One Wild Night

Chapter 313 One Big Happy Family

Chapter 313 One Big Happy Family

  "I told you. I told you they were not going to remember. Not one of them remembered," Desmond told his wife glumly as they sat down for breakfast after Adolf informed them that both brothers and their women had left the house very early that morning and so wouldn't join them for breakfast. 

  "Maybe they have a lot on their mind with all that has happened lately. You should have let me remind them," Evelyn said, looking just as sad as her husband.

  "What is the point of reminding them? Having a lot on their mind is not an excuse to forget their father's birthday. What about Jade? They all don't care. Let's go back home after breakfast," Desmond said, feeling dejected, and Andrew, who had been quiet, shook his head.

  "I don't think that is a good idea. Besides, who knows if they plan to surprise you?" He asked, hoping that the girls had done what he told them and found a subtle way to remind the boys of their fathers' birthday.

  "I'm not ready for that disappointment. I don't know what I might say to them if I stay here until they all get back only to find out that they had truly forgotten and no surprise was planned," Desmond said, and Evelyn reached for his hand.

  "Honey, let's not make any hasty decisions. We can wait until they get home, and if truly they forgot about it, we will express our displeasure before leaving," Evelyn pleaded, while Janet just watched them, not knowing what to say to make them feel better.

  "How do I know that you're not going to call them and tell them about it, so they come up with a surprise later?" Desmond asked suspiciously.

  "You know me. I won't do that since you don't want me to," Evelyn promised, and Desmond gave her a nod before turning to Andrew.

  "You're not going to speak with them either, are you?" 

  "Your boys don't like me, so I have no reason to talk to them," Andrew said, flashing him a grin, and Desmond chuckled.

  "Okay. We will wait until they all get back home," Desmond said, much to their relief.

  "Since it's your birthday, why don't we all go out and have fun?" Janet suggested, and Evelyn nodded in agreement.

  "Yeah, let's do something fun for a change," Evelyn suggested. 

  "Where do you ladies suggest we go? And what fun thing do you want to do?" Desmond asked, and Evelyn turned to Janet, who was much younger than her and who she believed would come up with good ideas.

  "Anywhere fun. Let's do what young people do these days. Amusement parks, cinema, Karaoke, name it," Janet said, and they all nodded in excitement.

  "Let's do all of it. I will ask Aldof to drive us around," Evelyn said as Andrew stood up.

  "Where are you going to?" Janet asked her husband curiously.

  "To get wine. We should get the party started," he said with a grin, and Desmond laughed as he watched him walk again.

  "I'm so glad that you're both here. Your husband is a good man," Desmond told Janet, and she smiled.

  "Thank you."

  "Now, let's just hope that Tom and Lucy would do the right thing quickly, and then we can officially become one big happy family," Evelyn said, and Janet laughed softly.

  "But they barely started dating," Janet pointed out. As much as she wanted her daughter to get married, she knew that it wasn't going to be so easy to get her to do so, regardless of how much she loved Tom. It had taken her quite some time to get into a relationship, and Janet suspected that it would also take her some time to get around the whole marriage idea. She didn't want Lucy to feel pressured by Evelyn, and at the same time, she didn't want Evelyn to feel disappointed or annoyed if things didn't go her way. 

  "And it's obvious that they love each other. What else do they need?" Evelyn asked, and Janet exchanged a look with Desmond.

  "I can list a couple of things," Janet said as she took a bite from her croissant loaf.

  "Go on."

  "Compatibility. Friendship. Trust. Loyalty. Understanding," Janet listed, and Evelyn shook her head.

  "I think they're good to go. They relate pretty well together, so I think all those have been settled between them," Evelyn said, and Desmond yawned.

  "How long have they been dating?" Desmond asked, and both Janet and Evelyn exchanged a look as though they weren't sure. 

  "I think it's three weeks now," Evelyn said, recalling that it was three weeks ago when Adolf called to inform her about the lady Tom had brought home.

  "Are you sure you listened to everything Lucy said during that interview?" Desmond asked, and Evelyn frowned, wondering what the interview had to do with the discussion.

