One Wild Night

Chapter 277 Breakfast (2)

Chapter 277 Breakfast (2)

"So, are you ready for our contest?" Lucy's father asked Tom with a raised brow as they ate.

"Give it a rest, Drew," his wife chided.

"It seems you are eager to get your ass whooped," Tom said tauntingly, and his father chuckled, while Lucy's father scoffed.

"We will see about that," Lucy's father promised, while Lucy hid her amused smile.

"See who finally decided to grace us with their presence after keeping us awake for most of the night," Tom's father announced as Bryan and Sonia walked in. Sonia was dressed in one of Bryan's polo shirts and ripped jean shorts.

"Desmond!" His wife scolded, but both fathers laughed in amusement.

Lucy looked at Sonia and almost giggled when Sonia winked at her. She was not surprised to hear that she had done the exact opposite of what Bryan's mother had said. She wouldn't have relayed the message to Sonia, had she not been concerned that Tom's mother might find out that she had failed to pass her message to Sonia.

"You should have just focused on your wife if you couldn't fall asleep," Bryan said dryly as he took out a seat for Sonia, and once he noticed that she was going to sit beside Lucy's dad, he sat down there instead, leaving her to sit between him and the next empty seat.

"Tom, I think it's high time you soundproof every room in this building. And you guys should learn to use the phone to get our attention instead of barging into the bedrooms or standing outside the door," Bryan said, turning to give his mother a pointed look, reminding her of the previous evening's incident.

"I hope you had a good night's rest, Sony?" Lucy's father asked, and a blush stained Sonia's cheeks making Lucy roll her eyes.

"She did," Bryan assured him with a glare, and Lucy's father chuckled good-naturedly.

"Why are you responding on her behalf?"

"What is it that you like about him, anyway? I'm younger, and even more physically fit, and attractive than he is, so why does he make you blush? Is it his gray hair? Should I dye my hair gray?" Bryan asked Sonia, and everyone around the table laughed.

"You wish. You couldn't be more attractive than me even if you tried," Lucy's father said with a smirk as he pushed away from the table.

"You want to compete with me too? Tom, make sure you whoop his ass. For two," Bryan said with a smirk of his own.

"Have you decided on what games they're going to play?" Sonia asked Lucy curiously, eager to enjoy the show.

"I have a couple of ideas, but we can work on them after breakfast," Lucy told Sonia.

"Why don't we make this fun by betting for or against either of them?" Tom's father asked hopefully.

"Hundred bucks says Tom wins," Bryan said eagerly.

Both mothers exchanged a look and Lucy's mother shrugged, "Another hundred says Tom wins," his mother said with a wide smile.

Lucy's father turned to look at his wife and Lucas, waiting for them to place a bet in his favor.

Lucas shook his head, "I'd rather be left out of this. Besides, I doubt that I would still be here by the time you're ready to play."

Lucy's mother pursed her lips as she looked at her husband, she knew without a doubt that he was going to lose. She didn't trust that Lucy would let her father win against the man she was in love with. She knew that she wouldn't do that. Thankfully she had a hundred bucks to spare, so she decided to bet in his favor since she had to stand by her man whether he was winning or losing, "Hundred buck says my husband wins," she said, making her husband lean over to kiss the corner of her lips.

"Seeing as Lucy has to stay neutral, two people are left. Dad, babe, you both have to pick a side," Bryan said, confident that they both would take Tom's side.

"Hundred buck says, Mr. Perry, wins. Sorry, Tom," Sonia said with an apologetic smile making Lucy's father chuckle, while Bryan glared at her in disbelief.

"Really, babe?" Bryan asked, and she giggled.

"Yes, really. It's not like I chose him over you. You are not Tom, are you?" She asked with a wide smile, reminding him of the time she had confronted him about Tom pretending to be Lucy's driver, and he had said he wasn't Tom.

"Whatever," Bryan said with a scowl, and turned to his father, "What about you, dad?"

