On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Sixty-Nine

Three Hundred And Sixty-Nine

“Now, I’m not going to go into the details.” The Queen smiled benevolently. “After all, we have children here.” She looked at several younger people scattered around, including at Miyu and Honoka-san. “It’s always so nice to see the young, when you reach my age.” She looked at Prince Henry then. “Maybe my grandson will finally settle down and give me some grandchildren like his brother?”

He laughed at that, running a hand through his reddish hair, while next to him Melissa looked down, her expression strained.

“Well, enough of embarrassing my family. Other than Eleanor, probably.” The Queen laughed, a rich, vibrant sound. “But having children around serves a purpose as well. After all, surely nobody would suspect serious discussions happen at such an event, attended by happy families and foreign guests? Besides…” her expression changed. “The young have been called too. The Gods are cruel.” She paused then, and I took the opportunity to look at Miyu, who had been terrified of Ame-no-Uzume’s Divine Favour and the burden she had to bear. And rightly so. On seeing me looking, she smiled at me a little, and I turned my attention back to the Queen as she continued.

“There are those of you who may disagree with me, even hate me. Nor do we agree on the path to take easily.” She looked out over the crowd, her face showing some recognition as she searched the sea of faces. “There are those of you who have come from abroad, some as friends, others to… if you’ll forgive the bluntness of an old woman… try and convince us to eat manure and call it ice cream. I fear that will be a rather difficult task. This old woman has ruled too long to enjoy the taste of horseshit.”

“Grandmother!” Eleanor gasped beside her, and nervous laughter went around the room, while my ears could pick up the familiar mirth of Christina Bakker, who was muttering that “Yes, it’s going to be a hard sell, damn Adam and his useless goons. I should be busy researching, not trying to be diplomatic. That’s not one of my strengths!”

No kidding. Though I can think of several reasons why she might have been sent here…

“Let me just say, and to those of you who’ve heard this before, I apologise. When you reach my age, repeating yourself is an occupational hazard.” Her charisma was shining through, and I idly wondered if she had any points in Charm and Majesty. “The world has changed, no, the world has shed its skin, showing what was hidden beneath this whole time. From the days of the earliest history, even before England was truly united, never mind Brittania as a whole, the Royal lines have guarded knowledge of the hidden world, that we call Avalon. King Arthur… well, perhaps he did not exist as the tales tell of him, but exist he did.” She snorted. “And every King and the odd Queen, few as they were, passed down the knowledge of what we must protect to their heirs. Even bitter enemies, when they usurped and killed, conquerors from other countries, we passed on the words. For it is larger than simply the Monarchy, the fate of this green and pleasant land, this sceptred isle, but it involves humanity itself. No, even beyond that.”

Her words were drawing us in, and I marvelled at the thought of knowledge passing down unbroken for fifteen hundred years. I shouldn’t be surprised. The faiths of Japan did the same, and the Imperial Family too, holding secrets such as Onmyōji. So it stands to reason that a similarly august line as the British Monarchy would have the same sort of knowledge. Especially when the Seelie Court originated here in this land too…

“We all of us, must set aside our differences and work together. If we do not, then I fear for our future. Not merely as a country, but as a species.” She paused to let that sink in as well. “To succeed, we need to gather those who have been Chosen. I understand some reservations, and that it is not easy to change one’s beliefs. I have had many hardships over the years. Being a ruler is far from easy. I hardly expect people to sympathise, but let me tell you, the crown is bloody heavy.” She said conspiratorially, to more laugher. “We need unity, strength, sadly money… always money.”

It's a good speech, but yes, a number of people around us look like they’ve heard similar. But not everyone… Trying to be subtle, I used aether to expand my vision, and I could see varying reactions. The men in silver and grey suits were nodding when the Queen mentioned money, and I could see that Mary Stuart looked as if she was chewing on a lemon, her mouth twisted.

