On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Twenty-Two / Side One Hundred And Fifteen – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Three Hundred And Twenty-Two / Side One Hundred And Fifteen – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Entering the Boundary as soon as I raced into the home Aki had built on the grounds of the modest Shrine, barely having time to do more than throw myself onto the nearest bed, not caring about the mess or disarray of my hair and clothes, I found myself wondering if what I was about to do was the right call.

It is not like you to doubt yourself, princess. Though I do understand. The darkness in her is deep, and you would open…

Enough of that, Tan. It’ll be fine. And if not… putting my doubts aside I saw the form of Hyacinth, that strange maid who was always giggling to herself, her expression set with the sort of resolve I needed. She’s not laughing now. Her eyes are cold, and her expression is murderous.

“It’ll be all right.” I was broken out of my thoughts by Aki slapping me on the back, something I could barely feel due to the strange outfit I wore. It’s not exactly cute, but… it is strong. Modelled on the outfit he had supposedly given the one called the Diviner, this Tsukiko… I’m not jealous he’s giving other girls clothes, I’m not. Besides, this is simply a protective gift, one Aki worked hard on, with help from the dwarves. Shit, I should be grateful…

If so, why are your cheeks so puffed? Are you jealous that he risks so much to save a girl that is not you, princess? After all, while he has protected many, the frantic sorrows he radiated, his cries of misery and loss when he feared you would die, you were secretly happy and proud, were you not? After all, is that not proof of his love?

All right, enough of that. I hate to think you’re right Tan, but yeah… I did feel special. But then… Swallowing down her nerves and doubts, I turned, giving Aki a bright smile, making sure to appear as beautiful as possible, still difficult with these scars, but as my single eye met his, once more admiring what a beautiful grey they were, I realised again his gaze held no revulsion, no pity, only love and a certainty I would heal. “Yeah, it will. However, the situation is still pretty grave, right?” I looked at Shaeula and Hyacinth, who were also donning the black, military-style combat suits made from strange metals and the dangerous vibrating feathers of some native birds of Kyoto. “If those two are changing out of their beloved outfits, it’s going to be brutal.”

“It is.” He agreed. “And I think you could sit this one out, if you wanted. It isn’t your…” I shut him up by pressing my lips against his. His eyes widened in shock, which made me happy, but happier was the way he couldn’t help but twine his tongue with mine, kissing me deeply. Damn, I feel hot, my head is going blank. And this is just kissing. Shit, I unfairly maligned all those lovestruck girls I called idiots for all these years. Who knew…

Focus. This is not the time to be distracted. You have a request, foolish though it is. And I shall not be left out. I thirst, and of the abilities he has traced with this Book of Providence… oh how I wish I could drink deep of that one… there are some that I desire greatly, and one that would aid you. I shall have them all.

Pulling free, mouth still wet with his saliva, I put my good hand on my waist, adopting a stern pose. “It is my fight. Putting aside you promised Tan compensation, which now is the perfect time to pay up, you asked me to marry you, Aki. I don’t take that lightly. I said yes, despite knowing you were already with another girl. I’m not an idiot, am I? And neither are you. You should know what that means.”

“I do.” He sighed. Shaeula was talking to several of the Kamaitachi, who were filling her in on the current situation through the gate. Some of them are kind of cute. But that pair of bigger, angrier-looking ones are a bit frightening. No, I need to keep my focus.

“I guess we did agree to share our lives and everything we hold dear together.” He agreed. “It’s just… well, after what happened to the trainees, and Eri… I have faith I can fight, and…” he looked at Shaeula and Hyacinth, which pissed me off.

“Hey, you’re talking to me!” I grabbed his face, turned it around and kissed him again, quickly this time, as I knew every second was precious. Even so, as a woman, there are some things more important than anything else. “I get that Shaeula is strong, and you’ve fought side by side for a long time now. And Hyacinth… well, she’s like a walking war crime. So you don’t worry as much for them.” My lips quirked into a sly smile as Shaeula reacted at that, pouting much as I did earlier. I guess being too competent has its drawbacks.

