One Wild Night

Chapter 156 - The Hanks

After her phone call with her parents, Lucy closed her eyes and facepalmed herself. Thomas Hank? Really? Of every other name to mention why did she choose to lie that she was dating her boss? Now they expected her to attend the wedding with her wealthy boyfriend. Perhaps she could claim that it was over between them a few days before the wedding? Her mind flashed to Tom who seemed to have a couple of similarities with her boss. Maybe he could pretend to be her boss? Lucy quickly shook her head to discard the thought. Was she going crazy? How could she even think of such an outrageous thing?

She looked up, slightly startled when she heard a knock on her door, "Miss Perry? Are you okay in there?" She heard Amy ask.

She had almost forgotten that she wasn't alone in the apartment, "Yeah. I'll be out soon," Lucy called out, and then glanced at her phone when it started ringing. It was Lucas.


"Hey? What's going on Lu? I just received a call from mom saying you're dating your boss? The last time we spoke you were talking about your driver, so how come you're suddenly in a relationship with your boss?" Lucas asked, making Lucy sigh as she lay on her bed and closed her eyes.

How had she forgotten that she had told Lucas about Tom? Of course, Lucas had every right to be alarmed by this. How had she gone from not dating anyone to being in a relationship with two people, her driver, and her boss, even though she had nothing to do with her boss in reality.

"I'm dating my driver, not my boss. I just didn't want to tell them about him being my driver," Lucy confessed making Lucas sigh.

"What do you mean you just didn't want to tell them about it? That lie was completely uncalled for. You know mom and dad. They have no problem with either of us dating someone who isn't doing so well financially," Lucas pointed out.

How could she explain to him that the relationship wasn't a long-term relationship and she intended to end it before her family starts getting any funny marriage ideas? "Just keep it to yourself. I will tell them the truth when the time is right," Lucy said dismissively.

"I really think you should just call them back and tell them the truth now. You're going to embarrass that young man and make him feel less of himself when he finds out that you were too embarrassed about his job to tell your parents about it," Lucas chided.

"Cut it out, okay? I said I'm going to fix it!" Lucy snapped at her brother impatiently.

Lucas sighed, "You better fix it. How is your health? Have you been sleeping well? Or do you still require sleeping pills?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm okay. How is Rachael?" Lucy asked, not wanting to talk about herself as she wasn't ready to think about the nightmare she had.

"She is okay. She has been busy with the wedding preparations and... Hold on," Lucas said to her when he heard a knock on his office door and raised his head, "Yes?" He asked when the door opened, and his senior colleague's secretary poked her head in.

"If you're not too busy can you see some of Dr. Drew's patients? He is out of town, and the couple insists on having their monthly checkup done today," she explained, and Lucas glanced at the clock in his office, "Alright, send them in."

"I'm sorry, Lu. Work calls. Let's talk later, okay? I love you," Lucas said before hanging up.

He pasted a smile on his face as the door opened once again, and stood up when a couple who looked like they were in their early sixties walked in with the secretary carrying their medical file which she placed on the table in front of Lucas.

Lucas picked up the file and glanced at their names. Mr. Desmond Hank, and his wife Evelyn.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Hank, I'm Dr. Perry," He greeted with a welcoming smile.

"Aww, he looks so young and handsome," Evelyn whispered to her husband loudly as she smiled at Lucas who in turn grinned at her.

"But nowhere as handsome as I was when I was his age," Desmond said with a scoff.

"I'm sure," Lucas said with a grin as he gestured to both couples to sit down.

"Are you single?" Evelyn asked, glancing at his bare fingers.

"Only until next month's end, so if you're going to hit on me you still have the next couple of weeks to do so," Lucas responded, and Evenly giggled, while Desmond merely shook his head.

"That's such a shame. You would have been a good fit for our daughter, Jade. She's a lawyer. Very beautiful too," Evelyn said with a proud smile as she fished out her phone from her handbag to show him the picture displayed as her wallpaper.

"I'm sure Jade can find a man for herself without your help," Desmond muttered under his breath.

"Seeing how beautiful you look, I'm sure your daughter would be breathtaking," Lucas said with a small smile as he took the phone from her to check the picture she was showing him.

"All three of them are your kids?" Lucas asked when he saw the picture of two grown-up men and a lady standing between them.

