One Wild Night

Chapter 311 Board Meeting

Chapter 311 Board Meeting

  "Any contrary ideas? What about contributions or constructive criticism?" Lucy asked for the fifth time as she looked at each of her teammates with disapproval. It seemed like they had all turned to yes-men, and nobody wanted to disagree with her because of her relationship with Tom.

  "What is the meaning of all this? How can none of you have an opinion of your own?" Lucy asked, trying not to snap at them in frustration.

  "I have less than twenty minutes before presenting these new designs to the board, yet none of you is making any meaningful contributions," Lucy hissed as she gathered the sketches and walked into her office angrily, leaving them.

  The other team members turned to Amy, "What does she expect us to say when she already did a perfect job?" One of the ladies asked with a slight frown.

  "I will talk to her," Amy said as she stood up and followed Lucy into her office, "Director..."

  "Lucy." Lucy corrected impatiently.

  Amy looked at Lucy, "We agreed with your ideas and have nothing to add to or remove from it because it is perfect."

  Lucy looked at Amy, "In the past..."

  "During the last meeting, we all brought our designs and ideas, and some of us even disagreed with one of your ideas and gave better ideas when we had better ideas to give. But this idea is actually really good, and we believe that the board would love it."

  "Am I to believe that you are all okay with my idea, and you're not just accepting it because of what happened or my relationship with the CEO?" Lucy asked, and Amy frowned.

  "Is that what you think?"

  "Isn't that what it is?" 

  "I don't know about the others, so I can't answer for them. But I won't lie to you or kiss your ass because of your relationship with the CEO. We were all employed to do a good job, and I won't jeopardize that just to curry favor with you. Your design is perfect, and the presentation is great too. That is what the board is going to want to see," Amy assured her.

  Lucy closed her eyes and took in a deep breath to calm herself. Maybe Amy was right, and she was the one who was overreacting and judging them harshly. 

  This was going to be the very first board meeting she would be attending ever since she resumed work at the headquarters since Tom had graciously canceled the first one because she was late. And as a result of that, she was nervous since it would be the first time she would be introduced to the board. She was scared that if she didn't do a proper job, they would all assume that she had gotten her promotion thanks to her relationship with the CEO, and she didn't want that. She didn't want them to undermine all the effort she had put into climbing this career ladder, and she also didn't want to embarrass or disappoint Tom either. 

  "If you start doubting yourself, everyone else will begin to doubt you too," Amy said softly as though she could read her mind before walking out of the office. 

  Lucy opened her eyes and watched as Amy walked away before walking following her, "I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. We are a team, and I trust your judgment. If you believe that my design is the best, then we will go with it. Amy, please make more copies of it," Lucy instructed as she handed the sketch to Amy before returning to her office to prepare herself mentally for the meeting.

  Thirty minutes later, Lucy was certain that she would have a panic attack as she sat in the boardroom with the other directors while they waited for Tom and Harry to join them. 

  "Hi!" Cora whispered to Lucy, who hadn't raised her head since she sat down.

  Lucy turned to her and immediately recognized her as the lady who had been flirting with Tom. So she was a director too? "Hi!"

  "So you're dating the CEO, huh?" Cora asked, making Lucy blink in confusion. If Cora was a director, did it mean that she knew who Tom was even while he was pretending to be a driver? Was that why she had approached him?

  Lucy contemplated between snubbing her and putting her in her place, but she didn't want to have any more enemies because of her relationship with Tom. Anita had caused her enough trouble already.

  "So it seems," Lucy said with a stiff smile, hoping that Tom would come quickly so that the meeting would start. 

  "Good morning, everyone. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. The meeting with the shareholders took a longer time than we expected," Tom announced to Lucy's relief as he walked into the boardroom with Harry beside him.

  All the directors stood up as Tom walked over to his seat at the head of the table, and Harry went to the seat at his right hand.

  "Before we sit, I'd first like to make a very important announcement. You all know Harry. I'm sure every one of you here has interacted with him much more than you've done with me. From now on, he is now my Co-CEO. That means he has as much authority as I have," Tom announced, and the directors clapped and congratulated Harry.

  "I'm tired of having you sit beside me. Kindly move to the other end of the table," Tom muttered to Harry, who scowled at him before walking away from there. 

  Once they were all seated, Tom looked around the table, and his gaze fell on Lucy. One look at her and he could tell that she was very nervous. He narrowed his eyes when he noticed that she was avoiding his gaze. It was almost as if she was trying to put a distance between them. He wasn't going to let her do that. 

  "Since I'm sure everyone in this room knows about my relationship with Director Perry, I'm sure you'd understand why I need her to sit next to me," Tom said, and the other men around the table laughed while Lucy looked up at him in surprise.