How foolish. Ask him already. Time marches on. I would not have our food and drink stolen from us by such delays. After all, once there, I should be able to sense our targets, using the Favour we consumed before…

“I do still worry, of course I do.” Aki said the right thing, surprising me, and Shaeula’s pout turned into a smile. “But… well, never mind.” He gave in. “Tan, keep her safe. My warning from before still applies. If Shiro dies, you’ll regret it, even if I have to take on your entire Pantheon!”

“How bold. But rest assured, I have no wish for defeat. My plans may have changed…” Tan stole my mouth, twisting it into a grin somehow both sly and lascivious. Ugh, I bet I look strange now. I’m embarrassed.

“… but my wish to protect her has not. Now, she has something to ask you. I know time is short, so listen carefully, and choose wisely.” With that Tan relinquished me, and I took a deep breath.

“Aki. Quickly. Do you trust me?”

“I do.” He answered, and his lack of hesitation thrilled me.

“Great. Then… I’ll follow after you. You need to get there and take control of the battle as soon as you can, right? But first… can you give me permission to bring someone inside your Territory?” This one’s what he calls Rank 3, and I can feel the strength of it. It would keep her out, I’m sure…

He glanced over at the important facilities near the Ring Gate, silver spires rising into the sky, glittering prettily. He then looked back at me. Before he could speak, I offered more reassurance. “Don’t worry Aki. Nothing I do will disadvantage you, I’m sure. And… if I’m wrong, and something bad happens. I promise, I’ll endure whatever you suffer, just the same. Even…” I could barely say it. it was flippant, but true. If she does turn on us here, I will fight, even to the death, before I let her hurt Aki’s Territory…

Ah, love. I must admit, experiencing it through your thoughts is quite the strange emotion. My other sisters took our rejection by the Buddha strangely. One drowns herself in pleasure with any she takes a fancy to, whilst the other shut herself away, playing only with other women. I, who kept aloof, have taken the wisest path, so I believed. But feeling your emotions, it is quite the entertaining, enlightening spectacle. Perhaps the reason I could not allure the Buddha as he passed by, was because I did not know love? Well, enough on that…

My thoughts with Tan were much faster than speech, so only a moment had passed as she reminisced, and I caught glimpses of mental pictures of her sisters. Putting those aside, I continued. “… we share the same fate, right? Isn’t that what marriage is? I don’t take it lightly, and I’m sure you didn’t ask me to marry you without the confidence to shoulder that, Aki.”

More troops were forming up at the ring of mushrooms shrouded by ruby light. They were carrying strange objects and large barrels, but I paid that no mind, merely waited for Aki’s answer.

“I trust you Shiro.” He said, and his lack of hesitation made my heart ache, though the feeling was pleasant. “But…” his tone changed. “You think I’d ask you to share any cruel fate I suffered, no matter who’s fault it was? Idiot…” he said fondly, grabbing my cheeks and squishing them. I struggled, protesting, but I was too weak to break out of his grip. Damn Aki, nerdy you turned into a beast…

He then released me. “Do what you need to. Now, I have to go. Our base is in Haru-san’s Territory, someone there should be able to tell you where we’ve gone. I’ll see you soon.” He kissed my forehead, and then called out to Shaeula and Hyacinth, as well as the young Chinese girl.

“Shaeula, Daiyu’er, Hyacinth, let’s go.” And with that they vanished through the portal, leaving me touching my forehead idly. Aki, I already like you, there’s no need to be all cool and make my heart race. It’s annoying.

You are quite the fool, princess. But I do not hate it. Now, he is right, time is pressing. Do what you need to do.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I muttered, taking out the token I possessed. Aether trickled into it, and I felt a distant connection. Hey, with my better Aether Manipulation skills, as Aki called it, these things make a lot more sense to me. Now I’m curious just how far I can go…

“Hey, Arisu. This is a damn emergency! Get over here now! I need everyone in the room!” Here’s hoping she can get in…

Moments later I felt the flow of aether change in the token I held. The air around me shuddered, as if something was trying to force its way through. Clenching the token hard in my fist, I hoped it would be fine. Aki said I could let her in. Though we still don’t fully understand how these Territories work…

Moments later space warped, a black slash forming a doorway, and Arisu stepped out, her long black hair unbound and flowing, her gown a deep wine-red. Her expression was cold, her usual mask, but as she looked at me, then around to where she was, the massive trees hanging over us, the constant stream of strange, animalistic troops coming and going, her eyes widened, some emotion showing for the first time in a while, before her usual angry mask reasserted itself.

