On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Thirty-Seven – R18/Contains Sex

Three Hundred And Thirty-Seven – R18/Contains Sex

“A drink?” Motoko and Natsumi exchanged a glance, faces red, before Motoko slowly nodded. “Perhaps that would be wise. I find my throat rather dry.” She admitted, and Natsumi giggled softly.

“Mine too. And my stomach aches as well, and my chest is tight…”

As I retrieved a bottle of sake, pouring three small cups of it out, I looked at them again. “I have to say, you both look absolutely stunning. Those furisode are amazing. Well, it’s not just the clothes, of course you both look beautiful as well.” I grinned then, teasing them. “I’m a very lucky man, aren’t I?”

Their flushes deepened, Motoko’s going almost as red as her long-sleeved kimono, which was a delightful crimson, with beautiful white flowers. That’s no store-bought one, that’s for sure. I have an idea where they came from. She was wearing matching hair ornaments, beautiful red flowers, and her face had been lightly made up, to make her eyes look bigger, and her lips were shining with a faint hint of red, unlike her usual clean appearance, and the gap with her ordinary looks and demeanour was exciting.

Motoko in crimson furisode

As I handed Natsumi her cup, our hands touched, and she flinched, before her smile changed. She too was wearing a little make-up to accentuate her beauty, her curly hair combed into a slightly more mature fashion, a blue flower pin in her hair. Her kimono was a deep ocean-blue, with white flowers to compliment Motoko’s, and I asked the question I was thinking on seeing them.

Natsumi in blue furisode

“So, these are from your family, right Natsumi?”

She nodded, her smile broadening. “They are. I even did some of the embroidery myself. I started some time ago, hoping to see Motoko married in a furisode I had worked on myself. I thought it could be the only way I’d have to be with her on that day, considering I’d be dismissed as a bodyguard when we graduate, and I’d likely have my own marriage arranged. I told you, right? I want us to be married in beautiful kimono or dresses the Hori family created.”

“Oh Natsumi.” Motoko was tearing up. “I too wished you could be there, but it seemed impossible.” She took the sake from me, her long fingers, slightly calloused from her constant training, but still soft and feminine, lingering on mine, her touch hot. “But now… well, this is not a formal wedding, but…” she took a sip, the strong sake contributing to her flush. “…  it is a wedding. Our pledge.”

“Well said.” Natsumi said gently, drinking some of her own alcohol, as I did the same, feeling the pleasant sting of it in my throat. “I still want us to wear my clothes when we marry in front of our families, the other nobility… and all the other families.” She giggled charmingly. “That will include all sorts of spiritual beings too, right? But for now… these clothes will do.”

“Well, beautiful as the clothes are, you two are more beautiful.” I said, and I meant it. All of my girls were different, even the Japanese ones, and understanding their quirks and charms was something I was only just scratching the surface of. Motoko was elegant, graceful, yet driven, bold, unwilling to concede, while Natsumi seemed quieter, but had a wicked sense of humour, as well as being loyal, dedicated and kind. Really, they were the perfect flowers of nobility, if you asked my opinion, more so than the brash, selfish Mayumi-san, or the timid Miyu.

“Really? You are not simply flattering us?” Motoko asked, and I could see her vulnerability, her need for reassurance. Beside her, Natsumi blinked as well, waiting for my answer. I first paused, refilling our cups with a little more sake before adopting a serious expression.

“No, I’m not. Well, I’m your fiancée, of course I want to flatter you both shamelessly. But I think it’s just your nerves talking.” I said, gesturing to a mirror over by the wall. “Look at your reflections, both of you. See? You’re both stunning. Don’t worry though, I’m nervous too.”

“You?” Natsumi asked in surprise. “Why?”

“Well why not? I know you probably hear Eri and Shaeula talking, maybe Hyacinth too, but I’m not very experienced myself. But even if I was… the first time is always special, and I’ll remember it for a lifetime. So, we probably don’t want to get too tipsy, it’ll spoil the fun…” the way they both looked eager and nervous at the same time, flushed faces sweaty, was simply adorable, and made me want to hold them both close to me. “… how about a toast? To proof that we’ll be together forever, and the two of you will never have to part.”

The two of them exchanged a look, before Motoko spoke for both of them. “I like those sentiments. Natsumi, Akio, I am… well, I admit to being hesitant still. When I travelled to your hometown, I admit to being selfish, only thinking of what benefits I could gain.”

“Me too. I’m so ashamed.” Natsumi murmured.

“Then we got scared. I was so certain when I knelt before you, but then when I was back at my family home, in the cold light of day… it was as if a bubble burst.”

“I know just what you mean. I knew I was just taking advantage, and seeing you waver, I wavered too, of course. Back then…” Natsumi looked me in the eyes, and her brown orbs were filled with regret. “… if it wasn’t` for Motoko, I never would have considered you. I’m sorry… I’m not as worthy as Hinata, or any of the others.”

“Back then?” I asked, getting to the heart of the matter, wanting all of this out in the open. We had touched on it before, when I accepted them, but if we were to truly become lovers, then I wanted it to be clear, our emotions and hearts all aligned on it.

“Now… well, I’ve seen your kindness, and you’ve never rebuked us for our selfishness. Not just us. You treat everyone the same.” She said. “I am treated no differently to Motoko, and while part of me can’t help but find that wrong…”

“Oh, Natsumi…” Motoko sighed.

“…I also find it makes me happy. Perhaps…” Natsumi looked at Motoko with a slight smile on her red lips. “… if you wish to back out now, Motoko, I think… I would still offer myself here.”

“Natsumi.” She laughed in surprise. “Do you think I would get cold feet at this late stage? I feel the same as you do. I feel pride and happiness when you are treated the same as me, or even Miyu… it is hard to say her name without honorifics, so ingrained in our school and noble society such hierarches are. But… things are changing. Mayumi-sama is in for a rude awakening if she thinks she can control you, I think, Akio.”

“Hinata won’t let that happen anyway. Sure, Mayumi-sama has scored what she thinks are a few wins, but… she has a plan, I’m sure.” Natsumi added.

“Well, we aren’t talking about Hinata right now, but us.” I said. “Look, I get it. It all seems sudden for me. Eri… I’ve known her a long time, ever since she was a kid. But Shaeula and the others… well, I’ve not known them that much longer than you, really. But do I need to know everything about you, when all I need to know is… I want to see you both happy. And I think the best way to make that happen is to be with me.”

