On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Ninety-Five *contains status – Daiyu 1*

Three Hundred And Ninety-Five *contains status – Daiyu 1*

Looking at Daiyu lying exhausted on the bed beside me, a slight smile on her weary face, I realised this was what it was like to be a lab rat. Though I doubt lab rats get such a pleasurable experiment… Hours had passed, and we had achieved levels of lovemaking that would clearly have been impossible without superhuman statistics. Chang’e’s blessing also helps Daiyu recover quickly, sure enough…

“You know…” Shiro was saying to Eri, a wry expression on her beautiful face. “…I know it’s not a competition, but as a woman, it feels pretty complicated knowing that the girl that’s had the most sex with Aki here has got to be Daiyu… I feel like I’ve lost, you know?”

Eri rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t be so sure. I know Shaeula is always jumping Akio whenever she gets the chance. She might still be number one. But it’s not all about quantity. It’s about the feelings involved.”

“I don’t know about that. Daiyu sure looked to me like she was getting into it at the end there.” Her dark eyes looked at Daiyu beside me, who glanced down, shy. Shiro isn’t wrong though. Daiyu’s a quick study, and surprisingly passionate, though whether that’s down to the effects of Dual Cultivation as well…

“That is not-not what matters now.” Shaeula tried to change the subject, looking a little guilty. “Are you ready to…”

“No, I think that’s enough. I know Daiyu can recover rapidly, but that’s from the physical exhaustion. The Qi deprivation can’t easily be dealt with.” I was able to pour aether into her, which she then Refined, but that didn’t seem to affect her Yin Qi, which was coming from some other source. “Besides, we’re not making love for gain, I don’t want this to be work…”

At my words, Daiyu rolled over, leaning on my bare, sweaty chest again. As the long night progressed, Daiyu had become more and more enthusiastic, and now she could satisfy me with her hands, mouth and more expertly. “I did not mind. If this is work, then it is a work I eagerly anticipate…”

“Mistress Daiyu is right. Warming the bed is nooot merely work, it is a privilege.” Hyacinth brought over a bowl of water and a clean towel, not for the first time, and stated wiping down Daiyu’s sticky body. “Hyacinth is jealous, but knooows her time will come again soon.”

“You are still my senior disciple in this.” Daiyu promised. “Next time, you can show me your skills.”

As Hyacinth chuckled at Daiyu’s polite words and invitation, I nodded. “Actually, I do recommend it. And no, not because I’m a pervert, Shiro, so don’t even say it.” She shut her mouth, grinning. “No, it’s… well, it deepens the relationships between you all right? I think we all need to get along as best we can. I’m not naïve enough to think that you girls don’t get jealous or have problems with each other, but…”

“But we have a long-long time to spend with each other.” Shaeula finished. “Just as you consider yourself selfish, gathering us all, we are most-most selfish as well. Else it would just-just be Eri here with you.”

“It’s my job to manage our relationships.” Eri insisted. “Shaeula may have been joking, but I take the role as first wife seriously!” Now that she could move, albeit with difficultly, she stomped over to the bed, leaning on her crutches, looking at me earnestly. “Just… do your part, and we’ll do ours. If you treat us all fairly… we won’t cause you problems. Anyone that does…”

“We get it, Eri! So fierce!” Shiro laughed. “What she means is don’t play favourites. Although, like us all, she would think it’s fine if you play favourites with her!” She stuck out her tongue, amused by Eri’s annoyed growl.

“This is all fascinating, but I am more-more curious about the results of our studies here.” Shaeula said, and Daiyu nodded.

“Yes, I feel the energies within me. It should most definitely not be so rapid, nor so profound.” Daiyu insisted, though her expression was pleased. She snuggled closer, dark eyes glimmering with emotion. “I can hardly complain at this, can I?”