Arisu arrives

“So, White… where is this? I feel oppressed. The very air presses down on me.” Arisu looked around. The moving forces were looking at her, wary, and I could see that Dryad peering at us from behind her tree.

“Uh, no time for lengthy explanations. This… well, this is Aki’s territory.” She said, and at that Arisu narrowed her eyes. No way. I know what you are thinking! As Tan’s laughter echoed in my mind, I puffed myself up as much as I could, trying to look stern. “Don’t even think about it, Arisu. We’re friends, and I like you, but if you try and damage anything that belongs to Aki…” My hair glittered red, flames cascading down like a waterfall. “… then we are going to have to fight.” As our black eyes looked into each other, testing our resolve, I delivered my trump card, the reason why I trusted Arisu to come here, even if I was extremely worried about her meeting Aki, for a number of reasons. “Besides, you hate treachery, right? I promised Aki that you could be trusted. Don’t make a liar out of me, Arisu. Please.”

For a moment she contemplated, looking around, seeing the silver needles and the magnificent shrine building covered in snakes that was obviously key infrastructure, and I felt my heart clench, before she managed a small nod, and I relaxed, breathing out, relieved.

“Fine. Well, White, what possessed you to take such a risk to bring me here of all places? And why did the fool allow it? Taking a potential enemy into the heart of a Territory is madness. Betrayal can come in a heartbeat, from those you once called friends and colleagues. I know this better than anyone.”

“Obviously because I said you were trustworthy, and Aki trusts me. He’s a great guy, I promise! He got me a healer, the best there is, my scars have shrunk, and I even have an eye now.” I pulled down the patch proudly. “Sure, it’s still utterly useless, but progress, right?” I smiled, trying to win her over. “Aki didn’t hesitate. I offered to take responsibility if you screwed him over, but he doesn’t even want that. Aki’s a soft touch, but I love him.” Ignoring more of Tan’s snickering, I made my position clear. “However… what Aki wants or not, if you try to do anything bad, I will stop you. Even if we have to fight to the death. And for Aki, I’ll win!”

“Well, White. Your resolve is… oddly irritating. Men are betrayers. This one isn’t even faithful.”

“Wrong!” I declared. “Aki is utterly faithful. Just to… more than one woman. Look, there’s not much time. Get Suzu and Bunta and bring them here through the room. There’s a war on!”

“A war?” she asked, puzzled, and before I could answer, Asha came over, having relaxed seeing Arisu make no hostile moves.

“Who is this?” Arisu asked, adopting a wary stance. Yes, she isn’t good with refined women anymore, too many of her fellow actresses betrayed her.

“She’s Asha. She manages the Trees here. Speaking of, impressive, isn’t it? There’s even a café on top, and you can get some awesome booze.” Shiro grinned proudly.

Why are you so pleased? It is not your Territory.

Wrong! What’s Aki’s is mine too, right? Besides, I admit, I kind of want to boast to Arisu what a cool guy I fell for. Aki, a cool guy… never thought I’d ever see him that way. He was funny and kind, but never really cool before. But now… hell, he’s leading the charge in a war…

I have wondered this before, but you are quite… reckless, princess. You do not treasure your life. Things that should leave you fearful merely excite you.

Rude! Though I guess, when you’ve lived with the knowledge you could die at any time like I did, mortality just hits differently, right?

“A café? Who cares about such things?” Arisu complained, eyeing the newcomer, only to be startled as another woman followed her, this one with long, curved horns on her head.

“Oh, hey there, Bintara.” I greeted the healer Aki had got for me. “You not joining the battle?”

“Hardly.” Bintara scoffed. “This fight is not my fight. Why would I care if the kami are slain, their temples razed? Though perhaps I shall witness it. Many shall require healing afterwards.”

“What battle, what war?” Arisu repeated, frustrated by the lack of clarity.

