On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Ninety-Nine

Three Hundred And Ninety-Nine

Shifting Cat – The ability of a Bakaneko to transform their appearance and form to other shapes. The subtle bodies become mutable and the majority of spiritual functions are contained in the primary Night Orb within the Crown Chakra. This area cannot be greatly transformed, and if it is destroyed the Bakaneko will die, but other injuries are simple to replace. Since the bearer of this skill is but a partial Bakaneko, the ability to shift is restricted in scale, and it takes significantly more aether. The limits of the Material form are that the brain cannot be greatly transformed, and if damaged the Bakaneko will die, due to transmission to the Crown Chakra. [Class: Noble] [Type: Artifice]

That’s what I noticed about Ginneka when we fought. She could shift and change shape and size, regrow lost limbs instantly… but the head was always present and didn’t change much…

Shapeshifter is a class given to those who have mastered the ability to change the self at will. It increases all Material Statistics slightly, and strengthens League as control over body and spirit increases. Charm also significantly increases as the self is optimised, imperfections lost during shapeshifting.

I did notice that Eri looks a little different. Really, it’s barely noticeable, I thought her adorable enough already, and due to her stats and Ether Healing, her skin was already radiant, but… Looking at her closely, the subtle imperfections that every human was born with seemed to have been smoothed out, her features regular and symmetrical. I doubt anyone but me would notice though.

As I studied her a long moment, Eri frowned. “What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

“No, no problems.” I reassured her. “Only good things.” I then went through and explained what I had seen.

“Half-Bakaneko?” That was what she was interested in. “Does that mean I’m no longer human, like you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe?” I shrugged, checking the description as my Eye glowed.

A Half-Bakaneko is a hybrid between a Human and a Yōkai. Such a creature is vanishingly rare in the modern world, but can exist freely in either the Material or the Astral, as their Material and Astral bodies are closely integrated. Damage taken by the Silver Cord is less damaging to the subtle bodies, and the efficiency of absorbing Ether and converting it to Aether is increased slightly. As a hybrid Bakaneko, some abilities and classes that only apply to Cat Yōkai are available.

“What do you think? I’d say you’re still mostly human, but it’s no bad thing. So… I’m curious. Don’t tell me you aren’t too?”

Eri nodded. “I am. Let me concentrate…” She squeezed shut her eyes, and for a few minutes nothing happened, before with a scattering of aether and a popping noise Eri was sporting cute black cat ears and a similarly dark black tail, which waved behind her. A real life catgirl. Eri could make a fortune in certain cafés in Akihabara, but there’s no way I’ll share! Setting aside those stupid thoughts, I grasped the most important features of her transformation, as Eri wobbled and sat down on the bed again.

“It worked. It’s strange. In the Boundary I don’t even think about moving them, they just do what I want. But here…” she squinted her eyes as she concentrated, her tail waving as she commanded it. “…I suppose I have to thank my experience of learning to walk and use my arm again. I’m so exhausted…”

“I think the issue is…” I began, and Eri winced, her cat ears dropping.

“That’s really odd. I can hear from the cat ears too. It’s a bit… ugh.” she concentrated again, and the ears vanished with another puff of aether, though her tail remained.

I asked if she was all right, and she nodded. “I think so. Just… it’s a lot to take in. I’m happy though. It feels so good to be back to myself.”

“More than yourself.” I snorted. “Anyway, as I was saying before your cat ear catastrophe…” Eri giggled at that, and the sight warmed me. “… from what I can tell, changing your form takes a ton of aether, but now that it’s there, the tail seems plugged into your chakra network and bodily functions, so it just works like any other body part. Perhaps it’s your low Rank, or because you’re only a Half-Bakaneko, but it’ll take a toll on you. I doubt you’ll be doing a Ginneka and shifting between forms in battle. But…” I paused, actually not wanting to say what was on my mind, and Eri, despite her weariness, sat up and took my hand.

