One Wild Night

Chapter 140 - Eavesdropping

Sonia stood in front of the mirror staring back at her reflection with a frown on her brow as she thought about how her body had reacted to his words and touch during the interview. Was she falling for Bryan already? That wasn't good at all. What if she ended up loving him deeply and he didn't return her feelings? She would only end up getting hurt. Although she planned on making him fall in love with her, she hadn't planned on falling in love with him so soon. Not that love was something anyone had control over, but still, how could she have fallen for him under such a short period? Her heart wasn't that weak. She needed to find a way to keep her heart safe.

Sonia sighed to herself as she took off the suit she was still wearing. She put on a black strapless bodycon choker dress which stopped mid-thighs with a tiny slit and wore a pink fur flip flop before returning to join them in the living room.

It was time for them to start shooting the reality show, with the production and camera crew in the background while she and Bryan would act as they would if they were alone in the house.

Standing by the door, she looked around the living room and when she didn't see any sign of Bryan, she walked over to his bedroom to check on him, since that was what was expected of her as his fiancee.

She gave a single knock on the bedroom door before walking into the bedroom. Once she walked in, Bryan who was seated on his wheelchair buttoning his shirt, cocked his head to the side as he looked at the object of his affection.

"Don't tell me you are missing me already?" He asked in a teasing tone, trying to appear unaffected by her outfit.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" Sonia asked in an equally teasing tone as she walked over to where he was seated and started undoing all the buttons he had just done.

"What are you doing?" Bryan asked with a frown as he held her hand to stop her, but she slapped his hand away and continued.

"I've been here for about three days now, and in all that time I haven't seen you wearing a button-down shirt," she pointed out as she walked over to his closet and picked out a plain white cotton tee-shirt, "Here, I'm sure this is more comfortable for you," she said as she handed it to him.

"What a thoughtful fiancee I have," Bryan said with a mocking smile.

"What would you do without her in your life?" Sonia asked in an equally mocking tone as she helped him take off the shirt, so he could wear the one she had just given him.

Sonia sat on the edge of the bed as she watched him dress up, "Your leg doesn't hurt anymore, does it?" She asked curiously as she looked down at his legs.

"It doesn't. Why? You want it to hurt so that I don't go anywhere and just stay indoors with you?"

"Exactly! I enjoy your company so much that I want you all to myself," Sonia said with a roll of her eyes.

"Sonia Bardi," Bryan said with a teasing grin, making her narrow her eyes at him, and then her eyes widened slightly when she realized what he meant, and her face flushed a bright red making Bryan laugh out loud, "I never thought I would ever see the day where you would look so embarrassed," Bryan said in amusement as he laughed.

How could she not feel embarrassed to know that he had watched and heard her sing and dance to Cardi B's song while naked? What had she been thinking? "Pervert!" Sonia muttered under her breath.

"How can you call a man a pervert for silently enjoying a private show from his fiancee?" Bryan asked with a naughty smile as he held out his hand to her.

Sonia looked at his hand in confusion before tentatively placing her hand on his. Her heart skipped a beat, and she gasped in surprise when Bryan suddenly pulled her towards him such that she had to sit on his thighs if she didn't want to fall, "What are yo..." Her words trailed off when his other hand came around her neck and he pulled her face closer to his so that their lips were just a kiss away.

"I just remembered that you owe me a kiss," Bryan said in a husky voice as he looked into her eyes, his breath fanning her face.

Sonia's heart skipped a beat, "A kiss? What kiss?" She asked, unable to think clearly because of the proximity.

"Do you think I forgot that you were going to wake me up with a kiss? I want it now."

Having said that, Bryan crushed his lips against her warm and soft lips. Her pliant lips parted in a soft moan, allowing his tongue to slip in. Bryan didn't bother to kiss her slowly or softly. He kissed her passionately. The more he kissed her, the more he was consumed by the need to touch her. He wanted to taste every inch of her body. He wanted to have her writhing under him and moaning his name feverish ecstasy. Bryan tried not to let his hands stray, as he kissed her.

Although he wasn't touching her, her whole body was on fire for him. She wasn't having the innocent butterflies in the belly or toes curling feeling, all she wanted was to feel his hands on every part of her. Sonia impatiently untangled her hand from his hair and moved his hands from her shoulder to her boobs.

Bryan's eyes popped open when he felt the movement, and he gazed directly into Sonia's eyes which were staring back at him. He could see his own lust and desire reflected in her green eyes. He squeezed her left boob softly, and a soft moan escaped from her lips as she deepened the kiss.

Their breaths mingled as their bodies pressed together heatedly. Sonia's arms went around his neck, and her fingers carded through his hair as she returned his kiss with a matching passion.

Soon they were both panting breathlessly, but neither of them could stop or felt the need to break the kiss. At that moment Bryan prayed for self-control. He knew that they needed to stop as they weren't alone in the house, and there were others in the living room waiting for them to come out for the show...

"Bryan are you..." Jeff's words trailed off as he pushed open the door, and he blinked in surprise when he saw Sonia seated on Bryan's thighs with their lips locked in a kiss, and Bryan's hands on her boobs.

Bryan pulled away when he heard Jeff's voice, and silently cursed himself for not breaking the kiss earlier when he should have.

Sonia batted her lashes at Bryan to clear the haze of lust before turning to look at Jeff with a grin, "Oops, you caught us in the act," Sonia said without apology before returning her attention to Bryan. She smiled when she noticed that her lipstick had smeared both sides of his lips, so she used her thumb to brush off the lipstick stain on his lips before getting off his thighs.

"I guess Jeff needs to speak with you now, so let's continue from where we stopped some other time, okay?" Sonia said with a wink as she walked past Jeff, and left the room.

"She is crazy," Bryan murmured to Jeff in a form of explanation, but Jeff didn't miss the amusement, or was it awe in his tone?

"And you are crazy about her," Jeff said with a shake of his head as he approached Bryan who tried to adjust his trouser which had suddenly become too tight at the groin region.

"It's nothing serious. I was only practicing for the camera," Bryan said lamely, making Jeff chuckle.

"It must have been some mind-blowing practice seeing as you can't seem to hide your boner. Admit it, Bryan, you are have fallen for her," Jeff said with a shake of his head.

"It's natural to have a boner when you kiss someone as hot as she is. What did you want?" Bryan asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing. I saw her coming into your room, and when she didn't come out after a while, I decided to come in here and remind you both that we are waiting for you, so you shouldn't do anything naughty," Jeff said with a wink.

Bryan sighed, and without saying a word to Jeff he headed for the door with his wheelchair.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed about how you feel for..." Jeff let his words trail off when Bryan stopped by the slightly open door and turned to glare at him.

"I don't love her. I don't even feel anything for her!" Bryan growled at him. Of course, he wasn't feeling embarrassed because he was in love with Sonia. He knew how he felt about her. He just didn't want anyone else to know about it, at least not until he confirmed that the feeling was mutual. That way his ego wouldn't be hurt.

Sonia who had been standing just outside the door eavesdropping on their conversation felt her heart twist painfully in her chest. Although she knew he was attracted to her sexually and wasn't really in love with her, it hurt to hear him say out loud that he didn't feel anything for her. She was just going to find a way to keep her feelings to herself and not bother him with it, she thought as she hurried away from there since she could tell from the closeness of his voice that he was by the door.

"Sure. You don't love her. You are not even attracted to her.. You only love kissing and touching her," Jeff laughed out loud when Bryan slammed the door behind him.

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