“Oh, yeah. Well… uh, looks like a load of others like us are invading from China. Aki and his forces are trying to stop them. I thought… well, I thought we could use all the help we could get, and you’re pretty awesome, Arisu. Besides… I thought this might be a good time to introduce you two. I kind of don’t want you to meet him in your room.” I giggled, nerves getting the best of me. “After all, you can be a bit short-tempered, Arisu.”

“I see. Well, what does that have to do with me? If the competition kill each other, our value increases.” She crossed her arms coldly.

“Oh come on, I know you don’t mean that. After all, if that was the case, why even group up like we did?” I chided her. “Anyway, look around. Even with all of us working together, we haven’t reached these heights. Wouldn’t it be good to be friends? Aki is damn generous to his friends. Besides…” I know what you really want, Arisu. “… I know that you want to clear your name, and drop the bastard ex-fiancé of yours and the bitches that betrayed you into hell, ruining them like they did to you.” I smiled, and within me Tan laughed, ever one to appreciate righteous fury, and a thirst for vengeance. “Aki can do it. I promise you.” Well, if not him and all his contacts, I bet if I ask Hinata, she might be able to put me in touch with the right people. She’s from Nichibotsu, that world-leading electronics company. They supply a lot of equipment to the film and music industry, right? I’m sure she mentioned her family gets a lot of tickets to premieres and other events…

Arisu froze. “A bold claim. You know what I am up against, White. I hate liars more than anything. You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” her perfect pronunciation slipped, and I felt a chill, but I held my ground.

“Me? Lie to you? Come on, Arisu. I’m hurt. I even told you the truth about Aki and his other women, even knowing you’d hate him for it. Which you definitely shouldn’t!” I declared. “Aki will do it, I won’t even need to ask, he’s got a soft-spot for women who have problems.” I snorted sourly. “Besides, there are other benefits here too. Aki’s genius at teaching people how to get stronger. And I know you want that.” I grinned triumphantly. “Seriously, I’m not saying this won’t be risky. I’m worried myself. But that’s why I want your help, Suzu’s and Bunta as well. Together we can make a difference.”

“Strength, you say?” Arisu muttered.

Got her. “Yeah, strength and vindication.” I grinned, knowing I was close to victory. “Look, we’re friends, right? I’m not going to cheat you, not like they did. Just… promise me one thing.”

She cocked her head, curious.

“Just don’t fall for Aki, all right? I know he’s cool, but he’s mine!”

“You must be insane, White.” Arisu spluttered. “Me? Fall for an inconstant man such as…” I broke out laughing, my prank diffusing the tension as I had hoped, and her mask shattered, eyes wide and lips in a pout for a second, before her practised acting forced her to stillness once more.

“Look, just fetch them, all right? I know Suzu met him in Kyoto before, so she’ll be interested at least. As for Bunta, well, it’s about time he puts his ability to decent use.”

“I am not willing to suffer losses for this.” Arisu declared, but her door started forming once more, an inky black and purple void in space. “We have been friends, White. But if you betray me, especially over a man…”

“Don’t worry. I treasure my few friendships. In fact, I’m finally making more friends. Maybe you’ll even like them too…” I grinned, watching as Arisu vanished. Turning to Bintara, I spoke.

“So, you said you wanted to witness this war? Well, you can come with me. I’d feel better having a healer on site, especially one as skilled as you.”

Bintara shrugged. “I abhor needless injury. And your healing is immensely taxing, what with that filthy parasite…” her lips curled into a scowl. “…inside you. Do try not to suffer further injury, making my task harder.”

As I promised I would not, Tan complained inside me. That mewling sea-cow. Her words anger me. I am no parasite. If we did not need her skills, I would devour her, horns and all…

As the door of Arisu opened behind us, an excited Suzu hopping out, looking around with wonder, a quiet, withdrawn Bunta following behind, hunched over to make himself appear small, I grinned. No, you can’t eat her, Tan. She’s doing us a favour, thanks to Aki. Besides… won’t you get to eat your fill now, anyway?

My fill? My thirst is seldom quenched. But… yes, for once I shall be able to drink deep. Come. Our prey awaits!


I emerged through the Ring Gate into Kyoto, Daiyu, Shaeula and Hyacinth following us. The first thing I saw was Moira and Ulfuric coordinating our forces, dispatching runners and messengers to various fronts, while looking over a map of Kyoto that Moira was poring over.