“No.” I laughed, feeling warm inside. As usual, any lingering doubts I had about Daiyu’s situation had melted away as we became intimate, proving that my core as a pushover hadn’t changed entirely. “But we have learned a lot. We’ll have to fill the others in tomorrow. No, I guess it’s tonight now.” The hour was late, so the noble girls had gone home, and Kana had managed the training school, as well as a visit from Eleanor and her defeated teammates. We’ve also upgraded two Ether Spires to Rank 4… it seemed so easy, but the sums involved were crazy. Speaking of, it’ll soon be time for Shiro to go back and buff the Tree again…

“To delve into the mysteries of Dual Cultivation, the Dantians and more… I am shocked. Were you born in Kunlun, you would be a mighty figure in one of the Great Sects. Should they not have crushed you first as a danger to their monopoly on profound knowledge.” Daiyu said sourly, still not having forgiven those ancient Sects for the flawed knowledge they passed down deliberately, if Tan was to be believed.

“You can’t take Aki’s skills as normal.” Shiro reiterated. “Tan thinks that Eye of his is a miracle. Even someone such as her would be delighted to have such a rare skill.”

“Yes, I get that.” I agreed. “Anyway, Daiyu, I think we need to go over our findings. Firstly… Dual Cultivation. The purpose of it seems multi-layered.”

“Yes.” Daiyu agreed. “The scrolls and tags that contained our knowledge merely stated how it worked, and that it would enable easy acquisition and transfer of Yin and Yang Qi, as well as slowly strengthening the Cultivation of the participants. I know that to be true, but…”

“I think the easiest way is to go over your status.” I said, before my Eye flared amber. “I’ve already learned a lot, and more from watching your changes as we made love…” Of course, my own changes shed some light on this too, although there’s at least one thing that I can’t work out how the hell it happened…

Zhao Daiyu Bonded Kin Chosen Of Chang'e, Immortal Goddess Of The Moon
[Material Statistics]   [Intangible Statistics]  
Might 244 Fortune 9
Fortitude 256 Majesty 3
Intellect 305 Charm 5
Resilience 499 League 6
Alacrity 303 Determination 9
Precision 267 Foresight 3
Aether 1570 Fate 3
[Material Skills] Rank Class Type
[Qi Skills]      
Silver Cord Rank 4 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Cultivator Chakra Network Rank 3 Powerful (4) Rule (5)
Lower Dantian Of High Spirit Water, Yang Moonlight And Jade Rank 2 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Qi Manipulation Of Water, Yin, Yang, Earth And Jade Rank 6 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Qi Perception Rank 5 Powerful (4) Artifice (6)
Third Eye And Root Chakra Of Jade Rank 1 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Third Eye Chakra Of Yang Moonlight Rank 1 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Sacral Chakra Of High Spirit Water Rank 3 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Root Chakra Of Earth Rank 2 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
[Cultivation Skills]      
Spiritually Pure Qi Refining Rank 9 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Spiritually Pure Foundation Technique Rank 7 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Spiritually Pure Dual Cultivation Rank 2 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Spiritually Pure Physique Rank 2 Noble (5) Principle (7)
[Intangible Skills]      
[Unique Skills]      
Lovers' Link Rank 5 Noble (5) Artifice (6)
Chang'e's Moon Elixir Of Immortality Rank 3 Imperious (6) Principle (7)
[Level] 37 [Class]

Dual Cultivator 2/10 Accumulator 0/10 Wielder Of A Mutated Element 5/10

Karmically Pure 1/20  Fae-Bonded 6/20

[Mastered Class] Qi Refiner 10/10 Foundationist 10/10
Territory Rank None

There were so many differences between Daiyu’s status and everyone else’s, although there were some points of similarity, such as her Silver Cord. The big shock was the large number of classes she had.

Qi Refiner, Foundationist and Accumulator were all classes awarded to someone training in that Realm. Daiyu was surprised she had reached Accumulation, despite not having started the process, but perhaps that’s why the class is still at level zero? The classes themselves give benefits geared to what you’d expect. Qi Refiner boosts Aether, I’m a little surprised my Eye still sees her stat as Aether not Qi, but then, Qi is refined from Aether, so it does make some sense. And Foundationist increases Aether, as well as Might, Fortitude and Precision….

