One Wild Night

Chapter 182 - Cute

Sonia's eyes fluttered open slowly, and she blinked in surprise when the first thing she saw was Bryan's blue eyes gazing directly into her face with an amused smile.

"Good morning, beautiful. Seeing how soundly you slept with all that snoring sounds you made, I'm sure you slept well," Bryan greeted with a cheerful smile as he leaned forward and brushed her lips with his.

"I don't snore. How long have you been staring at me?" Sonia asked with a scowl, trying not to look too embarrassed at the thought that he had been watching her while she slept.

"Long enough to know that you dreamt of me. You kept calling my name in your sleep," Bryan said with a grin.

Sonia hit his arm in embarrassment as she sat up, "I didn't dream of you, and I know I didn't call out your name either. When did I sleep off anyway?" She asked, turning to look around for her laptop and jotter. She remembered that she had been working on her story last night.

The previous evening Sonia had remained sullen while trying to get Bryan to apologize to her, but Bryan had remained bullheaded about it and had tried to convince her that she was making a big deal out of nothing. Being Sonia, she had come around, and then they both decided not to talk about Lucy and Tom until the next day when their heads were clear. So after having dinner, Bryan had busied himself with checking his social media page and reading comments concerning their reality show, while Sonia had busied herself with her story.

"You dozed off while working. You need to thank me for exercising a high level of self-control by not going through that story while you slept. I was very tempted to sneak a peek," Bryan said, and Sonia looked at him suspiciously.

"How can I be sure you didn't?"

"Because I don't tell lies. I either say the truth or choose to stay quiet and withhold the truth," Bryan said, and Sonia considered his words carefully, trying to think about anytime he could have lied to her.

Sonia's face lit up when she remembered something, "You lied to everyone that we are in a relationship and we are engaged," Sonia pointed out triumphantly.

"Did I propose to you or not?" Bryan countered.

"But you lied that we are in a relationship?" Sonia pointed out.

"I didn't. You did. You were the one who was busy granting so many interviews and telling so many lies that you made my head spin," Bryan countered even though he knew he had lied to his family.

Sonia narrowed her eyes, "But you lied during our interview," Sonia said accusingly, and Bryan rolled his eyes.

"All this argument simply because I asked you to thank me for not reading your story?" He asked in disbelief, "You should probably have studied law," Bryan said with a shake of his head.

"So you really didn't read the story?" Sonia asked, disregarding all he had just said.

"You asked me not to. So I didn't read the story. But I did see your scribblings on the journal though," Bryan said with a grin, and Sonia's eyes widened in dismay, making him chuckle, "You didn't say I couldn't read your journal..." Bryan protested with a chuckle when Sonia pounced on him.

"It is basic manners to not read a person's journal," Sonia hissed at him, and suddenly giggled when he tickled her waist, "Stop that! I'm mad at you!" She said, unable to stop her laughter when he continued to tickle her. She squirmed away from his hands, and put some distance between them so she could glare at him without distraction.

"Fine. I'm sorry. The journal was open, and when my eyes fell on my name I couldn't resist the urge to check it out to see what you had written about me," Bryan said with an apologetic smile, but she didn't miss the mirth which was dancing in his eyes.

"Don't even laugh or think about talking about it," Sonia warned when she noticed the subtle twitching of Bryan's lips.

"But why?" Bryan asked as his body shook with laughter.

Sonia picked up the pillow closest to her and threw it at him in embarrassment as she tried to roll off the bed, but Bryan caught her before she could leave.

"You know you're cute when you act this way?" Bryan asked as he held her in place while she kept trying to get off him.

She knew very well what he had seen. While plotting her story she had been distracted for a moment that she had written his name and had drawn hearts all of it. She had gone as far as making a caricature drawing of the both of them with some embarrassing naughty dialogues in the boxes.

"Shut up," Sonia warned, but it only seemed to make him laugh the more.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Bryan said with a chuckle when she jabbed his sides with her elbow. He had been waiting for her to wake up so that he could tease her over it, and he was really having fun right now seeing how embarrassed she looked. The wait had been worth it.

"Fine. I will just pretend I didn't see anything," Bryan promised with a grin as he kissed her cheeks and her forehead. They both remained silent for a while until Sonia broke the silence.

"So what do you suggest we do about your brother and Lucy?" Sonia whose head was now resting on Bryan's chest asked as they lay on the bed, while Bryan patted her back and drew circles on it with his finger.

"You could try convincing your friend to forgive my brother. He really means her no harm," Bryan said as he moved his hand to cup her ass. He squeezed gently, making Sonia sigh softly as she snuggled closer to him.

"Naughty girl," Bryan teased as he spanked her ass softly, and Sonia giggled

"And what about Anita? What if she finds out who he is and comes back wanting him? How can we be sure that your brother wouldn't leave Lucy and go to her?" Sonia asked curiously.

"You mean his gold-digging ex? Tom doesn't care about her. He wouldn't go through all this stress to get Lucy, just to leave her for a golddigger like Anita, trust me. I know my brother, and he cares about your best friend," Bryan assured her.

"If you say so. I will call her and try to talk to her. We should probably start getting ready, they will all be here soon," Sonia said as she tried to get off the bed, but Bryan held her in place.

"Tom wants to speak with you. He needs both your help and your advice," Bryan explained.

"Let's talk to them both after we freshen up. We will both talk to Lucy together, and then we can talk to your brother," Sonia suggested as she got off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Sounds like a good plan," Bryan said with a nod as he rolled off the bed and stood on both feet, "Babe? I was waiting to show you this," Bryan said with a grin.

"What?" Sonia asked as she turned to look at him, and then her eyes rounded in surprise when she realized what he was showing her, "It doesn't hurt to stand on it anymore?" Sonia asked, looking at his ankle.

"Nope," Bryan said as he slowly walked towards her still favoring his ankle, "Let's shower together," he suggested with a wink.

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