“Ah, princess, Akio.” Ulfuric rumbled, seeing us arrive. “Excellent timing. Your presence will be welcome here.”

“From a risk standpoint, using the Duchess and Akio as war potential is foolish. Generals should lead from the rear, lest the chain of command and morale shatter with their defeat, but…” she pursed her lips, looking distinctly like a frosty secretary. “… we need to use what strength we have. This is not the Seelie Court, this is a foreign land.”

Haru-san floated over, followed by an excited Ixitt. I was about to speak when my eyes went wide. “What the hell? Is that a helicopter?” I muttered.

“Yes. Looks like they have a way of bringing people into the Boundary, as well as equipment, and making it all work somehow.” Haru-san observed. “I didn’t believe it myself at first.”

“Damn, abilities like that are a total cheat, I can't believe it can operate on this scale. Of the sixteen we know, most of them are pretty orthodox. Enhanced physical abilities, elemental attacks. There are a few troubling ones, I admit, but…” The unknown seven. They are what make this dangerous.

“So, the Sects have come?” Daiyu asked, her gaze intense. I asked for her, and Ulfuric agreed.

“I believe we have engaged them at various points.” He gestured to the map. “So far we have been pushing them back, but the weapons from the mortal world are giving them an edge. We have attempted to combat them with our own mortal engineers, and have had some successes.”

Even as we talked, Kyoto in the Boundary was burning, and rockets streaked out from the distance, detonating violently, though one appeared to strike a Territory barrier, which held, if barely.

“Indeed we have.” Ixitt crowed, tail lashing happily. “We managed to destroy one of the helicopters. If the others approach within our range, we can snipe them. But alas, they seem to be concentrating on the eastern and northern parts first.”

Hmm. My Eye glowed, as I watched the helicopter turn in a lazy arc, autocannons raking the streets below, a missile-pod launching another pair of air-to-ground rockets which finally collapsed the barrier of a Territory. Sharpening my gaze, I could see armed men and women carrying what looked like assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades surging forwards, followed by… what, are those some sort of zombies?

“Yes.” Haru-san said, seemingly reading my mind. I guess she might be! “Zombies. I purified some earlier, but it seems someone has no respect for the dead. We should be allowed to rest in peace. Or come back with dignity, like me.” She smiled sadly.

False Jiāngshī [Dead Construct] – These constructs are crafted from the bodies of humans, fragments of memory used to animate and control the dead flesh. Ordinary wounds will not stop them, only significant damage will render them still once more. Their speed and strength have been enhanced by the Favour of ??????????, and also further ???????? by ?????????.

“Damn.” I muttered. “Question marks again. Well, I got enough.” Turning my gaze to the helicopter in the distance, I focussed on the shimmering glow of aether that glittered around the helicopter.

Stolen From Earth, Treasured In Heaven [????????] – the grace and favour of the thieving Laverna has brought this treasure to the Boundary, and since a treasure broken is a treasure most worthless, allows it to function as it would in the Material, so long as the aether of the ??????????? blessing lasts.

“That makes sense, I think.” I sighed. “Damn, that’s one hell of a Divine Favour. Not Chinese either, I’d say.” I didn’t recognise the name, so it couldn’t have been a major God or Goddess, but that didn’t matter. “Well then, we need to get cracking. Is there any word of Tsukiko-san?”

Moira frowned, nodding. “The woman is in her shrine, under the protection of Prince Shōtoku and several others with abilities such as yours.” She pursed her lips, irritated. “Even though the shrine at …” she checked the map briefly. “…Tsukuyomi-jinja is well protected, as we planned, having her there when she is likely a target is too much of a risk.”

I agree, but she’s stubborn. And it isn’t like there’s no risk in the Material. “All right. Well, give me the latest picture of where our allies and enemies are, and we’ll head out. Best thing we can do is thin down their numbers and reinforce our allies.”

“Very well.” Ulfuric agreed. “Grulgor and his trolls were last dispatched here, and we have deployed a line of ratkin and weaselkin here to ambush this force moving…”

I absorbed all the information and nodded. “Right. We’ll split into two groups. I’ll head north with Daiyu’er, and Shaeula, you take Hyacinth and sweep east.” I turned to Haru-san. “When Shiro gets here, can you cause some type of recognisable firework with your light element, so we can see?”

