One Wild Night

Chapter 198 - Maybe

"I had a really nice time today," Jade said with a contented sigh as she patted her bulging abdomen, and rested her head against the headrest of her seat with her eyes closed.

Harry who was driving them back to the hotel after their dinner turned to spare her a glance, "I'm glad you did. You also look much better now," Harry said when he observed the color which was on her face now, unlike earlier when she had looked really pale.

"I feel better too. Thank you," Jade said with a smile as she opened her eyes to look at him.

"You're welcome," Harry said without looking at her.

Jade watched him in silence for a while as he drove, and then a mischievous gleam crept into her eyes, "So... Aura is cute, right?" Jade asked in a conversational tone.

"Aura?" Harry asked, trying to remember who that was.

"Come on! Don't tell me you've forgotten her already! The owner of the spa!" Jade hissed at him.

"Oh, Aurora! Yeah, she's cute," Harry said indifferently.

"So you're going to give her a call, right? I think she likes you," Jade said, wiggling her brows playfully.

"Maybe," Harry said in the same indifferent tone.

"Maybe? Maybe what? Is it maybe you're going to give her a call or maybe she likes you?" Jade asked in confusion.

"Maybe both."

"Well, I know she likes you. She is beautiful, intelligent, and even rich. What else could you possibly want in a lady?" Jade asked matter of factly.

"So what did you both conclude on? Are you going to advise them to go into hiding or are you going to use them as a trap to get Jero?" Harry asked, changing the subject as he wasn't feeling very comfortable about discussing his private business with his best friend's kid sister.

"You said no work talk until tomorrow. I'm supposed to be resting today. So? What else do you want in a woman?" Jade asked, taking him back to the subject he was trying to escape from.

Harry sighed as he turned to spare her a glance, "In as much as I appreciate your help, Jade, I think you should let me do my thing. I'm here to help you with your case, not to find a girlfriend. So let's not get sidetracked," Harry said, making Jade huff in annoyance.

"You're unbelievable," Jade muttered under her breath and then reached into her handbag when her phone started ringing. She smiled when she noticed it was a call from Bryan, and she received the call immediately.

"How are you doing? What's going on there?" Bryan asked in concern the moment the call connected.

"Tom must have spoken to you," Jade said dryly.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were having a difficult time with this case?" Bryan asked in a slightly disappointed tone.

"Because I can't run to my big brothers every time something comes up at work. It's one of those things that comes with my profession so I have to face it," Jade said dismissively.

"How is the reality show coming? I haven't had the time to see it. And how is Sonia?" Jade asked changing the subject.

"Don't change the subject. Tom told me Harry is with you. What is your living arrangement like? He isn't hitting on you, is he?" Bryan asked, making Jade grin as she turned to look at Harry whose gaze was fixed on the road ahead of them.

"Why do you ask? You don't want him to?" Jade asked playfully.

"I don't exactly have a problem with it, but..."

"It's fine as long as you don't have a problem with it," Jade cut in before he could finish.

"Why? Don't tell me you like him already?" Bryan asked with a slight frown.

"What's there not to like? He's super-rich, he is very handsome, he is witty, has connections, from good family background, he is honest to a fault..." She broke off with a giggle when Harry turned to look at her with a questioning gaze as if he just realized she was talking about him.

"I see you are having a good time," Bryan said with a sigh of resignation. Hearing Jade laugh in such a carefree manner was something he hadn't heard in a long time. Maybe Tom was right. Maybe this arrangement was going to work out well in the end.

"I am. So don't worry your head about any nonsense. I doubt he even sees me as a girl," Jade said with a shake of her head as she looked at Harry.

"But you do see him as a guy?" Bryan asked thoughtfully.

"Do you really want me to answer that question? He is right here in the car with me, so think carefully and be sure you want me to answer that question in front of him," Jade said, making Harry glance at her once again as he wondered what the conversation was about.

"Nevermind. Sonia is here. You want to say hello to her?" Bryan asked, changing the subject as he knew that Sonia was dying to speak with his sister.

"Sure! But before that, I spoke with your best friend, Matt, earlier today," Jade informed him.

"Yeah, I'm aware. He asked for your number. Is he in trouble?" Bryan asked in concern.

"Not at all. Do you know anyone called Candy? Or how he happens to know her?" Jade asked curiously.

"Candy? Yeah. She is someone he is interested in. Why? Is she in trouble with the law?" Bryan asked, trying to understand what was happening.

"Why do you keep asking if everyone is in trouble? I just wanted to know about their relationship. I know her from way back," Jade assured Bryan, not wanting to let him in on what was going on.

