On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixty-Seven

Three Hundred And Sixty-Seven

The gathering of influential figures that evening was rather uneventful compared to the previous evening, and after some casual talk with some Opposition Party politicians and a few businessmen, Fujiwara-san and Tsumura-san secured the agreements they wanted, and I made some further connections, as well as finding out a little more about the state of the British Chosen. We confirmed some of what Mr Hunter and Mrs Morgan had told us, that the Crown was gathering Chosen, rather than the Government, and the British seemed to be a bit ahead of us in that regard, as they were already forming them up into teams to capture the Boundary of the major cities of the UK. The strange thing was, almost none refused the call, not like some of our Japanese Chosen that the Ministry is identifying hastily. Is it loyalty to the Queen, or something else that brings them on board?

After another nice meal with Motoko, her once more being presented as my fiancée, which had massively improved her mood, we made it back to the Savoy, where the jealous Natsumi was once again waiting for us. That led to a night of passion, which Motoko and Hyacinth were only too happy to join in with, and once more the sheets were ruined. A silent prayer for the poor staff indeed… We did manage to snatch a few hours’ sleep, and I had some strange dreams, the first of a brilliant yellow sun, and another yellow orb opposing it, this one a dirty gold. A shadow passed over the sun like an eclipse, and I could see jagged, curved teeth of dirty white bone. I then dreamed of a woman in green and gold, being chased through a dark labyrinth, white-masked figures constantly accosting her, diverting her. She cried out in joy, seeing shadowy figures ahead, reaching out with her hand, only for them to turn, revealing featureless white masks, which suddenly cracked, revealing smiling faces…

Yes, the dreams were quite unsettling. Or perhaps I should call them visions? The yellow eye looked just like that of the slimy toad we vanished the clone of in Kyoto, and a sun was likely tied to Amaterasu, so it meant that we hadn’t finished our fight with the toad, not that I wasn’t aware of that anyway. Tsukiko-san had said that Yukiko-san would end up having to face the creature. Nurarihyon would need to as well, so he said, and also Shiro…

As for the other, process of elimination meant that it was probably Eleanor, though I couldn’t rule out entirely that it was the Princess of Hell or Asura, both of whom I knew nothing about. Shaking my head, I put aside the memories of last night that were running through my Split Thoughts rapidly, concentrating on the phone call I was having with my apologetic mom, while two staff at the hotel were styling my hair and dressing me, which I found rather embarrassing. I mean, I’m totally capable of doing it myself. And even then, Motoko was eager to do it. But Fujiwara-san insisted that we got the professionals in, as everything has to be perfect… all I’m grateful for is that they don’t speak Japanese, so this conversation is private…

“Sorry again, Aki.” My mom was saying. “When dad contacted me… well, you managed, right? I can’t believe you convinced him to accept your polygamy. Dad’s pretty devout as a Christian, unlike mum and me.”

I let out a sigh, showing my displeasure. “I know. It was horrible. But… while I don’t regret my decisions, I do know this is the price I’ll pay for the foreseeable future. Maybe if more people start entering into legally accepted multi-person relationships and marriage the stigma will change, but for now, to outsiders I guess I look the scummiest guy alive. But fortunately, the girls were there. Be honest, could you say no to those three when they are earnestly expressing their feelings?” I certainly can’t. And they did win over Jack and Evelyn easily enough.

“No, I couldn’t. Nor could your father.” Mom agreed. “Even Hana and Junpei don’t dislike them, even if they feel bad for Eri. So… yeah, well, I did say that the whole reason that the Church of England got started was so Henry the Eighth could get himself another woman, and he went mad at me.” I could imagine my mom pouting right now.

“Well, of course if you said something like that Jack would get mad.” I said evenly. “Anyway… it all worked out in the end, Evelyn was even showing them our old photo albums. But… I didn’t tell them what was really going on. I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. If they know… well, it’ll uproot their life, won’t it? I did get them to take some money, at least. I tried to keep it modest so they wouldn’t freak out…”

“That’s a miracle in itself. Dad was always proud, and never liked handouts.” Mom said, and I sighed anew.

“Well, he wouldn’t take it until the girls persuaded him. Again, it’s hard to say no to them. But… mom, if you want to tell them everything, I don’t mind. But when they know, their lives will change.”

