and other faction members were doing to varying degrees. Still, he couldn't help but feel discomfort with the nonchalant obedience.

Suppressing the feeling of weariness, Doldran nodded politely.

"...And it's thanks to your provided forces that we achieved this military success. On behalf of the Supreme Commander, Count Oubeniel, let me express my gratitude."

"No, no, it's not at all necessary. Originally, Count Oubeniel was the one bestowe"


Suddenly, Baron Alrez's words almost slipped out, but he was sharply scolded.

"...Those troops, you personally procured them, right? It's strange, but many families in our faction seem to have similar ones."

"Ha, hahaha... ye-yes, that's right. Well, the Count's generosity has been so abundant that I sometimes forget whether I bought them myself or received them from him."

The forced smile on Baron Alrez's face was evident. His presence in the army, which was absent during the battle of Clavicure five days ago, was due to the fact that the main force of this army belonged to the so-called "Tullius faction" or the "moderate faction"a group of peripheral nobles who provided support. They entered Volden shortly after the recent battle, and although they couldn't make it to the battle of Clavicure, they decided to participate in the campaign to regain the eastern region.

The core of their force was comprised of the modified slaves, the S-Series soldiers, of which there were about twenty. These soldiers possessed incredible strength, comparable to a hundred men, making them capable of subjugating even the monsters in the western border.

Their effectiveness on the front lines matched the reports given by the slaves who controlled communications. They sent small groups of soldiers in multiple stages to infiltrate the enemy's cities without triggering their alert systems, and as a result, they overwhelmed the St. Galen army, swiftly reclaiming the cities one after another.

If it were known that Tullius had deployed such a force, it would surely be seen as a sign of rebellion against the Arquell Kingdom, causing an uproar among the centralist faction.

Currently, only members of their own faction were present in this headquarter. However, Alrez seemed to have a loose tongue, and if he were to accidentally reveal this information elsewhere, it could lead to trouble.

Furthermore, in the capital city of Volden, the Second Royal Knights Order was stationed for rest and reorganization. They were affiliated with the centralist faction, which had connections to the crown. Although they weren't part of this army, there was a possibility that they had discreetly placed spies within the ranks.

"Well, you don't have to be so nervous, it's fine."

"Maa, sonna ni shinkei-shitsu ni naranakute mo daijoubu desu yo."

The voice that came from the back of the tent was none other than Tullius Shernan Oubeniel himselfthe mastermind behind the devastating Scorching Earth operation, the cunning interception at Clavicure, and the chief commander of this pursuit. He was the man responsible for most of the tragedies, big and small, that had occurred in Volden.

He glanced over a report from his subordinates without raising his face and continued speaking.

"The surroundings of this camp are being monitored by the Opus series on rotation. I wonder if it's Uni and Drei's turn right now? Those two have skills in guerrilla warfare, so not many enemies can approach undetected."

"Kono jinchi no shuui wa, Oopasu shiriizu ga koutai de kanshi o okonatteimasu. Ima wa Yuni to Dorai ga tantou suru jikan kana? Ano futari wa yobukemari no kokoroe mo arimasu kara, metta na aite wa chikadzukemasen tte."

"I see."

"Sayou ka."

"But, well"

"Demo, maa..."

He raised his face slightly and looked at Baron Alrez with cold eyes, like peering down at a dish filled with reagents.

"I must agree with the Margrave on the matter of handling information. Especially Baron Alrez, whose territory is geographically close to Canales. I've entrusted you with the task of collecting information in the Omnia and Canales regions, so I hope you to be cautious about that."

"Jouhou no toriatsukai ni wa chuui shite moraitai, to iu no wa henkyouhaku to dou iken desu ne. Tokuni Arurezu danshaku wa, shoryou ga chiriteki ni Kanarezu ni chikai. Omunia, Kanarezu houmen no jouhou shuushuu mo o-makase shite irun desu kara, sono atari ni wa ki o watatte hoshii desu ne."

"Y-Yes... Your Excellency, Count Oubeniel, I will pay utmost attention from now on."

"Ha- hai... buniru hakushaku kakka. Igo, saishin no chuui o haraimasu."

His voice trembled, and cold sweat dripped from his face. He was indeed like a frog caught in the gaze of a snake.

(He truly lives up to the name "Man-Eating Snake.")

Internally, Doldran assessed the situation in that manner. Seeing that Tullius had sufficiently made his point, he once again lowered his gaze to the documents.

"Yes, I understand. If you can be cautious where our reach doesn't extend, I don't mind. This tent is safe, so please feel free to relax and chat. I will also talk freely with my subordinates. ...Now, Fem, I wanted to talk about your report."

"Un, igo bokura no te no todokanai tokoro de gochuui itadakeru nara kamaimasen yo. Kono tennmaku no naka wa anzen desu node, kutsuroide go-kandan kudasai. Boku mo buka to suki katte ni shaberimasu node... de, Femu. Kimi no repto no koto nanda kedo ne."

"Yes, Master. I said to reply. Feel free to ask any questions."

"Hai, goshujin-sama, to, henji o shimasu. Nannari to go-shitsumon kudasai."

Standing beside the alchemist was a golem shaped like a woman named Fem. Within this faction, she was primarily responsible for evaluating the performance of new weapons. A situation where a human-like weapon evaluates another weapon creates a twisted atmosphere, even causing a slight dizziness.