“I know. You worry if I can simply replace injuries by shifting my shape, I’ll do something reckless again. But I won’t. No, that’s not right. I won’t unless it’s absolutely necessary.” She promised. “I have learned my lesson. I want to be with you, support you. But I can’t let that push me into a position where I’m a liability. Hyacinth was saying the same, I think. I wanted to be helpful, find something else that I could do for you, but I wanted to do it simply to find something, not because I wanted to do it. Now… she’s right.” Eri’s tail lashed, and I listened reassuringly, nodding along to her words. “What I wanted, what I always wanted, was to be your wife. And a part of your life. So how can I combine what I want with what you need? I think Shaeula knows my heart, which is mostly why she gave me this role. Well, the other part is probably because she didn’t want the hassle, and as a bribe. But Hyacinth knows too. I wonder… do you think she served someone important before? I think… under the giggles and the perverted behaviour, she’s actually wiser than any of us?”

“I know she’s old…” I began, and Eri shook her head, putting a finger to my lips.

“Just some advice, Akio. Don’t mention a woman’s age. I don’t think that they’re Fae before they are women, so they should be the same as us humans in that regard.”

“I’ll bear that in mind.” I sighed. “But… I do wonder. Wood element is rare in the Fae. Even a Dryad like Asha didn’t have it originally. Yet Hyacinth did. It makes me wonder… but yes, her advice comes from the heart.”

“I’ll be your wife, and I’ll cling to you. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. But I’ll also spread my wings. I’ll learn enough about all you do, all the other girls do, and I’ll be the one they come to with problems. It might even be fun, learning a lot of new things. And in emergencies, maybe I won’t be as good as the others at their specialities, but I’ll always be better than nothing!” she smiled brilliantly, dark eyes gleaming with emotion. “That way I’ll always be able to be with you. Even in battle. But not…” she said before I could speak. “… before I’ve become strong enough to stand by your side honestly. I’ve fallen behind since Kyoto. I have to step up my game. Safely of course.”

“I see. They sound like laudable goals.” I approved. “If you need any support, just ask. Now, there’s one last thing…”

“Maneki-Neko, right? I’m a little offended, I’m not a fat cat.” Eri pouted, and I imagined several of the lucky charms. Usually the cats were fairly chubby.

“No way. You’re adorable Eri.” I smiled, amused by the image of a fat Eri sitting there, a hand in the air, inviting. “So, let’s see just what the beckoning cat does…”

Maneki-Neko is a class given to Cats who have survived death by unlikely circumstances. It is said that Cats have nine lives, but they die just the same as everyone else. However, Cats are also creatures long associated with Fortune, so when a cat escapes death, such Fortune can be activated, allowing them to avoid further danger, giving rise to the myth of the Cat with many lives. This class increases Fortune significantly, as well as offering additional Determination. In addition, Fortune can be invited in, and any Fortune-enhancing abilities affecting the Maneki-Neko and their allies will be strengthened. Such a Cat will also gain increased Fate, as so long as there is a whisper of a chance to escape a terrible danger, Fortune will point the way.

“I see. It was a miracle I survived.” Eri agreed. “So, I am a beckoning cat. But…” she frowned, thinking, and I was amused by the way her tail twitched as she did so. “Strengthening abilities? Doesn’t that mean that I can enhance the effects of Shaeula’s fortunate winds?”

“I think so.” I nodded. “Luck is on our side, it seems.”

“You were lucky from the day you met me.” Eri said, unusually cheeky for her, but considering her emotions were running high after recovering, I understood it.

“That’s right. I have the best childhood friend in the world!” I said, gathering her into a hug, pretending not to see her sudden tears, as she looked as if she wanted to appear strong right now. Meanwhile, in the Boundary I advised everyone that it would be fine to come see Eri in a short while. We’ll give her a few minutes to calm down. And also… I’ll need to keep an eye on Ginneka too. Looking at the cat, who was yammering loudly, trying to appeal to us, I slightly regretted the fact that I had rush built a third Ether Spire to Rank 4 just a little while before all this…


“This is a happy-happy day!” Shaeula crowed, hugging Eri, who had dried her tears and was now smiling radiantly. She then grinned cheekily, reaching down, and Eri yelped as her tail was grabbed by Shaeula’s small hands. “And now you are even having this here. You will need to be careful, no? Otherwise if you wear a skirt, you will-will flash everyone your panties.”

Eri pouted, and despite her exhaustion, the tail vanished. “It was just easier to practise with the ears and tail, since I was used to them!” Eri insisted, and Shaeula merely laughed, still hugging her.