“But will that make you happy?” Motoko pressed, clearly insecure, at this late stage, and I directed them to the mirror again.

“See? I’m not even talking just about your looks, which obviously I can have no complaints with. But your personalities shine through. And I love girls like you two. Really, you’re both so dedicated and hard-working. In a way, it’s a bit like my sis, though she could certainly stand to learn elegance and grace off you both. Forget about your family ties. I’m not marrying Tsumura or Hori house, I’m not doing it for political gain, though I won’t deny that was what our marriages were definitely pushed as. I’m doing it because I want to hold the two of you in my arms, and see you both smiling. Now, a toast!”

My words caught them off-guard, and they instinctively raised their cups, the fragrance of the sake dim compared to the faint scent of sweat and perfume the girls exuded. “So, to our future. Together.

“To our future!” they echoed, and we drank, all smiles. That’s better. They are much more beautiful when they smile, not when they’re worried. I think… this is the right decision. The world is a dangerous place and only growing more deadly. And with their talent with martial arts, they should be able to reach Eri’s level at the least… but for now, thinking that is an insult to them. Now… I should only be looking at their hearts…


The bed was large enough for all of us, something I had insisted on, as I did enjoy sleeping with Eri and Shaeula together, and sometimes Hyacinth even snuggled in. On seeing that, the girls froze for a moment, before laughing sheepishly.

“Who’s first?” Natsumi asked. “I feel as a bodyguard, I should go before Motoko, since I hear that some pain is involved, but… since this is a happy occasion, our shadow wedding, I think Motoko should go first, as befits her…”

“No.” she shook her head. “We are equals now, Natsumi. Truly equals. Akio has made us so, will make us so tonight.” Her breath was coming fast at the thought of what was ahead. “I confess to not knowing much of the act of love between men and women, this sex, unlike your sister and the girls we met in your hometown.”

“We’re terribly sheltered. But… I feel a little pride that we’ll be going ahead. We’ll have to feign ignorance at school.” Natsumi was reminding me a little of Hinata now, her smile wicked. “That said… Motoko, please go first, before me. Equal or not, I want…”

“How about this? Rock-paper-scissors should suffice to decide. Then… well, you wanted to be together, so how about the loser holds the winner’s hand through it all, shares the joy? Then we can swap over, and…”

“And?” Motoko asked.

“… if you still feel up to more after your first time, well, we can have fun, the three of us.” I’ve had many threesomes with the girls, even a foursome. These two probably aren’t as sexually greedy as that trio, but even so… sex is fun, when it’s with someone you love.

“The three of us?” Natsumi swallowed, eyes bright. “Well, I suppose leaving it to chance is fair, if you don’t mind, Motoko.”

“No, I certainly do not. After all, whether you watch over me, or I you, I shall be happy. Overjoyed. I feared for our future, but now… I am simply excited, eager to see it.”

“That’s settled then.” I grinned. “Well, whenever you are ready.”

“Very well. Janken… pon!” The two girls declared, showing their hands, and Motoko was still balling her fist, while Natsumi had her fingers apart.

“Looks like you win then, Motoko.” Natsumi said, red-faced, a mixture of worry and envy on her pretty features.  “Well, I’ll watch you go on ahead, here by your side, where I’ve always been.”

“And then, you will follow. As your sensei in the Tsumura arts, I find it fitting I should lead.” Her solemn expression cracked for a moment, a sly smile creeping in. “Perhaps I can even instruct you in the art of love as well.”

“No way.” Natsumi denied. “In this, we’ll be fellow pupils. I can hardly wait.”

“Well, you won’t have to wait long.” I promised, my heart now starting to beat faster. “So, Motoko…”

“Wait!” Motoko declared, and I paused. She exchanged a look with Natsumi. “Wifely duties often involve helping a husband change when he returns from a hard day at his work, does it not?”

“I think that’s right.” Natsumi agreed, her gaze drawn to me. “Do… do you want to do it together?”

“I think we should. As sisters, as wives of the same man. Saying it… I find a thrill within me, but…” she squirmed under her kimono. “I feel a hot dampness inside me. I hope I am not unwell, not today of all days.”

“I feel it too, and it’s spreading to my chest.” Natsumi agreed, as they stood on either side of me.

“I think that’s normal. It’s just arousal.” As they looked at me, I once again realised they knew little of the biology or emotions behind the act of sex. “It’s… well, your body preparing for sex. I’ll explain it in a moment.” I said, as Motoko’s hands were skilfully undoing the buttons on my shirt. Natsumi had bent down, and was slowly taking off my socks, which felt very lewd, and entirely different to the way sex with my other girls started. She looked up, her head near my groin, and her eyes widened as the cloth was pressing out.

“I see. That must be…” she giggled, caressing my feet, before rising and unfastening my belt. As Motoko removed my shirt, she leant in for a kiss, and we did so, her tongue offering no resistance as I slid mine into her mouth. We tangled with each other fiercely, passionately, and then as Natsumi gasped, my trousers down, my pants rather tented, Motoko pulled away, eyeing me.

“My turn.” Natsumi said, her tongue licking at my lips, before hers was toying with mine, her kiss different, yet equally passionate. Motoko removed my trousers, tossing them aside, her eyes also fixated on my lower body, my manhood still hidden by my underwear. As Natsumi pulled free, spit on our lips and chin, she asked Motoko if they should remove my last stitch of clothing.

“No.” I answered for them. “That I’ll do myself, but first… Motoko. I love you, and I want to marry you. So tonight… will you be mine?”

“I shall. I Tsumura Motoko, proud bearer of the Tsumura Combat Arts, will be your bride, and offer my dedication, my love, my everything. I do not believe in half measures. Not anymore. My hesitation is gone.” So she says, but I still see her eyes trembling. Well, I suppose it’s understandable. This is… a huge moment in the life of any girl, never mind a noble such as her.

Her hand went to Natsumi, who grasped it tightly, a warm expression on her face. As Motoko lay on the bed, Natsumi sitting beside her, I once more told Motoko she was beautiful, kissing her again. When we were done, I started touching her, gently at first, her hair, her cheeks, her bare neck. My hands then slid down, and she tensed for a moment, before smiling invitingly, her free arm snaking around my back. My hands cupped her breasts through the fancy cloth, and I squeezed, toying with them a little. They weren’t large, certainly smaller than Eri’s, and likely Natsumi’s. Actually, Hinata has bigger too, now I think about it. She’s quite stacked for a shorter girl. Still, they felt good, and the damp moans coming from Motoko’s flushed face were certainly arousing.

