On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Thirty-Three

Three Hundred And Thirty-Three

As I extracted the small remnants of slime from the Cultivator in front of me, the pained expression on his face faded. With a few flickers of my remaining Foehn the slime was turned to ash, and I slumped down, exhausted. Done at least. Fuck that slime monster, the golden-eyed bastard. Leaving bits of itself in these people so they were his slaves… Drawing in a long, shuddering breath, I could finally relax a little, my Eye not seeing any further pieces of the monster around us, either flesh or bone.

Daiyu, who was kneeling beside the corpse of the armless man, who had died rapidly after the clone had perished, his injuries tainted with the spatial element and the slime within him combining to eat away at him fatally, stood, coming over to me, a solemn, thoughtful expression on her face.

“Was he someone you knew?” I asked, and she nodded, dark eyes distant.

“Yes, he was the Patriarch of Mountain Fang Sect. They were on good terms with the Incorruptible Jade, and I went on our foolish, disastrous mission with many of the best of theirs. And… it seems I was the only survivor, despite my hopes.”

“It is understandable to be sorrowful.” One of the saved Cultivators said. They had accepted the battle was over, and were grateful Shaeula and I managed to save at least some of them with Chirurgery, though death came fast to many. Now seven were left, just seven. No, there’s also the few remaining Renyu, who are over there, their spirits broken. Oh, and that Chinese Candidate with Haru-san… I need an explanation on that too… I had an idea though, considering checking the details on her Territory, I could see she suddenly had a Throne of Heroes built.

“And you would be?” I asked, and the man answered, casting a sideways look at Daiyu.

“This useless old fool is Lin Ming, Patriarch of Diamond Mountain.” He said self-deprecatingly. “Our Sect had a long history with Mountain Fang, our founder was said to have been deeply involved with Mountain Fang. Hence why we were caught up in the purge, and subsequently taken by that monster. Not just ours, but others too. I am sorry again, Black Jade.” He bowed to the sorrowful Daiyu. “You have suffered as much as any. But at least you did not fall to such a terrible fate as us. There is no salvation, is there?”

“None.” I shook my head. “Those who died here, innocent civilians… I get that you were all coerced, but that doesn’t excuse… this.” I gestured with a weary arm to the ruin of Tsukuyomi-jinja, and the wider spiritual Kyoto. “There has to be justice.”

“I understand.” The man said, and his fellow Cultivators agreed. “At least our Dao remains, and we shall have a chance at reincarnation, shameful though our rebirth is likely to be. It is more than my old friend shall have.” He looked at the armless, mostly dissolved corpse. “So, Black Jade, now that you know all have perished, what shall you do?”

She sighed, and as I waited for her answer, also wanting to know, she looked at me then, her dark eyes now serious, resolute. “What else can I do? It is as I said, Akio.” She used my name without hesitation. “I can never allow the legacy of the Incorruptible Jade to end with me. No, I shall rebuild. In this foreign land. China… it was and always shall be the home of the Incorruptible Jade, but unless we grow strong, we shall never return to punish those who betrayed the fifteen hundred years of protection we offered. So… I shall seek new disciples, and teach all the ways and hidden knowledge. No secrets, no holding back.”

“Are you sure? Such talents are hard to find, even in China.” Lin Ming said gently. I think he’s pleased. I guess he too must hate the thought of his own Sect ending unremarked and unmourned…

“True, but…” Daiyu looked at me then. “I would ask your help. I have seen the potential of those you have worked this Chirurgery on. It does not fit with any of the knowledge I have of the meridians, Dantians and more, but… with the knowledge of the Incorruptible Jade, passed down from Kunlun, I will aid you to learn, and then, I also request…” she trailed off, her face a little tense, and Lin Ming spoke up, earning a surprisingly wrathful glare from her.

“A laudable sentiment. Then allow me to offer you what remains of our knowledge and treasures. Here.” He produced a strange-looking plate. “This is the Yin-Yang Karmic Desolation Measure Formation.”

Formation, huh? That was one of the Six Noble Pursuits, right? At my expression, the man laughed.

“I see. Yes, Black Jade here would certainly have told you about Formation Plates. It seems she trusts you well.”

Daiyu’s expression only grew more angry and shame-faced. Shiro, who had dragged herself over, supported by Shaeula and Hyacinth, let out a laugh, which put Daiyu further on edge.

“She’s mentioned it. So what does it do?”