“Yeah, I get it Aki, I do. Well, I’ll think about it. I’d rather do it in person though, so… it’d be good if they finally visit. Aiko would be thrilled. Speaking of…” We talked a little about what Aiko had been up to, before I hung up. The timing was good, as I had just finished enduring the dressing up, and was now ready. I was in a formal black tuxedo suit, one of the ones made from ballistic and knife-proof fabrics from the shop Fujiwara-san had recommended to me. Paired with a crisp white designer shirt, and my most expensive Patek Phillipe watch, as well as some tasteful platinum jewellery and my engagement ring… well, my neutral engagement ring, anyway. If I had to wear one for each girl I’d look like an idiot, but they all agreed on this one as standing for all of them, luckily… with one final check in the mirror I was satisfied.


Taking a seat, I waited for the girls to finish. Hyacinth was first, as she was wearing her maid uniform, though I could see she had a noticeable amount of makeup on, her usually pale face looking flushed with health. On seeing me looking, she giggled.

“Dooo you like it?” she asked, and I shrugged.

“It’s different, definitely. I don’t dislike it, but the usual Hyacinth is fine too.”

She preened happily at that, and next out was Natsumi. On seeing me, she smiled triumphantly. “Looks like we match today, Akio.”

“I see.” Yeah, that’s different. She looks like Kazumi-san, or Mayumi-san’s bodyguard. She was wearing a white suit and shirt, with a black tie for a splash of colour. “Yes, I’ve always thought girls looked hot in suits.” I observed, and Natsumi flushed, giggling.


“Sorry, you can’t kiss or hug me right now, it’ll mess up my makeup and suit. Today I’m a bodyguard, so I can’t be wearing a dress, or something that could upstage Motoko, who’s the star of our show.”

“That is hardly true, and you know it, Natsumi. Besides, you seemed confident you could upstage me last night, no?” Motoko entered, wearing a beautiful white ballgown, again, her chest covered by cloth, adorned with black ribbons, her hair also tied up. Her shoulders and arms were on show again, giving it a hint of allure without being trashy.



“Well, you all pass muster.” Tsumura-san said, as his daughter-in-law Hikari-san was fussing over Motoko, making sure everything was perfect.

“I should hope so. No expense has been spared. Besides, we’re working with good material here. Even an idiot could make a work of art out of these girls.”

“Well, you’re not awful yourself.” Minoru-san allowed grudgingly, watching his wife and daughter. “At least my grandchildren will be attractive.”

Grandkids, huh? Yeah, we talked about children didn’t we? Not yet, but… someday. “Well, you all look pretty dashing too.” I allowed. “But then, I expect you’re used to this.” The men were in suits similar to mine, while Hikari-san was in a blue dress suitable for a ball. Shortly afterwards, Fujiwara-san came, wearing a suit even more expensive than mine, and he was flanked by his two daughters, the two ninja girls behind them dressed in suits similar to Natsumi’s, just in black, though of course Michiru-san was still wearing a voluminous red scarf.

“You look cute.” I said to Honoka-san, who thanked me politely. She was wearing a pastel pink ballgown, very childish, and perhaps a bit young for her age, and beside her Miyu was also wearing a similar dress, but in purple. Is Fujiwara-san playing up their childishness on purpose? I suppose it could be camouflage for Miyu’s status as a Chosen. “You too, Miyu. Purple suits you.”

“Thank you. It is not the dress I might have picked, but… it pleases grandfather.” She said softly, before turning to the two bodyguards. “Michiru, Kozue, today we rely on you. There should be no danger at the Palace, but with the guests in attendance… we must always be on alert.”

“Well said.” I approved. “In an emergency, if you can’t get to safety, seek me out as soon as possible. I’ll get us out and we can worry about picking up the pieces afterwards.”

“Do you think anything will happen?” Miyu asked, and I shook my head.

“I can’t see it. This is Buckingham Palace, we already know a lot of the most important people in Britan will be there. But… with so many Chosen about, it only takes one crazy idiot to start trouble that could escalate.”

“If that happens, we will be relying on you. Unfortunately the Major can’t attend.” Tsumura-san said, and I shrugged.

“It’s a shame, but we have Hyacinth as well, so I’m confident we can at least get you all out safely if the worst happens.”