“Do not-not be so annoyed, Eri. I am merely very happy for you! As are we all! This calls-calls for fine alcohol! Akio, break open a bottle of whiskey!”

“I’ll drink to that.” Shiro agreed, looking on warmly. “You know, Eri, I’m almost going to miss having to wheel you around and help you change.”

“No you won’t.” Eri shook her head. “I know it was a nuisance. But… thank you. I did appreciate it.”

Shiro flushed, looking away, scratching her cheek. It was adorable how embarrassed she was, but I held in my laugh, knowing she could be prickly and prideful, like the princess she claimed she was. “It’s fine. I know what it’s like to be frail and unable to move by myself. But…” she said, her tone more cheerful. “That’s over now. for both of us. I’m healthy again, and so are you. I don’t have the ability to grow cat ears and a tail though.”

“No, your eyes and hair just turn a brilliant crimson and are covered in flames.” Hinata teased her. “I’d say that’s startling enough.” She turned to Eri, a smile on her face too. “Congratulations. I know you always believed you would recover, but believing and actually being recovered are two different things I’d say.”

“Yeah, Eri-chan, I’m also happy for you.” Kana said, having also rushed over from the shrine. “Although… I’m still not sure I should be here right now. And you could put on some clothes…” All Eri was wearing was the blanket, so that was a fair comment.

“What are you saying at this late stage, Kana-san?” Eri shook her head. “Where else would you be? You’re Akio’s girlfriend, right?” she snorted, amused. “Don’t you want to be here when your fellow fiancée has a happy moment?”

“That would be more convincing if you didn’t call me Kana-san all the time. it’s just me and Motoko-chan you address so formally, right? It makes me feel a bit unwelcome.”

Eri narrowed her eyes, and I thought she would reply angrily, but she took a deep breath. “Today I start as I mean to go on. Kana. I guess I have been keeping distance from you. I’ve never been good with girls like you. But… you have as much right to stand with us as anyone. Akio decided, after all. Even if you nearly blew your chance a number of times.”

“I have my pride. Don’t we all?”

“Pride is nothing if it only leads to sorrow.” Motoko disagreed. “I too am happy to see you here, Kana. We are all gathered, all but poor Asha.”

“I’m with her now. She’s helping me keep an eye on our errant silver cat, and I’m relaying what we are doing here. But… now my need for a Throne has moved up. We’ll be taking one to Rank three over the next few days. It’s a bit ahead of schedule, but…” It all depends on that stupid cat, but if she’s prepared to be bound, then…

“So you are saying that this spiritual being…” Ixitt was saying in the Boundary while we celebrated with Eri. His expression was eager, and he was capering happily, rubbing his hands together, his tail lashing so fast that if it was an anime it’d generate a mini typhoon. “… is actually compatible with a Divine Favour, and the one that I wish to experiment with the most, no less? Oh why was it not I who was so blessed?”

“Nya, I want it! I lost so much, the least you can do is give me something shiny to replace it, nya!” She transformed into a mirror to Eri once more, trying to appeal to me. “I did save your woman, nya!”

Ignoring her blatant appeal, holding her at bay with one arm as she tried to hug me, still naked, I shook my head. “Yeah, she’s compatible, but it’s like the way Kana was with hers. It’s going to take a few tweaks, but it’d work. You see, I don’t think the Favours are adapted for spiritual beings, but just like Eri received a part of Ginneka, it looks like it went both ways so… Keeping these conversations straight is hard, but with Split Thoughts it’s doable…

“So yes, Kana. Motoko too. In your case…” Eri was apologising to Motoko. “… it’s not so much I find you hard to deal with, you’re just… there’s an aura about you that makes me want to address you formally.”

At that Shaeula protested she was a princess, but she was laughing happily, already swigging from the bottle as she poured glasses of whiskey the colour of her eyes for everyone. Motoko smiled, and I got what Eri meant.

“Yes, it is because I was raised a daughter of Tsumura house. I always have to show manners and poise. But that is no way to make friends. Only Natsumi has stood by me.”

“That’s not true.” Natsumi disagreed. “Now you have all of us as friends, sisters. And not just us. Miyu, she is our friend. And many of the trainees here. And even some of the Fae. We crossed blade and spear with many weaselkin and others. That makes us comrades, friends, doesn’t it?”