“I think I can do that.” Haru-san promised. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold here. After all, I’m your vassal, and I’m key to the defence.”

“You are. But don’t… well, I was going to say don’t die, but that would be in poor taste, right?” I smiled wryly. “How about, don’t get hurt, okay?”

“I’m an Onryo, of course I can’t get hurt. Now hurry, time is wasting!” Haru-san made shooing gestures with her palms, so with that, I started racing to the north, skirting towards Koryu-ji temple, one of the former Amaterasu sites. Almost immediately as we passed through the twisting streets of Boundary Kyoto, we ran into trouble. Silvery ether was pooling, and since there was no point wasting it, Daiyu and I swept it up. I could hear the sounds of gunfire and shouts in Chinese, and at that Daiyu’s expression tensed.

“It’ll be all right.” I reassured her. “If any of your Sect is here, you can talk them down.”

“Unless they are slain before I can reach them.” She said, face expressionless, but her dark eyes were glimmering with moisture.

“There is that.” I admitted. “But… well, we’ll try our best to not let that happen.” Turning another corner, we ran into a dozen men, wearing uniforms and carrying weapons.

“Ah, an enemy!” one declared, and I felt a sudden wave of… wrongness… off him, as though he had a stink of something putrid and slimy. My Eye flared, and I could see that his chakra network was that of a normal person, only a shimmering trace of aether circling through his body unnaturally keeping him here. It seems to be similar to the way I can charge up the trainees, allowing them to enter the Boundary easily, but far more advanced. Even with no functioning network, here they are…

“Kill them!” another shouted, cutting off my thoughts. “Kill the Japanese scum!”

“Hold, fools!” Daiyu tried to stop them. “I am Zhao Daiyu, from the Incorruptible Jade Sect. We are not enemies. Our true enemies are the Party and…” her words were cut off as the soldiers opened fire. They were carrying QBZ-191 automatic rifles, so a storm of rounds was discharged towards the stunned Daiyu. Even so, she was a warrior, and not easily cowed. Hurling herself to the side, she winced as her leg was gouged out by a bullet, and two more struck her in the ribs.

“Jade Yang Stance. Crushing Palms!” she declared, rolling with the impacts and using her enhanced speed to close in. Her opened palm struck a soldier in the face, and powered by her Qi, which surged through her arms, his neck shattered with an audible crack. She then spun, elegantly, like a dancer, and another soldier tumbled, followed by a third.

“Shit, the bitch is killing us…” one called.

“Use the RPGs!”

“But what about…”

“Fuck it! If we don’t we’ll…” the leader declared, as his subordinate started to aim his weapon hesitantly.

“Too late.” I declared, angry at his disregard for the lives of his comrades. Bones shattered as I disarmed them roughly, not caring about breaking the limbs that held guns. As they fell, howling, Daiyu looked at me, blood soaking her robes.

“Sorry, I should have made you a set of these as well.” I tapped my own body armour.

She shook her head. “Such is a crutch.” She put a little weight on her leg, wincing, though a faint steam was starting to rise from her wounds as she began to heal, regenerating slowly but visibly to the naked eye. “And without proper time to train and meditate, an armour containing Qi could interfere with my own techniques. Now, why did you spare these…” she began, only to freeze at the look of anger on my face. Her mouth snapped open, shocked as I lunged.

“What are…”

My blade flashed, and the man behind her, no, not a man, a Jiāngshī, who was rearing up ready to unload the remaining bullets into the back of Daiyu’s head, was split clean in two.

“Zombies!” I shouted, and Daiyu turned, seeing the ones she had defeated rising with broken necks.

“Hah, you stupid fools. Even in death…” the leader whose arm I had shattered coughed, pulling out a pistol with his good arm. “… we have no escape.” He squeezed the trigger wildly, and I felt a series of dull impacts as the shells bounced off my skin, unable to penetrate, before he turned the last one to his own temple. “But they’ll suffer. War is coming! May the Party that betrayed us all know what it is to be dragged into their own quagmire!” he pulled the trigger, and as he fell, he spasmed, before rising once more, arms reaching out for me, ignoring the broken bones.