With that said, we entered our limousines, and as we drove along The Mall to Buckingham Palace, numerous other limousines and expensive vehicles were taking the road too. It was fun looking out of the windows, seeing tourists gaping at the display of wealth and opulence, even taking pictures, though the specially tinted windows prevented photographs from working. It’s a shame everyone else can’t be here for this. Well, I’ll make it up to those who stayed behind…

“So, are you ready? We have to impress Princess Eleanor.” I told the three of them, and Motoko smiled.

“Have no fear, I will support you. Natsumi, Hyacinth, you will as well, no?”

As they agreed, I noticed the change that had come over Motoko. She was more confident, more expressive and more willing to take charge. Whether that was because she was away from Shaeula and Eri, who tended to rule the roost back in Tokyo, or whether our lovemaking had deepened her feelings for me, I couldn’t say, but I liked the change. We definitely feel more a couple. Though maybe I should call it a triple, with Natsumi?

Ahead of us, well-dressed people were being helped out of their cars, parked in the great courtyard behind the impressive gates of the Palace. I couldn’t resist flaring my Eye a little, and several of the people looked around, as if something had spooked them. Letting the aether fade, I nodded. Yes, there’s a number of Chosen here already. Considering the scale of this event, there might actually be more in attendance than there were in Kyoto…

Soon our limousine was next, and as it passed through the majestic spiked gates, I shivered. Hyacinth and the girls did as well, looking at me in surprise. Well, I think that confirms my speculation. “Yeah, the Palace is under a Territory of someone who is considered to have ownership of it, so the ether density here is noticeably higher than the surrounding London, and I can feel a slight oppression. Will you two be all right?” I asked, and Motoko and Natsumi exchanged a look, before Natsumi shrugged, looking great doing that because of her suit.

“Well, we wouldn’t be able to fight off a Chosen anyway. But don’t expect too much from us here, I definitely feel a bit weaker.”

“I am fine. This is nooot more than I can bear.” Hyacinth confirmed and I agreed.

“It’s more a minor annoyance for us. So… either the Queen is a Chosen, which I very much doubt, or it’s Princess Eleanor, and the Palace recognises her as an owner? Well, one good thing is it might deter weaker Chosen from trying anything stupid. Being in hostile Territory is no joke.”

Ahead of us, I could see the ceremonial troops colloquially known as Beefeaters, with their distinctive red uniforms and black, tall hats, guarding the entrance to the Palace and lining the delicate gravel pathway to it. Fujiwara-san’s limousine was ahead of us, and the doors were opened by smartly dressed servants, who offered the girls a hand out. Miyu and Honoka-san got out gracefully, while Michiru-san and her sister Koga-san leapt out, the red scarf Michiru-san wore fluttering, the same shade as the Beefeaters coats.

“Looks like we’re next.” I said, and as our car pulled up, the doors were opened and servants offered Motoko a hand, but she denied it, merely glancing at me. Smiling, I followed Natsumi out, and went round to that side and offered my hand. Motoko took it gracefully, and I helped her out, her other hand keeping her long skirt in place. She smiled at the servant, speaking in great English.

“My apologies, but I would rather my fiancé assists me. Do carry on.”

“Oh, it isn’t a problem.” The servant said, charmed by her smile. “Welcome to Buckingham Palace.”

“My thanks.” She said, promptly forgetting the servant. Hyacinth and Natsumi took their positions, and we walked over to where Fujiwara-san’s party was waiting. Moments later, Tsumura-san’s car had arrived, and soon we were all together, moving towards the entrance.

“Greetings.” A sharply dressed Royal Butler smiled at us all professionally. “May I take your names?”

“I am Fujiwara Shige. These are…” he introduced us, and the Butler bowed.

“Greetings, I thank you for attending this gala to celebrate the charity work of her dear grandchildren.” He said. “To have such distinguished guests from our ally Japan is such an honour. Do enter and servants will show you to the great hall.” He did nothing so vulgar as ask for our invitations or any proof we were who we said we were, and I guessed he likely had the names and appearances of every guest memorised. Hyacinth is looking at him with respect. I guess top-class knows top-class.

“You have our thanks. I would never refuse an invitation from the Queen.” Fujiwara-san said grandly, and as we swept into the palace, maids and butlers did indeed come to escort us, though some threw odd looks at Hyacinth. Ahead of us was another guest, a strong-looking man wearing a tuxedo, though he looked a bit uncomfortable and out of place. A Chosen, probably.