"Looking at the performance of V-01Y, it can be given a certain level of evaluation as an offensive weapon in the V-Series. However, there seem to be issues with its operability and stability."

"V-01Y no seino o miru ni, kousei heiki toshite no V-shiriizu ni wa tei teki no hyouka o ataerareru darou. Keredo, dou ni mo sousa-sei to antei-sei ni mondai ga mirareru ne."

"Indeed. I said to express my agreement. Unlike other mass-produced models, it's difficult to tamper with its emotional domain."

"Tashika ni, to, dooi itashimasu. Hoka no ryousan-gata to chigai, joudou ryouiki ni te o tsukeru no ga muzukashii nodeshita."

"Because of that, trying to restrict its bloodsucking impulse could lead to logical contradictions, causing its mind to collapse. Thanks to that, it's challenging to maintain the stability, which is one of its strengths."

"Sono seishitsu-jou, heta ni kyuuketsu shoudou o seigen shiyou to suru to, ronri mukoton o okoshite seishin ga jikai suru nda yo nee... Okage de 'seihin' no chousho de aru antei-kan o iji suru no ga muzukashii."

"However, the ability of a single 'product' to deal a devastating blow to an entire enemy army is quite appealing, I refuted."

"Shikashi, 'seihin' ittai de ichigun ni kaimetsuteki dageki o ataerareru seinou wa miryokutekidesu, to, hanpuku itashimasu."

"No, if you want to unleash attack power, there's no need to stick with vampires. Even the EE-Series, combined with powerful magical carpet bombing, can handle it. Also, having many weaknesses is a downside. It wasn't a problem this time because the enemy was ill-prepared against vampires, but it could be an issue in the future."

"Iya, kougeki-ryoku o dasu ndattara vanpaia ni kodawaru hitsuyou wa nai yo. EE-shiriizu demo narabete, kyouryoku na mahou no juutou bakugeki de sumu. Sore to jakuten ga ooi no mo mainasu da yo ne. Konkai wa aite ni kyuuketsuki-you no sonae ga usukatta kara mondai ni naranakatta kedo."

"Then, what about its suppressive capability? I proposed. We can increase the number of monsters that serve as infantry through vampirization and necromancy."

"Dewa, seigyuuryoku no hou wa dou deshou? To teigi shimasu. Kyuuketsu ni yoru kenzoku ya shiryou-jutsu nado de tousuu o fuyashi, hohei no yakuwari o ninjou suru monsutaa o zousan deki masu ga."

"To be honest, that's what I dislike the most. If we leave them unchecked, they'll multiply uncontrollably. If we ever lose control, it could be a catastrophe. It's also a hassle to cull an excess of undead if it comes to that."

"Shoujiki ni iu to, soko ga ichiban kini iranai. Hotte oitara fueru tte no ga komaru nda. Man'ga ichi ni mo seigyo o ushinattara dai sanji jaa nai ka. Fueru sugita andeddo o hitotsu hitotsu maibu hiku no mo mendou da shi."

What a sacrilegious conversation indeed.

Talking about using the most dangerous creatures, vampires, who were the enemies of humanity, and employing them for war purposes, and discussing how to utilize their achievements, was unsettling. Any sensible person who heard this would immediately seek refuge in the church and request the Inquisition of Tullius.

"However, it was you who went through the trouble of preparing such things, wasn't it?"

"Shikashi, sonna mono o wazawaza koshiraeta no wa onmi darou?"

Doldran couldn't help but interject. According to the rumors he had heard, the vampire that was unleashed upon the St. Gallen army under the pretense of coincidence was apparently just a young girl. She was transformed into a monster and ultimately discarded. To belittle this as if it were a worthless act was something that truly bothers him.

Tullius raised his head.

"Well, that's true, you know... It's all part of the experiment. Vampires, often touted as symbols of immortality. If I can overcome their flaws, it would be a shortcut to achieving my ideal. However, the results haven't been as promising as I hoped."

"Sore mo sou nan desu kedo ne... Maa, shosen wa jikken no ikkan desu yo. Furofuji no daimei go no you ni utawareru kyuuketsuki. Sono kekkan o kokufuku suru koto ga dekireba, boku no risou jisseki e no chikamichi desu no de. Keredo, dou ni mo kekka ga omowashiku nai mono deshite ne."

He spoke nonchalantly, showing no remorse. Ignoring Doldran's exasperated expression, he continued.

"That's why I'll postpone full-scale production of the V-Series. The subject itself is intriguing, so I'll continue the research, but the production will be scaled down."

"Sou iu wake de, V-shiriizu no hongaku ryousan wa miokuru yo. Kyoumibukai daizai dakara kenkyuu jitai wa tsuzukeru kedo, seisan jitai wa shukushou suru to omotte ite kure."

"It's a shame, indeed, I said to give a comment. Even though its catalog specs are top-class among all the products."

"Zannen desu ne, to, kansou o daki masu. Katarogu supekku jitai wa, zenseihin-chuu de toppu kurasu na no de suga."

"If it's just its physical abilities, it was just a step below someone like Charl. That aspect is regrettable, but it's not enough of a plus to outweigh the drawbacks. However, well, it's not a complete waste. Creating vampires through chimerization using blood as a material... I'm envisioning new experiments based on this know-how. We had the chance to witness some intriguing subjects in this battle too. I'm quite confident in this direction. Perhaps, in the near future, a new 'masterpiece' might be born again."

