Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Chapter 133 - 117 The Terror of Purple Talent! (Third Update)

Chapter 133: Chapter 117 The Terror of Purple Talent! (Third Update)

[In the fifth year, your strength surged by five hundred thousand catties in just one year, reaching a pure physical strength of five million five hundred thousand catties!]

[However, the essence of the Demon Emperor’s flesh is limited, and the most you can consume each year is only a bit more than one hundred catties, often times you can only take the essence of the Demon King’s flesh.]

[But your talent is astonishing, and coupled with the unique structure of your stomach, even the essence of the Demon King’s flesh allows you to gain considerable strength.]

[In the sixth year, you began the refinement of Divine Strength Pills.]

[Refining Divine Strength Pills is much more complex than ordinary mid-grade elixirs, and despite your Mahayana-level alchemy skills, you could only refine two batches per day.]

[Outside of your cultivation, you refined two batches of Divine Strength Pills each day, and in one year, you successfully refined eight hundred Divine Strength Pills!]

[Out of these, fifty were top-quality Divine Strength Pills, you kept some for yourself and handed the rest over to the Great Xia Military!]

[That year, your strength soared to six million two hundred thousand catties!]

Su Xing’s face flushed with excitement as he couldn’t help but nod repeatedly.

Divine Strength Pills assist those in the Origin Martial Realm to break through to the Divine Strength Realm and can also be used during the Divine Strength Realm to increase the cultivation level.]

But Su Xing alone couldn’t use that many Divine Strength Pills, estimating that at most a few would suffice for a breakthrough.]

The remaining elixirs given to the Great Xia Country could bring forth more Martial Emperor-level powerhouses, strengthening the country more, and Su Xing would obtain more essence of the Demon Emperor’s flesh, thus his cultivation level would increase faster!]

“Tsk, tsk, purple talent is really different, huh! In just four years of cultivation, the strength has increased by one million two hundred thousand catties!”]

[“This rate of cultivation is almost twice as fast as before!”]

[“It’s just that I don’t know if the upper limit of strength for purple quality will be higher…”]

Su Xing fell into thought; in his previous simulations, the upper limit for strength growth had been seven million catties.]

[Logically, after the talent upgrade, there should be a higher talent limit. Su Xing’s demand isn’t high, reaching eight million catties to have the strength of an Ancient Witch Clan genius would be enough.]

Su Xing continued the simulation.]

[In the seventh year, after you handed the Divine Strength Pills over to Great Xia’s higher-ups, Great Xia selected over a hundred veteran Heavenly King-level professionals and had them take the Divine Strength Pills.]

[In one year, the strength of these veteran Heavenly King-level powerhouses increased by more than fifty percent.]

[After handing the Divine Strength Pills to the Great Xia Country, you no longer concerned yourself with it and concentrated on cultivating, enhancing your strength.]

[Because you have been taking Soul Condensing Pills for many years, your divine sense’s range has increased significantly, reaching seven hundred and fifty zhang.]

[In theory, the increase in the strength of divine sense should make it easier for you to detect Damned Zong’s location, but over the years, you haven’t sensed his presence once, leading you to blame it on him being too far away from you.]

[In the eighth year, the Human Race saw about fifty Martial Emperor-level powerhouses emerge within a year, and suddenly, the overall strength of the human race greatly increased!]

[With the entry of Martial Emperor-level powerhouses into the Demon-Subduing Pass battlefield, the situation there gradually improved, allowing you to obtain more than three hundred catties of the Demon Emperor’s flesh essence each year!]

[Thus, your strength surged again, consuming one catty of the Demon Emperor’s flesh essence each day, which made your vitality even more robust!]

[That year, your strength soared to seven million catties!]

Seeing this, Su Xing was thrilled; seven million catties were the previous potential limit he had not reached even after over twenty years in the last simulation, but now he had achieved it in just the eighth year.]

This enhancement from the Heaven-lifting talent was even stronger than he had imagined!]

[“Could it be… that the total strength I possess in the Origin Martial Realm could reach nine million catties?”]

Su Xing’s heart thumped wildly at the thought; that was the immense force of nine million catties, after all!]

If he possessed such an increase, by the time of Great Perfection in the Divine Strength Realm, with a twentyfold enhancement… that would be the force of ninety thousand tons!]

To imagine what a punch with a force of ninety thousand tons might be like… Su Xing could hardly fathom.]

Su Xing looked forward with anticipation at the simulation panel.]

[In the ninth year, with plenty of flesh essence, your strength growth remained explosive, far from reaching the body’s limit, and your strength grew to seven million five hundred thousand catties that year!]

[In the same year, your divine sense also grew slightly, reaching seven hundred and eighty zhang. However, since you had given half of the Soul Condensing Pills to Luo Shuying, you had run out of them.]

[And lacking methods to cultivate divine sense, your divine sense ultimately stopped at seven hundred and eighty zhang and could not advance further.]

Seeing this, Su Xing slightly frowned and murmured: ]

[“Methods to cultivate divine sense, huh… indeed, until now, my divine sense has grown almost solely relying on Soul Condensing Pills, which is indeed a bit lacking in sustainability…”]

[“However, it is during the Divinity Transformation Stage that divine sense truly comes into play. By then, I can completely look for a way to cultivate a divine sense-related cultivation technique to unleash the full potential of divine sense!”]

