One Wild Night

Chapter 250 - LuSon Interview (1)

"So? How did we do?" Sonia asked as she stood up and went to join Lucy and Tom.

"Great! The comments are mostly good," Lucy supplied as she shifted to the side to make room for Sonia who wanted to see the comments.

"What? Why are you staring at me that way?" Bryan asked when he noticed the scowl on Tom's face.

"You deceived me about your engagement!" Tom pointed out, not bothering to hide his displeasure at finding out about his brother's relationship at the same time as everyone else.

"Did I? If I remember correctly I said I would tell you all about it when we go for our family vacation. How is that the same as telling a lie?" Bryan asked incredulously.

"You could have easily said it's not a real relationship!"

"What difference would that information have made? Besides, how is this any different from you keeping away the details of your first meeting with Lucy from me?" Bryan fired back.

"What details?" Lucy who had been going through the comments with Sonia, asked as she looked from Bryan to Tom.

"I'm wondering the same thing. What details?" Tom asked with a frown.

"Like her passing the night with you. You left that part out when you told me about her the first time. I'm sure you didn't tell Jade of it either," Bryan said accusingly.

"Was I supposed to give you such information? Besides, where did you hear of it?" Tom asked, looking at Lucy, who in turn turned to look at Sonia.

Noticing the sudden silence, Sonia raised her head to look at them, and frowned when she noticed that both Tom and Lucy were staring at her, "What?" She asked in confusion.

"You told Bryan about my first night with Tom?" Lucy asked with a frown.

"Why would I tell him that?" Sonia asked with a frown, as she looked at Bryan, "Did you tell them I told you that?" She asked him curiously.

"Wow! These people are even more interesting than you said," Jasmine whispered to Alicia as they watched the couples who seemed to have forgotten that they weren't alone in the house.

"The night of our engagement? Weren't you on the phone with Lucy advising her to make her neighbor who also happens to be called Tom, her personal handyman?" Bryan asked in amusement, and Sonia's jaw dropped in surprise, while Lucy's face flushed with embarrassment.

"You remember that?" Sonia asked in surprise, trying to recall all she must have said that night.

"Do I look like someone with a bad memory? I can recount every line of your side of the conversation. Do you want me to say it all?" Bryan asked with a smug smile, and both Lucy and Sonia shook their heads vigorously, making Bryan chuckle.

"I want to hear it," Tom said, but Sonia quickly went to where Bryan was standing and placed her hand over his shoulder.

"There is really nothing to hear, Tom. I was under the influence of something," Sonia said with an embarrassed smile, and both Lucy and Bryan chuckled.

"That doesn't explain how you found out that Lucy passed the night with me at my house," Tom pointed out.

"Wait, I thought she said they met at the club? Did she mention passing the night with him?" Alicia asked Jasmine with a slight frown as she tried to remember what Lucy had told them that night during dinner.

"She didn't say anything about passing the night with him," Jasmine said confidently.

"Sonia asked about your mansion. So I connected the dots when I found out you were the Tom that they were gossiping about."

"Let's look at the bright side, at least now we all know that you don't kiss and tell. Right, Lucy?" Sonia asked, looking at Tom with a placatory smile.

"Right!" Lucy said, flashing Tom a smile.

Alicia cleared her throat to get their attention, "Sorry to interrupt your family discussion. But I'm curious, you mean you both met both brothers separately? Like you best friends dating two brothers is purely coincidental?" Alicia asked, and they all smiled.

"I prefer to call it fate, not coincidence," Sonia said with a wide smile.

"I think it's time to resume the show. You've spent almost ten minutes now," Jasmine reminded them.

"Yeah. Let's do that so that we can move on to the next aspect of the show," Alicia said as she returned to the set, while Sonia quickly picked up a bottle of water from the dining table and drank from it, before passing the bottle to Bryan who also drank from it before they returned to the set.

Once the show resumed, Alicia read out the most relevant comments and questions from their fans, while both Bryan and Sonia did their best to answer most of the questions.

"So the final question here for the couple before we move to the next segment of this interview, 'Between the both of you, who fell first for the other?'" Alicia read the question with a giggle, as she looked at both Bryan and Sonia who were laughing.