"Mentai nouryoku dake nara Shaaru atari no ippo temae da shi ne. Sono ten wa oshiku wa aru kedo, ketten o nomeeru hodo no purasu dewa nai ka na. Kedo maa, mattaku no muda to iu wake jaa nai sa. Ketsueki o sozai ni shita kimera-ka ni yoru kyuuketsuki sakusei... Kono nouhau o riyou shita atarashii jikken o kousouchuu nan da. Choudo, konkai no tatakai de kyoumibukai daizai mo miireta shi ne. Kocchi no hou wa kekkou jishin ga aru yo? Hyottoshitara, chikai uchi ni mata arata na 'sakuhin' ga umareru kamoshirenai."

In the end, it seems he was plotting something else, something dubious. What kind of monstrosity did he intend to create with this new 'creation'? With just one disposable pawn that was said to be inferior to the 'masterpieces', he managed to slaughter thousands of soldiers from the St. Gallen army. This time, he will likely bring about another terrifying situation.

Even imagining it sent shivers down the spine.

"...And that would be a discussion right after this war comes to a close."

"...Sore mo kono sensou ni ichidanraku tsukete kara no hanashi darou."

"Yes. In other words, it's a matter of the near future. ...Or maybe it's still going to be delayed?"

"Ee. Tsumari wa sugu saki no hanashi desu yo. ...Sore tomo, mada saki ni nobisou nan desu ka?"

At the Margrave's feeble attempt at rebuttal, came a response that seemed as if it could devour a person. Truly, this person was one who always has a retort ready.

TL Note: Arghh I really can't understand what's this sentence mean: So I translated it to something that has the most sense and closest in meaning. Forgive me I did my best :)

"No, let's decide in no time. I have a lot of free time despite being entrusted to take command anyway."

"Iya, ma mo naku kesshiyou. Shiki o azukaru watashi ga, koushite hima o moteamashite oru kurai da shi na."

"Hahah, that's good to hear. ...Then, Fem, contact the lab and tell Seis who got returned earlier than the others to start the preparations. The detailed instructions are"

"Hahaa, sore wa nani yori. ...Jaa, Femu. Kimi wa rabo ni tsuushin o irete, hitoashi saki ni kaeshita Seisu ni junbi ni tori kakaru you itte oite kure. Shousai na naiyou wa"

"I see, I see... I said to make a note of that. I will convey Master's instructions accordingly."

"Naruhodo naruhodo... to, meiki shi masu. Sono toori ni go-shiji o dentatsu itashimashou."

However, the mechanized golem did not move as instructed right away. Before that, it voiced one question.

"By the way, Master. I said to change the subject. Regarding Elisha Rosmond Balbastre and her subordinates, the Second Royal Kights Order, is it really okay not to take any action to dispose of them?"

"Tokoro de go-shujin-sama, to, wadai o tenji masu. Erisha Rozumondo Barubasutoru, oyobi reika no kongou daini kishidan ni tsuite desu ga, hontou ni shobun o okonawanakute mo yoroshii desu ka?"

"As I've already informed you, there is no need for any changes. I haven't recognized any necessity for that."

"Sono koto ni tsuite wa, sude ni tsutaeta toori da yo. Henkou no hitsuyou wa toku ni mitomete inai."

"I see. I said to confirm. ...Then, I apologize for the intrusion."

"Sayou ni gozaimasu ka, to, kakunin shi masu. ...Sore dewa, shitsurei itashimasu."

Having said that, Fem exited from the tent. Doldran wondered if her somewhat dissatisfied demeanor was just his imagination.

Leaving that aside, while she was away completing the communication, a report arrived stating that they had captured a person who appeared to be the enemy commander.

The sudden war, which began with the surprise attack from the St. Gallen army, came to an end in less than two weeks from the start of the hostilities.


"Ahh, finally it's over... I'm exhausted, sluggish, sleepy..."

"Aa, owattaaa... tsukareta, darui, nemuii..."

Several days later, our group returned to the capital city, Volden, after finishing the relatively easy battles of pursuit and reclaiming the eastern region of the state. I, who had worn down my nerves with unfamiliar tasks in an unfamiliar environment, finally made it back to my private room within the government office building and immediately jumped onto the bed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Master."

"Otsukaresama deshita, go-shujin-sama."

On the other hand, as for Uni, despite having handled various demanding tasks, she remained composed as always. Well, she's different from ordinary people in terms of training, and besides, it was me who made her that way.

Glancing at the bed where I laid down, she remarked, "Forgive my presumption, but it seems firmer than your usual bedding."

"Sen'etsu nagara, fudan otsukai no shingu yori katai you ni miemasu ga."

"Well, of course. The beds they have at the government building in the city are nowhere near as luxurious as those in noble houses."

"Sorya sou da yo. Toshi no seicho ni okareteru beddo ga, kizoku no ie no mono yori joutou na wake nai shi."

Thanks to that, lying down here isn't particularly comfortable. Still, it's a world of difference compared to sleeping in the military camp.

"If that's the case, maybe I can help ease some of your tiredness... If you don't mind, would you like to rest your head on my lap?"

"Sore dewa toreru tsukare mo torenai ka to... yoroshikereba, watashi ga hiza o o-kashimashou ka?'

