One Wild Night

Chapter 237 - Family

Neither Bryan nor Sonia said a word to each other as they both remained where they stood, staring at each other. Although they were both glad to see each other, they both looked at the other wearily.

"You should be careful with your foot. That you're able to walk doesn't mean it is completely healed yet," Sonia said with concern, and Bryan raised a brow.

"You don't have to worry about me. You lost that right when you broke up with me," Bryan reminded her as he went to sit on the couch.

Sonia swallowed, "Still, you shouldn't be careless."

"Thanks for your advice. I'll keep that in mind," Bryan said dryly, and they both lapsed into another round of silence. He could tell that Sonia had something to say, and he wanted to hear what it was.

He didn't know why he was bent on staying mad at her when deep down he knew that he had already forgiven her. Maybe he just wanted her to sweat over it.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was only doing what I thought was best for you and your career," Sonia said apologetically as she took the seat closest to him, and Bryan scoffed.

"As what? My mother or my manager?"

"As someone who loves and cares for you," Sonia said quietly.

"How thoughtful of you. Thanks for looking out for me then," Bryan said sarcastically.

"Cut it out, Bryan! I've said I'm sorry!" Sonia snapped at him irritably.

Bryan laughed incredulously, "No, you cut it out! I can't believe you're getting man right now when you're the one who walked out on me less than twenty-four hours ago, and then you come in here sounding like you're so concerned and worried about my wellbeing. If you cared about me as much as you just displayed, you wouldn't have made such a decision without asking me what I wanted! So if we were married and an issue like this came up, you would divorce me just to protect my career as you claim?" Bryan asked angrily, and Sonia sighed.

"And I just apologized, didn't I? I wasn't thinking straight," Sonia said with a frown that told Bryan that she didn't like the line she had just used.

"What makes you think you're thinking straight now?" Bryan asked, wanting to provoke her further.

"Have you seen the scandal about us?" Sonia asked, without bothering to answer his question.

"Oh! There is a scandal? I guess that explains why you are here," Bryan said with disinterest.

Whatever the scandal was about, he didn't give a damn. It wouldn't be the first time he was involved in a scandal. He had thought she missed him sorely and had come here because she couldn't stay a day more without hearing from him, but he had been wrong.

"Why are you being difficult? You've offended me a couple of times in the past and I easily let go, so why are holding on to this one mis..."

"Easily let go? As if," Bryan muttered with a scoff.

"What do you mean by that?" Sonia asked with a slight frown as she tried to recall all three times he had offended her.

"You know what? Never mind," Sonia muttered as she stood up to leave.

Bryan watched her with narrowed eyes as she headed for the door.


Thankfully no one was in the living room to stop Lucy as she picked up Sonia's cellphone from the table and ran outside. She had no idea why she was running over there, but she just wanted to be there.

Although the distance wasn't much, she was panting by the time she got to Tom's door and rang the doorbell.

"I wonder who is at the door this time," Bryan murmured as he glanced at the door, but made no attempt to get it since Sonia was already heading to the door.

Tom walked out of the bedroom to get the door since he knew it was Lucy, "You can't leave yet. Your friend is here," Tom said as he walked past Sonia and opened the door.

"I understand that you missed me much, but you didn't have to run all the way here. I'm surprised you remembered to wear any footwear," Tom said with a teasing smile when he saw that she was still dressed in her pyjamas and her hair looked a bit rough. She wasn't even wearing her glasses.

Lucy hit his arm as she walked past him into the house, and stopped when she saw Sonia. She then glanced at Bryan who was still seated. From the look on Sonia's face, she could tell that Sonia was yet to resolve things with Bryan.

"Finally I get to meet my sister-in-law," Bryan said with a wide smile as he stood up to greet Lucy, "Good morning, Lucy. I've heard a whole lot about you, but none of the things I heard did justice to your beauty," Bryan said making Tom raise a brow.

"Save the flattery for your fiancee," Tom warned.

What was it with the whole in-law talk today? Lucy mused as she walked up to Bryan, "Good morning, Bryan. I've heard a lot about you too," Lucy said with a warm smile as she extended her hand for a handshake, but Bryan took her hand and pulled her in for a hug instead.

"We are practically family, and we don't do handshakes here," Bryan said as he embraced her, "Everything will be fine, okay? Your man and I are doing all we can to resolve things," He assured her quietly as he patted her hair, while both Sonia and Tom stared at them.

Lucy's throat constricted, and she swallowed hard, "Thank you," Lucy whispered as she pulled away from him.

"Don't mention," Bryan said with a small smile.

"I suppose I'm the terrible brother-in-law," Tom muttered under his breath, and Sonia laughed softly, making Bryan turn to look at her. Who said she could laugh?

"Remember what I told you about him sulking?" Tom asked Sonia when she abruptly stopped laughing once she met Bryan's gaze.

"Shut up," Bryan warned Tom, making Lucy look from both brothers to Sonia curiously as she wondered what was going on.

"Trust me when I say he's just pretending to be mad. He missed you so much that he was crying out your name in his sleep last night. I guess even grown men play hard to get when they're in love," Tom said with a tsk, and ducked when Bryan flung a book at him, making both Lucy and Sonia giggle.

"Get out," Bryan ordered Tom who looked at him with a slightly raised brow.

"It's my house," Tom reminded him.

"It won't be much longer if I kill you," Bryan threatened

"Kill me? Maybe I should just tell the ladies how you fought with Matt and he..." The rest of Tom's words trailed off in a chuckle as he quickly moved away from Bryan's reach.

"Come with me, babe. Let's talk in the bedroom while they sort out their issue," Tom said with a grin as he took Lucy's hand and led her to the room.

Once they were left alone once again, Sonia who was still smiling, turned to look at Bryan, "So, what do you want me to do? Should I leave?" She asked, making Bryan scowl at her.

"Did I leave on all the few occasions you were mad at me?" He asked grudgingly.

Sonia looked at him for a moment, and without saying a word she walked up to him and embraced him, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again," she promised as she rested her head on his chest.

Bryan felt his heart flutter, "You really hurt my feelings," Bryan confessed, as he hugged her back.

"You sound like a girl," Sonia teased, and Bryan pulled away from the hug and rounded his lips in a pout.

"I don't look like one?" He asked, and she giggled.

"I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. I hurt mine too. I missed you so much my heart ached," Sonia confessed as she gazed into his clear blue eyes.

"It serves you right," Bryan said as he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her slowly.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, Tom looked at Lucy with interest, "So can you tell me why you were upset over the phone?"

"Who said I was upset?" She asked without meeting his gaze, and Tom smiled as he watched her. Who knew she could be so childish and cute?

"Come here," he ordered in a quiet voice since she was standing by the dressing table while he was seated on the bed.

Lucy looked at him and slowly walked over to join him on the bed. Once he was within arm's reach, he grabbed her arm and pulled her down so that she fell on him.

"Sometimes you act like my girlfriend, and at other times you act like a stranger, why is that?" Tom asked in a husky voice as he raised his hand to her hair and removed the band which was holding the hair in a ponytail, causing it to fall in cascades around her shoulder.

"When did I act like a stranger?" She asked in a quiet voice as she met his gaze. Her heart skipped a beat when his eyes moved to her lips, and her tongue involuntarily snuck out of her mouth to wet her lips.

Tom lowered his head slowly and just as their lips touched, they heard the sound of the doorbell.

"Who is it this time?" Tom asked with a groan.

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