One Wild Night

Chapter 186 - Intelligent Beauty

"So what's the plan?" Jade asked Harry once they were done with breakfast and were heading for his car.

"Let's get you to a spa where you can get a good beauty treatment, and then we can go to the salon to take care of your hair and nails," Harry said, glancing at her untidy fingernails.

Jade followed his gaze to her nails and then curled her fingers into her palm to cover them from his view, "Yeah, let's do that," she said with an embarrassed smile as she let him unlock the car doors and hold out the door for her to get in.

"And then once you look presentable we could just drive around the city, go see a movie, visit wherever you'd love to go to, and then have dinner before returning to the hotel," Harry concluded and once she was seated, he shut the door and went around the car to get into his own seat.

Before Harry could turn on the car's ignition, his phone started ringing, and he picked it up to see that it was Lucy who was calling, "Give me a moment," Harry told Jade with an apologetic smile before receiving the call.

"Good morning, Miss Perry," Harry greeted in a cheerful tone, and Jade looked at him curiously as she wondered who Harry was talking to.

"Good morning, Mr. Harry," Lucy greeted back with a smirk.

"I was informed by your driver that you weren't feeling too well yesterday. How are you feeling now?" Harry asked curiously, wanting to know if her state of health had anything to do with the reason Tom was in a foul mood.

"I'm fine. Thank you, sir. I was calling to find out if you could send me a copy of Mr. Hank's schedule. Seeing as you are absent, I would like to do a good job as his assistant," Lucy explained.

"Oh! I'm not sure about that. I would have to ask the CEO before doing that as you know that he doesn't..."

"You don't have to worry about that sir. I already told him, and he is okay with me asking you. I just think it's awkward that the CEO should be the one telling me about his schedule when I am the assistant, don't you think?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, yeah! You do have a point. I'm not close to my system at the moment but I will send you an email by the end of the day if that's okay with you," Harry suggested, feeling slightly confused by the sudden boldness he could hear in Lucy's tone.

"Sure. That works. Thank you, sir. Another reason I called... you asked me to let you know when my driver is misbehaving and I need you to get me someone else, right?" Lucy asked, and Harry's brows pulled together since he had only been pulling her legs when he said that and he didn't expect her to really bring it up.

"Yeah," Harry said in a less enthusiastic tone.

"Well, I was hoping you could change him now," Lucy said, making Harry frown.

What exactly was going on between Tom and Lucy? Harry wondered, "But the other day you said you were okay with him and didn't want someone else," Harry reminded her.

"I've changed my mind now, or can't I?" Lucy asked.

"Sure, you can. But if I may ask, what did he do wrong?" Harry asked curiously.

"My fiance doesn't like him..."

Fiance again? What fiance this time? Wasn't this lady ever tired of lying? "Your fiance? But I thought you both broke up?" Harry asked in confusion, wondering just what was going on.

"Yeah, but we got back together. He decided that he couldn't live without me, so he's back, and he wants my drive gone," Lucy said, struggling not to giggle at the confusion she could hear in his voice. He had toyed with her so it was only appropriate that she toys with him too. He could consider it as her way of bonding with him as her boyfriend's best friend.

Harry raised a hand to his head and massaged his temple which was beginning to ache because he was trying too hard to understand what was happening. He really needed to talk to Tom and find out what was going on, "I will talk to the CEO and see what I can do," Harry assured her.

"Alright then. Thank you, sir."

Once Lucy hung up the call, Harry sighed as he turned to look at Jade who had a curious expression on her face, "That wasn't my brother's girlfriend, was it?" Jade asked curiously.

"It was. You wanted to say hello to her?" Harry asked, and Jade chuckled as she shook her head.

"You want us to blow my brother's cover? How is she doing? And what did she say that's making your headache?" Jade asked with a small smile when she noticed that he was still rubbing his temple.

"I don't think she is alright, and I'm not sure your brother is okay either, seeing how she is asking for a new driver. I wonder what he must have done this time," Harry said thoughtfully as he tried to connect the dots.

Just yesterday Tom had asked him to get her a new driver and sell off the apartment next to hers, and then today he had changed his mind about selling the apartment. And now Lucy was asking him to change her driver. Was it just a lovers' fight? Harry wondered.

"She's asking for a new driver? What has Tom done this time?" Jade asked with an equally worried expression.