  "Come over here, Jewel," Tom said, and Lucy looked down in embarrassment as she stood up. She had not expected him to use the endearment during a board meeting. What happened to calling her director Perry?

  Once she sat down beside him, Tom looked around the table once again, "Although I don't think I owe any of you an explanation, I would like to clarify something once and for all, as I have already done during the shareholders meeting. I never knew Director Perry personally until she was promoted and transferred down here, and I met her outside the company before realizing she works here. The head of the branch where she formerly worked recommended her for the promotion because of her devotion and dedication to her job. She got this promotion completely on merit, and so I hope you wouldn't try to undermine her efforts because of my relationship with her. Knowing her, I have no doubts that she would prove to every one of you that she earned her spot on this table. Director Perry, you're welcome." 

  Everyone around the table clapped, and Lucy raised her head, surprised that Tom had known to handle what she was worried about. This reminded her once again of why she had fallen for him.

  From there on, the meeting went on smoothly. By the time the floor was open for Lucy to deliver her presentation, she had regained her confidence, and she did such a good job that everyone else was commending her even before Tom could comment on it. 

  After the meeting ended, some directors left, while others gathered around Harry to congratulate him. Tom glanced at Lucy when she started to stand up, "You're not leaving without me, are you? We are going to my office. It's time for lunch," he reminded her. 

  "Hello," a feminine voice greeted from behind Lucy before she could respond, and Tom looked at Cora.


  "I didn't realize that you were the CEO," Cora said with a friendly smile, while Lucy tried her best not to turn around to look at the lady who she was beginning to dislike.

  "Cora, right?" Tom asked, and she smiled happily that he remembered her name while Lucy tried to maintain a blank expression.

  "Yes. I'm surprised that you remember," Cora said with a bright smile, and Tom shrugged.

  Knowing how jealous Lucy was, Tom didn't need anyone to tell him that she wasn't comfortable with Cora's presence, "I told you I was going to try not to forget your name. Is there something you want?" Tom asked, and her smile faltered when she heard the dismissal in his tone.

  "I just wanted to say hello to you. I thought since your girlfriend is here, she wouldn't mind..."

  "Thanks for saying hello. I'm sure you both know each other, so there won't be any need for introductions. If you'll excuse us, we have to leave for lunch now," Tom cut her off as he glanced at his wristwatch before standing up. 

  "Are you ready to leave, Jewel?" Tom asked, ignoring Cora, who was still standing there, and Lucy bobbed her head.


  "Good," Tom said as he picked up Lucy's handbag before pulling her up. Seeing this, Cora decided to excuse them, so she walked away.

  "By the way, you did great. I loved your presentation," Tom said with a proud smile, and Lucy returned the smile as she took her handbag from him. 

  "Why didn't you say anything just now?" Tom asked as he led her out of the boardroom.


  "When she was talking to me. I know you were jealous," Tom said, and Lucy scoffed.

  "What was I supposed to say when she wasn't talking to me? If you were in my shoes, what would you say?" Lucy asked, and Tom shrugged.

  "I would mark my territory. Introduce myself as your man in a way that will have any other man backing off," Tom said, and Lucy laughed softly.

  "How would you introduce yourself to make them back off?" Lucy asked curiously as they both stepped into the elevator.

  "Like this. Hi, I'm Tom, her man," Tom said and then pulled her forward and kissed her deeply before pulling away. "Or this. Hey, babe? Who's your friend?" Tom said as he squeezed her ass, making her giggle.

  "You will do that in the presence of others?" She asked in amusement, grateful that they were in the elevator.

  "Yeah. Don't try me. That's how I mark my territory. So if you don't want me to do that to you in public, don't let anyone flirt with you," Tom said with a wink. 

  "So you knew she was trying to flirt with you?" Lucy asked, and Tom nodded.

  "She already said she liked me before now. So it wasn't unexpected," Tom pointed out as the elevator door opened and they walked down the hallway to his office. 

  "So tell me, why were you acting that way before the meeting started?" Tom asked, turning to spare her a glance.

  "What way?" 

  "Like you were avoiding my gaze, or you didn't want anyone in the room to know about our relationship," Tom explained, and Lucy sighed.

  "I was nervous. I didn't want to screw up," Lucy explained.

  "Because then they would all think you got here because I am interested in you and not because you deserve it?" Tom asked, and Lucy nodded.

  "How did you know?" Lucy asked, and Tom smiled. 

  "How can I not know how you think by now?" He asked with a grin.

  "Thanks for addressing the issue."

  "Don't worry. I gat you always," Tom said as he turned to her and kissed her forehead.

  "You shouldn't have called me that in their presence, though," she said, hitting him playfully.

  "You shouldn't have pretended not to know your boyfriend in public," Tom fired back, and she giggled. 

  "So that was my punishment?"

  "You got that right."

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