“It is no use. They are all dead men, cursed.” Daiyu declared, striking blow after blow, though it took many strikes for her to leave one broken enough to cease moving. “Harden your heart! Enemies exist to be defeated!”

She’s right. Sorry. But… My blade danced, and soon only a dozen destroyed corpses littered the area. Grabbing one of the rifles, I slung it over my back. It might come in handy. If not, Ixitt would enjoy it as a souvenir.

“Much better.” Daiyu approved. “An enemy you show mercy can stab you in the back, or worse, stab those you care about.”

“Are you trying to comfort me?” I forced a smile. “That’s cute.”

“No, I am just… it would do me no good to have the one I swore an oath to be too cowardly and forgiving.” She looked away, taking a deep breath. “Enough of this. Come. We must go.”


“The bastards are swarming everyone.” I said, aggrieved. There were numerous groups of zombies roaming, most of them soldiers, though other bodies were men, women and children, and putting them all down was wearing on my nerves. Soldiers were mixed in, and we had been caught in a number of smaller firefights. “Just like wasps… or ants.” Remembering the dreams Tsukiko-san and I had, it all seemed so very familiar.

“If all this is being done by one Divine Favour, it seems unfairly powerful. Though I suppose…” Looking down on the half-dozen soldiers escorting a mobile missile battery, which had just launched a volley against the north, the skyline of Boundary Kyoto filled with smoke and flames, I grimaced. “This blessing of Laverna seems rather cheaty too. I can see maybe moving one or two vehicles, but all of these, as well as numerous guns, ammunition and more…” I sighed. “There has to be more to this we aren’t seeing. Well, I guess I’ve learned my lesson.”

Flames roared, and Foehn left my hands, raining down. The soldiers screamed as they were set ablaze, and then they were blown apart as their remaining missiles and grenades cooked off and detonated. Stepping in front of Daiyu to shield her from the shower of shrapnel from the blasts, I watched as a gust of jade wind soared up from the east, and one of the remaining helicopters spun out of control, smashing into the tall, lantern-hung spire of a shrine archway before crumpling like a tin-can.

I guess Shaeula’s getting involved…

“We should go too. So you haven’t seen any Cultivators yet?” I asked, and Daiyu shook her head.

“No, and it is quite troubling. Even as remnants fleeing persecution, we learn to fight from a young age. We would be far more a threat than this… rabble.” She gazed expressionlessly at the crater strewn with pieces of flesh and metal.

“I guess we just need to press on. Koryu-ji is just up ahead. From there, we can cross north and link up with the defenders there. After all, Kinkaku-ji is to the north, and there’s no way Saionji-san will let that fall.”

Rushing into the tree-lined grounds of the temple, we came across a number of small, child-like figures running the other way, wearing festival masks such as foxes, oni, butterflies and more. They seemed panicked, and as one stumbled and fell, the others turned and looked back, chittering and crying in fear, their Japanese old and archaic. Wait, are these… kami?

“Too slow!” a loud voice roared, as a man leapt out of the shrine grounds, blood and silver mist smearing his face and fists, bloody handprints daubed over his bare arms and chest. With a swift motion he reached out and grabbed the squirming little masked creature, lifting it by the scruff of the neck while it dangled, thrashing, like some kitten. “Vile little pests. You filthy heathen spirits should just die. Your holiest city shall burn, and the flames of war shall… oho. What do we have here?” he paused, spotting me, his dark eyes going wide.

“You’re a big one, aren’t you?” I said in Mandarin, angered by his display.

“Chinese?” he glanced at Daiyu, in her bloody traditional robes, before shrugging. “I don’t recognise either of you. Well, no matter, catch those shitty brats for me. We can feed them to the blades. The more carnage the better. Fucking Japanese.” He laughed, reaching for his belt, where a long sword made of yellowish-white metal sat… no, not metal, is that… bone?

My Eye Flared, and even looking at the sword caused me pain, needles stabbing in my eye. A storm of question marks flooded my vision, but in the end I managed to filter out a few words.

????????? hungry bone ??????? of ??????????.

A thick mist of indigo energy was rising from it, as well as something darker. Beside me, Daiyu shivered, looking scared.