“I’m sorry.” Eri apologised. “I should have realised. I’ve failed as first wife, which makes me sad. Especially since you were the first to tell me what I needed to do, Motoko, back in Nishimorioka.” Motoki inclined her head at that, remembering.

“So since I’m reborn…” Eri said, stretching, her movements oddly cat-like. “… I’ll start again, as the new me. Motoko, I should have noticed you felt that way, were feeling isolated. From now on, I’ll make sure to include you more, and help you get to know the other girls. As for you, Kana…”

Kana looked nervous, but waited for Eri to continue.

“… Shirohebizumi shrine, there must be some festivals coming up, right?”

Kana nodded. “Of course. I have to attend as a shrine maiden.”

“Good. Show me how. I’ll help too.” Eri promised. “I want to understand you more, and what you do. That goes for all of you. And you can tell Asha too.” Eri proclaimed. “I want to know all about everyone, and the best way to do that is experience what you do, what you like. And when I understand you, you can come to me without worry if you are having troubles. I’m quite a shy girl, really.” Eri said, and Hinata snorted a laugh.

“No, I really am. It’s only because I feel threatened I lash out, I know that.” She admitted. “But there’s no need to be threatened by each other, is there? So Kana, I’ll learn more about you, and I‘ll stop making you feel uncomfortable.”

At that Kana shrugged. “There’s nothing I can really say to that, is there? I guess I do push back on you a lot. Probably because we’re close in age and life experience. Hinata-chan… no, Hinata and the others, if you are going to make the effort, I should too, I suppose.” Kana continued, expression earnest. “… I can’t compare myself to them, and we shouldn’t even talk about Shaeula, Hyacinth or Shiro.”

“Why me? I’m just a woman. Sure, I’m the world’s most beautiful, desirable princess, but at heart I’m just a girl…” Shiro said, and Kana gestured to her, a wry smile on her face.

Sure you are. Just a girl with some sort of wrathful goddess inside her. No, when it comes down to it, Eri, you’re like me, right? The cutest girl for some distance around, but nothing special other than that.”

“I’d say Aiko is my match, but… I suppose so.” Eri agreed, her voice soft and contemplative. “Akio’s said we’re alike, and I suppose that’s true.”

“Yeah, we were both poor as hell before this. Though I hear you were worse off than us.” Kana laughed. “But… it’s not like I hate you. Maybe I’m still a bit regretful that I can’t have an ordinary romance, ordinary love, but… I made my choice. I mean…” she grinned, stretching, her breasts pushing up her shrine maiden hakama, and as I couldn’t help but look, she grinned at me triumphantly. “… I could have had anyone I wanted. So I could have had my sweet love story. But instead I chose this womanising Akio.” She winked at me. “In the end, too much happened since that first day I saw you and Shaeula, shining like the sun. Too many events where you put cracks in my heart and seeped inside. Sure, I could have given up, I nearly did often enough, but… I’d always have been thinking what if… and the thought of that ruined my desire of pursuing anyone else. At least with you all, I won’t be thinking that. Instead it’s what’s next…”

“What’s next? Well said.” Shiro approved, and Shaeula followed up.

“So, now Eri is healed, one of our worries is gone. I am most-most thrilled. But… that cat.” She said the words bitterly. “I can forgive her for attempting to kill us. Grulgor tried the same, and even my fool of a brother would have killed you, Akio. My maids… I should not-not care, I know. But it burns at my heart… besides, I do not-not like the way she looks at you. She is not-not a faithful female! She is merely a cat in heat!”

“Rare to find a girl you won’t push on Aki.” Shiro pointed out, and Shaeula scowled.

“I do not-not want just anyone. I only wish those who would fit with us, be faithful, and I could trust.”

I pointed that out to Ginneka in the Boundary, and she scowled, her tail rising angrily, silver fur standing on end. “If I am in heat, nya, it’s because of all the mating I was subject to while trapped! As for trust, nya, I no longer have a reason to fight, nor would I win if I tried. The old me is dead, I’m a new cat, nya!”

“In that case…” I began to explain my proposition, while back in the Material, Hinata had mentioned something interesting.