“Your strength is good. How were you even beaten by your enemies?” Eri asked, a touch jealous. “Your stats are all better than mine, despite me being higher level!”

“I was not so strong then.” Daiyu admitted. “I am not able to discern raw numbers as Akio does, but with my Qi I can sense my own and others’ strengths to a degree. Even then, that treacherous bitch Sun Lisha…” as she spoke the name, her usual stoic expression returned, dark eyes gleaming with malice, quite unlike the more animated, charming expression she had been wearing a moment before. “… made sure that her troops were armed with powerful weapons. I am no expert in guns, such tools are a crutch, but I suspect the bullets were special, heavier, stronger. She wished us all to die. And would have succeeded…”

“… but she didn’t, and you’re here now.” I hugged her until she calmed down. “Speaking of…”

Qi Perception – This skill allows one to spread their Qi internally and externally, detecting that which others might not. All living beings contain aether and minute traces of Qi, so they can easily be found unless they mask themselves. By further refining Qi perception, even the relative strengths and positions of Qi, as well as elemental flavours, can be detected, and judgements made on the strength and ability of such Qi. With greater skill, even ??????? can be identified and located, and ?????? can be found.

After I explained that, Shiro nodded. “It’s basically a bargain basement appraisal. No outside assists like yours, Aki, but with her experience and talent she can make educated guesses.”

Ignoring the rather insulting way she phrased that, I nodded. “So, you weren’t as strong?” I asked Daiyu, snapping her out of her reverie.

“Indeed. I was more focussed on increasing my Cultivation, rather than fighting and defeating the creatures that roam the Heavenly Realm, no, the Boundary. There is nothing Heavenly about it.” She complained. “Therefore my level was lacking, compared to those of you who fought constantly. It increased some when I joined your camp, and further in Kyoto… but I shall not underestimate the improvement that it brings. I can feel a rise in my Qi with each level, I am sensitive enough for that now… that being said…”

“Yeah, that’s the strangest thing of all. When we started Dual Cultivation, you were only level thirty-six!” I pointed out the most shocking matter.

“Aki’s done it now.” Shiro whispered theatrically to Eri. “Now Aki’s gone beyond Lovers’ Link, and fucking him gives levels! We’re in trouble, Eri, Shaeula! Now not only will every girl in the world want to jump his bones, but even desperate guys might be presenting their assholes, begging him to ram them!”

Shaeula merely laughed nastily at that, while Eri shook her head. “No way, I’ll never let Akio go down that dark path! No more rivals!”

That’s your concern?” Shiro raised an eyebrow, amused. As I translated for Daiyu, she burst out laughing, surprising us. When she finished, wiping tears from her eyes, she sighed.

“I like this. The camaraderie, the closeness. I need it, I think. Even isolated as I was, as the prodigy, the genius Black Jade, daughter of the Sect Patriarch, I still felt part of the Incorruptible Jade, and that gave me comfort. The loss… I have been feeling it keenly. But… my heart is now at peace.” She looked at Eri and Shiro, before speaking surprising words. “I agree. I have no wish to see our husband indulging recklessly. Cultivators are often lusty, and homosexuality is far from unknown, or even a concern, but… he has no need of such things. We will satisfy him. And not merely for Dual Cultivation.” She looked at me then, her expression surprisingly alluring, a mix of shyness, shame and lust, her features dyed pink. “…no, it was like water on my parched heart, filling me up. I still feel full.” She touched her belly, and looked down between her legs, her blush intensifying.

“Mistress Daiyu is lewd, but Hyacinth doooes not hate that.” She giggled. “But if we can get strooonger by warming the bed, that is a good thing, nooo?”

