One Wild Night

Chapter 254 - LuSon Interview (5)

"We should take a break," Alicia said when she was no longer sure that she could listen to Lucy without breaking down in tears herself. Anyone watching the show would be able to tell how affected she was by Lucy's confession. Her eyes showed that she was seriously trying to hold back her tears.

"Let's just go on," Lucy pleaded, wanting to just get on with it. It had taken all of her willpower to do this, and she didn't want to stop now simply because everyone in the room was feeling emotional.

"He only unsealed my lips whenever he wanted me to eat or drink water. But I felt too disgusted with him and myself to eat anything. Sometimes he would try to force me to eat, and the few times I would try to eat because of hunger I would end up throwing up everything. Because I was not eating and was barely drinking enough water, I became weaker by the day," Lucy continued.

"He made sure I didn't do a thing. He said he wanted to treat me like the angel I was. So he would clean my body with a towel and water so that there was no need for me to bathe, and whenever I needed to ease myself, he would lift me to the toilet himself and clean me up afterward. Sometimes he would let his hands linger on my vagina, after which he would have a hard-on and then jerk off in front of me," Lucy said with a shudder.

"So what happened? How did Jamie die? The news articles said that by the time the police arrived a week later they found him dead," Alicia cut in, not wanting to hear any more sordid details of all Jamie had done.

"He soon got fed up with jerking off, and he wanted to rape me," Lucy said flatly.

They all turned to the door when the doorbell rang and Tom walked away to see who was at the door, "Let's just go on," Lucy said, and Sonia gave Alicia a nod to continue, while Bryan who had been trying hard not to show any emotion, stood up.

"Please excuse me," he said as he walked away from the set, leaving Sonia alone with Lucy. He wasn't sure he wanted to remain there and listen while Lucy talked about how she had been raped by the monster.

"I guess this isn't an interview anymore, but a reality show," Alicia tried to joke, but even her laughter rang false. There was nothing funny about the situation. Not for her, and certainly not for the viewers who were beyond horrified by what they were hearing.

"Hi! You're Tom, right?" Lucas asked once Tom opened the door, and both men stared at each other.

"Yeah. Lucas?" Tom asked with an outstretched hand.

"Yeah. I want to see Lucy," Lucas said as he shook Tom's hand. This wasn't the way he had envisioned meeting his sister's boyfriend for the first time, but they could always correct this later when everything has been settled.

"Come in," Tom said as he stepped back and opened the door wider for him to get in.

"Thank you for doing all of this for my sister," Lucas said as he walked past him into the apartment.

"You're Lucy's twin, aren't you?" Bryan asked curiously, intercepting Lucas when he noticed the resemblance between the young man and Lucy.

"Yes. I would have said it's nice to meet you, but not under these circumstances," Lucas said politely as he stretched out his hand for a handshake, and Bryan nodded as he shook hands with him.

"I understand," Bryan said as he stepped aside for Lucas to go in, while he walked over to where Tom had shut the door and was returning inside.

"It must be tough listening to all of that," Bryan said thoughtfully. He couldn't imagine how he would have reacted if it was Sonia who was being made to recount such an experience.

"You have no idea," Tom murmured as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I wonder how her twin brother must be feeling right now. I know for a fact that I would beat the life out of any bastard that brings that psychopathic nonsense anywhere near Jade," Bryan swore angrily and reached into his pocket for his phone when it started ringing.

"Excuse me," he told Tom as he walked away from there into one of the bedrooms when he noticed that the call was the producer in charge of the reality show.

"Is there something you want?" Bryan asked coldly assuming that he was probably calling because of his announcement about the cancellation of his contract with Golden Stars Entertainment Agency, or because he was one of the persons behind the scandal.

"I'm not your enemy. You don't need to be rude," the producer scolded when he noticed Bryan's unfriendly tone. Although he had never really liked Bryan because of his arrogance, he had always respected Bryan's professional attitude towards his career, and during the course of the reality show, he had gotten to like Bryan more because of his relationship with Sonia.

Bryan paused, "My apologies. If you're following the interview then you will know that I'm not in a very good mood right now," Bryan explained as he paced around the bedroom.

"I'm busy at the moment so I'm not following the interview. I was calling regarding the scandal between you and Sonia," the producer explained, and Bryan paused.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I don't know how you're going to take this, and I apologize for doing this without your knowledge..." The producer started, making Bryan's brows pull together in a frown.

"What are you talking about?" Bryan cut in impatiently.

"While I and my camera crew were looking for spots to place the cameras so that we could get a good coverage of your apartment, we noticed that someone had already planted a camera in your apartment," the producer said, making Bryan's heart skip a beat.

"What? Why didn't you mention it to me?" Bryan asked in a slightly pissed tone.

"Listen calmly or I will hang up," the producer threatened.

"Fine. Go on," Bryan said coolly.

"Initially I thought you did it. But then again it didn't make sense to me. I didn't think there was any reason for you to do that when you could make use of normal security cameras. I also confirmed from Jeff if you were the type to have hidden cameras in your home, but he said you didn't like having cameras in your private space. However, I didn't tell him about what I found," the producer explained.

"So what are you driving at?" Bryan asked impatiently, feeling uncomfortable with the thought that someone had planted a camera in his home. Who could have done that? Jeff? Mia? Those were the major people that had unrestrained access to his home.

"I had one of my men look around the room for other cameras or listening devices and he found one hidden under the table in the living room. So I had him set up a hidden camera so that I could see who was behind it," The producer said, explaining the reason for his apology.

"So? Were you able to find the person?" Bryan asked curiously.

"Yes. Luckily the person sneaked into your apartment some minutes ago to take out the camera and listening device, and my camera captured him. I will send the footage to you, maybe you might recognize him," the producer offered.

Bryan narrowed his eyes, "You're not doing this for free, are you?"

"You're right. I'm not. You owe me. If and when I need your help in the future, I will let you know," the producer said as he hung up, and Immediately he transferred the footage to Bryan's phone.

Immediately Bryan received the notification, he clicked on the video, and his brows furrowed when he recognized the young man who walked into his apartment. Simon?


"Yes? You know him? Who is he to your brother?" Harry asked in surprise since he hadn't really expected the person to be someone close enough to Bryan for Jade to know him.

"Simon is Bryan's housekeeper. Does he have anything to do with this?" Jade asked, torn between talking to Harry and listening to Lucy's interview.

"Bryan's housekeeper?" It made a lot of sense. It wasn't news that some household staff of celebrities often sold private information on their employers to the press.

"Anita sent him some money. Unless they're related, we both know that money wasn't for free. And even if they're related it is the same thing," Harry pointed out.

Jade gave him a nod, "I thought as much. Both cases are related. It isn't a coincidence. Unfortunately, my mother is going to deal with Simon if this happens to be true. She personally recommended him to Bryan the same way she recommended Tom's butler. They both report to her," Jade said with a slight frown.

"I should give Tom a call."

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