“The initial reception is taking place in the great hall. There are tables laid out with suitable food and drink, but should you need anything specific, please flag down any one of the servants and they will aid you to the best of their abilities. Please, have a great time and mingle.” Our escort said, and with that we entered the hall, which was fancy enough to take one’s breath away. Massive in scale, the room was brightly lit by a combination of sunlight streaming through immense glass windows that arched to the ceiling, and a number of colossal gold chandeliers that held a mixture of electric bulbs and fancy candles, which gave the room an old-fashioned, noble atmosphere. Long tables ringed the walls, and a buffet had been set up, but it wasn’t some casual self-service event, dozens of smartly dressed maids were there, handing food to guests, while more were moving through the room elegantly, carrying trays of champagne and other expensive beverages.

“I looove this.” Hyacinth said, eyes sparkling. “So many servants, all doooing good work. Not like the trash Hyacinth had to discipline that serves mistress Shaeula, nooo. Though I must confess, the maids are coooming along well now.”

“I’m sorry, but today you won’t be serving us.” I said quietly, still taking in the view. To the back of the great hall there was a large dais, with a number of Beefeaters there, blocking anyone from approaching. A curtain had been pulled across, covering half of it, but I could hear voices. I think that the Queen is there? Damn, doesn’t this beat all? The Queen is probably the most famous monarch in the world. Compared to our Imperial Family, which keeps largely to itself nowadays, she’s always travelling to other countries…

“Well, it seems there are people here I recognise.” Fujiwara-san said mildly. “See there. The Prime Minster of the United Kingdom, though he took office only recently.” I followed his gaze to see a burly blonde man, talking loudly to several other men. “Then there is the talk of the moment.”

“Oh, I believe that is Prince Henry.” Miyu said, looking at the handsome man with reddish-brown hair. He was talking to an attractive darker-skinned woman around his age, with long dark hair tied back, wearing a flashy white dress, with gold trim. “And that is likely his current girlfriend, Melissa Masters. I believe there is talk of an upcoming engagement?”

As we watched, Prince Henry laughed loudly. He wasn’t what interested me though. Looking around, I could see that the group of attendees was extremely diverse, much more so than at the events I had attended in Japan. There were Caucasians, Blacks, Asians of both Pacific and Indian origins and more. The one thing everyone had in common was that everyone was well-dressed and behaving themselves.

There are still a few people out of place, though. I found myself staring at a small group of people, a number of men dressed in sharp, charcoal grey suits with matching silver shirts, ties and accessories, as well as a beautiful blonde woman with sharp green eyes, who was wearing white vestments, looking rather like a nun, or rather she would if she was in black. Well, it isn’t just my eyes she’s caught. I can see a lot of the other people in the room watching them…

“Are you interested?” Motoko asked me, and I detected a touch of jealousy in her tone, so I shook my head.

“In that way? No. She just seems a bit out of place here. Besides, the woman in white who interests me here is you. Well, and you, Natsumi.”

“Thanks for not forgetting me.” She said dryly. “Though looking at this place purely as a bodyguard, I’m sweating. A lot of people carry themselves like fighters. Him for example.” There was a guy with spiky brown hair and rather good looks, wearing a classy light grey suit, and as I looked at him, I understood what Natsumi was getting at.

“Yeah, his centre of balance is excellent, and he’s constantly alert.” At my comment, Natsumi praised me for my good eye.

“We can only expect many such around here.” Tsumura-san said. “After all, this is one of the gatherings the Queen is regularly hosting for her Chosen. Perhaps we in Japan should do likewise?”

“Well, ours are a bit more factional.” I wasn’t sure if it would work. “We have the ones from the faith, as opposed to more ordinary people. It’s something to think about, I guess.”

“In that case, our plans are simple. Fujiwara-sama and I shall mingle, talk to friends old and new. Whereas you…” he continued, and I nodded.

“Our goal is the Princess. Sure, we might make some useful connections as well, but we came all this way to secure an alliance with princess Eleanor, and get in her good graces enough so she might believe us about Tsukiko-san’s prophecy.”

“We will support you, Akio.” Motoko promised, smiling slightly. “After all, it should be easier than convincing your grandparents to accept us, should it not?”