“Well, with yin and yang energy added, by two separate people…” he nodded to a young woman, one of the few survivors. “… well, we had help from him.” He looked at the grief-stricken Renyu, who was nearly catatonic, grieving at the likely knowledge all his kin were dead, devoured, and their sins had been for naught. “… but, while I believe it was originally intended for Dao Companions to measure the nearness of their Tribulations, now it can be used to sense the level of… well, potential calamity, Heavenly distortion, in an area.”

Tribulations? I haven’t read many Cultivation novels, just a couple of the big ones… but they’re a thing then? Ugh, Cultivation seems a really hard path. But I wonder how that squares with the Astral… “So, what’s the situation here then?” I asked.

“You should try it.” Daiyu spoke up. “Your light element, as you called it. It is not pure yang, but it should suffice, with my guidance, as I use yang for my own techniques, troublesome as it is for a girl to raise.”

The old Patriarch nodded, and soon I was at the plate, Daiyu whispering guidance to me. As the light energy I had remaining flowed out, it was strange. It was as if I could see the portents for doom around us, and the tiny stones around the edge of the plate were almost entirely lit up “Yeah, it’s… grim. Well, the ether density around here has been rising steadily since the battle started, if irregularly… wait, is that it? Ixitt!” I shouted, releasing the plate suddenly.

“Yes, what is it?” he rushed over, tail lashing happily. Most of the wreckage of the attacking vehicles and weapons had returned to the Material, but even so, he had been sorting through the battlefield happily, looking for treasures.

“I think the fraying Boundary here is leading to an ever-increasing ether density. I don’t know if it’ll help but…” as  explained, his eyes lit up.

“Of course! Tears caused by too much pressure, power, spatial element.” Ixitt rapidly realised what I was talking about. “It spreads from here to the lower Astral, and then…” he made a ripping gesture. “Collapse. Even a localised one would prove disastrous, and the pressure would spread quickly, like those experiments with cans and air pressure. Your plan is a stopgap, but I will think on more permanent measures.”

“Great, so bring all the Artificial Ether Spires you can. We’ll get as many green and blue Etherites via trade, begging to borrow those from Shaeula’s father, whatever… we can keep the density down and buy us some time…”

“While profiting too, of course.” He chortled.

“Of course. It’s China that worries me more though. If that golden-eyed shit is doing the same there… ugh, we need to speed things up. We have to be ready. Next time… well, if we had to face his full power, I’m guessing we’d be dead by now.”

“I shall entrust the plate to you, Black Jade.” The Patriarch took it from his disciple and gave it to Daiyu. “As well as the few items we have left. And should we be allowed time before our deaths, all our hidden knowledge. Perhaps… perhaps you could name one of your halls Diamond Mountain, in time, so we are not forgotten?”

“I have a name. I am Zhao Daiyu, not merely Black Jade.” She sniffed. “As for my halls, I currently have none, but I shall. And perhaps… I can be generous. But you interrupted me. I was about to ask…” her face was pink, and she looked like any young girl right now. “Akio, my Invincible Jade Yang Foundation Technique is precious, and I will teach it to all, but… I desire the Spiritually Pure Body. I understand the spirit water you have is extraordinarily rare and valuable. But… if I am to rebuild the Incorruptible Jade, I will need all the advantages I can get. I… I can pay a fair price. I also… yang energy…” her usual confidence was gone, her words mumbled, impossible even for me to hear all of them.

“Oho, really?” Shiro smiled nastily. “I guess I wasn’t far off the mark then, was I?”

Daiyu went scarlet. The Patriarch laughed heartily, though he looked impressed. “Spirit water? Such a treasure. I can see why you would desire it. Surely a prodigy such as yourself could break through to Accumulation realm, heights that have not been seen in many years. As for yang energy… well, Patriarch Zhao might weep, but Cultivators must Cultivate, no matter the cost.”

Well, there are many I want to give High Moonlight Spirit Water to, and she has others ahead of her in the queue, but if it has added benefits for her, then I can consider…

“A rather interesting turn of events.” Shaeula chuckled. “Well, I do not-not hate this, but…” she left Shiro in Hyacinth’s care, before whispering quietly in Daiyu’s ear, though her gaze was on me, a slight smile showing she knew I could hear. “The first-first wife believes that sex for gain is mere-mere prostitution. I have… other views, I confess, but I have agreed to support Eri as she manages things. So if you wish-wish to receive, then you must give. As a female, your heart is the only price worth paying, is it not-not?”