My hands went further down, stroking her stomach through the cloth, and then I reached the obi, the decorated sash-like belt that held the kimono together. My eyes met Motoko’s and she muttered to “Please go ahead, my husband.” So stupidly adorable…

“I will.” I answered, and with deft movements I unhitched it, and as the crimson kimono fell away, I realised she wasn’t naked underneath, but wearing a light, negligee-style silk undergarment in pure white, her toned, pale legs on full display from the short hem, the sides open and gaping, showing off much of her breasts. She must have noticed my puzzlement, because she snorted, surprised.

“It is a hadajuban. It does not show on the body line, so… are you disappointed?” she said, clearly amused, and I shook my head, before kissing her again, our hot breath mingling.

Motoko in her undershirt

“Disappointed? By you? Never.” I assured her when we parted, a line of spit briefly linking our mouths. “But…” I slid a hand inside the opening, now feeling her raw breast. She gasped, and Natsumi winced as her hand was squeezed tightly.

“I can feel your heart beating.” I grinned. “And this, too.” Her nipple was hard, so I pinched it, toying with it, delighted at her gasps which were becoming more passionate. With that, I slid my free hand up her bare legs, before finally reaching her pussy.

“Wait, there, that is…” she gasped, but I continued my massaging, my fingers tracing her slit, feeling moisture.

“That’s the place where we’ll become one. Are you scared?” I asked, making sure to only gently toy with the outside, avoiding her clit for now. I moved my hand to her other breast, and bent in for a kiss while waiting for her answer.

“A little. This… well, I have the blessing of my grandfather, father and mother. Even so… we were told from our youth, never to allow a man other than our husband our bodies…” I increased the vibration of my finger, and it was now making damp sounds, to match her gasps. Her lips parted, tongue out, and I took her invitation, sucking on it playfully, while her eyes pleaded for a stronger, fiercer kiss.

“But he is our husband…” Natsumi, her face redder than Motoko’s, her legs rubbing together, whispered, still clutching her hand tightly in both of hers, and at those words, Motoko’s eyes went wide, and her body relaxed. Wet liquid gushed from her pussy, sour and lurid, and I took that opportunity to drive our tongues together, giving her a deeply passionate kiss.

“So… sensual. So much… fiercer… than I could’ve imagined.” Natsumi muttered. “So this… this is sex?”

“I… Natsumi, I think I am going strange!” Motoko gasped, and I turned to Natsumi, shaking my head.

“Nope, this is merely a bit of fun before the real thing. It’s definitely sexual in nature though. Now…” I pushed up the cloth of Motoko’s undergarment, which barely covered her private areas, and revealed her twitching slit, her inner thighs soaked. Motoko squirmed in embarrassment, her entire body flushed and sweating. She then said something that surprised me.

“I… I have heard that vigorous exercise can affect the body, which leads some men to believe that a woman is not a virgin. I can assure you that whatever you might think, Natsumi and I have never opened ourselves to any man. You surely…”

“Silly girl.” I stopped her worries with another kiss. When we were done, I looked at her seriously. “As it happens, I do believe you’re a virgin. You too, Natsumi. You’re both very refined and strong-willed, and that’s how you’ve been raised. But whether or not you were… that would be the past. In the future’s different, I’m a jealous, sinful hypocrite…” I laughed, though it still stung a bit. “… but for now, you’ll be mine. But… well, are you curious?” I asked, and she nodded weakly, her damp hair spread on the pillows behind her like a halo.

“You want to see, Natsumi?” I asked, and she shivered. “I mean, you’ve bathed together naked, right? Have you ever shown each other your bodies?”

Natsumi shook her head. “Never, that would be improper. But… I admit, I would like to see. Motoko, do you mind?” she asked.

“I… can hardly object at this point. We are sharing… our most intimate moments.” She gasped, as I continued to gently stir the outside of her pussy.

“In that case… here.” I gently opened her up, and Motoko shuddered, groaning, as cold air touched the inside of her body. More liquid seeped out, and as I spread it, I could see a faint, pinkish-white film within.

“Well, like I said, it wouldn’t have mattered to me, but there’s the proof a girl is pure. The hymen. Yours is still intact.”

“I see.” Natsumi was eyeing it with interest. “I never imagined I would be looking at Motoko so lewdly.”

“I think you’ll end up seeing more girls lewdly.” I snorted, just imagining the future. “Though you won’t see any hymens. But Shaeula especially is keen to deepen her friendship with other girls by making love together. I expect you’ll be getting the invite soon.”

“I am glad. I can do it properly the first time.” Motoko exhaled. I could tell she wanted to close her legs, embarrassed at having Natsumi staring at her so intimately, but I held them open with my own, and continued to toy with her chest and pussy.

“Well, the downside is, it’ll hurt the first time. Girls with torn hymens don’t really suffer as much. But I can use Ether Healing to fix the pain if you…”

“No!” Motoko insisted. “A little pain has never frightened me. I wish… I wish to do it properly.” Her smile was kind and proud. “Besides, if I ache afterwards, I shall let you soothe me. I will have earned it.”

“I don’t want relief either, when my turn comes.” Natsumi swallowed. “I have my pride, I want it to be perfect.”

“Fine then. How could I disappoint either of you?” I felt my love for them rising at the expressions on their faces, Natsumi’s so eager, embarrassed and yet afraid, Motoko’s exhausted, shamed and lewd. God damn it, I’m so easy. But then… you tell me a man who is into girls who wouldn’t love these two now, and I’ll show you a liar.

“In that case…” Motoko sighed a little as I removed my hands, before I pulled down my briefs, and my erect member popped free, iron hard and eager, the tip shining with my own juices. Motoko’s eyes went wide, and Natsumi gasped.

“That’s… the male member, the penis?” she said, eyes spinning. “That can’t go in, you’ll tear Motoko apart!”

“Hey, I’m not that big.” I laughed. “I’d say I’m well above average, being a half, but I hear some Westerners have monsters.”

“Well, that looks plenty big enough…” Natsumi was transfixed, mouth hanging open, and I noticed some saliva tricking out. Perhaps Natsumi is lewder than she looks?

“I see. There is no going back.” Motoko muttered. “Not that I would wish to. Akio. Kiss me again, then… make a woman of me, a wife.”