Having realized this, Su Xing had already incorporated the growth of divine sense into his plan.]

After all, divine sense has many uses; Su Xing previously used it only for alchemy, so fifty zhang was sufficient, but now the Ten Thousand Li Tracking Technique requires divine sense.]

In addition, there might be more Cultivation Techniques that require Divine Sense in the future, so this definitely cannot be neglected!

“But well! The enhancement of Divine Sense isn’t urgent for now, the most important thing currently is the Body Refinement Cultivation Level!”

“I wonder if I can break through to the Divine Strength Realm in this simulation!?”

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[In the tenth year, your identity as a spy in the Great Xia Military has been exposed. Suddenly, both the Foreign Race and Human Race know that you were the one behind the increase of so many powerful individuals in the Great Xia Country.]

[The entire Foreign Race was enraged, and they ordered the Descending Sect to assassinate you!]

[Within just one year, you suffered more than fifty assassination attempts! Among them, even Legendary Level experts took action. Thanks to Luo Shuying’s help, you barely escaped death, but she was heavily injured in the process.]

[However, the Descending Sect’s assassination attempts on you continued, and you have become their number one target in the real world. All the elders, protectors, and even faction leaders now consider you their top enemy!]

[Left with no choice, you could only hide within the Spirit Field Blessed Land, trying your best to avoid going out.]

[Those assassinations you encountered this year have left you feeling chilled to the bone. From assassination attempts and poisonings to the pedestrians on the street and even the soldiers in the military… perhaps everyone in your sight might secretly pull out a dagger to plunge into you.]

[Even though you are very strong, you are struggling to bear such frequent assassination attempts.]

[So you came up with an idea, which was to meet Luo Shuying at an irregular time every month. You would only tell her about this time, and she would bring you the Demon Emperor’s Flesh Essence while you would entrust her with the supply Elixirs you have refined.]

[With this method, you cultivated daily in the Spirit Field Blessed Land, still maintaining a sufficient supply of Flesh Essence.]

[Having isolated yourself in seclusion all year round, you have endured loneliness that others would find unbearable, but your Cultivation Level has grown even more rapidly.]

[This year, your strength surged again, reaching 77 million catties!]

[In the eleventh year, you spent a monotonous year cultivating in the Spirit Field Blessed Land. Meeting Luo Shuying once a month and exchanging only a few words with her has rapidly warmed your relationship.]

[Finally, one day, your relationship with her developed into a full-fledged affair.]

[In the twelfth year, you received news from Luo Shuying that the front-line supply at Demon-Subduing Pass had been cut off by the Demon Race, and the situation was dire.]

[You handed over the Fasting Pills and Wound Healing Pills that you had saved up over the years to Luo Shuying.]

[Seeing these Elixirs, Luo Shuying was shocked and completely believed in what you had told her about traveling through the timeline.]

[That year, your physical strength increased to 80 million catties!]

[In the thirteenth year, as your strength grew more formidable, the growth of your physical strength finally slowed down. However, you could not stand this so you decided to consume one and a half catties of the Demon Emperor’s Flesh Essence every day to maintain the rapid growth of your strength.]

[One and a half catties of Demon Emperor’s Flesh Essence was slightly beyond your daily energy digestion limit, so you had to continually train to speed up the absorption of this Flesh Essence energy.]

[You practiced swordsmanship for four hours every day and crafted a massive iron ball weighing 80 million catties from exotic metals, using it to train your body and drain your energy every day.]

[Such days left you feeling very tired, so you could only meditate for three hours every day, using Spiritual Power to nourish your body and alleviate fatigue.]

[But your efforts were rewarded. This year, your strength increased to 84 million catties!]

[In the fourteenth year, you continued to train by practicing swordsmanship and lifting the heavy ball of exotic metal every day, but the weight of the ball increased dramatically as your strength grew.]

[You used Spiritual Energy to wield the Li Fire Technique, then used it to melt the exotic metal, eventually forging it into the iron ball. This iron ball grew larger and larger, like a small mountain.]

[That year, your strength reached 87 million catties!]

Su Xing’s breathing quickened when he saw this.

It was getting closer, even closer!

In just the fourteenth year, his strength had reached 87 million catties!

The speed was faster than he had imagined!

At this rate, perhaps it wouldn’t be long before he could break through to 90 million catties!

“That’s astonishing… The boost to my Body Refinement talent from my Purple Talent has already surpassed even witch clan geniuses… Having 90 million catties of strength in the Origin Martial Realm, I wonder if there’s anyone in the witch clan who could reach this?”

For a moment, Su Xing was elated, unable to resist comparing himself with this ancient clan.

“It’s close, 90 million catties, here I come!”

[In the fifteenth year, as you continuously practiced swordsmanship, your skills became even more exquisite. The Spirit Sword Mo Bing was already indomitable, and with your immense strength, shattering mountains with a single strike was no longer a legend.]

[That year, you consumed a full 500 catties of Demon Emperor’s Flesh Essence. Fortunately, with the tense front-line war situation, you had enough Flesh Essence to increase your power.]

[That year, your strength reached 90 million catties!]

(There will be another chapter after 12 o’clock~)

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