One Wild Night

Chapter 193 - A Friend Of Mine

"So what's up with you?" Sonia asked Matt once the production crew had left and it was remaining just the three of them in the house.

"Huh?" Matt asked in confusion.

"What? Do you think I missed the fact that you were worried when you walked in here? I figured you needed the distraction hence I asked you to join us. What's wrong? You need to talk to Bryan alone, or is it something you can share?" Sonia asked as she handed him a glass of whiskey.

Matt looked at Sonia for a moment without saying anything and then his lips pulled up in a smile, "I will marry you if Bryan fails to do so," he promised, and Sonia giggled.

"I don't think Candy would like to hear that. What's up with you both by the way?" Sonia asked, making Bryan wonder if Matt was his best friend or hers, as he didn't understand how they were beginning to chat like old friends.

"I decided to let her go. She doesn't want to be involved with me," Matt lied with a sigh as he turned to Bryan, "I was hoping I could get Jade's contact number from you," He said hopefully since he knew that Jade was a very good criminal lawyer and could advise him on how best he could help Jade from the distance without getting involved in the mess that she had gotten involved in.

"Why? Did you murder someone?" Bryan asked, looking at him with eyes that were suspiciously narrowed.

"The only person I've gotten close to murdering is you," Matt said with a chuckle, and Bryan glared at him when he remembered the one time he had fought with Matt and had ended up with a bloodied nose.

"Why do I feel like there's a story there?" Sonia asked with a curious smile.

"There's no story," Bryan said dismissively.

"Sure, there's a story there," Matt countered with a grin and Bryan dared him with his eyes to share the story with Sonia.

Sonia giggled as she could guess that the story didn't seem to favor Bryan, "I'm certain I'll hear this story someday," Sonia said confidently.

"Seriously though, it's important that I speak to Jade. I need her legal opinion on an issue," Matt repeated to Bryan.

"You're not going to hit on her, are you?" Bryan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Ew! Why would I want to date someone that shares the same bloodline as you when I know how abnormal you are? I don't want my bloodline to be mixed with yours in any way. No, thanks!" Matt said with a shake of his head.

"Better," Bryan said as he picked up his phone and scrolled through his contact list. He stopped when he got to Jade's contact and handed the phone to Matt, "That's it," he said to Matt before turning to look at Sonia.

"So how did it go with Lucy? We are supposed to speak with Tom, remember?" He asked her, while Matt's attention was focused on his phone.

"I think we don't need to worry. She went to work today. You know what that means," Sonia pointed out.

"Here. Excuse me for a moment, I need to give her a call," Matt said as he returned Bryan's phone to him before standing up to excuse himself. The earlier he made the call and set in motion all he needed to do to help Candy, the sooner he could stop feeling guilty concerning leaving her that way after her confession.

Both Sonia and Bryan watched as Matt walked out of the living room, "What do you think is wrong with him?" Sonia asked Bryan with a concerned frown.

"It probably has something to do with Candy. Let him be, I'm sure he will talk about it when he wants to," Bryan said dismissively as Sonia snuggled up to him.

Inside the guestroom which Matt often used whenever he was around, he sat on the bed as he dialed Jade's line.

"Hello! This is Jade Hank," Jade responded immediately she received the call from the unknown number, hoping it was a call from the witness she was searching for.

"Hey, Jade! This is Matt. Bryan's best friend," Matt explained making Jade swallow past the lump of disappointment in her throat as she shook her head at Harry who was driving the car while glancing at her at intervals, to let him know that it wasn't who they had been expecting.

"Oh, Matt! It seems like I'm reuniting with my brothers' best friends this season. First, it was Harry, and now it is you. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Jade asked in a friendly tone.

"Are you busy at the moment? Or can you talk? I need to speak with you about something really important, and I need your legal advice," Matt explained.

"But you have a lawyer, don't you?" Jade asked thoughtfully since she knew that most celebrities often had their personal legal representative, or usually used the legal representatives of whichever entertainment company they worked with.

"It's not exactly a personal issue. What I mean is that it involves someone else. A friend of mine, not me," Matt quickly explained.

"I see. Alright then, go on and tell me about it," Jade said, urging him on.

"Well, I don't know if you remember the case which was all over the news two years ago? The one in which some young teenage boys overdosed on a hard substance?" Matt asked making Jade sit up immediately.

"Yes? What about it?" She asked, trying not to let her excitement show in her voice.

"The thing is, a friend of mine was involved in that case. Her boyfriend was sentenced..."

"You are not talking about Candace Roberts, are you?" Jade asked, hoping with all her heart that Candace was the person Matt was talking about.

Harry who was driving, turned to look at Jade with interest when he heard the excitement in her voice. He could almost hear her blood pumping with adrenaline judging by how restless she had suddenly become in her seat.

"How did you know that? You know Candace?" Matt asked both in surprise and concern since even though he was curious to know how Jade knew Candy, he also didn't want to get Candy in trouble with the law.

"I was in charge of that case two years ago. What's happening now? Are Candace and her son alright? I've been trying to find her for some time now," Jade asked, hoping that Matt knew where they were, as that would make things easier for her.

"They're living okay if that's what you want to know. So since you know about the case then I guess it's easier for me to ask you what I need to know. Is she safe? Are they safe?" He asked, not wanting to ask her if she knew that Candace had tampered with the drugs which the kids had overdosed on. He knew that could place Candace in a difficult position with the law, and he didn't want that.

"No, they're not safe. And I'm very sorry but I'm going to need to ask you for a very urgent and important favor," Jade pleaded making Matt's brows crease.

"What could that be?" Matt asked cautiously.

"Get her and her son out of there, and keep them hidden until I tell you it's safe," Jade pleaded.

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