"Mmm... Yeah, sure, go ahead."

"Nn... jaa, tanomu yo."

I readily accepted her offer without a second thought. Uni's lap pillow was quite comfortable. Of course, it wasn't as soft as a real pillow made specifically for sleeping, but she adjusted the position and the pressure around her legs to make it more comfortable for me. I can vouch for the comfort of this experience, having tried it several times. If she wanted to, she could probably make money just by offering her lap to people.

"Alright then, excuse me... Please go ahead."

"Dewa, shitsurei shite... douzo."

"Yeah... Excuse me as weell..."

"Ussu... kocchi koso shitsurei shimaasu..."

I rested my head between her legs, who had climbed onto the bed and sat in seiza position.

TL Note: Seiza = Kneeling. In case any of you don't know, just google it.

Ah, so relaxing... It feels like finding peace as if returning to my childhood home. Well, in this world, my actual home isn't a place that brings me much comfort, though. But this was what they call an idiom, I guess.

"By the way, I would like to get my ears cleaned while you're at iiit."

"Tsuide ni mimikaki mo onegaishichaou kanaa."

"As you wish. Then, please turn your ear this way."

"Kashikomarimashita. Dewa, o-mimi o kochira ni."

Even though it was a sudden request, Uni promptly took out an earpick from her pocket. It seemed to be one of the essential tools that maids should carry with them at all times. She answered so when I asked her a while ago, so maybe it's common sense for maids in this world to have it. Probably.

For a while, I enjoyed the ticklish sensation of her cleaning my ears and the comforting feeling of her hands massaging my neck, relieving some stiffness. Ahh, it feels so good... I want to fall asleep like this, all warm and cozy.

However, as they say, happy times don't last forever.

The door made a firm knocking sound, and in response, Uni's thigh, which had maintained the perfect softness, tensed ever so slightly.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency. It's Victor. May I have a moment of your time?"

The voice I heard from the other side belonged to one of my capable subordinates in the internal affairs department. As diligent of a worker as he was, even when I returned tired, he still probably wanted to assign me some tasks.

"...Is it just you? Did you bring someone else along, perhaps a guest?"

"...Kimi hitori kai? Dareka okyakusan demo tsurete iru no kana?"

"No, it's just me..."

"Ie, watashi hitori desu ga..."

Well, that's a relief. No, not really, but having more people would be even more troublesome.

"You can come in."

"Haitte ii yo."

"? Then, if you'll excuse meWhat are you two doing?"

"? Dewa shitsurei shitenani o shite irun desu ka, anata-gata wa?"

Carrying a stack of documents, Victor entered the room, initially showing surprise and then a mixture of exasperation and understanding. He sure changed his expressions skillfully in a short span. I wonder if charming individuals were inherently suited for acting.

"Don't you get it just by looking? I was getting a lap pillow from Uni and relaxing. And she cleaned my ears too."

"Mite wakaranai kai? Yuni ni hizamakura shite moratte, kutsuroide ita. Tsuide ni mimikaki mo"

"Well, it's apparent from the sight of it... But don't you think you look a bit debauched?"

"Sore wa mireba wakarimasu ga ne... Gojibun de, jidaraku na sugata da to omowaremasen ka?"


"Stop looking so puzzled! In which world does a nobleman return from a victorious battle and immediately relax with a woman's lap pillow?!"

"Fushigi sou na kao o shinaide kudasai! Doko no sekai ni, kachi ikusa kara kaette mazu saisho ni, josei no hizamakura de kutsurogu kizoku ga imasu ka!?"

He went on, ranting with such vigor that it could be depicted with a "gaah!" sound effect. Was it really that unusual? I thought nobles in general tend to have women catering to their every whim.

"Even Chief Maid as well... I've repeatedly asked you not to spoil His Excellency like this, haven't I!?"

"Chiifumeido-dono mo desu. Are hodo, kakka o amayakasanaide itadakitai to saisanku moushiageta deshou!?"

"I apologize, but I cannot comply, Lord Victor. Master is tired. And if I can ease that even a little, it is my duty as a servant."

"Moushiwake arimasen ga ukeire kanemasu, Vikutoru-kyou. Goshujinsama mo o-tsukare de irasshaimasu. Naraba sore o wazuka nari tomo yawarageru no ga, jusha no tsutome deshou"

As she spoke, she placed her hand on my shoulder as if protecting me. Even while talking, her fingers danced like a pianist, massaging my shoulder.

What a devoted slave she is. I found her dedication somewhat motivating, so I decided to provide supporting fire in return.

"That's right. You could say this is a reward from Uni and myself to celebrate my hard work."

"Sousou. Kore wa iwareba, ganbatta boku e no, Yuni to boku jishin kara no gohoubi da yo."

"What are you talking about, saying such a spineless thing? It goes against integrity. If others see you like this, they might lose their loyalty to you."

"Nani o funuketa koto o osshaimasu ka. Setsugi ni hantaru to itte iru nodesu. Konna sugata o miraretara, tsukaete iru mono mo chuusei o ushinau to iu mono deshou."

"What are you saying, Victor... The people who serve me are mostly brainwashed to prevent betrayal, aren't they?"

"Nani o itte irun dai, Vikutoru... Boku ni tsukaete iru ningen wa, daitai ga noumiso o kaizou shite uragirenai you ni shite iru janai ka."