“But resources are nothing if not directed. We need a leader. To that end, my granddaughter, the mantle has fallen to her. I wish it was not so, that my precious grandchild was not burdened with this, but… it is the destiny of the Royal Family, and it has come due. Even so, we cannot succeed alone. So I hope those of you who have supported us will continue to do so, and those on the fence get off it. Splinters fester, you know.” she said, archly. “Lastly, I hope our foreign guests, despite their own troubles, looking towards their own lands and peoples, as they of course should, can work with us. Together, we stand strong. But if we fight, steal from each other and only consider ourselves, then none of us will pass this trial unscathed. I thank you for listening to this old woman. Now, a word from someone a lot younger and prettier. Eleanor, my dear.”

As we all applauded, Eleanor took the stage, her face slightly red. Now I was taking a better look at her, I had to admit she was a good-looking woman. Seeing that, Motoko squeezed my hand, looking at me reproachfully, while Natsumi poked me in the back.

“You have us.” Motoko said, and I nodded.

“I know. Well, a man can look, right?”

“No, Eri told me looking gets you into trouble.” Motoko whispered.

“Akio is a princess-killer, we all knooow it.” Hyacinth giggled, before a harsh look from Fujiwara-san quietened us down. Yeah, focus on the speech.

“You all know me. Well, I don’t like giving speeches. Really, unlike my brothers, I was content to stay out of the public eye. Cut the ribbon at a few hospitals, do some charity work…” her brother clapped his hands at that, embarrassing her. “… I guess fate had other plans for me. Those of you who are already working with me, fighting with me…” she smiled at some of the people around the room, such as the redhead we saw earlier. “… and those of the other teams, working to safeguard the cities and towns around the UK, I still appreciate what you do, and neither I nor the Crown will forget your service. I hope that one day, we can look back on all of this as something to be proud of.” She clasped her hands behind her back, sapphire eyes filled with deep emotion. “As grandmother said, we have children here, so I won’t say anything too scary. But Henry, you’ve been a soldier, right?”

“Of course. You never stop being one.” He said calmly.

“Well, not all of us who are brave enough to take up the sword will return. At first I hated every last minute of it. I still do.” That got some nervous laughter to break the silence. “I’m not cut out for battle, and getting injured is hard. Especially for women. But grandmother told me what was at stake. And I’m not able to turn my back on the people of this country, the people that have given my family so much, that my grandmother has served for all these years. But alone, I falter. Fortunately… I’m no longer alone. Those of you who are fighting with us, it’s a noble thing, and I thank you. But noble deeds alone don’t sustain us. That’s why those of you who weren’t Chosen like I was, we were… we appreciate the money you give us, both for charitable endeavours, that soothe the sting of the terrible deeds we have to perform in Avalon, the laughter of happy children hides the sound of battle, the smell of flowers chases out the scent of blood, the sight of sick patients recovering helps us see something other than violence, and also for support in securing what we need to maximise the protection we give the citizens.” She paused, looking at her grandmother then. “I do have an advantage in that regard.” Her lips quirked into a slight smile. “Those of you who have remained undecided, content to plant your own flags and defend them, I can’t tell you not to. Nobody can. All I ask is that you defend those that fall under your care. Though I would prefer it if you joined us. Together we are stronger, like the shieldwalls of old. It may seem like all this is distant from the people now, but it will change. We have some Japanese guests today…” she looked our way, as did everyone else, and the grey eyes of the non-human widened as he saw me and Hyacinth, and he looked troubled, unsure. I wonder what that’s about. No way I’m the bad smell, right? Hyacinth…? No, she’s not a Dark Fae now…

“I wouldn’t dream of reopening painful wounds, but… we have all heard of Kyoto. That is what happens when we fight each other, when we let greed and foolishness blind us to the need to help each other. And it was the civilians that suffer. A thousand of them, near all told.” Her speech was poignant, and our group bowed our heads at the memory of the dead. “For now, only human arrogance and evil leads to these tragedies. And though we have been betrayed…”

My vision picked up Christina squirming uncomfortably at that, drawing eyes around her. The Princess noticed too, and her soft gaze as she was looking at us vanished, to be replaced by annoyed scorn. “… we have to set aside our hatred. Those who have wronged us shall make reparations, but then we need to forgive. For danger is coming, and if we don’t unite, then we will surely fall. So thank you. Everyone who has fought by me, everyone who has fought to protect others, those of you who offered help with money and other issues, and even those of you who have just come to listen. Listening is the first step to joining us. Thank you.”