"My money is on Drew. Sorry son, fathers have to support fathers," Tom's father said, making Lucy's father laugh out loud as he stood up and reached across the table to fist bump with Tom's father while everyone stared at them in disbelief.

"Dad!" Tom and Bryan called out in unison.

"When you become fathers, you'd understand," he said, while his wife simply shook her head.

"Thanks for breakfast," Lucy's father said as he stepped away from his seat, "Lu, and Sony, I would like to see you both after breakfast. Stop by the bedroom," he said before turning to Lucas, "If you're done pushing your food around your plate, come with me," he said and Lucas stood up at once and followed him.

Lucy's mother also stood up and left with her husband and son since they had to comfort him and also discuss his return trip.

"Your parents are cool," Tom's father told Lucy, and she smiled.

"You are cool too," Lucy said, and Tom's father cocked his head to the side in the same manner that Tom often did.

"You think so?"

She gave him a nod, "Yes, I do."

"So what are the games going to be about? Tom, I really hope you beat Lucy's dad," Bryan said still feeling pissed that Sonia had taken the man's side, and Tom chuckled.

"Why? Because you're jealous?" Sonia asked in a teasing tone.

Bryan scoffed, "Jealous? I'm the one that spent the night with you and the one who will keep spending the night with you, not him. Why do you think I made you scream so loud last night?" Bryan asked, and his mother glared at him, while Lucy and Sonia blushed in embarrassment as both Tom and his father laughed.

"You wanted him to hear her voice and know who is in charge?" Bryan's father asked with a grin.

"Stop enabling him! When did you all become so crude?" His mother asked with disapproval.

"Dad, how did you ever cope with mom being so rigid and old-fashioned?" Bryan asked dryly.

"It's part of her charms. She still blushes whenever I say certain words," he said in amusement.

"She does?" Tom and Bryan asked in unison, while Lucy and Sonia looked at Evelyn with curiosity, trying to guess the kind of words that would make her blush.

"Yeah, she's still so cute," he said with a grin, and Evelyn rolled her eyes as she stood up to leave the table, no longer comfortable with being the topic of discussion.

Tom on the other hand grinned as he turned to look at Lucy. He believed that she would always be cute to him.

Once Evelyn left, Sonia and Lucy exchanged a glance and excused themselves too to give the guys a moment alone with their father.

"You both didn't do anything last night?" Sonia asked in a whisper as they both went up the stairs.

"We did. Why?"

"You did? How come they all assumed it was my voice they heard last night and not yours?" Sonia asked since she had been counting on everyone assuming that the sound was coming from Tom's bedroom.

Lucy giggled, "Probably because you kept crying out Bryan's name, or they know your voice and what you're capable of. And also because I kept my voice down. Unlike you, I don't like to be the topic of discussion during breakfast."

Sonia scowled, "I enjoyed myself, that's all that matters. What do you think your dad wants to talk to us about?" Sonia asked curiously.

"I'm wondering the same thing too. What if he wants to scold us for spending the night with the guys?" Lucy guessed.

"I highly doubt that. Your parents are not that way. Besides, they have been wanting you to get involved with a man for so long, I doubt that they would dare complain about you spending the night with your boyfriend when they're also under his roof. The only difference is we are all under his roof, while you were under him on top of his bed," Sonia said with a naughty smile, and Lucy giggled.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"By the way, has Tom told you that Anita is behind me and Bryan's scandal as we suspected?" Sonia asked, and Lucy stopped walking as she turned to Sonia.

"He found a connection?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah. It was Bryan's housekeeper who she paid to give her information on us," Sonia explained, and Lucy sighed.

"I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry you got dragged into my mess," Lucy said, and Sonia glared at her.

"Please don't even start," she warned as she tugged Lucy's arm for them to continue walking.

"You didn't call Derek as you planned to, did you?" Lucy asked, and Sonia shook her head.