“That’s right.” Natsumi agreed, laughing. “You looked so uncomfortable. Really, I liked them. You have a good family.”

“I won’t argue. So, I guess we should mingle a bit then. Our cover story is we’re here with your grandfather and Fujiwara-san and debuting your engagement, right Motoko?”

She nodded happily. “Ordinarily the event would happen in Japan, and it would be attended by all the nobility, and once it was done, there would be no going back, Fujiwara-sama would never allow an engagement called to support the nobility to fail. But as Tsumura house is second only to the Three Great Houses, it is not so abnormal to celebrate an official engagement abroad, in such rare company. It would reflect well upon us. More so if we could be seen to be congratulated by a worldwide figure such as the Queen. In fact…” her brown eyes sparkled, and I didn’t have the heart to deny her.

“I don’t know if we’ll actually get to meet the Queen, but if we do, I’ll try and get her to say a few words about our engagement.”

“Thank you.” Motoko squeezed my hand happily. I exchanged a look with Natsumi, who shrugged, smiling wryly, and Hyacinth, who didn’t much care about what others thought.

“All right then, shall we go? Oh…. Miyu.” I said, remembering. “Careful. If you get talking to any Chosen be discreet, but if they start giving you a hard time, come get me and I’ll deal with them.”

“I appreciate it.” She paused, her smile a little teasing. “Though I suspect it is simply because you cannot bear to lose my Dances, rather than any care for me.”

“Nonsense. I treasure you as a vassal and as friend. Besides, Hinata and the others like you. I know you’re having fun at my expense, but… honestly, your Divine Favour is awesome. That reminds me…” I lowered my voice, asking Fujiwara-san and Tsumura-san a question. “I may be paranoid, but… couldn’t someone poison the food here? I know servants are watching, but with so many Chosen here it could be done.”

“It would look distrusting and be a breach of etiquette that would stand out, quite the opposite of our goal, to refuse all drinks and eat nothing.” Fujiwara-san warned. “However, I did lecture you on safety and why we flew a private jet to this country. You have a suggestion?”

“Yes, I can check with my Eye. Just get my attention and I’ll check and discreetly signal when it’s okay.” I may be paranoid, but there’s a lot of Chosen all in one place, anything could happen.

“In that case.” Hikari-san said, taking her husband’s arm. “Motoko, we will go talk with some other guests. Natsumi-chan, be on alert. As for you…” she looked at me, before shaking her head a little. “After today there is no going back. Treasure my Motoko, show her a good time. This is her official engagement event, one that rivals any even Miyu-sama and Honoka-sama will likely see. Give her precious memories. Now… and forever.”

I feel happy now she’s accepted me as her daughter’s true partner. “I will.” I squeezed Motoko’s hand. “Though I need to do the same for Natsumi and Hyacinth at some point. Well, Natsumi anyway, the way Hyacinth rolled her eyes then I doubt she cares.”

“Yes.” Hikari-san said, looking at Hyacinth. “As for you… uh, well, I confess to not knowing you well, but please do look after my daughter and protect her.”

“I will. I looove all the mistresses, mistress Motoko is nooo exception. Besides, Akio would be very sad if anything bad happened. All here will die befooore Hyacinth lets anyone get hurt, I prooomise.”

With that ruthless declaration delivered with a cheerful smile, Hikari-san blinked, shocked. “I see. I do appreciate your passion and care. Minoru, father-in-law, we should go.”

Yeah I get it. Hyacinth can be off-puttingly intense, but it comes from a place of love, so it’s fine. “Well, Fujiwara-san, Miyu, Honoka-san, you two…” I addressed the rest of out group. “We are heading out.” I watched a servant pass by, my Eye glowing, using my hand to shield the light. Seeing me looking, the servant paused, impeccably composed.

“Sir, would you and the madam like a drink?” he asked, and I smiled politely.

“Yes, and if you don’t mind, one for her bodyguard and my maid. It’s thirsty work standing up all day.”

He seemed surprised I was allowing that, but with practised grace four glasses were handed over. Seeing as it was safe since I had taken them, Fujiwara-san got drinks for him and his granddaughters, though the ninja sisters did without.

