One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 305

Chapter 305 - Zhao Gang's Bold Words but He Was Slapped in the Face

Upon hearing the words, the six men were taken aback in confusion.

“What did you just say…”

They didn't get to finish their sentence before collapsing rigidly to the ground.

Soong Wan's face registered shock.

Jiang Hao rose to his feet, confiscated the six men's guns, and then tossed them out of the car!

He drove away from the scene.


At that moment, the Zhao residence was ablaze with light, and the sound of hoarse, agonized screams echoed from within one of the rooms.

Inside, Zhao An was bound to a bed, his body swathed in bandages, resembling a giant dumpling.

The source of the guttural screams was none other than him!

At the foot of his sickbed, four doctors wore expressions of concern and desperation, helplessly watching Zhao An thrash about, unsure of how to proceed.

In the main hall, Zhao Gang, the head of the Zhao family and Zhao An's father, paced back and forth with a stormy expression. The servants around him were as silent as if it were the dead of winter.

“Have those two been captured yet?”

At that moment, a burly man in a black suit chimed in.

“Rest assured, Patriarch. We've just received word from Fifth Brother and the rest; they've apprehended the individual and should be en route back now!”

Zhao Gang, peering out the door, responded icily.

“I want to see who dared to harm my son so grievously.”

“My son may be unruly, but it's certainly not their place to intervene!”


Time dragged on, and Zhao Gang's wait was met with no arrival, his face growing increasingly livid.

“What's the matter? Why haven't they returned?”

The man in the suit, sensing something amiss, tentatively inquired.

“Master, shall I make a call to hasten them?”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Gang barked furiously.

“Well, don't just stand there, do it!”

The man in the suit hastily acknowledged.

“Yes, right away!”

He quickly began dialing.

But after several attempts, there was no answer. He turned to Zhao Gang with trepidation.

“Master, there's no response. Something may have gone wrong!”

Hearing this, Zhao Gang felt as if he were about to combust with rage!

In a fit of fury, he swept everything from the table onto the floor, overturning the table itself.

Like a furious lion, he unleashed a roar at the man in the suit.

“Useless, all of you are utterly useless!”

As Zhao Gang's roar thundered through the room, everyone fell silent, too intimidated to utter a word.

At that moment, a servant burst in, visibly shaken upon encountering Zhao Gang's wrath.

Struggling to contain his anger, Zhao Gang fixed his gaze on the newcomer and demanded,

“What is it?”

The servant hastily responded,

“Master, we've identified those two individuals!”

But then, he began to falter,

“It's just that… their identities are somewhat… unusual.”

Hearing this, Zhao Gang felt his anger reignite with a vengeance.

“Out with it! Even if it's the Heavenly King himself, I, Zhao Gang, demand he make amends to my son!” he bellowed.

The servant, now wearing a look of distress, cautiously replied,

”But, Master, one is the daughter of the Jade King, and the other is the enigmatic Jiang Hao, who even the Jia Family bows to!”

At this revelation, Zhao Gang's fury momentarily gave way to shock as he stared intently at the servant and demanded confirmation,

“What did you just say?”

Startled by the intensity of Zhao Gang's gaze, the servant nevertheless repeated his earlier statement.

Zhao Gang stood petrified.

Just then, another person charged in, panic etched across his face. Catching sight of Zhao Gang, he blurted out,

“Master, master, we have a serious problem!”

“The Young Master's past actions have been exposed and spread all over the internet!”

“Furthermore, our corporate accounts have been frozen, and the police are already on our doorstep!”

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