"Yes. We took that picture two years ago when they were home for the Christmas holidays. The guy standing by her right is the oldest. I'm sure you must have heard of him. His name is Thomas, and he's the CEO of I-Global. The guy by her left is our second child, and his name is Bryan, you should recognize him, he's an actor. And that is our lawyer girl, Jade," she said with a proud smile.

"Is there anyone you have met to who you haven't shown this picture?" Desmond asked his wife in amusement as she was always showing off her successful children at every slight opportunity she got.

Lucas stared at the picture in disbelief. Was it coincident that Sonia's fiance just so happened to be the younger brother of Lucy's boss? The same boss she had just lied to her parents that she was dating? And now here he was having a conversation with the parents of both men?

Meanwhile, after her call with Lucas, Lucy tried to reach Sonia, but when Sonia failed to respond, she decided to give Tom a call instead and find out where he was.

She held the phone to her ear as she waited for him to take his call. After ringing for some time, the call disconnected when Tom failed to pick up. She tried two more times before finally giving up, "Maybe he is busy," she murmured with a sigh as she reluctantly dragged herself from the bed so she could have her bath.

Once she took off her clothes, she walked over to the bathroom and stood by the door as she remembered how Tom had walked in there only a few hours ago to carry her out. Why did it suddenly seem like it had been such a long time since she last saw him?

She couldn't take the day off in this state. She needed to do some serious work to get her mind off the nightmare, and Tom... At least until he calls her.

As Lucy turned on the shower and let the warm water hit her body, she closed her eyes, and flashes of last night came back to her. How Tom had looked at her, how he had touched her. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and her pussy pulsed when she remembered how he had worked on them with both his lips and fingers.

She opened her eyes when she started to feel herself getting aroused by her thoughts, "I'm going to be in serious trouble if I keep having these thoughts," Lucy murmured to herself as she tried to focus on scrubbing her body.

Once she was done bathing, she dressed up in a cream-colored pantsuit, with a pair of pink stiletto and handbag to match, before going out to join Amy who was just setting the table.

"Are you going somewhere?" Amy asked as she looked Lucy over, wondering where she was going to dressed like that.

"Yes. I'm going to work. I don't need the day off," Lucy said, making it clear that her decision was not up for discussion.

Amy clamped her lips shut and gave her a nod, "I made pancakes. You can have it with tea."

"Thank you," Lucy said as she sat down to eat while Amy cleaned up the kitchen.

Once she was done eating they both left for the company. As Amy parked the car and Lucy got out of it, Tom who was standing by his office window looking outside, shook his head when he caught a glimpse of her before she could walk into the building.

Stubborn woman! What had he been expecting? That she would gratefully take the day off? He shook his head as he walked into his office closet to put on his costume. He had been hoping he wouldn't need to as he had no intention of leaving his office today, but now that she was here he would have to use the costume.

Once he was done dressing up, he opened the door, and stepped out of his office, startling Lucy who had not been expecting him to be at the office talk more of coming out of it.

"Good morning, Miss. Perry," he greeted, standing by the door while watching at her with a very strange expression in his eyes.

"Good morning, sir," Lucy greeted as she stood up with her head bowed. She couldn't meet his eyes as she feared that if she looked at him, he might somehow find out that she had just lied to her parents about her relationship with him.

"I was told you were ill. Why are you here when you should be taking the day off?" He asked, cocking his head to the right as he watched her closely. He had thought they were past this stage where she feared to look him in the eyes, but it seemed like they weren't past it yet.

"I feel okay now, so there was no reason to stay back at home," she said without meeting his gaze.

"Still, you should have taken the day off. Mr. Harry won't be around for some time, so it's going to be just you and I working together... Closely," Tom added, and Lucy's brows pulled together in a slight frown.

Why did he have to add 'closely' to it?

"Are you sure you don't need to take the day off? The next couple of days might be pretty intense," Tom said, and Lucy raised her head to look at him.

"I'm okay. I need to keep busy," she said, and Tom gave her a nod.

"Well, I'm certain you can be busy without having to work. Let's go out," he offered, slipping one hand in his pocket.

"Out?" Lucy asked in confusion.

"Yes. We need to know each other better to work productively together. Do you have a problem with that?" Tom asked, and Lucy shook her head.

"Good.. So let's go."

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