“My granddaughter, isn’t she a marvel?” The Queen said, leading the renewed applause. “I second her words. All of you here know this is not a joke, or some small matter. We do not have long to prepare. So… feel free to talk to each other, share your experiences. Eat and drink freely, make connections, and above all, think about what your role will be in the new world.” She paused. “And why not finish with a word from our Prime Minister?”

“Way to put me on the spot…” he managed, blustering. “… oh well, yes. Uh, the Government wholeheartedly supports the efforts of our Royal Family to safeguard Britain against the upcoming threats, whatever they might be. Well, it’d be lovely if we had some more idea of what they might be, but… sorry, your Majesty, I’ll shut up now! Just… if you can support Princess Eleanor, be you good citizens of the United Kingdom, or foreign visitors, please do so. She’s a sparkling jewel of the United Kingdom, and the apple of our good Queen’s eye!”

One final round of applause, Eleanor blushing at the Prime Ministers praise, and a number of the crowd headed towards the dais, which was our cue to back up a bit. “We should go, I don’t like the way that guy was eyeing us.” Even as I said that and Motoko was nodding, the grey-eyed man came pushing through the crowd. As he did so, he bumped into the redheaded woman, and she shot him an irritated glare.

“Ach, watch it Raidre, what’s your damn hurry, ye fool?” she said in her thick accent.

“Over there. By the scent of the salty seas, can’t any of you smell it? I don’t like it…” he answered, pointing towards us.

“Looks like a few Asians to me, nae big deal? Ye sure ye don’t have a screw loose somewhere? They’re with the damn PM, ach, there’s no way they’re anyone bad.”

“Just hurry it up.” The person, who must have been called Raidre, snapped. Well, there’s no way out. Might as well see what he wants. He was up with the Princess so he’s some sort of bigshot.

“Well, let’s see how this plays out. Fujiwara-san, do you want to leave?”

He shook his head. “I will remain. I am curious as to why he is so interested in you. I trust that you can protect my granddaughters if matters take a turn?”

“Of course.” I agreed. Moments later, Raidre was in front of us, followed by the redhead, who was rather attractive, but the look of confusion on her face dulled that somewhat.

“So, just what do ye want with these foreigners?” she said, and Raidre froze, looking at me, face pale.

“Wait, why is a noble Fae here? I should have heard…” Raidre trembled for a moment, before his grey eyes narrowed. “No, by the salt and smoke… you’re no Fae, though you have the aura of one. Just who are you and…” he looked at Hyacinth again. “Ugh, the smell. Is that… you brought an Unseelie here? Such treachery! Quickly, call for the others!” he shouted, and moments later, to our surprise, the Princess herself was approaching us, along with the spiky-haired fellow I saw earlier.

“The fuck’s going on, Raidre? I was just about to have a drink.” He snapped, before looking at the woman with him. “Should have known you’d be causing trouble, redhead.”

“I have a damn name, ye get it, David? Call me redhead again, and I’ll knock some manners into ye, I swear it.”

“Yeah, like you could, shield girl.” He snorted.

“It’s all right, everyone. Just a bit of boisterous energy. Men.” Princess Eleanor said, as everyone was looking at us. “Don’t worry, if you want to talk to us, I’ll be around all evening.” She managed to calm the situation down quickly with her charm and bearing.

“Nice work, Princess.” The Prime Minister approved. “But… could you get your friend here to be less rude to our guests? These are VIP’s you know.”

“No!” Raidre demanded. “Not without an explanation!”

“Stupid Selkie, have you left your brain ooon the shooore along with your seal skin? Or are yooour eyes so salt-burned yooou cannot see clearly?” Hyacinth said scornfully, and I froze. Uh, that was rather undiplomatic.