I imagined I could see steam coming from Daiyu’s ears, her usual cool demeanour entirely gone. Before she could answer, Shiro spoke up. “Well, I’ve read a few Dual Cultivation books. Don’t judge me Aki, I know you like lewd stories, everybody does. Hell, Aimi loves her BL, doesn’t she? I’m kind of pissed off right now, but… well, what does it matter at this point?” she turned to the scarlet Daiyu. “So, you think you want him for a Dao Companion or something? I mean, I get it. But isn’t that like… an unbreakable commitment?”

“I… I… I am Zhao Daiyu! I hate the name, but I am Black Jade the Ever Beautiful. I am the new Matriarch of the Incorruptible Jade, Peak Foundation Realm, or soon enough.” Her flush was fading, her confidence returning. “I desire power. Not just Accumulation, but Perfection, Golden Core, more. I never considered my Dao Companion, that is usually a choice for when I am older, but… I see destiny in this, the unseen hand of the Heavens.” She looked at me then. “I will teach you the ways of Cultivation, Akio. And I will teach new disciples. Many will likely come from the ranks you have cultivated. So… if I expect them to obey properly, I need authority. And if I am to Cultivate yang, well… your light, it is brilliant. I remember it when you struck down the foul creature just now… and if I am to Cultivate with you… I… well, my pride, my Dao, it will not allow any less than Companionship.”

“Congratulations.” Lin Ming declared. “Finding a Dao Companion is one of the great events of your life. I envy you. I never found mine. Luo Jiahao did.” He looked at the corpse sadly. “So when she was taken from him, their children too… he went mad. In the end, he did what he could to prevent the worst atrocities though. So do not remember him with hate, but with sorrow.”

“I… well, he has not accepted yet.” Daiyu said, and I realised there was no shying away from it. She’s beautiful, she sure is. She’s like a black orchid, elegant, cold and slender. But…

“I barely know you. We’ve spent a few days together. I’m not going to say something foolish like I already have a number of wives as you already know that, but it sounds to me like Dao Companions aren’t just lovers, husbands, but something central to your Cultivation. Should you decide so hastily?”

“Would you mistreat me then?” she snorted. “From what I have observed, from listening to those who surround you, I do not think you would.”

“No, but… I have many demands on my time. You’d find yourself quite lonely, I believe…”

Shiro and Shaeula were both laughing now, and Hyacinth was watching with deep interest. Shaeraggo was scowling balefully, and I knew why, but I decided to ignore him.

“Well, I would have long periods of Closed Cultivation. It is seldom necessary at Qi Refining and Foundation, and perhaps not even at Accumulation… but if one seeks Perfection or more, then it is inevitable. I would not be greedy. I would be happy with what you can spare. Besides…” she smiled radiantly, and I changed my mind. Not an orchid. A black rose. Elegant, cold, yet with heart. “My Patriarch, poor father… he allowed me to peruse all the Sect secrets. Our Dual Cultivation Technique is descended from one of the true Five Great Sects of lost, separated Kunlun. When you feel your yin energies surge, your strength grow, I suspect you will wish to spend much of your time with me!”

“Hey, I won’t let you monopolise Aki, I haven’t even had my first time yet…” Shiro pouted. “Though… you think that if Aki learns your Technique, he can Dual Cultivate with us? We can be badass Cultivators too, hurling lightning and…”

“I can already use-use lightning…” Shaeula laughed. “But I am-am intrigued. We must talk about this further.”

“Hey, isn’t anyone going to ask me my opinion?” I asked, and Daiyu suddenly did something shocking.

“Do… do you not like me? Am I not cute enough, have I not offered my virgin body, untouched, unseen by any man? Is not my offer to dedicate my heart and my Dao enough? My Sect and my secrets too?” Crystal tears glimmered, though I could tell they were largely fake, squeezed out in a fairly decent imitation of my sister begging for things. Who taught her that? Or did she observe it? She’s quite an observant girl for sure…

“No, you’re very cute, and well, it isn’t like I care about your virginity or anything… but, well I like your dedication, your drive. But if I take you, that’s a lifelong commitment, isn’t it? I can’t do that easily…”

“Seriously Aki, seven or eight, what does it matter? Well, that Kana girl is going to crack sooner or later, so we’ll call it nine…”

“What about Moira? Besides, you forget Tsukiko, do you not-not? Was not her dying kiss a declaration of intent?” Shaeula piped up, and the black-haired elf who had come to aid us now the situation was resolved, snorted, arms folded.