“That is a blasphemy.” She muttered. “It is thick with the stench of hunger and greed.”

“You sound surprised. It isn’t like you don’t have… huh?” he was surprised as the bone jerked his arm, pointing it at me, and the blade wept, some sort of transparent slime, violet sparks shimmering within. “Well, isn’t this strange. Just what’s your name? And where’s your blade?”

“I am Zhou Daiyu, of the Incorruptible Jade…” she began to distract him, as the child-like spiritual beings ran behind us. Seeing us make no move to stop them, the massive bear of a man became even more suspicious.

“One of those witless Cultivators, huh? Running like cowardly dogs from their homes, despite their boasts of fifteen hundred years of history? Well, I’m hardly better. Once I refused to heed the Ministry, I was done. But… I don’t remember that Sect being talked about… as for you…” he looked at me.

“As for me?” I asked, slowly moving closer, so as not to startle him.

“As for you… I think you’re not one of us at all!” he roared, tossing me the being he held. I reacted instinctively, grabbing for it, and he ran at me rapidly, the sudden motion blasting small craters in the ground underfoot.

Shit, he’s fast. Must be the one on the list focussed on speed…

“it looks like this wants you!” he cried. “Die, knowing that Xuanwu’s Disciple has ended you. It is an honour!”

Split Thoughts and Body Enhancement activated, and I was able to react. I tossed the burden I was carrying gently to Daiyu, who caught the squirming masked creature, and the blade passed by my face. The stench was palpable, and I could see it drawing in aether from the world around us. It even started pulling from my network, wisps of silver and various elemental energies leaving my chakras, until I clamped my will down, resisting it.

“Dodged huh? Try this!” the man roared, his foot suddenly swinging at me. I parried, and I felt my bones creak, as I slid backwards, ripping furrows in the floor.

So he’s Xuanwu’s Candidate huh? He was on the list, but for strength, not speed. And he is stronger than me, if only purely in numbers… his League is nothing special though. I shook my numb arms casually.

“Still standing? Looks like I found a big…” he darted at me, blade stabbing at me in a storm of thrusts, while his off hand tried to grapple me, and he kicked out like lightning. As I heightened my concentration, light energy surging through me, boosting my nerves and brain, it was as if time slowed a little, and I was able to keep up, then even surpass his speed. “… catch!” he swept the blade towards me.

“If all you have is strength, you won’t win.” I shot back, taunting him, as I drew on one of the many abilities I’d worked for over the last few months, proof of my struggles.

“Oh? Well, how about…” he leapt, blade raised high, and I moved, only to see him flying past me, aiming for Daiyu. She was not his match, but even so, she flowed into her Jade Yang stance, ready to fight.

“Too predictable.” I answered, as threads of wind I had tossed out pulled him back. “Wow, you’re a durable one.” I aped my sister, as the threads had only sliced through his flesh, stopping at his steely muscles. “I’m jealous of that blessing. You make Grulgor look like a clown.”

“Let me fucking go!” he howled, but as he struggled he was just inflicting more damage on himself, and I noticed he didn’t seem to have any sort of healing ability, as blood continued to stain the ground below him.

“Not until you answer a few questions for me.” I demanded. “So, just why have you come to Kyoto? What’s your objective? And what are those blades you talked about?”

“Oh, you want to know?” he grinned. “Well, these blades…” he suddenly tensed, somehow managing to pull his arm free from the wind that held him, though it stripped flesh and muscle almost to the bone. He then sliced the blade through the remaining threads, and to my surprise the winds were severed, the green energies being drawn into the sword. “…are going to devour you, sending your essence to…” he accelerated, blade aimed directly at my heart, only to halt for a moment, as if he slammed into a solid wall.

“What… no, I don’t want to… be… food…” he managed, head leaving his body, my Cutting Twilight ripping through space, and the wall of solid air I had conjured, that had halted him momentarily. As the head bounced on the floor, the headless body toppling over, the yellowing blade quivered, and the message that was scrolling across my vision in amber letters changed, becoming a mess of question marks.

You have ??????? in stre???h. Your level has ?????? to One Hundred ??????. All of your ???? ????? have incr????? by el??en. Aether ????????? …

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