"I guess we will find out sooner or later. We should leave now," Harry suggested as he dropped the phone on the space between both their seats and then started the car.

"So, what kind of a person is she? Do you think she suits Tom?" Jade asked as Harry drove out of the parking lot.

"She's a workaholic... Or at least that was the way she was until your brother entered the picture. She's calm, a bit naive..." Harry let his words trail off when he remembered what Tom had said about him earlier that morning, and then he cleared his throat.

"Can I ask you a question? I need your honest opinion," Harry said as he turned to spare Jade a glance.

"Hm. I will try. Shoot!"

"Do you think I'm boring?" Harry asked, and Jade giggled.

"Boring? Why are you asking me that? Did someone tell you that? Perhaps a lady?" Jade asked curiously.

"Well, you've been in my company now for almost twenty-four hours. That's more than I can say for most people, apart from your brother, so tell me what you think," Harry urged her on.

Jade pursed her lips thoughtfully as she considered his question, "I think it's too early to form an opinion..."

"Oh, come on! You're a lawyer and so you should be a good judge of character. From all you saw yesterday, what do you honestly think about me?" Harry asked, cutting her off.

"Well, I don't think you're boring. But I could be wrong. You know different strokes for different folks," Jade said with a shrug, and Harry smirked.

"So you don't think I'm boring, right?" Harry asked, just to be sure that they were on the same page.

"If I'm to judge by the first time we met four years ago, you're not the least bit boring. Why do you ask?" Jade asked curiously.

"Your brother thinks you'd consider me too boring to..." Harry let the rest of his words trail off and silently cussed his big mouth when he realized what he had been about to say.

"Too boring to what?" Jade asked when she noticed how his face flushed in embarrassment. Something told her he had been about to say something very interesting.

Thankfully Harry's phone chose that moment to ring, saving him from responding to her question, "I'm sorry. It's my dad," Harry said as he picked up his phone, reached into his pocket for his Bluetooth earbud so that he could connect it to his phone, but he couldn't find it, so he quickly connected the phone to his car's Bluetooth speaker and then received the call.

"Hey, son! What are you up to? Still being a workaholic as usual?" His dad asked immediately the call connected.

"Hey, dad! I'm fine. How are you doing too?" Harry asked dryly.

"Aging daily while waiting for my only child to bring someone home. It doesn't have to be a lady, you know? If the reason you're yet to bring anyone home is because you're into guys and not ladies, then you shouldn't worry. I'm okay with any partner of your choice as long as it isn't an animal," his father said, making Jade burst into a peal of laughter.

"DAD!" Harry hissed in belief, suddenly regretting his decision to use his phone's Bluetooth speaker while Jade was in the car.

"Wait, that sounds like feminine laughter. Why didn't you tell me you were with your girlfriend?" His father asked while Jade kept laughing.

"She isn't my girlfriend. If this is the reason you called I should go now. I'm driving," Harry said irritably.

"She isn't your girlfriend? Who is she? Is she single?" His father asked, making Harry flash Jade an embarrassed and apologetic look.

"Dad, I'm using my car's speaker, and she can hear you. Can you just change the subject?" Harry pleaded.

"Oh, she can hear me? Great then. Hello, there young lady!" His father greeted, and Jade glanced at Harry uncertainly.

"Hello, sir!" Jade greeted politely.

"What's your name?" Harry's father asked curiously.

"Jade. Jade Hank."

"Hank? You're related to Tom?" He asked curiously.

"Yes. I'm his younger sister," Jade confirmed.

"Oh, right! The intelligent beauty Harry told me about," he said, making Harry's eyes grow round in surprise.

"What are you talking about dad? You know what? Let's talk later. I don't think you're sober right now," Harry said and quickly hung up before his father could say anything else.

"Don't pay attention to anything he said. I'm sure he was just pulling your legs," Harry said awkwardly as he prayed that Jade would let it go.

"So are you trying to say I'm not an intelligent beauty?" Jade asked, cocking her head to the side as she looked at him with a slightly raised brow.

"Uhm... Sure you are. I'm just saying..."

"So you did tell your dad that I'm an intelligent beauty?" Jade asked in amusement, making Harry turn to blink at her in confusion. What was she doing?

"I didn't tell..."

"But you think I am. That means you must have told him that at some point.. Thanks," Jade said with a happy smile which let him know she wasn't going to believe anything else.

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