When I said that, one of the brainwashed individuals stumbled over their words. Yes, checkmate.

"Well... understood, I don't care anymore. Then, I don't mind you stay in that position, so please listen to my report."

"Haa... wakarimashita yo, mou kekkou desu. Dewa, sono mama no shisei de kamaimasen no de, houkoku o o-kikikudasai."

"Yeah, yeaah... We did it, Uni. It's our win."

"Hai haai... yatta ne, Yuni. Bokura no kachi da."

"Congratulations, Master."

"Omedetou gozaimasu, goshujinsama."

"Victory from what..."

"Nan no shoubu desu ka, nan no..."

While Victor held his temples, he smoothly flipped over the first page of the documents.

"Alright then, let me briefly state our damages first. The detailed figures are compiled in the documents, so please confirm them later."

"Dewa, mazu wa waga hou no son'gai o kantan ni nobe sasete itadakimasu. Shousai na suuji wa shorui no hou ni matomete orimasu node, ato hodo go-kakunin o onegai shimasu."

"Mm, I understand. So, how is it?"

"Nn. Wakatteru. De, donna mono nan dai?"

"Let me be clear. It's so devastating that it's enough to make you want to cry. In the eastern part of the province, this season's harvest can be considered a complete disaster. It was plundered and consumed by the St. Gallen army, and on top of that, they set fire to the fields, leaving them in ruins. Truly, what a cruel thing they have committed."

"Hakkiri to moushimashou. Nakitai kurai ni hidoi desu ne. Shuu no tou-bu de wa konkiki no shuukaku wa zenmetsu to miru beki ka to. Zankuto Garen gun ni yotte ryakudatsu sarete hishou sare, sara ni wa hi o kakerarete hatake ga hakai desu kara na. Iya haya, hontou ni zankoku na koto o shidekashite kureta mono desu."

"Wow, how could the St. Gallen army do such terrible things?"

"Uwaa, nante hidoi koto o shite kuretandarou Zankuto Garen gun wa."

"Exactly. It's an unforgivable act to commit such atrocities in Master's territory."

"Mattaku desu. Goshujin-sama no ryoudo de kono you na bukai o hataraku nado, yurushinai shogyou desu ne..."

As we nodded in agreement at each other, he looked at us as if he had something to say. What kind of expression was that? He's ruining his handsome looks.

But well, there's no other way, right? If we hadn't utilized the Scorched Earth tactics, the enemy would have taken it anyway. Even if we hadn't, we would have been driven out of Volden as soon as the reinforcements arrived, who would soon claim all the credit. The fact that we can lament the damages was all thanks to our victory.

"...Shall I continue? The damage to the land is severe, but the loss of life might be even worse. After all, in the initial skirmishes, we lost two thousand soldiers, and in the Clavicure battle, over ten thousand drafted civilians lost their lives. What is this level of loss? The numbers are staggering."

"Tsuzukemasu yo? Tochi no higai mo shinkoku desu ga, hito-teki higai wa sore ijou kamo shiremasen. Nanise, shosen de kechirasareta hei ga nisen-nin, Kuravikyuuru-sen de wa choubiku shita tami ga ichi-man-nin ijou gisei ni natteimasu kara na. Nan desu ka, kono higai wa? Keta ga chigai-sugiru deshou."

As Victor pointed out, it's unheard of to have tens of thousands of casualties in a single battle. In this world, usually, the damage was contained before it escalates to that extent. Well, more often than not, in such intense battles, the soldiers would flee on their own. After all, for those soldiers who were once civilians, there's no obligation to sacrifice their lives for a war brought about by noble's convenience.

But in this case, things were different for various reasons.

"It's because they were charged into trenches with no escape route, and they were supervised by the M-Series and B-Series. This war is different from any previous ones where soldiers could escape if they wanted."

"Nigeruba no nai zangou ni tsukkonde ita ue ni, M-shiriizu ya Bshiriizu ni tokusen saseta kara ne. Sono ki ni nareba dassou dekiru ima made no sensou to wa, chotto katte ga chigau yo."

That's right, that trench was protected by earthen embankments. It served not only for defense but also to prevent the soldiers from escaping. They were packed in the ground like graves, exposed to the surveillance of my men. Without proper training, those pseudo-soldiers with guns would have fled if we hadn't taken these measures.

In essence, it was similar to a ranch fence. It protected the livestock from frightening wolves and also prevented them from escaping slaughter. By depriving them of an escape route, that was why we had so many casualties.

Victor let out a sigh. But really, why were there so many people around me who sigh while looking at me?

TL Note: Lmao

"Truly, you have a harsh way of handling people. Moreover, all the casualties were not mercenaries but drafted soldiers from the civilians. When so many able-bodied men disappear at once, it will affect the future management of your territory, won't it? And not just from the battles, there are also casualties among non-combatants due to enemy looting and violence. When considering the amount of condolence money, it gives me a headache."

"Mattaku, hitotsukai no arai okata desu na. Shikamo shinda no wa mina, youhei dewa naku tami kara choubo shita hei desu. Kore dake no otoko te ga ikki ni kie ta to naru to, kongo no ryouchi keiei ni mo sashisama shimasu yo? Sore ni sentou ni yoru mono dake de naku, tekigun no ryakubutsu koui ya boukou nado de, hi-sentouin ni mo higai ga dete orimasu. Mimai-kin no gaku nado o kangaeru to, atama ga itai desu na."