“So, Eri, you can change form, right? Can you replicate someone else?”

Eri frowned. “I think so, but I’m very clumsy and it takes a lot of effort.”

“Have no fear, I am quite-quite curious as to your limits as well. I shall charge you up.” Using Chirurgery, Shaeula poured aether into her. With that done, Eri closed her eyes, and after a while her aether surged, and her flesh shifted. It was awkward and unpleasant to watch, as unlike Ginneka and Kinneka, who could shift nigh-instantly, for Eri it was a tortuous process, but when it was done… Really? That’s who you picked…

“She’s who I know best, who I’ve seen nearly every day for more than a dozen years. It just seemed natural.” Eri said. Her height and figure was still her own, her hair too, so it was far from perfect, but with her blue eyes and distinctive, ever-so-slightly western features, it was my sister’s face looking back at me.

“Putting aside the many implications of just what your ability can do, that’s probably more shocking than calling up balls of fire or wind.” Hinata giggled.

“For a certified S-Rank siscon like Aki, I think such a dangerous skill should be sealed.” Shiro chuckled. “Just think, he could legally indulge all his degenerate…” she snickered as I sealed her mouth with a hand.

“Come on now, that’s going a bit too far Shiro. You know I don’t see Aiko that way…” I said, and it was Hinata who took up the conversation.

“I’d be more worried about her pretending to be any of us. That’d be really embarrassing.” Her cheeks were red.

“So this is why you want to know more about us? Planning to steal our identities?” Kana teased, and as I released the still laughing Shiro, Eri, her face still matching Aiko’s in many respects, blushed.

“Of course not!” At that moment she lost control of her skill and cat ears and tail appeared once more, burning most of her aether.

“Damn that’s adorable…” Shiro could barely breathe she was laughing so hard, and she wasn’t alone in that… I like this mood. It’s hopeful. And I need this, as tomorrow I’m going to visit the prison where Nie Ling and the captured Cultivators are being held…

While the others were teasing Eri, talking about how mortifying it would be to walk in on themselves acting lewdly with me, or how Eri could totally embarrass them in any number of ways by taking their form, I continued my more important discussion with Ginneka.

“Nya, cats are free spirits, we don’t do well under the hand of others.” She sighed. “Following orders got us killed last time.”

“Yes, but you claimed that was down to you wanting to steal Shaeula’s skills for your own ends, right? I hardly think you can blame your task for that.” I pointed out.

“Nya, that’s fair.” She looked abashed, ears drooping. “But I died for that, so let it go, nya.”

“You seem to be labouring under a misapprehension.” Asha said, her calm and mature attitude at odds to the cheerful bantering and teasing the other girls were doing in the Material. “What Akio is offering is not simply slavery or bondage. No more than I am a slave because my Tree and I are under his aegis. Nor would Suzuki Haru or Ixitt here claim to be so.”

“That is correct.” Ixitt smiled, his fangs showing. “In fact, as servitudes go, it is a wonderful bondage. I can experiment to my heart’s content, make breakthrough after breakthrough. Yes, sometimes I have tasks to fulfil, but life is not so easy as to give you everything you want for free.”

“And you are starting from a negative, I fear.” Asha advised her. “Yes, you earned much credit with Akio for saving the life of Eri. Had you not done that, I fear his heart would have been shattered. Now, we would have spent our lives helping put the shards back together again…” she smiled at me warmly, and I was reminded of a caring big sister or motherly figure. She’s become calm now she’s settled here in our Territory, and since we… became lovers, I guess? “… but fortunately you averted that. Even so, all that gets you is the chance to stand here. If you want forgiveness, less still a reward…” Asha continued. “… then you must offer contrition, make amends. And nothing is forever. We Fae live long, you also, I believe. Much can change in time.”

“You were Ninetieth in the Parade, right? That means you were being pushed around by the Numbers above you, and challenged by those below, right? Shaeula is Seventy-First, you sensed that, right? Doesn’t that mean your chance of getting your place back exists, maybe even a higher Number?”

“Nya, it would be good to beat down those who have no doubt revelled in the deaths of my brother and me.” She admitted. “And if I think of it as obeying a higher Number, biding my time… but, it does not come easy to us, nya.”