Raidre froze too, his handsome face twitching, and he reached for his belt, where a long, narwhal-tusk dagger lay sheathed. Before he could though, Eleanor grabbed his wrist, while the man David also had reservations. They both spoke at the same time.

“She’s dangerous. Got a crazy look in her eyes.” He said. “This one is too.” He looked at me cautiously. “He’s a Chosen, I’m certain of it. Done some killing, too. It’s in the eyes.”

“There are young girls here, calm down Raidre. You can’t draw a weapon on our guests either. If a foreign visitor is injured, it’ll throw mud on grandmother’s name and also mine, and I’ll lose hope of cooperation from the others.”

As David and the Princess looked at each other, Fujiwara-san stepped smoothly into the breach.

“I believe we should apologise for our rudeness, but… is not Unseelie a racial slur?” he surmised, and Hyacinth nodded.

“Yes, I am nooot Unseelie. Hyacinth hates them mooore than anything. Idiooot selkie makes me feel bad.”

“You’re definitely not normal.” Raidre sniffed, extracting his hand from Eleanor’s grip. “Princess, we should be careful. Many Unseelie are crafty, cowardly and cruel. Any mortal that traffics with them is doubtless evil!”

“No, you can’t call Shige Fujiwara and his guests evil! This man here is the fiancé of the granddaughter of the Tsumura house. They run the JSDF! If you upset them, my trade deal with Japan will catch fire and explode! We’d be lucky if they don’t withdraw their support from the UK entirely!” The Prime Minister was panicked.

“Please, calm down.” I said, flexing my Majesty and League. Everyone stopped for a moment, and I patted Hyacinth on the back. “Look, Hyacinth, apologise. I know he was rude, but…”

“Fine.” Hyacinth puffed out her cheeks, before managing an apology as best she could. “Master Akio says I shooould forgive you, so I will. But dooo not slander me again.” Her fingers twitched, and I imagined she was wishing she could wring his neck.

“Great. Now, introductions.” I introduced everyone on our side.

“I see. You seem awfully young to be getting married.” Eleanor said doubtfully to Motoko.

“I am not as young as you think, Princess.” She said politely. “I am old enough to bring no disgrace to my dear Akio. To Westerners, us Japanese always seem younger than our actual age.”

“I see. Well, if you are unhappy, or being coerced… tell someone here. I will never stand for such injustice. Not after Uncle…” she winced. “A bad business that. Grandmother was heartbroken.”

Oh yes, there was that scandal in America where the girl was seventeen, right? Though the UK insisted he had no charges to answer as the legal age in the UK was sixteen, as I recall? Well… not really my business. My thoughts were interrupted by laughter from Motoko, rich and full of quiet humour. “I thank you, you are quite kind. But I assure you, I am extremely happy being with Akio. This is a happy day, my official debut as his fiancée. It would mean a lot to me if I could have your recognition, Princess.”

“I see. Sorry if I overstepped as well.” She looked at Hyacinth then, curious. “So… can you answer his question now? You’re like Raidre, aren’t you? Not human.”

Hyacinth nodded. “I am a Fae toooooo. My name is Hyacinth. I am not Unseelie. Nooor am I Seelie.”

“A wanderer then? Hmm, but I smell Weal and Woe on you, I’m sure of it.” Raidre insisted.

“Well, you would. Poor Hyacinth was once Seelie, and then was cruelly treated and became Unseelie. Now she is neither, simply Hyacinth.” I explained. “And she is dear to me, so please stop your inquisition. She means no harm to any that don’t seek to harm us.”

As I said she was dear to me, Hyacinth blushed happily. The Princess eyed me askance, considering this was my engagement debut, but chose to ignore it. “So, you’re a Chosen working for the Japanese Government then?” she asked, but Raidre interrupted again.

“There’s still something wrong. This one, he feels like a Fae, a Noble one. But he’s mortal. I want an explanation.”

“Master Akio is the consooort of Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections.” Hyacinth declared proudly. “Hyacinth was there when we retooooook the Spring, and vanquished the Unseelie Duke. So cease yooour yapping, selkie. Yooou insult your betters!” she said proudly, and a stony silence fell over the scene.