"I think I did," both Bryan and Sonia said in unison, and then they turned to each other and started laughing.

"Let's see. When did you find out that you were falling for me?" Sonia asked Bryan curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe it was the night you were dancing nak..."

"Shut up!" Sonia yelled in embarrassment before he could complete his statement, and Bryan laughed out loud.

"I think Bryan fell first," Sonia conceded.

"That was quite an interesting and eye-opening conversation," Alicia said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes anymore since she knew that the next segment wasn't a pleasant one.

"Moving on, because Bryan and Sonia are here for Lucy's sake, I will be inviting Lucy to join them on the set right now. Miss Lucinda Perry, you can join us," Alicia called to Lucy.

Hearing her name, Lucy's heart skipped a beat as she turned to look at Alicia.

"It's okay. You can do it," Tom assured her quietly as he placed a hand on her back and patted her.

"Don't think about it, just do it," he said encouragingly.

Taking in a deep breath, Lucy slowly walked over to the set, and Bryan scooted to the side for Lucy to sit down between himself and Sonia. As though it was planned, both Sonia and Bryan took each of Lucy's hands to calm her.

"You're welcome to the show, Lucy," Alicia said with a small smile, and Lucy nodded.

"I'm sure within the last twenty-four hours, most of you must have heard about her and even judged her without knowing what she looks like. This lady here is Lucinda Perry, the lady being accused of such a heinous crime as murder," Alicia said with a disapproving expression.

"Can you both tell us a little about your friendship? How long you have both been best friends?" Alicia asked, hoping that the question would calm Lucy a bit and prepare her for the difficult conversation ahead.

Taking the cue from Alicia, Sonia turned to Lucy, "It's been fifteen years, right?" She asked with a smile, and Lucy nodded.

"Do you remember how we became friends?" Sonia asked with a grin.

"Of course," Lucy said with a giggle as she recalled their first meeting.

"After my mother got remarried, we moved down to Heden where I met Lu for the first time. I was in a really foul mood at the time. First I was still mourning my dad, secondly, my mother got remarried to her high school sweetheart before I got enough time to accept my dad's death. Not leaving out the fact that I automatically got an older brother who seemed to really hate my existence, and I was also being forced to repeat grade 5. It was pretty much the worst year of my life. So I was determined to be rebellious and to cause a lot of trouble. Lucy on the other hand was the model student," Sonia said with a grin and turned to look at Lucy for her to continue.

"When she was brought into the classroom on her first day, she was assigned the desk behind mine. While the teacher would be teaching, Sonia would kick my seat, and make all sorts of animal sounds for God knows why. I would often turn to glare at her, but she wasn't fazed by that. It was as if she was daring me to report her to the class teacher. When I couldn't take it anymore I reported her to my twin brother a week later and he offered to swap seats with me since his seat was directly behind hers. So once I took the seat behind hers, I started kicking her seat and making similar animal sounds. Mine was a little bit louder than hers, so when the teacher asked who was making those sounds, Lucas pointed at Sonia," Lucy said with a grin, and Sonia giggled.

"I tried to convince the teacher that it was Lucy and not me, but no one would listen to me because Lucy was the model student and I on the other hand was the troublesome new student. Much to my embarrassment, I was made to stand in front of the class and make those animal sounds while mimicking each of the animals. Luckily for me, Lucy is a softie who didn't want me to be punished alone for her crime, so she came out and joined me in the demonstration," Sonia said with a grin.

"And afterward she promised not to kick my seat or do anything silly," Lucy added.

"But our friendship still didn't start from there. Some of the kids she didn't get along with locked her in a toilet stall after school, and she couldn't get out. Lucas and I were about to leave when we noticed that her bag was still in the classroom, so we searched around the classroom premises for her until we found her," Lucy said with a wide smile.

"And the three of us became inseparable. Thanks to them I began to love school and be on my best behavior, and their home became my second home," Sonia said with a wide smile as they both remembered the time before Rachel came into the picture.

"Wow! That's quite a history," Alicia said as she watched Lucy smile. She could tell that the story had relaxed her a bit, so it was time to slowly ease into the subject.

"Sonia, earlier you mentioned something about having a half-brother who hated your existence, Is he the same person as the college student who was supposedly murdered by your best friend?"

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