One Wild Night

Chapter 301 Discussing Business

Chapter 301 Discussing Business

"Look who we have here, Haha!" Tom joked once Harry walked into his office, and Harry chuckled.

"I'm glad you're no longer putting on that hideous costume and double glad that you've thrown out those stupid piercings," Harry said as he took the seat opposite Tom for them to talk since it was the first time they were going to be alone since he returned with Jade.

"You should be triple glad that I also got what I wanted," Tom pointed out, and Harry gave him a nod.

"Yeah. Although I didn't approve of your ways, I'm glad you got her," Harry said with a nod before looking around the office, "So, how have things been around here?"

"Not bad. How did things go over there?" Tom asked curiously, and then he listened as Harry brought him up to speed with Jade's case and all that had happened.

"... I should also let you know that I offered her a job with the legal team here," Harry said, and Tom narrowed his eyes.

"Why? Did something happen between you both for you to want to keep her here?"

"No. Nothing happened, and I can assure you that nothing is going to happen. She's just very intelligent, and I think we will need someone like her working in our legal team. And at least this will be less dangerous for her than starting her own practice as she plans to. I don't want to babysit her anymore," Harry babbled on defensively, and Tom just watched him in amusement, wondering what happened between him and Jade to spook him.

He could tell that Harry wasn't lying to him since Harry wasn't really the type to tell lies. But Harry also wasn't the type to talk so much unless he was feeling guilty about something, and the fact that he was avoiding eye contact right now said a lot.

"Okay. So what did she say? Did she accept your offer?" Tom asked, choosing to let Harry be for the time being until he was willing to open up on his own to him.

"Not yet."

"You think she will?"

"I don't know," Harry said with a shrug, not wanting to think about her.

"I hope she will. I also offered Bryan a job here," Tom said, and Harry's brows shot up.

"Bryan is an actor. What job could you possibly offer him? Director of playboy costumes or ACTING CEO?" Harry asked, laying emphasis on the acting, and Tom chuckled.

"I missed you," Tom said, and Harry gave him a stiff smile.

"You missed your BORING best friend?"

"Yes, I did."

"Good for you. So what position did you offer him?" Harry asked curiously.

"Before I tell you that, have you considered my proposition? I want us to make the announcement during the meeting with the shareholders later today."

"Tom, are you certain that you have thought it through?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

"We both know that I wouldn't have made the offer if I hadn't already thought of it. The company is gradually becoming too big for me to handle alone, and there is no one else I trust to do this with me. I want you to have as much authority as I have to take care of the company. Besides, you've been playing the role this whole time. We can as well just make it official," Tom pointed out, and Harry scoffed.

"How do I know you're not doing this just so you would have enough time for your office romance?" Harry asked, and Tom chuckled.

"Even if that was the case, I'm sure you wouldn't mind," Tom said, and Harry sighed.

"Have you talked to anyone else about it? Your mother?" He asked since he knew Evelyn was one of Tom's sounding board.

"Yes. She thinks it's a good idea. Lucy thinks so too. And I think so. Who else do you want me to run it by? Your dad? Jade? I'm sure all the shareholders would like that too," Tom said, and Harry gave him a nod.

"Okay. Let's do it then. Just pray I don't do my job so well that I choose to demote you if you start slacking in your duties," Harry threatened, and Tom grinned as he stood up.

"Let's celebrate," Tom said as he stood up and walked over to his mini bedroom to pick up a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"You haven't told me about the job you offered Bryan yet. And what's your plan for an assistant if I become your Co-CEO?" Harry asked, turning around in his seat to look at Tom.

"I will have the director of human resources put out a vacancy advertisement for the position before the end of the day. And as for Bryan's offer... I know I should have run it by you first. I was thinking that maybe we could start an entertainment agency. Let's sign Bryan as our first star..."

Tom was interrupted when the door was suddenly opened, and Bryan popped his head in, wanting to see if Tom was busy, "Sorry to barge in on you unannounced. You don't have a secretary, so there was nobody to ask if you were in or busy. Good morning to you two," Bryan greeted as he walked into the office and then took one of the glasses of wine from Tom before he could hand it to Harry.

"Good morning to you too," Harry murmured, thinking that Bryan and Jade were very much alike.

"What are we celebrating so early in the morning?" Bryan asked as he sipped from the wineglass he had taken from Tom.

"We were just talking about you. Do I need to ask why you are here so early?" Tom asked with a slightly raised brow as he handed Harry the second glass of wine he was holding.