“Your wish is my command.” Our lips met, my hands now on her breasts once more, pulling them free of the silken cloth barely covering them. Once Motoko had melted at my kiss, I then started sucking on her nipples, as I moved my cock closer to her body. She shivered at the new, lewd sensations, and I could smell a second scent in the room, Natsumi breathing heavily.

“You are eating me up!” she cried, as my sopping glans pushed against her slit. Motoko trembled, her eyes pleading for reassurance, and so I kissed her anew, as my dick slowly drove deeper, her pussy spread as wide as Natsumi’s brown eyes as she watched on in aroused awe.

“It… there is no further to go.” Motoko whispered, as my cock hit the obstruction of her hymen.

“There is. But…” I whispered to her. “Be brave, the pain will be over soon. And eventually there’s pleasure. But for now… I love you!” I whispered in her ear, and her eyes went as wide as Natsumi’s. She yelped in pain as my dick tore through her hymen, and blood joined the love nectars on her thighs. A final surge, and our bodies slapped together wetly. Kissing her again, Natsumi still holding her hand, I waited until she calmed down.

“Congratulations Motoko. You’re a woman now. My woman.” Tears gleamed in her eyes, and as Natsumi congratulated her as well, I contented myself with licking her nipples, stroking her thighs, belly, arms and everywhere else until she stopped trembling.

“Are you up to me moving?” I asked, and she nodded, still a bit stunned by the experience. As I did so, she muttered a few words of pain, her face screwing up, so I slowed my gentle thrusts.

“Why did you… stop? I can handle this.” She gasped.

“Are you sure? Compared to Eri, you seem to be rather more hurt from the deflowering.” I observed. “Maybe I should use Ether Healing…” I began, only for her free hand to strike me weakly.

“No. I told you. Go to the end! I am proud Tsumura Motoko! Such pain is nothing to me, or how else could I dream of battle? Now, enjoy yourself, and I shall serve you. And… I have taken the medicine mother secured for me, so I am supposed to say… what was it? Oh yes, feel free to finish inside me, as is proper for man and wife.”

Okay, I don’t think she fully gets just how lewd that was. The gap between her prim and proper nature and that lewdness is deeply arousing. Good job, Motoko’s mother! “No, we both should enjoy it. This isn’t just sex, it’s making love.” With that, I began to move, sliding in and out of her pussy, the noises loud and damp. At first Motoko winced with every thrust, but I secretly allowed just a trickle of Ether Healing out. Sorry Motoko, but I hate to see you suffer, and you’ve had a tough loss of virginity. I had the fine control now to only very slightly heal it, so that she wouldn’t notice, but I think Natsumi did, as the look she gave me was kind and amused.

“I… it does not hurt… as bad as we have been told at… school.” She was moaning now in-between her words, and her body was hot, tight, clamping down on me. She leaned upwards, seeking more kisses, and I happily obliged, my hands on her back and chest. As I began to speed up, I could feel a hot bullet rising within me. Seeing my expression change, her kisses became more frantic, our teeth knocking together. Pulling free, I let out a gasp myself.

“Motoko, I’m going to…”

“Inside!” she gasped, and how could I refuse. I sped up, our bodies knocking together, her moans increasingly lurid, and with a heaving gasp, I convulsed, ejaculating fiercely, hot liquid spraying deep within her.

“What is this…? So… strange! Warm, and… filled with love!” Motoko gasped, clinging to me with one hand, Natsumi the other. “Like a fire within me… so tender!”

I thought my orgasm would never end, as I continued to thrust, pumping it out, filling her. Finally, with a last spurt, I slumped down beside her, looking into her eyes. “Sorry Motoko. I don’t think you came, did you?”

“Came? I do not understand.” She answered weakly, a smile on her lips.

“Well, it’s the womanly pleasure from sex. I wanted you to reach it with me, but I guess since you’ve only just lost your virginity…”

“Yes, I have, have I not?” she looked at me then, her eyes serious. “So… please do not abandon me now.”

“I would never.” I assured her.

“Then kiss me. Show me.” She sought another kiss, needy like a kitten after her experience, and I obliged. When we pulled free, I had a thought, seeing the expression on Natsumi’s face. Gesturing to her, my lips met hers, and I savoured Natsumi’s mouth as well, licking at her tongue and teeth, while she aggressively did the same to me. When we parted, I asked her a question. “Natsumi, do you want to kiss Motoko?”

“What? Why?” she asked, puzzled, and Motoko had the same expression.

“I just think the two of you clearly love each other. Don’t you want to try it at least once?”

“I… well, I can’t say I’ve never wondered.” Natsumi said hesitantly.

“Would you not mind, Akio?” Motoko asked me, puzzled. “My lips should only be for you.”

“Well, I’m just curious. Besides, us three will be together forever, right?” I don’t think they are in love with each other like Miyu and Michiru-san seem to be, but their feelings definitely go beyond friendship. I just wonder…

“Motoko, please excuse me.” Natsumi said, bending down, and Motoko tilted her head. Their lips touched, and for a moment there was nothing, before I heard wet sounds, as they copied the kisses they had done with me. I found my spent cock starting to rise inside Motoko at the alluring sight of the two girls kissing deeply, though I also felt a sting of jealousy as well. Yeah, okay, it certainly is hot, but I can’t help but feel Motoko is being taken away from me. Still, if they do want to seek comfort with each other, I suppose it’s not a bad thing. Deep bonds of love and friendship and all that…

The two parted, licking their lips. “How was it?” I asked, and it was Motoko who answered.

“Comfortable. It was… comfortable?”

“Yes. Kind, and warm. But… it didn’t make my heart race, like it does when I kiss you?” Natsumi tilted her head. “I didn’t mind it, but...”

“Yes. Natsumi is my dear friend, who I never wish to be apart from, but… she is not my husband.”

“He looks conflicted.” Natsumi giggled. “Akio, did you really want us to indulge in each other or not? Your eyes say not…”

“But this…” Motoko placed a hand on her body, where my newly-hard dick was spearing her. “… it perked up. I do not mind, if you wish to see it, Natsumi and I…”

“Well, putting that aside for now, I think it was worth it to see how you really felt about each other. It’s pretty much impossible to kiss someone like that and not know how you feel.” I am relieved, I guess, that they aren’t into each other that way. Damn, how can I be insecure after all this? Well, I don’t know about lesbian play, but threesomes… totally fine with me. “Now…” I pulled out of Motoko, who winced, and a pink mixture of blood, cum and love nectar spilled onto the sheets.