“Trust Hyacinth to be keen.” I laughed. “No, there’s more to it. I think it’s actually part of the Dual Cultivation. One aspect, anyway. You were watching, right Shaeula?”

“My Mystic Eyes are not-not as potent as yours, Akio.” Shaeula admitted, a touch envious. “Despite coming partly from me. How-how unfair. But I suppose my husband-to-be should be mighty, I accept no-no less. I did indeed intuit some matters though. But first, a question, one that has-has been bothering me for some time.”

“I think I get it.” Eri said. “Just what is levelling up, and why?”

All eyes went to Shiro, and she snorted. “Tan isn’t dropping any hints, although… I think she feels she doesn’t need to, that we can figure it out. I think the why is probably most of the answer. What do you think, Aki?”

“It’s something I’ve been pondering. No, there’s a huge amount I’ve been thinking about. Skills, classes… it’s not like there’s some mysterious system out there, handing them out like a game. Most people don’t even really know about them. It’s like what Miyu said, when I explained to her. Isn’t it foolish to think of Piano Playing Rank two as something that exists?”

“But they clearly do exist.” Eri insisted. “You just read out the benefits of some of Daiyu’s skills and classes and I know I have them too!”

“Yes, your Eye, it merely uses existing knowledge to make a comparison, does it not-not?” Shaeula said. “I do not-not understand how it works, but…”

“Tan does. And that she doesn’t mind sharing.” Shiro said. “Though every time she talks about it, I get a bit worried. She really wants that skill, Aki. But don’t worry!” she puffed out her large chest, striking it with a fist. “I’ll not let her eat you. Or drink you, I guess I should say. Damn, that sounds lewd. I bet she would, for that skill, but it’d just be my body anyway, so… not worth it, I do that anyway!” she winked.

“Enough.” Eri complained, exasperated. “This is a serious topic!”

“I know, calm down Eri, your yandere is showing.” Shiro rolled her eyes. “But considering Aki and Daiyu are lying there naked and covered in… look, I’m just lightening the mood. Aki…” she said, now serious. “The Eye merely compares what it sees against a store of knowledge. There are many systems of knowledge that Tan knows. Trees of Knowledge are one of the most common. So you could have a Piano Playing skill, it’s not hard. If someone who can’t play at all is Rank zero, a beginner Rank one, all the way up to a genius like Mozart at Rank whatever the hell it wants to be… then it can be classified. It’s not hard to think that swordsmanship, or even fancy skills like Ether Healing are the same, right? It’s just scoring a test against the correct answers, that’s all there is to it.”

“That’s how I understand it, and Ortlinde explained it to me, back at the beginning.” I agreed. “And it makes sense. But for one small detail…”

“The measurement itself confers benefits.” Daiyu pointed out what we were all thinking. “Therefore it is no mere simple measurement. Being called a Cultivator should not make you stronger as a Cultivator, no more than being Ranked as a pianist should make your skills with the instrument improve.”

“I think the answers are all tied together. There are definitely underlying principles, and if we can grasp them, we can use them to predict the best ways to make acquisitions of skills and classes and grow stronger. Back to levels… first, I want to look at one of your skills, Daiyu. As it’s tied in.” As she nodded, I read out what my Eye could see, spelled out in fiery amber letters.

Qi Manipulation Of Water, Yin, Yang, Earth And Jade – Qi Manipulation is the art of controlling Qi and using it to perform Techniques and Arts, activate Formations and more. Qi is refined from Aether, Elemental essences, Adherence and ????????, and higher ability with Qi Refining, as well as higher Qi Manipulation, greatly increases the efficiency and strength of Techniques one can use. Qi also strengthens the body to a greater extent than raw Aether, and also ??????????? ?????????? ??????????.

Current Learned Techniques: Jade Yang Stance: Crushing Palms. Jade Yang Stance: Gem Wall. Jade Yang Stance…

“There are a lot of differences, but…” Shiro mused, catching on. “… at its heart, it’s the same. I see your point. You get it too, right?” she said to Eri, who was frowning, her expression one of deep concentration.