“Ye got any idea what’s going on, David?” the redhead said, and he snapped at her that he didn’t have a clue and that she should shut up. She merely snorted at that, giving him an amused glance. Male tsundere? Another? Again, nobody cares about those…

Princess Eleanor and Raidre reacted, both with very different focuses of interest.

“That brat of Prince Shaetanao’s that everyone thought was worthless, who somehow avenged one of the Three Great Defeats? Even Prince Morioth has thrown his support behind the reconstruction of the Spring…” Raidre seemed poleaxed, and at that, both Fujiwara-san, who knew little of Boundary matters, and the Prime Minister, looked interested in learning more.

Meanwhile, the Princess looked horrified. “Consort. You mean… as in a husband? But…” she looked between me and Motoko before settling on me with a look of disdain. “You’re marrying such a young girl, and are already married… to someone not even human? A disgrace…”

That hurts my feelings a bit, you know… It seemed it wasn’t just mine either, as the looks in Motoko’s, Natsumi’s and Hyacinth’s eyes had turned ugly and hostile. We really aren’t getting off on the right foot here.

“A disgrace? A noble such as yourself should speak more carefully.” Motoko said, her poise stunning, her head tilted at just the right angle to convey polite disdain. “I have a great respect for Shaeula, and she is as noble as you are. She graciously allowed Natsumi, Hyacinth and I…” at her words the Princess grew even more pale, hearing there were other women. “… to share a measure of happiness. I do thank you for your concern, but you should not view things from your own lens. Do I look unhappy?”

“Me neither. If you knew just what we were going through, before this…”

“I am very angry. Disrespecting Akio is terrible indeed. I dooo not like it!”

“Hah, looks like the pretty boy isn’t impressing the Princess much.” David snorted. “Well, makes sense, she was against it when she heard about the new laws… that’s right…” He looked at us, thoughtful. “So, girlie…”

“My name is Tsumura Motoko. You are no acquaintance of mine, so please address me as Tsumura-san.” Motoko said to him frostily.

“Uh, sure thing Tsumura… san. So, you’re telling me this guy is seriously married to a weird fairy like Raidre? What kind? How does that even work…and you as well? But you’re some bigshot rich girl according to the PM here…”

“My house is as noble as any.” She agreed. “I fail to see the issue. Legally, there is no problem. We all love Akio and he loves us. I will take up spear, sword and bow for him and to protect the others.”

“Me too. I want to stay with Akio and Motoko forever.” Natsumi declared.

“I thought you looked good.” He muttered. “Your stances… the way you keep your centre of balance. At first I thought you might be like us, but no… you’re just very well trained. Unusual for your age, especially for a girl. Martial arts, huh? I just hope it’s none of that Eastern mystical shit like Tai Chi. Even Karate and Judo just gets your ass beat in the Octagon.”

“Ogling little engaged girls. A new low for ye, David.” The redhead laughed.

“Shut it, Sarah! Now is not the time. The Princess is about ready to blow. She was really touchy about this when we talked about this the other day, she doesn’t get what it’s like to be a man. Loving a lot of women, sure, we can do it.”

“Shut it, ye damn pig! The Princess must be sick of listening to ye.”

“Our Arts are for war, I assure you. And we have drawn blood, fought in the Boundary.” Motoko declared proudly.

“Wait, that’s not right. You’re not Gods’ Chosen.” Princess Eleanor said, snapped out of her dark thoughts.

“Those Akio loves can always be with him.” Motoko declared, dissembling, realising she had said too much again. Well, we let it slip to Mrs Morgan and Mr Hunter anyway, so it’s no big deal. “I am immensely satisfied with my life now. Please do not deny our way of life, force your own values onto us.”

“But…” she said, troubled, eyes narrowing. “… oh, fine. So, Raidre, they aren’t a danger?” she settled on avoiding the subject.