“I should clean you…” Motoko began to rise, her face pale, expression pained, but I shook my head.

“I’ll do it. Rest. You’ve worked really hard.” I stood, and quickly towelled off the worst of the mess, ready for Natsumi’s turn.

“All I did was my duty and lie here.” She protested.

“Nonsense. Our bodies and hearts connected. I don’t even need my Eye to tell me Lovers’ Link will have levelled up.” I kissed her again. “Now… you need to be the supporter. Cling to Natsumi’s hand, while I show her what it is to be my woman.” I boasted, and Natsumi giggled.

“You’re a bad man, the sort Hanafubuki and our parents always warn us about. I wonder how many other noble daughters you’ll end up bringing to this bed?” She stood before me, in her blue and white furisode, pushing out her decent chest, inviting me to grope it, so I did. As she gasped and moaned as I kneaded her through the cloth, I shook my head.

“Just Hinata. Though… not for a little while. She’s still… no, I guess it’s not fair to call her a kid, she’s old enough to get married and have sex, and she’s basically doing adult work helping me run my upcoming business… but, I feel kind of like a bastard, you know? I’m a bit older than her, after all.”

“Us too. Do we really seem so much more mature?” Motoko asked, curious, and I nodded.

“You do actually, you’re so calm and collected, well, most of the time, and Natsumi kind of feels a bit like a college girl, with that hair and mannerisms. I guess it’s good breeding? Well anyway, Hinata only.”

“I don’t believe you!” Natsumi said, my hands making her gasp. Her free hand had undone her obi, and her blue yukata fell open, revealing she was wearing a similar undergarment to Motoko, also white silk, though her chest was straining against the cloth, her erect nipples clearly visible. “But I’ll pretend to. Now, it’s just our time, my time.”

Natsumi in her undershirt

“If I can succeed, you shall have no trouble, Natsumi.” Motoko cheered her, holding her hand despite the exhaustion she was feeling. “Though I confess, it stings a little, and feels like Akio is still inside me. In a way, it is surely a comfort. Oh mother, father, grandfather. Your Motoko is a shameless woman it seems.”

“Not shameless, just a woman. My wife.” I reassured her. “But for now, Natsumi.” She lay down on the bed next to me, breath hot and damp, eyes moist, skin flushed.

“Yes, I’m ready.” She agreed. “My heart is racing, I think it will beat out of my chest.” She grabbed my free hand, thrusting it through the gap in her undergarments, and I found my hand squeezing a meaty globe, the soft flesh irresistible under my hands. “You can feel it, right Akio?”

“I can.” I agreed, making her moan as I toyed with her chest, relishing the feeling. “Mine is too.”

“Liar! You’re so composed, while Motoko and I are frantic!”

“No, listen.” I pulled her head to my bare chest. “Hear my heartbeat, isn’t it thumping?”

“It is.” She muttered, surprised. “But you looked so confident with Motoko.”

“Well, I’m going to be her husband, of course I have to look calm. Besides, no man could hate holding a cute girl like Motoko. Nor you, Natsumi.”

“I see. You do know what to say. You’re definitely the sort of man we were warned about. But I find I just don’t care. Do you, Motoko?”

Motoko shook her head weakly. “I made my choice. Now… Natsumi, join me.”

“Yes, I suppose I should. A kiss, please, before we start? I love kissing. It makes my chest tight and my heart ache.”

“If you love that, then sex…” I grinned, kissing her, tongues dancing, her eyes wide and passionate. “… will make your heart burn.” I promised when we were done. I pulled down the cloth she wore, freeing her tits, and after sucking on them and toying with them like I did Motoko, I stroked her arms, thighs, and stomach, before I went to her soaked pussy. “Wow…” I said in surprise. “… it’s a mess down here.”

Natsumi flushed. “Don’t be mean, Akio. I just… when I watched you and Motoko, the heat inside me was blazing, and … it’s not pee, I promise!”

“I know. It’s love nectar.” I gently stroked her sodden pussy, making her mutter in pleasure. “You must have felt really turned on watching Motoko, your dearest friend, become a woman.”

“I… I was!” she admitted as I sped up my fingers, fresh liquid splashing out, soaking the sheets and my hands. Beside her, Motoko was smiling, clutching Natsumi’s free hand. “And not just Motoko. Seeing your body, your… your penis…” she cried out, her pleasure rising. “… I knew I wanted it, I wanted it to thrust in me, make me your woman!” It seems like Natsumi has a good constitution, she’s easier to turn on than Motoko it seems. But I should stop now, otherwise she’ll be too exhausted for sex.

As my hand slowed, she groaned. “Why… why did you stop? It felt strange, but I liked it.”

“Because…” I kissed her gently. “… there’ll be time for that later. First… we make love.” I gently opened her pussy, and the touch was enough to send Natsumi shivering with pleasure. “Motoko, want to take a look?”

As Natsumi muttered it was embarrassing, Motoko rolled over, curious. “I see. Is it like mine?” she asked, as I pointed our her hymen, a dark red film.

“Yes, there’s no doubt Natsumi retained her purity. Looking at it, I think… it should hurt less than yours did, Motoko.”

“I am glad. I have no wish to see Natsumi in pain.” She then softly kissed Natsumi on the forehead, before lying back down beside her, gripping her hand. “Natsumi… be strong. You can endure it!”

“I don’t think it’s about enduring…” she smiled. “I feel a deep heat leaking out of me. I want it. I don’t think I could stop myself now. I’m like you Motoko, a shameless daughter. But… is it really shameful? Our families approve of the marriage, so… I’m not ashamed!”

“I see. Yes, there is nothing shameful about this at all. I apologise, Akio, my thoughts have been shallow!”

“It’s understandable. A woman’s first time is a big deal, it’s a lot to process, a lot of emotions. But now we’re keeping Natsumi waiting, so…”

“My apologies. Please go ahead. Natsumi… I am here with you.”

“Well then…” I placed my dick against her pussy, and she shivered, leaking more love juices. I bent over, kissed her again, and as I pulled free, I told her I loved her, just as I had Motoko.

“I love you too…” she muttered in a small voice, as her path was opened, my dick reaching her hymen. Her damp eyes pleaded for me to go all the way so I pushed through, tearing the obstruction. She winced a little, but the pain was a lot less, as I suspected, and I forced her open, finally kissing her insides tightly, my penis pulsing within her.