Nobles were reputed for looking down on commoners, but it was a basic principle to avoid causing harm to the source of tax revenue, which were the commoners. They were treated with care as livestock laying golden eggs, that was what a proper noble does.

"As for that... well, let's hope that the plans you and Laubert came up with work out. It depends on how the centralist faction acts."

"Sono hen ni tsuite wa... maa, kimi to Rubeeru ga kangaeta an ga umaku iku koto o negaou ka. Chuuou shuuken-ha no dekata shidai da kedo ne."

"We also need to compensate for the exhausted 'products.' We still have the EE-Series, but they are quite costly to produce."

"Shoukou shita 'seihin' no hotei mo hitsuyou desu ne. Ima wa EE-shirizu ga imasu ga, arera wa nanpun, seisan no kosuto ga takai mono desu kara."

The one who said that was Uni. In this battle, the M-Series and B-Series also participated and suffered some losses while in enemy hands. To fill this gap, as Uni pointed out, the EE-Series was expensive to produce and their elven-like appearance made it difficult to deploy them in human society. We still need the efforts of the early 'products.'

The S-Series we borrowed from Baron Alrez also didn't come out unscathed. Some of them have been damaged one way or another. Truly, the St. Gallen Federation, the land of carnage, they managed quite well, despite being a second-class surprise attack unit that suffered casualties.

"Exhausting a massive amount of manpower, resources, and funds, and ending up with a devastated territory... truly, war is not something that can be done casually."

"Jin'in mo busshi mo shihin mo tairyou ni shouhi shite, ageku no hate ni ryouchi wa kouhai. Mattaku, sensou nado suru mono de wa arimasen ne."

"That's true. And it's all because St. Gallen attacked us. Also, someone who intentionally provoked that country."

"Hontou da yo ne. Sore mo kore mo Zankutogaren ga semete kita seii da yo. Sore to, ano kuni o waza to aotta dokoka no dareka-san no ne."

Truly, I've suffered such a terrible fate because of that rotten old man. However, we must get a return for the expenses we've paid. After all, we have fought hard to protect the land entrusted to us by His Majesty the King. If they still find fault with this, then I'll let them know that I have some plan.

"But this war is over now. Well, I mean, the peace negotiations are probably not finished yet, but we're pulling out here. If they want to continue the war, let them handle it with the soldiers they gathered in the capital. We've done enough."

"Kedo, kono sensou mo mou owari da. Iya, mada waahei no koushou wa sunde inai darou kedo, bokura wa koko de ashinuke da ne. Sensou o keizoku suru tte iu no nara, outo ni kakiatsumeta heishi o tsukatte jibuntachi de yatte morau yo. Bokura wa juubun hataraita kara ne."

"That's right. We obliterated a 40,000-strong enemy force from the land. If we can't bring this to a peace negotiation, then there's no one in the capital except the incompetent or greedy wolves who crave military achievements. Even if we were to dispatch troops for the punishment of that country, Volden is now a land that has been attacked by an enemy nation. We will have to defend this territory."

"Desu na. Yonman-nin kara naru teki-gun o, jimen kara shoumetsu sasete yatta nodesu. Kore de kouwa ni mochikomarenakattara, outo ni wa munou ka senka o hoshisuru garou shika inai, to iu koto ni narimashou. Moshimo ano kuni e no choubatsu no tame ni shuppei suru ni shite mo, kono Vorudan wa ichido tekikoku ni osore rareta tochi. Wareware wa kono ryouchi o shubi shinakereba narimasumai."

Victor wore a wicked grin.

We've accomplished enough in the initial skirmish. Even if we were to continue the war, there's probably no one asking for our services. Other nobles want to achieve military merits and receive rewards, so I'll avoid a situation where I have to contribute more. Besides, we've achieved successful defensive battles despite the significant losses. If they want to continue to exploit us, I won't hesitate to go on strike to improve our treatment.

"Alright, let's get the handling done quickly for that. First, we'll send an envoy to the capital city, where the reinforcements are currently marching from. We have a large army and enough provisions to support them for a while. We'll ask them to take the St. Gallen prisoners of war. We don't have that luxury over here."

"Jaa, sono tame ni mo chatcha to shori o katazuke you ka. Mazu wa kougun chuu darou outo kara no kyuugun ni shisha o dasu. Tai-gun to sore o shibaraku sasaeru dake no shokuryou ga arun da. Renchuu ni Zankutogaren gun no hoshu o hikitotte moraou. Kocchi ni sonna yoyuu nante nain da shi."

"Indeed. Given the state of our kitchen, we can't afford to host guests for long."

"Tashika ni. Daidokoro jijou ga akka shita ijou, okyaku-sama o muri ni kochira e ohiki tomeru wake ni wa mairimasen ne."

"Additionally, our forces are stretched to their limits. If anything, we might end up with more prisoners than soldiers. That would cause various issues."

"Kuwaete kochira no senryoku wa girigiri mo ii tokoro desu kara na. Heta o suru to hoyuu suru heiryoku yori horyo no hou ga ooi kamo shiremasen. Kore de wa iroiro to mondai mo demashou."