“I noticed several people looking, including the blonde you were ogling earlier.” Natsumi said, her voice low. “Oh, and thanks for letting me have a drink. I’m pretty nervous. And you and Hyacinth are the real guards here anyway.”

“My Eye is pretty subtle, but people with sharp senses might detect the change in aether. As for you, just think you’re here as my fiancée as well. You might not be able to say so, but depending on how things go with the Princess…”

“Thanks.” She said, flushed.

“All right then, we should mingle too.” Strolling around, we were drawing a few interested looks, being clearly foreign, though as I had noticed earlier we weren’t alone in our different ethnicity to the normal. With my keen hearing I could pick out interesting bits of conversation. Most was useless, though I did identify several more Chosen, a red-headed woman speaking in a broad, Scottish twang, oddly similar to Master Bjarki, just not so thick, and an older woman, who was wearing some of the plainest clothes of anyone in the room, a long woollen skirt and cardigan. They were speaking to a man wearing a suit of the same silver-grey shade as the group with the woman in white, and he had a large tiepin of a silver hand, a rather unusual decoration.

“… have tae thank ye for the help.” The redhead was saying. “The orphanage, it’ll be great. I could nae have done it without the support.”

“Yes, I am most grateful, Mr Power. Seeing all their little faces, well-fed and eager to learn from the teachers at the facility… why I am so grateful you managed to arrange it all for us. It is why I agreed to help the Princess, after all.”

I see. One of Princess Eleanor’s team, maybe two? Interested, we drifted closer.

“A mutual friend supplied nuns to teach the children. Convent schools are quite traditional, aren’t they?” the man said. “I do think she is a frightening woman, but she does love the children. So your charitable works have touched her heart. Now if only she would stop calling me a godless heathen, I’d appreciate her more. She’s wasting her beauty. She’s surely a goddess when her mouth is shut.”

“Come now, by the definition of it, ye are a heathen.” The redhead laughed. “And if she hears what ye be saying about her, well, ach, ye’ll be sorry.”

It was then my ears picked up another conversation, back behind the curtain, and I turned. Seeing my sudden movement, Motoko and Natsumi followed my gaze, while Hyacinth was still eyeing the group of three we were eavesdropping on, a sour expression on her face, violet eyes glittering.

“You need to be careful, Princess of the Great Green.” A voice was saying, the accent strange. “There’s a bad smell out there. I don’t like it, not at all. Makes me want to smell the salty spray on the breeze, clean my nose.”

“I have no choice.” A female voice said, no-nonsense and yet tired. “Grandmother arranged this for me, after all. Apparently there are some foreign guests I simply must speak to. Besides, you’re here, Raidre. Are all your boasts of being the greatest Selkie of the southern shores just that, boasts?”

“Hardly. I am Raidre, Chieftain of Bermondsey Isle and the waters it commands. I do not fear danger. But I am no fool. I do not court danger either!”

Hyacinth twitched. “A Selkie? Annoooying. Handsome and lustful, with quick tempers. Hyacinth doooes not care for them.”

You think they are quick-tempered? That must be something to see.” Natsumi said, amazed.

“I don’t court trouble either. But David, Sarah and the others are all here, as well as the members of the second and third teams. If anyone tries to attack us then they will not succeed. I will listen to your warnings though, since your advice has helped us greatly so far, Raidre. Can you find this smell?”

I gestured for us to back away from the dais, slowly and casually, and we made a play of looking around at other guests, as if we were looking for someone. Moments later the curtain parted, and out came a woman wearing a stunning sky-blue gown, matching her eyes, with sapphire jewellery of the highest quality, delicate platinum knotwork and lace around her hems and her décolletage. Her brown hair was bundled up, and her expression was solemn.


“That is her.” Motoko whispered, and I nodded. Here we are, Princess Eleanor at last. So… I now had to decide what to do. Fujiwara-san was confident that even if we didn’t approach her during the gala, he would be able to secure me a private meeting with her afterwards, just as he gained us entry to the Palace. But… seeing her and interacting with her more informally might be better. And I’m curious about this Selkie… a Fae that isn’t in Shaeula’s camp might be interesting, and offer a perspective we can’t get elsewhere…

“So, do we approach her?” Motoko whispered, and I shook my head.

“No, not yet. She’s still up on the dais anyway. No, let’s mingle for now, sound out some other Chosen, gather information. And we shall see how things go…”

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