“That… wasn’t so bad.” Natsumi sought my lips, guiding my hand to her breasts. I exchanged a glance with Motoko, who looked happy, now that the two of them were the same.

“It gets better, I promise.” With that I began moving, and I could immediately tell that Natsumi was feeling pleasure, rather than pain, sweat smelling of sweet lemon springing from her flushed skin. Her moans quickly became ones of pleasure, and her nipples throbbed as I teased them.

“This… this is sex? Our… why… I’m feeling strange, floaty!” she shouted, as my cock slid in and out of her, juices splattering the sheets and our thighs like a leaky faucet. I bent to kiss her and our heads clashed as she surged for me at the same time. We giggled, before sticking out our tongues and tangling them lewdly, saliva dripping on her body, making sure Motoko could see. Using my free hand, I reached for her ass, which was springy and tight. She spasmed, and I realised that unlike Motoko, who was too pained by her hymen tearing to move much, Natsumi was rocking backwards and forwards, making my dick drive deep, kissing the entrance to her womb, which was trembling.

“… something… is… coming? Motoko, what do I doooooooooo?” She started slurring her words, as Motoko looked on kindly, clutching her hand.

“Just entrust yourself to our husband.” She smiled warmly. “Let him hold you.”

“I… yes… uh…” she cried, suddenly arching her back, losing the ability to form coherent words as a massive orgasm rocked her. A few moments later she was gasping, exhausted.

“What… the world was shining. I felt euphoric. Was that…” she remembered what I had said to Motoko. “… I came, right?”

“You sure did.” I said fondly, patting her head. “That’s womanly pleasure.”

“It was… very intense.” She shuddered, spent, before her earnest eyes gazed at me. “But you don’t look satisfied, Akio. My Akio. Husband.” She giggled. “I feel it’s real now. I worried and pondered… and it’s all blown away. Sex is amazing.”

“Well, there’s always next…” she stopped my words with her breast, thrusting it into my mouth. “You licked Motoko, but not mine.” She said. “I want the same! And you should pour it inside me, I’ve had the medicine too!”

As I sucked and groped on her breasts, Natsumi’s expression was loose, languid. My dick was still rock hard inside her, squeezed by her damp, post-orgasm walls. With one final playful bite of her nipple, which made her gasp, I asked her if she was sure, and she nodded.

“Well, I do think it should be done right the first time.” I agreed. “So… here goes!” I began to push into her again, her sexy gasps making Motoko flush. I slid in and out, lubricated by her copious fluids and the thin traces of blood, and soon she was shaking, mouth open, tongue lolling out, which I sucked on greedily.

“Natsumi, Motoko, you two are wonderful. I ought to punch myself for hesitating back then. If you’d have gone to some other arranged marriage that didn’t make you happy, I’d have regretted it forever…” I’m so selfish. But… everyone wants happiness. I don’t think I’m wrong, in the end…

“Motoko, when he rubs me deep, I feel happy…” she cried, and Motoko smiled gently at her dearest friend.

“I am envious of you. mine was rather painful, but in time…”

“I’m going to cum!” I said, feeling the familiar sensation rise within me, hot liquid waiting to be released. “Natsumi, do… do you want it?”

“I do, I want whatever you want to give me!” she cried, and I sped up, delighting in her moans, the soft feel of her body, and the warm eyes of Motoko on us.

“Natsumi, I love you!” I called, my final thrust knocking deep inside her, pleasure writ all over my face as I discharged. I could feel her insides writhing, greedily gulping at the semen as it sprayed inside her, and she shuddered, not quite reaching orgasm a second time, but clearly still feeling pleasure. I thrust again and again, emptying myself, before finally collapsing down beside her, spent, watching cum trickle out from around my shrinking dick.

“So warm. I get it. This is what it means to be a woman, Motoko.”

“Indeed. We are both women now. His women.”

As the two reaffirmed their unshakeable bonds, I lay back, staring at them both, burning their flushed, happy visage into my eyes…


“Here.” I brought them both some water, so they could refresh themselves. As the two girls drank, still wearing little but their dishevelled undershirts, I looked down at the bed and whistled. “Yeah, that’s quite the mess. Well, Hyacinth doesn’t mind cleaning this sort of thing up, but it does make me feel a little bad for her.”

“I don’t mind doing it.” Natsumi said, thinking. “But there’s one thing bothering me.” She looked at Motoko, pensive.

“Oh?” I asked, and Natsumi elaborated.

“I feel sorry for Motoko that she never came. I want her to know what that feels like. Can we go again?”

“I think Motoko is in too much pain. Though I suppose I can use Ether Healing if you want to have another try? I’ll be honest, I don’t think I could ever get tired of holding you both.” Eri. Shaeula. Hyacinth. Motoko. Natsumi. Any of them would be enough to give a man a happy life. And I have five of therm. Well, I guess this means I’ll have to save the world, otherwise I’d be spitting on the good fortune I’ve clearly gone and stolen from whoever was destined to be with them in the future, before Ortlinde came…

“No. Not yet.” She shook her head. “I will bear the pain. I wish to do it properly. But… Natsumi, is it that amazing?”

“It is.” She said confidently. “It felt like it was meant to be.” She held out her arms, and with a smile I got between them, cuddling the two nearly-naked girls.

“Well, in that case, there’s something else we should try. It’ll probably boost your Lovers’ Link more anyway.”

“Now I’m curious.” Natsumi kissed my cheek, and Motoko the other one, both of them still pink with shame and arousal.

“All right then. We are going to overlap our lunar chakras and share our aether, elements and… well, our souls, I guess? it’s pretty mystical, but feels really good. It’s apparently the Fae way of lovemaking, though Shaeula certainly likes our mortal ways too.” With both at once it might be interesting for their first time. I’ve done it with Eri and Shaeula together so I am certain we can…

I spent some time explaining, and more time guiding the two of them, as their skills were lacking compared to my other girls, something I was determined to correct in time. As I felt my essence seep into them, their eyes went wide, and I, in turn, felt theirs come into me, along with their thoughts, feelings and insecurities.

“I… I…!” Natsumi, confident, cheerful Natsumi, surprised me by bursting into tears, weeping and clinging to me. Puzzled, I looked over at Motoko, only to see she too was crying, shining sparkles running down her cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, only to feel their emotions as well. Oh, I see. Yeah, I understand that. These girls have been struggling so long to find a place to belong, no wonder they were so stressed.

“You truly love us both. We can feel it, feel you. How can we not cry, in joy or relief!”