“The maid is dangerous, no question, But… if she serves that bratty weasel Princess… tell me this. What plans have you?” he inquired harshly.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I believe the eventual goal is to take back Salamandrastrae. I received some elven support, and they are planning the eventual campaign with Ulfuric. I believe Duke Formor is also keen. Well, it won’t be soon, but…”

“By the salt and smoke, it’s true.” Raidre deflated. “It all matches with the rumours on the breeze. I spend little time at Court, but even on Bermondsey Isle we have heard the changing times. It fits, Princess.”

“Yes, and Hyacinth is Shaeula’s Head Maid, so… tone down the disrespect.” I warned.

“I… apologise.” He managed, the words torn from him, and Hyacinth smirked at him until I rapped her on the head gently. She pouted, clutching her head, and that led to the Princess misunderstanding. I barely touched her, it was a gesture of affection.

“You treat them quite carelessly… Mr Oshiro.” She said witheringly. “I do not believe you are the sort of man I will get along with. I appreciate you coming from Japan, but I have many others to speak to.” She looked at Motoko and Natsumi pityingly, before storming off.

“Akio-sama, I don’t think she likes you.” Honoka-san said innocently, and I shook my head, as David roared with laughter.

“No kidding. Shit, we really needed to discuss the prophecy with her. I can’t believe she got so worked up over my relationships…” Sure, I’ve had some disbelief before, and envy, but never such outright hostility…

“Well, the Princess is a romantic.” David snorted, when he had things under control. “I get it though, man to man. I’ve had my share of romance, ended up with two or three girlfriends on the go.”

“I get it too.” Sarah said, and David froze.


“I said, ye deaf idiot, I get it. He’s a handsome man, and he looks strong. Women go for that sort of thing, ye know.”

“Handsome and strong, huh?” David cricked his neck audibly. “So, you think he’s better than me, huh?”

“I nae did say that, did I, ye grand fool. Though right now, I think he surely might be.” She smiled at me. “Want to grab a drink over there and have a wee talk, handsome?”

Wait, are they injecting me into their tsundere lovers quarrel? I’m so not up for that.

Motoko must have felt the same, as she looked a bit panicked, so I rapidly tried to soothe the situation. “We need to talk to Princess Eleanor.” I said hastily. “It’s a matter of utmost importance.”

“Good luck with that.” A stern voice said, and I saw it was the white-haired man from earlier. “Prime Minister, esteemed foreign guests.” He bowed politely.

“Sir Arthur. Well, it was quite the unexpected result.” The Prime Minister mopped his brow.

As David and Sarah bickered, Raidre having seized up, unable to process who we were, Sir Arthur spoke to us apologetically. “I am afraid she was quite upset. Perhaps she will calm down later, but like her grandmother, she can be awfully stubborn. She might not wish to listen to what you have to say.”

“Well, we need to talk to her.” I repeated. “It’s about a danger to her life. If not her, the Queen, or maybe you can…” I swayed aside, arm snaking out to catch a glass that David had thrown at me. Glaring, I took a step forwards.

“Watch it, man. If you’d have hit any of my party with that, I’d make you regret it.” I warned. What a jerk. Throwing glass with girls about…

“You think you’re hot stuff, don’t you? Well, I’m David Reckless, King of the Octagon, Chosen of Caturix. And I challenge you to a fight!”

“Why? I’m confused.” I said, and Sarah shrugged apologetically.

“He’s got a right bad temper, this pig. Guess he got jealous when I said ye be quite a catch.”

“Oh, wonderful.” I rolled my eyes. “No way I’m going to fight you over something so stupid. I’m sure you’re a nice girl, Sarah, was it?” she nodded and I continued. “But aren’t I in trouble with the Princess because I have more than enough girls to make me happy? And sorry, I’m sticking with who I already have.”

“Yes, please calm down, David. Luckily, he caught the glass before you caused a scene. Your temper will be the death of you.” Sir Arthur admonished him.

“Shut it, gramps.” David snapped. “Something about him rubs me up the wrong way. Well, are you too much of a coward?” he looked at Motoko. “Looks like your fiancé here is chickenshit. I wouldn’t back down from a fight in front of a girl I liked.”