“I have no interest in marriage, I am here because great-grandfather ordered me to be, though I confess, planning how to take back lost Salamandrastrae is certainly fulfilling. I am sure one of the other two would be more than happy to…” as everyone bickered, I looked at Daiyu, really looked at her. There’s no point being shy about things at this stage. If I did want more wives, the girls have said they don’t mind so long as it’s someone they can get on with. I have no intention of just gleefully grabbing every girl I can though. Really, I respect her, a girl all alone in the world, so determined, so aware of what she wants from the future.

“That was cute Daiyu, but I can see you are dying inside.” I remarked, and she nodded, wiping her fake tears, skin pink again, even down her neck and ears.

“Yes, it is not who I am. Jade is cold, composed.” She admitted.

“But…” I reached out, ruffling her hair. “… it’s also beautiful. Seriously, you sure you won’t regret this?”

“What is to regret? I should be dead. I am not. I should have no hope of returning my sect to glory, like a phoenix from the ashes. Now I do. I should have no dream of vengeance against those who betrayed us. Look around, at what you have accomplished here. I believe you will win. I… I would not have found a compatible man I could Cultivate with. You are perfect in that regard. And… well, if I am to give my body, I would also wish to give my heart and Dao with it. Zhao Daiyu is a prideful girl.” Her smile was now genuine. “Love… well, I do barely know you, but… you are kind, and loyal to those you cherish, and I felt that since I have nothing left but myself, I would entrust that self to one who would treasure me. You would treasure me, right?”

“Do you think you can get along with the other girls?” I asked, and she snorted, amused.

“Evading the subject? Well, I know the answer. Of course, I am not so crass as to demand special treatment. I have been observing the dynamics around you carefully, I am not such a fool to trust blindly. But I did swear to obey you, and I always keep my word, my Dao demands no less. I would… prefer… to serve as a wife, not a slave. I may be a fox borrowing the tiger’s… no, the dragon’s authority, in terms of my vengeance, but I am pragmatic. Besides, when one becomes a Dao Companion and Cultivates together, I am told it is near impossible for one to find their hearts unmoved.” Her flush deepened, and she trembled a little. She’s nervous. Of course she is. She’s deciding her life, throwing it in with a man she barely knows. But… there were no doubts in her eyes. Well shit. There are only benefits, really. And we need more power, whatever the price. And this price… well, I guess I’m happy to pay it. She’s cute and strong, and has knowledge we need. All she’s asking for is love, and… I have that to spare.

“I see-see!” Shaeula said excitedly. “That sounds like the Fae merging of lunar chakras. When I did-did that with Akio the first time, it was sublime!”

“I see.” Daiyu was interested. “I would hear more about this…” and they were suddenly chatting without a care. Bemused, not having given her my answer, Hyacinth grabbed my arm, pulling it into the valley between her breasts.

“Poooooor Akio, all left ignored. Well, Hyacinth still listens to yooou!” she giggled, and Shiro also consoled me.

“Yeah, I get it. Talk about Techniques and stuff like that is always cool. So, you never did answer her properly? You’re taking her, right? She’s a hundred percent in your strike zone. Young, beautiful and troubled. That’s like the trifecta for you, right? Plus I’ll be honest, I really want to try Dual Cultivation, but I haven’t even had my normal first time yet. Well, screw that. Yasu is going to be even more pissed off when he hears you’ve bagged another cutie!”

“Uh, Didn’t you say it pisses you off?” I asked. “Oh, and what’s with all the Yasu-san tormenting?”

“I’m determined to mock Yasu until I graduate from being a virgin loser like him. Then I’ll be a mature woman, so I’ll have to be gracious in my victory, right Aki?” her smile was mocking. “As for whether it pisses me off… you know what, it actually doesn’t much. I’m even surprised myself, but I guess I’m just confident that when I’m healed, I’ll be your number one. I am stunning, right, and I have an advantage in that we’ve known each other for years, and we have the same tastes and hobbies. I guess all of us think we’ll be the one you love most. But here’s a free tip. Never break that illusion.” Hyacinth was nodding, her expression serious.