“Yes, but think of the positives. You would earn our forgiveness. I would work to bring your brother back, as soon as I can think of a way where we don’t have a peeping voyeur on our hands.” That was very important. I got the appeal of exhibitionism, seeing a cute girl showing off got guys going, but it was very different and totally unacceptable when it was one’s own girlfriend. I’ll leave that for the doujins, thank you. “You get the power of a Divine Favour, which otherwise you’d never be able to dream of, and would be able to grow stronger, and perhaps re-join the Parade, more powerful and respected than ever before.”

“Nya, true…” Ginneka looked torn, her revulsion at being controlled warring with lust, greed and the need for praise. She is definitely a cat. Cats are selfish, arrogant and true to themselves, but they like to be fussed over, right? “In addition, you’ll be able to walk the mortal world, see many wonderful things, eat and drink delightful delicacies, have entertainment you never dreamed of in your days in the Night Parade…” I could see she was starting to crack, just by watching her ears and tail that were standing up straight. One more push…

Turning to Asha, I smiled warmly. “It doesn’t feel right, you being missing from the celebrations. Your fruit wines and honey meads are great, but you should be toasting Eri’s recovery with expensive whiskey together with the others. Hinata is bright red, I’ll have to give her Ether Healing before she goes home.”

“Yes, I am disappointed to be absent, but I am there through you, no?” Asha said, and I nodded.

“Yes, but fortunately… assuming Ginneka here makes a wise choice, we’ll push the Throne upgrade forwards. The timing is great, Eri says our new home is magnificent, and you can have your own room, furnish it as you wish. The hillside is wide for a central Tokyo site, with trees, flowers and open spaces…”

“Mortal greenery. I look forward to seeing it.” Asha said, and I turned to Ginneka again.

“In exchange, you’ll work off your debt to us by using the Favour to help Ixitt with his experiments. It won’t be constant, I’m no slavedriver…”

“Bjarki might disagree.” Ixitt sniggered, but I ignored him.

“A decade, a century… what’s that but a short period to a Yōkai?” I pressed. “And while I’ll have to restrict your actions with the Throne somewhat, insurance, you understand, you’ll have a decent amount of freedom…”

“While you are aiding my research, I shall be sure to show you many exciting places and things.” Ixitt promised. “It is the only logical choice. Once your debt is paid off, then you can accumulate rewards.”

Ginneka licked her licks reflexively. “I like rewards, nya. And that smell…” her blue eyes were fixed on me, peering to where I was holding Laverna’s favour. “A century, that’s not so long, nya, I suppose.”

She’s cracking… “For now, I need you to help Ixitt and possibly undertake a few other tasks. In exchange, I’ll help Shaeula come to terms with you. Eri’s not got any hatred towards you, in fact she feels gratitude, so between us…”

“This opportunity is a miracle you will not be offered again. I myself was like you, I was dead, or as close to it as to make no difference.” Asha pressed. “But now here I stand. What choice do you have? Will you duel princess Shaeula for your freedom?”

“I’m not an idiot, nya. I’m not!” she glowered at me, as I must have been smiling. “Fine. I know when I am beaten. I’ll take your offer, nya. But I get to keep the favour, as you call it, when I’m done! Such a thief’s treasure belongs best with a thieving cat!”

“Done.” I held out my hand, holding in my smirk. A hundred years? If we’re still at the point that we need Laverna’s Favour then, I’ll be delighted, because it means we’ll have avoided the worst of the upcoming apocalypse. Besides… in a hundred years everything could change. Just think how much has changed in less than half a year…

Ginneka grasped my hand, and I shook it. Eri, who was red-faced from everyone’s teasing, saw me smiling, and asked what was up.

“Oh, I’m just happy to be part of this joyous occasion.” I replied. “… and a problem that has been halting our development is about to be removed. It’s a temporary solution, but…” With a solution in place, our chances of coming up with a more permanent one are massively improved…

“Never mind that-that…” Shaeula said drunkenly, her face flushed. She thrust a half-filled bottle into my hand. “Drink, this is a celebration!”

“It sure is.” I laughed, gulping directly from the bottle, feeling the fiery sting in my throat. “Yes, it most certainly is…”

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