  "Yes. Why?" Evelyn asked just as Andrew returned with a bottle of wine from the bar and a staff walked in with him, carrying the glasses.

  "Sorry I took so long. I had to taste them in order to find the best," he said with a grin as he returned to his seat. 

  "She just started dating. Allow her to enjoy dating before you bring up the issue of marriage," Desmond said, and Janet would have given him a hug had the table not been standing between them. 

  "Who are you talking about?" Andrew asked curiously as he poured wine into each of their glasses.

  "Your daughter. My wife wants Tom and Lucy to get married already so that we can officially become one big happy family," Desmond explained, and Andrew exchanged a look with his wife.

  "Your husband is right. Let's just let them do their thing until they are ready to take the next step. We are already one big happy family, official or not," Andrew said with a grin as he raised his glass in a silent toast.


  "So about you and Harry..." Sonia said once Bryan moved away from them to the wine section of the departmental store where they were picking out drinks and snacks for the party, leaving her alone with Jade. 

  "You seem really interested in us," Jade observed, and Sonia grinned. 

  "Yes, I am. Who doesn't love sweet love stories?" Sonia asked as she walked beside Jade.

  "There are people who do not like love stories," Jade said, and Sonia giggled.

  "Well, those people are not me. And I'm sure they're not you either. So, tell me. I might be able to help you."

  Jade stopped walking and looked at Sonia, "Is there something you stand to gain from helping me?" Jade asked suspiciously.

  "Yeah. Inspiration. I'm actually writing a story about the Hank Siblings," Sonia said in a light whisper, and Jade looked at her with amusement.

  "A love story about my brothers and me?"

  "Yes. I started thinking of the possibility of something happening between you and Harry the first time I heard you were with him," Sonia confessed, and this time Jade giggled. 

  "Are my brothers aware?" 

  "No. Only Lucy is aware that I'm writing about you three. Bryan only knows I'm writing about the both of us. So you'll be the only one to know between you and Harry too. Only the female partner has to know the truth," Sonia said with a wink, making Jade smile.

  "Okay. I will tell you about it. I think it might make for an interesting story, only that I'm not sure if it's going to have a happy ending yet," Jade said wistfully.

  "Why not?" Sonia asked curiously.

  "Are you both shopping or gossiping?" Bryan asked, glaring at them when he saw that they were standing idly and discussing instead of picking out more drinks.

  "Why can't we do both?" Jade asked dryly, and Bryan shook his head. 

  "This is dad's favorite wine, right?" Bryan asked, holding up the wine in his hand for Jade to see. 

  "Yeah," Jade said to him before turning to Sonia, "We will have to continue our conversation later," Jade said as Bryan came to join them. 

  "What else do we have to get? We have been at this for hours," Bryan complained as he dropped the wine into the cart that contained all they had picked thus far. 

  "I think we have gotten enough. Now let's go and get my dress," Jade said with a happy smile.

  "It's not your birthday. Why are we getting you a dress?" Bryan asked dryly.

  "Because I'm part of dad's surprise package, and a package should be beautifully wrapped," Jade said with a wide grin as she spread both arms making Bryan roll his eyes while Sonia giggled. 

  "You invited Harry, didn't you?" Bryan asked suspiciously.

  "He knows?" Sonia asked, surprised that Bryan knew about his sister's interest in Harry.

  "Do I need to invite Harry specially? Wasn't he there when we were making the plans yesterday?" Jade asked with an innocent smile. 

  "You don't have to come shopping with us. You can pay for these items with your card and take them with you. Sonia and I will continue from here, and we will meet you later. Bye," Jade said as she took Sonia's arm and dragged her away before either she or Bryan could protest.

  Sonia turned to look at Bryan, who she hadn't had the chance to kiss goodbye, "Do you want to hear the exclusive details about my relationship with Harry or not?" Jade asked, and Sonia blew Bryan a kiss as she turned around.

  "You know I want to."

  "Good. Let's go then."

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