“I mean it Aki.” She warned. “Hell, even if you had dozens of girls, so long as you show everyone your love it’s fine, but the minute you start playing obvious favourites, shatter that dream, then you’ll regret it. Shit, I can’t believe I’m encouraging you when you are adding another rival for me. Maybe the allure of learning Cultivation is just too strong?”

I hear you. We need to be stronger. We won here, but while we outclassed most of the enemy Candidates, these were beaten, exiled losers. And as for the clone… it was a true monster. If it was faster and better able to attack, we’d have lost…

I gestured to Bintara, who was healing some of the remaining injured. She strode over, one horn missing. On seeing the direction of my gaze, she grimaced. “It will grow back. In a month or two I shall be as good as new. For now though, I am rather weakened, so be swift, I wish to retire.”

“Shiro, your wounds… I think that with Bintara’s help and your buffs, I can fix them within a week.”

“A week? seriously?” she paused. “Shit, Aki, you aren’t messing with me? Well, at least you’ve listened to this princess, because saying that made my heart skip a beat, and I don’t even feel it’s an illusion right now.”

I smiled. I was utterly exhausted, and grieved for the dead, but we had pulled off a victory, and the reassuring weight of the contented soul light of Tsukiko-san hovering around me was proof that I’d managed to, if not keep my promise to the letter, keep it in spirit. “Yeah. Your buff pushed me past the wall on Chirurgery and Ether Healing, and since I had almost made the realisation myself, I managed to retain the knowledge, even advance myself.” I wove a little wind around the three of us. I wanted to make sure nobody overheard.

Your skill, Ether Healing has increased from Rank 7 to Rank 8 and has reached the second wall. You can achieve even greater feats with higher quality ether, and your aether when used to heal will noticeably strengthen all resistances of the target, and your aether has a limited capacity to interact with adherence. All your resistances increase further, and your automatic recovery is noticeably faster and stronger. Your abilities to replace both material and spiritual flesh is greatly increased.

Your skill, Aetheric Chirurgeon has increased from Rank 8 to Rank 9 and has crossed the second wall, reaching the third pinnacle. Your understanding of adherence greatly increased and your ability to affect and extract harmful and beneficial adherences within the body has also increased greatly. Adherence you generate is slightly increased, and adherence spent is slightly decreased. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Principle]

“Better still, I momentarily reached Rank 10 when you focused on my Chirurgery with your buffs. Though the knowledge, the feelings, they were too strong and strange for me to grasp yet. But… I can take out the adherence poisoning your wounds now. It’ll be tricky work, but I can do it. Besides, I need the adherence.” I grinned sourly, as the two Divine Favours were constantly draining my meagre stocks. “Without more, I won’t be able to pass these on.”

“Well, way to make the rest of us look bad with more power-ups, Aki. But in these circumstances, I can hardly be pissed off. Can you help Eri now?” she asked, kissing me softly on the cheek, then the lips, while Hyacinth continued to cling to my arm, a happy sensation.

“A little maybe, but sadly Eri’s body isn’t damaged, it’s just… in flux. I can probably ease her symptoms a little though.” I shook my head.

“Well, I guess that means more time for Shirohime!” she pounded her chest happily. “So, next question. Just… just how did you kill that thing? Our attacks were pretty useless against it, damn spatial element. That’s why Arisu is so dangerous in her Room. Spatial element is nasty. We need to learn it!”

“No kidding.” I laughed. I was still shielding us within the bubble of wind, better safe than sorry. “Well, it only seemed to fear spatial, which we couldn’t win with.” I looked down at Cutting Twilight sadly, the blade chipped, nicked and cracked. “The only other attacks that really bothered it were Tan’s flames and my Foehn. Foehn can eat spatial element, though alone it wasn’t strong enough to win, as the spatial element then regenerated, thwarting the Foehn.”

“Yeah, Tan was having the same issue.” Shiro said, her body trembling with current and remembered exhaustion. “She could damage it, burning through, but before the fires could do much to the freak, it swallowed them up.”

“That’s why I thought a double whammy would win. I’d hit it hard with Tan’s flames boosted by all the power Prominence Dusk could add, and then it’d be momentarily open. I figured a boosted Foehn landing in that brief interval before the spatial element could return would start to consume it, so that it couldn’t recover.”

“But you changed the ooorder, did you not, Akio?” Hyacinth remarked shrewdly.

“I sure did. When I loaded Foehn into Prominence Dawn and saw what I had, I knew we had a good shot.”