Yeah, I get that. Hence this crap. “I’m rather opposed to needless violence. And to be honest, I don’t need to look good in front of Motoko and Natsumi. They know my skills, and there’s no benefit in me showing off. Only demerits.”

“No benefits, huh? Well, listen up, dipshit. You and me, one on one. Octagon rules. We can find a room in the Palace somewhere, since you’re such a pussy you don’t want your skills leaking. I’m not afraid of people seeing mine.”

“It’s still a no.” I said.

“Well, how about this then? You win, and I’ll drag the Princess to you and make her listen to what you want to say.”

“Are ye sure ye should be promising that? You’ll look a bigger idiot than usual if ye can’t deliver. Only fools bet other people’s stuff, ye know?” Sarah mocked him, which just stoked his temper more.

This is not helping. “Akio, why do you not just do it?” Motoko said mildly. “I am sure that this gentleman…” she eyed David coldly. “… will not take matters too far. Besides, I cannot abide his rudeness towards you.” She turned to the Prime Minister, who was trying to look like this all had nothing to do with him. “This rudeness towards us as guests has been inexcusable. The Princess herself has disappointed me, though I do concede our relationships are unusual. As for you others…”

“Yes, as a bodyguard, I’m honour bound to tell you to cease your disrespect.” Natsumi added.

“You shut your hole, girlie. I don’t like hitting women, but if you say you’re a bodyguard, then you have to expect a few bruises, and you’re not my match, not even close…”

 Miyu was getting upset at the tense atmosphere, and we were attracting too much attention. Besides, I’m getting tired of this prick running his mouth. Threatening Natsumi, even though I’m sure he wouldn’t actually strike her, was the last straw.

“Now we should all calm down, before Her Majesty has us all thrown in the Tower for the night to cool down.” The Prime Minister blustered.

“What if you win then?” I said, and David grinned.

“Oh, interested now? Guess you do have some guts. Well, no guy who has this many women can be total trash I guess. When I win, you apologise to Princess Eleanor for upsetting her, to Raidre for… well, fuck if I know, but looks like you broke him, so make it right, and to me… well, I’ll allow you to publicly admit I’m the better man. Got it?”

It’s Shaeraggo all over again. But… I’m not the man I was back then, and this bastard sure isn’t Shaeraggo. “Fine. Though if you can’t get the Princess to listen to me, then…?”

“I’ll never call myself King of the Octagon again. But dream on. You don’t stand a chance. You losers get a bit of power and think you’re hot shit. I was beating the crap out of fighters barehanded before I ever received a blessing from Caturix. You can’t fake guts and skill. Hey, old timer…”

“Me?” Sir Arthur said mildly.

“Yes, you. You’re refereeing! You’ll trust him, right? The old fart is renowned for fairness.”

“Fine.” I conceded. “I won’t be long, you can stay here with…” I began, but Motoko and Natsumi shook their heads.

“No, if you are fighting a match, we want to see.” Motoko declared, and Natsumi seconded her.

“Yes, we wouldn’t miss it. I realise I’ve seen him before.” Natsumi looked at David. “You’re David Reckless, aren’t you? I have seen some of your matches.” On seeing my odd look, Natsumi shrugged. “I sometimes watched boxing, mixed martial arts and other combat sports in secret.” Her smile was wicked. “I wanted to see how the powerful fought. Back then, I desperately wanted to be stronger.”

“So, I got myself a fan, and she’s one of your girls. Must annoy you, right?” He laughed.

“Oh, I apologise, I wouldn’t say I’m a fan, sorry for misleading you.” she said brightly “Compared to Akio, you don’t even enter my eyes.”

As David reddened, angry but too proud to snap back at her, Sarah laughed loudly, just pushing his anger higher. Oh great, just what I needed, escalation. So, David Reckless, huh… this is annoying. So far I’ve been accosted by a crazed woman, no, make that two, and upset the Princess and angered this guy… and lucky me, there’s still hours to go yet…

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