“Yes, that’s…” Natsumi said in-between the sobs. “I know you said it a lot, and that you’ve always shown us kindness, but… words are just that, words. Even… even as you made love to me, I couldn’t escape the suspicion that you just wanted my body. I buried it deep, as… I felt guilty, considering how poorly I tried to… use you… before…”

Motoko took over as Natsumi started sobbing again. “We do not trust words. We trust your actions, or we never would have consented to this, but… trust is not certainty. After all, Tsumura house is a noble one, second only to the Three Great Houses. There was a slim chance you were fooling us all for the purpose of usurping it.” She wiped at her tears as Natsumi hugged me, her breasts pressing against my bare back, my neck wet with her tears, my mind full of her emotions, happiness and relief consuming her remaining doubts.

“I believed, I did… but… I’m sorry. I should have trusted you more. If you want, feel free to punish me!” she managed after getting her heaving sobs under control.

“Punish you? For what?” I asked, genuinely puzzled. “We lay on this bed, we kissed, we made love. We pledged our lives together. Even if you had some doubts, you did it, and you meant it. Why would I punish you?”

“You see, Natsumi. We were right all along. He… is the one for us.” Motoko’s smile was radiant. “It is a comforting thing, this sharing of lunar chakras. I can see why Shaeula loves it so. We… we will always know the hearts of each other, a privilege the closed, regimented nobility will never have. Unless they come to you.”

“Well, like I told Natsumi earlier, Hinata certainly, but others… no way.”

“And like Natsumi, I will choose to believe you for now, though I have my doubts.” Seeing Motoko tease me like that fired my lust, as did the feel of Natsumi’s hot skin against mine.

“Well, Motoko, I agree, I would like you to achieve orgasm before we finish. And I think Natsumi is quite a lewd girl, she’s eager for more.”

“I’m not lewd, I’m just loving!” she protested, reaching her hands down and grabbing my hardening dick. “Hey, it’s hot and twitching. Motoko, touch it.”

Curious, she stretched out a hand, long fingers wrapping me softly. They touched the tip, which was leaking precum, and even started fiddling gently with my balls, amazed at the difference between us. That’s pretty sensual. They might have seen drawings in textbooks, but the real thing…

“He likes it. How about if I do… this?” Natsumi read my face and the emotions through our bond, and was now gently squeezing and stroking me, while Motoko was kissing me, her hands massaging me. Moments later, I felt my pleasure rise, and Natsumi giggled in shock as my semen sprayed out, all over her hands and chest, some even hitting her face.

“That surprised me!” she said, and Motoko was also transfixed, eyes wide. Natsumi licked her lips reflexively, tasting my semen. “Bitter.”

“Is it safe to lick?” Motoko asked, and I nodded. With that she reached out with her own tongue, swiping it along Natsumi’s cheek.

“Yes, it is bitter. I do remember that girl talking about drinking it when we were staying with your family. Is it commonly done?” She asked.

“Well, oral sex isn’t that rare. But you two have done it now.” I grinned, pushing Motoko down. “That question makes me want to show you how it’s done.”

“Wait, what are you…” Motoko began, as I spread her pussy open, beginning to lick it. “… that place, it is dirty…”

Ironically, now it is. They had cleaned themselves a little while I fetched water, but she still tasted of love nectar and other fluids. Not that I was deterred. “Nope, nothing dirty about you, Motoko. You’re my precious woman, and I love everything about you. Now…” I reached up a hand, playing with her chest, while my other gently touched her clit. At that, she shivered, and so did Natsumi, who was starting to twitch.

“What… uh… hey, I can feel… Motoko’s…” she squirmed, her thighs gleaming wetly, despite being cleaned earlier. As I continued to lick the moaning Motoko, now swiping my tongue on her clit, kneading the little ruby bead gently with my fingers, she was gasping hoarsely, and with a little aether to widen my vision I could see that every time I teased Motoko’s pussy, Natsumi leaked. Well, isn’t this interesting? It must be the way I helped them synchronise their lunar chakras with mine, it’s connected them too.

“Natsumi…” Motoko gasped, eyes going unfocused, body trembling incessantly. “Is this what you… meant by shining? I feel the world is very bright right… now…”

“To think… we would have been separated, and never… known this together.” Natsumi managed, body arching. She collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily, legs spread carelessly wide, defenceless, having came again. “No, wait… I’m still… so shaky…” she muttered, the relentless pleasure transmitted from Motoko still attacking her. Sorry, but there’s no stopping until Motoko knows what it is to be a woman. I sped up my finger and tongue, her sour taste growing on me, alternating between licking and thrusting my tongue inside, before Motoko finally rose to euphoria, tears rolling down her cheeks again, this time from pleasure. As she shuddered, I laid her down gently beside Natsumi, who was gasping in relief that the assault of ecstasy had halted.

“How was it?” I asked her gently. “In time, you’ll be able to feel even better through actual sex, when the pain diminishes.”

For a long moment there was no answer but their panting breaths, before Motoko spoke. “Yes, I… think I am ruined. Natsumi, we have to keep this a secret at school, from other daughters of nobility?”

“We do.” She managed at last. “But I know it’ll be hard. We promised though, even if we feel sorry for them.” She laughed dryly. “Men are terribly scary creatures, our teachers were right. I felt my heart fall even deeper.” Her hand sought mine, as did Motoko’s, and all three of us grasped each other, feeling the shared warmth, as happy emotions were shared through our bonds. “If Akio was a bad man, we’d be finished, Motoko. Hori house would surely be ruined…”

I could see her smiling, but even so, her cheeky attitude was arousing me. “Oh, I am a bad man. Fall for me Natsumi, Motoko. Fall until the hole you are in is so deep you never want to leave me!” I gave Motoko a deep kiss, stroking her hair as she lay there, sweaty but satisfied, before turning to Natsumi, who blinked at me, her big brown eyes earnest. “I know you haven’t had enough, I can tell.” I massaged her breasts, nipples still stiff, before gently touching her clit with a finger smeared in her love nectars.

“It feels different when it’s a physical touch…” she gasped, the fresh sensation assailing her. Now it was Motoko’s turn to moan, as the transmitted pleasure from Natsumi burrowed into her body, her muscles loosening, a sour smell coming again.