"Way back? C'mon, Jade. The only people you know who aren't your friends or colleagues, are criminals."

"She isn't a criminal. She was only a key witness in a case I handled two years ago. Now hand Sonia the phone," Jade said, letting Bryan know that they were done with that subject.

"Hey, Jade! I've been longing to talk to you," Sonia greeted excitedly.


"I still can't believe he left just like that," Brandy said with a thoughtful frown after Candy finished telling her how Matt had left.

"What were you expecting? That he would stay after hearing that I was involved with a drug cartel? He is wiser than that," Candy said dismissively.

"You are sure you didn't say something to make him leave?" Brandy asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter. He is out of our lives now, so let's focus on what we have before us," Candy said, reminding Brandy that they had agreed to tell Jamal the truth about their occupation that night.

It was their night off work, so they were both spending the evening with Jamal who was busy with his assignment inside his bedroom.

Brandy looked at Candy as though she had more to say, but decided not to say anything, "Okay. So do you want me to do the talking? Maybe we can start by saying I'm a stripper, and if he takes it well we can tell him you are too. If he doesn't, we can just stick to just me being the stripper," Brandy suggested.

"No. Let's just..." The rest of Candy's words trailed off when they heard the sound of the doorbell.

"Are you expecting someone?" Brandy asked as she stood up to see who was at the door.

"None that I know of," Candy said with a shake of her head.

Brandy looked through the peephole, and then smiled when she saw Matt standing there. Of course, she knew that Matt wasn't the type to bail so easily.

"Hey!" She greeted with a wide smile as she pulled the door open.

"Hello, Andy!" Matt greeted, returning her smile as he looked behind her to see Candy standing there and looking at him in confusion, "I stopped by the club and was told you had the night off. Sorry to barge in on you," Matt said apologetically.

"You are always welcome here. You don't have to apologize," Brandy said dismissively as she stepped aside for him to get in.

Once Matt walked in he looked around the house, "Jamal isn't home?" He asked curiously.

Candy cleared her throat, "He is in his bedroom busy with his assignment. What do you want?" Candy asked without offering him a seat. She thought she had managed to get rid of him earlier, so what was he doing again?

"Uhm... Let's talk," Matt said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"I will just excuse you both..."

"No. You have to be present too. This concerns you as well," Matt cut in before Brandy could leave, making her exchange a look with Candy.

"What's it about?" Candy asked with a slightly raised brow, hoping he wasn't going to start asking questions again.

"We should probably sit down," Matt suggested as he walked into the living room and sat down, leaving both ladies to follow suit.

"After our conversation earlier, I was very worried about you so I spoke to a lawyer friend..."

"You did what?" Candy asked with rounded eyes.

Matt cleared his throat, "I didn't exactly give her the details you gave me. I just wanted to help."

"I don't remember asking you for your damn help or asking you to discuss me with anybody!" Candy snapped at him angrily.

"Calm down. We should at least hear him out," Brandy told Candy with a slight frown, wondering why she was overreacting.

"Yeah. I know you didn't ask for my help. I'm sorry," Matt said apologetically.

"You shouldn't be sorry for trying to help," Brandy said encouragingly.

"Thanks, Andy."

"You can go on," Brandy urged him.

"Coincidentally the friend I spoke with happens to be the lawyer that handled your case two years ago. Jade Hank," Matt said, making both Brandy's and Candy's lips round in surprise.

"Did you tell her where we are? Tell me you didn't!" Candy asked desperately as her eyes flew to the door like a trapped animal.

"That is why I'm here. She informed me that she has been trying to find you. Jero escaped from the correctional facility where he was being kept..."

"What?" Candy exclaimed in panic as she abruptly stood up from her seat, "How is that even possible?"

Brandy who had been calm this whole time suddenly looked very worried now, "And?" She asked, wanting to know what the lawyer wanted.

"And the Legions have hired a private investigator to find you. It's only a matter of time before they know where you are," Matt said, making Candy's heart skip a beat.

"Oh, my God! Oh, God!" Candy cried as she collapsed on her seat and ran both hands through her hair.

Matt's brow furrowed in concern as he watched both sisters, "I could help you hide if that's what you want. Or we could set up people around your house, the club, and Jamal's school. The moment Jero or any member of the legion shows up, they will be apprehended," Matt suggested quietly.

"And then what?" Brandy asked with a worried frown as she looked from Candy to Matt, and he simply shrugged.

"It's your choice.. Either way, I'm here to help, unless you don't want me to."

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