"I came for us to discuss your offer. We sneaked out of the house as planned so that the old man would think that we forgot his birthday. So while we were chilling at your hideout apartment, I figured that instead of whiling away the time idly, I could as well spend the day doing productive stuff," Bryan said with a shrug as he sat down on the seat next to Harry and stretched both legs in front of his before crossing them in a relaxed gesture.

Harry glanced at Tom, who was now pouring himself another glass of wine, "I don't think this is a good idea. Neither of us knows anything about running an entertainment agency," Harry pointed out.

"Isn't that why people without knowledge in a particular field hire people with that knowledge to work for them?" Bryan asked with a slightly raised brow.

"Does that mean you're accepting my offer?" Tom asked hopefully before turning to Harry, "Just trust me as you've always done. Can you do that?" Tom asked as he returned to his seat with a glass of wine, and Harry shrugged.

"I have my conditions," Bryan said as he set down the glass and sat up, looking very serious now, "This is my career we are talking about, so we have to leave sentiments out of this," Bryan said, and Tom gave him a nod as he sat down.

"Sure. Go ahead," Tom urged him.

"As Harry rightfully pointed out, you both know nothing about running an entertainment agency, so my first condition is that you hire someone I trust to run the agency. Someone I know who is capable of handling the agency and managing my career," Bryan said, and Harry raised a brow.

"And I suppose you have someone in mind already?"

"Yes. Jeff, my manager. He is more than competent, and he is very loyal too," Bryan said as he picked up his wine glass and sipped from it.

"Jeff? Isn't he working for Paul?" Tom asked curiously.

"He turned in his resignation letter after my announcement. He still wants to be my manager," Bryan explained.

"And you're sure Paul didn't send him?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"As I said, I trust him," Bryan said in a tone that brooked no argument, and Harry gave him a nod.

"Harry? What do you say to that?" Tom asked curiously.

"If Bryan trusts the guy with his career, then we can as well trust him to run the agency," Harry said, and Tom grinned.

"So that solves the problem of who to run the agency. It's a win for us all. What other condition do you have?" Tom asked Bryan.

"My personal assistant, Mia, is coming with me too. You'll have to provide an apartment for her and also pay her double of what she was earning previously," Bryan said, and both Tom and Harry exchanged a look.

"Why is she coming with you?" Tom asked in confusion, and Bryan grinned at him.

"Because your brother is a very lovable being with a sunny personality, and everyone wants to keep working for him."

"Can we do that?" Tom asked Harry, and he shrugged.

"You're the one who chose to scout a star like him when you know nothing about running an entertainment agency, so I guess you have to do whatever he says," Harry said, and Bryan grinned.

"That's not all..."

"Don't push your luck, Bryan. As you said, there are no sentiments in business. We will have our legal team draw up a contract, and then you can reach an agreement with them. Also, invite your manager over. I need to assess him," Harry said as he picked up his glass.

Just as he raised the glass to his lips to take a sip, he remembered the taste of Jade's lips and dropped the wineglass without drinking. He cleared his throat and looked away from both brothers, wondering what they would think if they knew that he was thinking about their sister's lips while discussing business with them.

As though reading his mind, Bryan eyed him curiously, "How is Jade?"

"She was fine when I left her in bed a while ago," Harry said dryly as he stood up abruptly, making Bryan scowl while Tom chuckled.

"There is something else I need to discuss with you," Tom said, but Harry waved it off.

"Let's talk about it later. I have work to attend to in my office," Harry said as he walked away, leaving the brothers alone.

"Where is Sonia?" Tom asked once Harry left.

"She's with Lucy. Is Harry sleeping with Jade?" Bryan asked thoughtfully as he tried to understand what Harry had said about leaving Jade in bed.

"It's none of your business nor mine. If Jade wants you in her business, she will let you know," Tom said in a warning tone which implied that he didn't want Bryan hounding Jade or Harry about it.

Meanwhile, as Harry walked into his office, he was stopped by his secretary, who was standing by the office door looking confused, "What is wrong?" He asked her irritably.

"There is a lady in your office. She refused to say who she was. She just insisted on waiting for you inside your office when I told her you were busy with the CEO," his secretary explained, making his brows pull together.

A lady? Was it Tanya? That was the only person he could think of, "It's alright. I will handle it," Harry said calmly as he walked past her and opened the office door.

Jade, who was sitting on Harry's swivel chair with her back to the door, turned to the seat to face him once she heard the office door open, and she grinned at him when she saw the alarm which registered on his face.

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