“Don’t keep us in suspense Aki, tell us, tell us.” Shiro preened cutely, even more affectionate now true hope of being healed had been offered to her.

“Well, it seems that light combines with fire to create radiance.” I said, and Shiro looked puzzled.

“Radiance? That’s just light…”

“You’d think, but it’s not. What radiance is, is the ability for what is not light to act as light. So when I saw that, I knew the clone bastard was done.” I remembered my shock.

“Act as light?” Shiro said, before working it out, Hyacinth applauding her, the motions pulling me tighter into her embrace. “Oh I get it. So, it was essentially a light of Foehn, rather than a flame?”

“Yeah. And fortunately, the bastard was see-through. So essentially it was entirely exposed to Foehn all at once, stripping away and devouring all the spatial element. Then we hit it with the very hungry flames of Tan, enhanced further, and well… our clone was done. Without that turn of events, I think we could still have won, but it would have been much harder to bring down with combined Foehn and Flames of Thirst.”

“I see. Well…” Shiro was interrupted by Haru-san, who had brought over her Chinese Candidate.

“Sorry to bother you…” she said softly. “But we need to talk. About her. And what comes after.” The Candidate shrank under my gaze.

“Fine, I guess we do need to take stock.” I agreed.


“So, you have her as a Chosen Hero. I can see the point of that. Well thought out, Shaeula.” She puffed up at my praise, grinning. “You too Haru-san. That’s a precious asset saved. But we’ll still need to consider… punishment.”

The woman shuddered, biting her lip, but she said nothing.

“Well then.” Moira listed off the gains. “This girl here…” she pointed to Shiro. “.. now has gained Anesidora’s favour. And her… contractor…” that was quite the way to describe Tan. “… has obtained three of flames. You control two, Akio, one of a thief god, and a god of the earth. Then we have this girl here with the barriers, and you believe that we shall have custody of one more, the one who can move people between here and the mortal realm.”

Summed up like that, it was quite the haul. A shame it cost us dearly. Engetsu-san was dead, as was a girl from the old neutral shrine faction. Tsukiko-san had died, but her soul was safe. If we wanted her to walk the Material after her rebirth, we’d need a Throne, though that wasn’t insurmountable. Many ratkin, weaselkin and other Fae had died. A number were within the scope of Kin Restoration, but there were still those that weren’t, and those that had been devoured, spirit and all. Over Kyoto as a whole, many shrines had been destroyed and kami slain, it was mere fortune that Kofuku Jizo and Prince Shōtoku survived, though their recouperation would be long, so they had been shipped back to my Territory. Then there are the civilian casualties, plus whatever else I don’t know about in the Material. I need to get back soon.

“I don’t just want to break down the ones we have. Ideally we need loyal Candidates. I’ll try everyone we know first, then move onto trusted third parties.” I sighed.

“He’s pretty cool, right Arisu-chan?” Suzu whispered, bizarrely being trailed by a zombie in a rather fancy mini-skirt dress.

“Do be quiet, Suzanne-san. This is not the time for idle chatter.” She said sternly, Bunta-san behind them, looking around anxiously.

“Oh, I thank you all for coming to help.” I bowed before them. “I’d like to meet up and discuss compensation and cooperation, but can it wait a week?”

“A week?” she said suspiciously. “Why is that?” Her cold glare was intimidating. Yeah, I can see why Shiro told me to beware of her temper, but she helped us out, so I’m already warmly disposed towards her.

“Because in a week, Shiro will be healed, so we all need to celebrate. We’ll throw a lavish feast. Then we can talk, when I’ve shown you I can be trusted.”

She looked at me, long and searching, before nodding. “Very well. But know I hate two things more than anything else. Cheats and liars.”

“Uh, well, cut me some slack on my relationships. Everyone agreed to them. So it’s not cheating, right? I wouldn’t do that. As for lying, you’re a friend of Shiro’s, so you're my friend too. So, I hope when we next meet, we can become friends in truth. You’ve seen this chaos, right? We need to stick together, or we’ll die apart.”

“So you say. Come, Suzanne-san, Bunta-san, we are departing.” She imperiously opened up her Room, and they entered, Suzu waving cheerily at me.

“All right then. Sorry about her, Aki, you’ll like her when you get to know her, I promise. Just… not too much, okay? Arisu as your wife would be hell for the rest of us, and you too!” Shiro sighed.

“Fine then. Well, shall we wrap this up? We’ve got things to do and places to be…”

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