The three of us groaned. Right now, Volden was in dire straits. There was not enough food to spare for the prisoners, nor enough manpower to keep the captured enemy soldiers detained for long. Moreover, due to the acts of invasion, looting, and attack on the commander despite the ceasefire, the people of Volden had developed a deep hatred for St. Gallen. Although I did play a part in fanning those flames. Anyway, keeping enemy prisoners in such a place wouldn't yield any good results. It was better to send them back to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible.

"Then, shall we ask for those in the Second Knights Order to take on the role of messenger? And we will also send a member from our faction's nobles as an escort. The exchange of prisoners will probably take place around Novyon."

"Dewa, shisha no yaku-mei wa daini kishi-dan no kata ni onegai-shimashou ka. Sore to waga ha no kizoku kara mo zuin o dashi-masu. Horyo no hiki-watashi wa, osoraku Noviyon atari de okonau koto ni naru ka to."

The name Victor mentioned refers to a province located northwest of Volden. It was a strategic location for the kingdom, serving as a vital transportation hub in the south and east. The city also has the capacity to accommodate large military forces. If Volden were to fall, the plan would likely be to advance troops from this location to reclaim the territory. It would be an ideal location to meet and hand over the prisoners they captured.

"Alright, let's proceed with that plan then."

"Jaa, sou iu houkou de hanashi o susumete oite."

"Understood. By the way, speaking of the Second Knights Order"

"Kashikomarimashite gozaimasu. Tokoro de Daini Kishidan de omoidashita nodesu ga"

As soon as the mention of the Second Knights Order came up, Uni's thigh tensed up again. And it couldn't be compared to when she noticed Victor's presence before. Noticing nothing, the young nobleman, who was a thorough bureaucrat, continued.

"Are you alright with letting them live? Honestly, it seems like they wouldn't get along with Your Excellency."

"Ano renchuu wa ikashite kaeshi te mo yoroshii no desu ka? Shoujiki, kakka to aiawaseru koto wa nai you ni miukerareru no desu ga."

The Second Royal Knights Order and its Commander, Elisha Rosmond Balbastre. I was well aware of the danger theyno, she posed. Uni, the one who observed her battle with V-01Y had warned me about them. The other Opus series members also generally shared the same opinion. Well, except for a certain someone who jokingly remarked, "She may be a bit headstrong, but she's beautiful and still a virgin, so it's a waste to eliminate her." As for Due, he seemed to be hesitant and kept his judgment reserved, right.

To be frank, I'd rather take care of her as soon as possible. She was the leader of a martial force connected to that old man and was a fierce warrior unafraid of death. Our compatibility was like oil and water, and if she were kept alive, she might leave behind dangerous repercussions.


"Stop sounding like you're testing me. Laubert also suggested keeping them alive, and I assume you're in agreement?"

"Tamesu you na iikata wa yame na yo. Ruberu kara mo ikaseru nara ikase tte iware te iru shi, kimi mo dou iken nan darou?"

That strong willed Onee-san was also a political bomb. She was not someone that one could casually lay a hand on.

"I appreciate that. I'm relieved to know that you understand that although their formal ties have been severed, disposing of the daughter of the bigshot from the Decentralist Faction, Marquis Balbastre without much thought, is significantly dangerous."

"Sore wa doumo. Go rikai itadakete iru you de hotto shimashita yo. Keishiki jou en ga kirete iru towaie, chiho bunkendai no oomono de aru Barubasutoru kou ga go musume, sore o karugaru ni shobun suru kiken wo, ne."

Yes, it's easy to forget, but that "wild boar," unfortunately, was a daughter of a powerful noble family. Although she cut ties with her family and established herself as a knight under a different name, the connection was not entirely severed. Her family still reached out to her, sending letters to admonish her for her unrestrained behavior and even providing her with new dresses to ensure she lacked nothing. Despite being seemingly disregarded by her family, it was evident that they held a strong desire for reconciliation. It's quite lenient treatment for a daughter who had been causing all sorts of trouble.

"After the war is over, when it's time to settle things with that old man once and for all, it would be troublesome to have a new political enemy emerge. Eventually, we will clash with the Decentralist faction as well, but among the nobles in that faction, he is a sensible and moderate individual. She could serve as a channel for negotiations, and with a show of goodwill, it might become easier to explore alternative solutions."

"Senso ga owari, kore kara hongakuteki ni ano oiran to kecchaku o tsukeyou to iu toki ni, arata na seiteki ga toujou sarete wa komarimasu kara na. Izure wa chihoubunken-ha to mo butsukaru koto ni narudeshou ga, ano go-jin wa renchuu no naka demo ryoushikiteki na onken-ha. Koushou no madoguchi to naru deshou shi, mune-eri o yurumeru teido no koui ga areba sore igai no tedate mo toriyasuku nararemasu ka to."

"Even if we have to brainwash her like Margrave Doldran and the others, it'd be much easier if she comes willingly to my invitation."

"Dorudoran henkyouhaku-tachi mitai ni sennou suru ni shitemo, boku no shotai ni notte kureta hou ga raku da kara ne."

There was a possibility that I might be suspected as the cause of his daughter's death, and if he thought that way, he might try to lure me in and use me as a pawn, or even turn into an enemy if he hardened his attitude. While Elisha's combat capabilities were indeed a cause for concern, for now, it's just thata concern. The priority was lower compared to the clear danger posed by the Decentralist faction. That's the situation.

"If it is the decision of Master and Sir Victor, I believe it to be the right course of action."

