One Wild Night

Chapter 168 - Crazy Woman

"I need a massage," Sonia complained to Bryan as they both returned inside the house after seeing off the production team.

"I could give you that," Bryan offered, glancing up at her with a naughty grin, which made Sonia chuckle.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're thinking about something else?" Sonia asked as she dropped on the couch, while Bryan got off the wheelchair to sit beside her.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you're thinking about something naughty" Bryan said with a teasing smile, happy to finally have some time to be alone with her.

It seemed like the more he enjoyed spending time with her, the less he enjoyed having others around them. He just wanted to be alone with her all the time, Bryan thought as he pulled her close to himself such that her head was resting on his chest. Sonia smiled to herself as she sat with her body pressed against his.

"Why are you smiling?" Bryan asked suspiciously as he looked into her face curiously.

"I'm just thinking that I never expected you to be so clingy," Sonia confessed with a wide smile as raised her face to meet his gaze.

"Oh! So you think I am clingy?" Bryan asked with a slight frown, looking into her pair of enchanting green eyes.

Sonia looked into his eyes, trying to see whether or not he felt offended by what she had said, "Well, what I mean is..."

He could tell that she had thought he was offended when he noticed the cautiousness that had crept into her eyes, "Wait until my ankle is all better, and you would know what clingy means," Bryan promised with a grin

"I'm looking forward to that," Sonia said with a small laugh as she raised a hand to his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

"I bet you are," Bryan said with a sigh of contentment as he closed his eyes and he let himself enjoy the feel of Sonia's fingers massaging his scalp. Sonia watched his face with a tender smile as his eyes fluttered close, and his long eyelashes fanned his face.

She briefly wondered how she was going to bring up the subject they had been discussing earlier, "Uhm... Bryan?"

"Yeah?" Bryan asked without opening his eyes even though he was curious to hear what she had to say. He could hear the note of uncertainty in her voice, and he wondered why.

"Concerning our discussion in the bedroom earlier today..." She started, trying to remind him that he had said they could continue later.

"Which of them?" Bryan asked, struggling not to smile since he knew what she was talking about.

Sonia pursed her lips as she looked down at him, and then pressed her lips together, choosing not to say anything. How could he forget such an important conversation?

Bryan opened one eye to look at her and chuckled when he noticed the annoyance on her face, "Just tell me you want to hear me say I'm falling for you again," Bryan said with a teasing smile, and Sonia hit his arm playfully.

"If you remembered, why then did you act like you didn't?" Sonia asked with mild annoyance.

"So that's what you want to hear? Why couldn't you just be direct with your question? Women!" Bryan muttered with a shake of his head as he sat up to give her his full attention.

"If you knew that was it, why did you not just say it? Men!" Sonia muttered, mimicking his action, "Anyway... You talked about wanting to be sure of exactly how you feel..."

"Before we get to that, first tell me something; How do you feel about me? About us?" Bryan asked, interrupting Sonia. He didn't want them to make it all about him, and he also didn't want to do anything based on assumptions.

"I like you, Bryan. I also think I'm falling for you," Sonia said, looking directly into his brilliant blue eyes.

"Falling? You mean to tell me that you still haven't fallen despite all I've been doing to sweep you off your feet?" Bryan asked with mock surprise, and Sonia poked his side with a finger making him laugh.

"I don't remember you doing anything special," Sonia said with a shake of her head, as she wondered what could have possibly made her fall for him.

"I can remember you doing everything. You annoyed me so much that I constantly thought about you, so I guess I went from thinking about how to kill you to how to keep you around me," Bryan said, and Sonia's heart fluttered as she blinked at him.

"I thought you said you weren't sure of your feelings yet?"

"Yeah. Sort of," Bryan said with a nod.

Sonia pursed her lips thoughtfully as she looked at him, "Okay. Let's do as you said before. We can just keep getting along without attaching any title to our relationship. I also need to be sure about my feelings for you, so when we are both convinced about our feelings, we can name what we have, okay?" Sonia suggested, and Bryan narrowed his eyes at her. He knew that what he had to was be with other girls to be sure of his feelings. What did she have to do?

"So what are you going to do? I mean what is going to convince you of your feelings for me?" Bryan asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to go out with other ridiculously handsome guys to see if I will still find them interesting, or if I'm going to keep wanting to leave them just to get back to you," Sonia said, making Bryan sigh. He should have known that she was a crazy chick.

"And what happens if you find them interesting?" Bryan asked with a scowl, not liking the idea.

Sonia grinned at that, "I guess I will just have to take things further to see if I'm as sexually attracted to them as I am to you," Sonia said playfully.

"You're going to let them touch you?" Bryan asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance anymore, and this time Sonia giggled.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry, you are free to do the same. When your ankle feels better, we can both go out to the club together and pick the people we want to be with, how about that?" Sonia suggested, making Bryan shake his head. She was crazier than he had thought if she really thought he was going to let another man come an inch near her.

"You were going to call your best friend, weren't you?" He asked, reminding Sonia that she had mentioned it earlier.

"Oh, shit!" Sonia exclaimed with wide eyes as she quickly got off the couch, and Bryan grinned at her, glad that he had managed to distract her from the nonsense she was spewing.

"I guess I make you forget everything else," Bryan called after her with a smirk as she ran off in search of her phone.

He had a smile on his face as he watched her run from one end of the living room to the other trying to find her phone. He was falling helplessly for the exact opposite of the kind of woman he wanted.. A crazy woman, he thought with a shake of his head.

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