“It is, because each of you is different, unique. But I guess as girls you can feel it properly. I can tell you are in pleasure, but I can’t really feel it.” I kissed her, toying with her breasts, pussy and clit until she was starting to rise towards another orgasm. The moans from Motoko were louder, and both sets of her lips were open and drooling, her face dyed in shame at her lewdness, but pleasure too.

“I think we should finish with a bang.” I grinned, putting my arms around Natsumi, who hung limp, helpless to stop my touch, rapidly coming to crave it. I turned her around, so she was facing Motoko, her ass up in the air towards me, which I gently slapped.

“Hey…” she said, surprised, not feeling any pain, just a slight stinging sensation. Motoko jumped as well as it was transmitted, the shock making her spray love nectar. Yeah, maybe it’d be easier to burn the sheets than clean them now… they’ve had a workout…

“Don’t worry, I’m just a bad guy, punishing a lewd girl.” I laughed, occasionally gently slapping her ass, alternating it with more licking of her pussy and clit, fondling her breasts, and even once, roiling my tongue around her asshole. When I did that both of the girls moaned in mortified shame, but they visibly tightened up, their pussies clamping.

“Please, I…” Natsumi begged, eyes moist. I had been carefully keeping her from finishing for a while, so Motoko was far closer to orgasm again from the reflected pleasure. Watching, judging, bringing her to the boil, I slapped Natsumi’s ass gently once more, before pulling her in for a loving kiss, which she greedily reciprocated. I then positioned her next to the limp Motoko, bending over to suck greedily on Motoko’s lips, and as she thirstily drank me in, I pushed my dick into Natsumi’s desperate pussy all in one motion.

“Ugh…” she groaned, still a little pained, as I scraped off the rest of her thin hymen, but after all the teasing her body was so excited it was barely noticed. As she gasped, feeling filled up inside, I glanced down at Motoko, whose eyes went to pinpricks as she shuddered, gushing so much it was like she had wet herself. Well, at least it’s not urine. That’s Eri’s trick, though she’s not so bad recently.

“I am surely dying. I did not… know… I could feel this way…” Motoko was murmuring, contented and confused, her brain fogged by her second powerful orgasm.

“Please…” Natsumi begged. “I… can’t wait…”

“Nor can I, good girl. Love you.” I whispered in her ear again, which caused a spark of joy through our bonds, and her body to tighten. As she did so, I started pawing at her ass and breasts, thrusting in, knocking deeper than ever. Yeah, stats make all the difference. I’d have been asleep and snoring, leaving two very disappointed girls, long ago if I was just a normal guy.

“This… we get to do this again… when we get… married for real, right?” she said in-between her lewd panting, and the wet sounds of flesh on flesh as my body slammed against her ass, my dick piercing her deeply each time, her walls tight around me.

“Of course. Our true wedding night will be spectacular.” I gripped her ass and breasts tight, speeding up, as Motoko was moaning, the pleasure quickly bringing her to another peak. I see, it’s tough, but since all three of us are sharing our bonds and I can feel all our pleasured thoughts, might as well try for a triple…

“But then, why wait for that?” I said, changing the angle, rubbing at a different spot inside her, allowing Motoko to have some respite from the reflected thrusts, while speeding Natsumi on. I could feel my own body eager to unleash more semen, to fill up the adorable girl in my arms. “The beauty of being man and woman is… when we are horny, we can just have sex.” I grinned, enjoying her body, her moans, her thoughts, her heart. Really, these two, it would have been cruel to separate them. It’s like my sis and Eri, they get along so well, it’d be evil to part them…

“I see.” She brightened up, even as I changed back to spearing her deepest areas, and she looked down at Motoko, elated. “You hear that, Motoko? We… any time we want…”

“I know.” She reached up, gripping Natsumi’s hand as I pulled her into a half-standing pose, gauging that a final sprint should match the needed timing. “Today… I am happy I was born a woman. I always thought…” more tears, these ones of relief and acceptance of an inner trauma relieved.”… if I was born a man, I could have carried on the Tsumura Arts with no resistance, that I would be respected. But then…”

“But then…? Oh, I’m falling, the world is all shiny white…” Natsumi asked, before starting to shake, her body on the cusp, damp noises and hoarse breaths filling the room.

“I would never get to hold your hand like this, or feel so loved. So… I can finally hold my peace. I am glad… we were both born women, Natsumi. Our hardships…” her body spasmed, and her eyes lost their focus, her pussy twitching as if it was being pierced by my cock, as Natsumi also cried out, her body flooded with pleasure, and my hot cum as I poured another load deep inside her. “… were all worthwhile, all for this!”

“I agree! Motoko, Akio… I’m happy right now, so happy!” And with that I let her fall to the bed beside Motoko, and her arms snaked around her friend, Motoko reciprocating, as they hugged. Yeah, that’s a good way of thinking. The past sorrows are behind us. And for the future, we have to make our own happiness, and… Motoko, Natsumi, there’s no future I see without you two in it. Lying down beside them, exhausted despite my high stats, probably from all the deep emotions the two of them had shared with me through our bonds and lunar chakras, I joined in the hug, contented.


Moments later the door to the room was slammed open, a cackling Shaeula rushing in. “Well, that was quite the show, was it not-not?” she giggled. Motoko and Natsumi flinched at first, surprised, before relaxing when they realised who it was.

“Hyacinth will clean all the mess, have nooo fear!” she said, picking up the fallen kimonos and starting to fold them.

“No, we can do that…” Motoko began, panicked, but I merely held them tighter, sharing my warmth and affection.

“No, let her. It’s her way of showing she accepts you as a proper mistress, as her sister.” At that, Hyacinth nodded, all smiles.

“Well damn, Aki, you’re a beast!” Shiro said, her freshly healed face bright red, twirling her hair with her fingers. “When… when it’s my first time…”

“I have plans, don’t worry.” I assured her. Last was Eri, in her wheelchair. Ordinarily I’d have felt terribly guilty, meeting her gaze, but she had accepted Motoko and Natsumi, so there was no need, and it would just be an insult to everyone, their will, their resolve.

“Well, that seemed rather more impressive than my first time.” She pouted. “I confess, the hotel was nice, but these furisode… a lovely touch.” She praised them, puzzling the two girls, who weren’t sure how to respond. “But don’t forget. I had him first.” She declared. With that, there was laughter from everyone, Motoko and Natsumi chuckling wearily in my arms.

“Yes, I guess you did.” I had to agree, a happy smile on my face. Eri may have changed, sure, but she’ll always be the Eri I remember. Somehow that’s comforting…

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