"Goshujin-sama to Vikutoru-kyou no gohandan de aru nara, sore ga tadashii koto ka to gozonji agemasu."

Even though she said so, but Uni's body still retained some stiffness.

"Is Uni really that afraid of that lady?"

"Yuni wa sonna ni ano onee-san ga kowai kai?"

"To be honest, that is correct. It's a bit challenging to quantify or put into words, but she gives off an unsettling and mysterious vibe."

"Shoujiki ni moushiageru to, sono toori de gozaimasu. Suuji-ka, meibun-ka suru koto ga sukoshi muzukashii desu ga, etai no shirenai fuan o kanji saseru kata desu."

It's unusual to see this child showing regret to a decision like this. It must be a difference in sensibilities. Me, Victor and the others were thinkers, while Uni and the others were fighters. For a warrior like her, V-01Y was a formidable opponent, coming close to the Opus-series in terms of specs. Elisha-san's battle prowess in defeating V-01Y was both impressive and, at the same time, potentially dangerous to Uni.

But I wanted her to rest assured. Though I hate to say it, I'm fundamentally a coward. There's no way I would keep an opponent who would most likely become an enemy for long, right?

Daga, anshin shite hoshii. Kou iccha nanda ga, boku wa nekkara no okubyoumono da. Sono boku ga juuchuuhachikyuuteki ni mukau darou aite nante, sou nagaku ikashite oku wake ga nai darou?

"Well, everything is just a story until we take care of that old man. Once that's done, there's no way I would left even a single unsettling element left within the country."

"Maa, subete wa ano jii-san o shitomeru made no hanashi sa. Sore sae sunda ra, kokunai ni fuan youso nante tada no hitotsu mo nokosu mono kai."

Marquis Lavallee's plan to make me and St. Gallen crush each other has now been foiled. It's our turn now. The Marquis used resources and wealth to reclaim power amidst the chaos of war, but that war was about to end. Once that happened, the beginning of a political struggle to pursue responsibility for the war's damages will start.

For the old man to survive that, he had to eliminate the enemy country with the army under his command and strengthen his position with military achievements. However, those achievements were already in our hands. So all that was left for that gramps was the responsibility for the crackdown that led to St. Gallen's outbreak and the record of promoting reconciliation policies with untrustworthy enemy countries. Even if it was for the sake of gaining national interests in this war, it wouldn't be easily forgiven. As I mentioned earlier, the accomplishments needed to secure forgiveness were the ones we had already obtained. It's going to be interesting to see how far that wily old fox could swim amidst the storm of investigation.

Victor strongly agreed, saying 'Indeed, that's right,' as I laughed in a rare moment of bellicose mood.

"We should eliminate every single one of those who align themselves with that detestable old man. Especially those who possess military power, as they may become pawns in clandestine struggles."

"Imaimashii roushuu ni kumi suru yatsura nado, hitori nokorazu shukusei subeki desu. Antou no tegoma to nari kanenai buryoku no mochinushi nado wa, tokuni ne."

"But, the time for that is not now. If we go to the capital, there are plenty of people there who align with the Second Knights, who boast their strength and believe in meritocracy."

"Demo, sono toki wa ima janai. Outo ni ikeba, jitsuryoku shugi o kakagete kata de kaze kiru dainikishidan ni fukumu tokoro ga aru renchuu nante, ikurademo iru sa."

TL Note: I don't really understand what's this sentence means. Here's the raw:

People like the "decorative" First Knights Order and the extremist of the Decentralist Faction. There is no need for us to dirty our hands in Volden and become the top suspects. Explaining it that way, it seems that Uni has also come to terms with it within herself, and...

"If that's the case..."

"Sono youna go-jijou de areba..."

Reluctantly, she accepted it with a dissatisfied expression. Good grief, who would have thought that I would have such a difference of opinion with this child? It might be the first time, actually. However, I should keep in mind that it was none other than Uni who is so insistent on this matter. Elisha Rosmond Balbastre was a candidate for elimination, second only to Lavallee. I had to think that way.

"Then, regarding the treatment of the Royal Knights, that's all for now. And as for the next report"

"De wa, Konoe no atsukai ni tsuite wa koko made to iu koto de. Sore to tsugi no houkoku na nodesu ga"

I wonder if it's still continuing. I thought to myself, feeling exasperated. War was such a troublesome affair, whether during the action or after it's over. I'm getting tired of dealing with it.

Well, it should settle down after a while. After all, this war was the first in fifty years. So, the next war should be far off in the future. Dealing with the aftermath of this war and preparing for the next one would take considerable time.

From now on, I would focus on resolving domestic issuesdealing with that old man and the Knights affiliated with him. After that I could devote myself to research at a leisurely pace.

As I rested my head on Uni's legs, who has regained some softness, I pondered such calculations.



Immediately after, those plans were thwarted by an unexpected turn of events. The intelligence agency under Laubert's control brought back information. According to that information, the leader of the centralists, the recently resurgent Marquis Lavallee, had fallen ill and was now in critical condition.


To be continued~

TL Note: Here's another chapter~~ I'm so stupid to prefer doing this rather than working on my piled up homework. Even though today is a holiday~~ Arghhhh, why does my precious holiday have to be ruined by those math problems ...

Oh, and if any of you know what those two sentences I noted mean, please correct me.

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