"I didn't. I wanted to do that, but Bryan didn't want me to. He said we already had the evidence we needed," Sonia explained and Lucy gave her a nod as they stopped in front of her parent's bedroom.

Lucy knocked on the door, "You can come in," her mother called to her, and they opened the door and walked in.

"You wanted to see us?" Lucy asked as she walked over to where her father was, and sat down, while Sonia sat down beside Lucy's mother.

"Where is Lucas?"

"He is in his bedroom getting his stuff ready. He is hurting so much," her mother said sadly.

"What can we do to help?" Sonia asked, feeling bad for Lucas.

"I don't think we can help. He says he wants to be alone," Lucy's father explained, although he sounded worried.

"He will be fine eventually," Lucy said after a while.

"Anyway, we called you both to talk to you about Tom and Bryan," Lucy's mother said, and both young ladies sat up on hearing the names of their men.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Lucy asked with a slight frown.

"Not at all. Everything is fine," her mother rushed to assure her as she turned to her husband.

"Their dad's birthday is on Monday, and for some reason, he believes that they won't remember it," Lucy's father explained, and both Lucy and Sonia exchanged a look.

"And you want us to remind them?" Sonia surmised.

"Yes. But without directly reminding them. Don't make it too obvious. Their father feels neglected. So if there is something you both can do to change that before we leave, you should do so. I think you both have a good shot at doing that seeing how much both men seem to love you," Lucy's father said, and both Lucy and Sonia smiled at him.

"We could plan a surprise party for him," Lucy suggested.

"If you're going to do that, try to get their sister to be present. He misses her," Lucy's father suggested.

"You seem to have bonded really well with him," Lucy observed.

"Yes, we all have. We have made plans of meeting often after we travel back," Lucy's mother announced happily, while Sonia paid close attention to Lucy who seemed indifferent about it.

"Alright. Thanks for talking to us about this, we will work out something," Sonia assured Lucy's parents.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Lucy asked, and her parents gave her a nod.

"Alright, we will leave you then," Lucy said as she stood up to leave.

"About the contest with Tom, aren't you going to give me clues?" Her father asked hopefully.

"Nah, I'm not," Lucy said with a grin as she left the room with Sonia.

"Is there a reason you don't want your parents getting too close to Tom's parents?" Sonia asked curiously as they both walked down the hallway aimlessly.

"I never said I didn't want them to get close. They can do whatever they want as long as they don't start planning weddings," Lucy said, and Sonia raised a brow.

"Is there any particular reason other than the reason you refused to be in a relationship all these years, that you seem to be against the idea of getting married?" Sonia asked curiously.

"..." Before Lucy could respond, Candy's bedroom door down the hall opened, and she stepped out with Jamal.

Sonia's eyes widened in surprise when she recognized her, "Candy?" She called, and Candy turned to look at her, wondering who knew her.

"You know her?" Lucy asked curiously, but Sonia was already dragging her along with her.


"Hi! I didn't know you were here. You remember me, right?" Sonia asked with a wide smile, and Candace smiled back.

"Of course. Good morning," Candace greeted.

"Good morning. This is my best friend, Lucy. What are you doing here? Is this your kid?" She asked as she squatted down to say hello to Jamal who was staring at her curiously.

"Hello, big boy! What is your name?" Sonia asked with a playful smile, while Lucy simply watched them.

Jamal looked up at his mother, and when she gave him a nod he looked at Sonia, "Jamal. My name is Jamal."

"Aw. What a cute name for a cute kid like you. Why don't we find somewhere to sit and then you can tell me what you're doing here? What about the other lady? Brandy?" Sonia asked curiously.

"How do you know my mom and aunt Andy?" Jamal asked curiously, and Sonia looked up at Candace who shook her head. The last thing she wanted was for Sonia to tell her son that she had met them at a strippers club.

Lucy observed all that was going on with curiosity. She knew from Tom that Candace was hiding here as a witness, but how did Sonia know her if she didn't know why she was here? Was this another meeting that had happened coincidentally?

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