“I do, I think.” She muttered at last. “What Akio is trying to say is that ether, aether, adherence… all these are connected. Qi is just a way of utilising them, but because it’s a well-prepared, well-used way…” she struggled to articulate her point. “… if we assume that these foundational building blocks give rise to everything…”

“Then the reason for levelling up, skills and their Ranks, classes, Cultivation… everything makes sense.” I said triumphantly. “My stat gains on each level-up have largely been dependant on how well my body could utilise aether. I think that just as aether comes from ether and Qi from aether and so on, aether is just a form of ether that is easy for the body to use. Each refinement makes things more specialised and powerful, but less flexible. After all, we can’t use aether to develop our Territory, can we?”

“If Arisu was here, she’d probably love this conversation.” Shiro grinned. “For a cold beauty and an actress, she’s smart and inquisitive, and has some erudite hobbies, such as reading science books and magazines. From a programming standpoint, though…” she looked at me, and I explained.

“Yes, it’s like going from binary to machine language to scripted languages to wysiwyg text-based editors… less foundational, but easier to use for certain purposes.” I tried to keep the metaphor simple, but other than Shiro, the others had glazed eyes. No, Eri might not be a programmer, but she knows enough about computers to get it…

“I do not-not quite get what you mean, but… if I do look at it like one of those RPG’s I enjoy…” Shaeula grasped at the idea. “You need to qualify for the skill…”

“Yes, you have to have mastered the skill enough, and when you do…”

“You gain benefits from having the skill, just like a game. But then who-who and how…” her eyes went wide. “Ether. Aether. Adherence.”

“Exactly. Multiversal standards. Look, ether, aether and Qi are all means of manipulating the energy of the world around us, no, more to the point, the Astral.” I explained. “And they function on thought, right? I can will a sword into existence, and it’ll last while I concentrate and have the aether. The more complicated the sword, the more aether… but what if the Astral itself imagined the sword? Don’t you think it would stay real forever?”

“Are you saying that the Astral is sentient? That’s a stretch, Aki.” Shiro said doubtfully.

“No. But the Astral is full of sentient beings. Many trillions, maybe even numbers that can’t even be counted, right Tan?” I said, and she blinked Shiro’s eyes lazily, a gleam of red all the confirmation I needed.

“I always thought it odd. The orcs Kondou Kazuo commanded. They were Japanese-style orcs. Western orcs are nothing like the pig-men we see in anime and manga. Kobolds too. I think they are supposed to be sprites. German or something like that, right? Dog-like and dragon-like kobolds are a relatively new invention, aren’t they?”

“Some of the classes don’t make sense either, unless you think of it that way. Elements too…” Shiro pointed out. “Earth, Air, Fire, Water. None of them are an actual element. Light, Darkness, Spatial… not them either. And what of the combinations? Lightning, Wood, Ice, Metal. Shouldn’t elements be things like hydrogen, iron, uranium? No, maybe Light would qualify. Electrons, photons, quarks maybe? Yeah, Arisu would have a field day with this…”

“But the four elements of earth, wind, flame and water… they are ingrained in popular culture, ever since the days of the Greeks.” I pointed out. “If it was Chinese, it’d be…” We were taking it in turns to translate for Daiyu, as this discussion was out of reach of her Japanese.

“Earth, Water, Wood, Metal, Fire.” Daiyu said. “The elements of Cultivation. There is no wind.”

“That leaves out lightning and ice. Then there’s Dust, Radiance…” I said, reinforcing the point.

“You’re trying to say that the thoughts and beliefs of everyone living on Earth, no, not just Earth, the lower Astral, the higher Astral, and countless other worlds, moulds and shapes the Astral, and thus the abilities of living beings exposed to the power within it?” Eri was incredulous, finding it hard to wrap her head around it.

“It’s not so strange, Eri.” Shiro shook her head. “There’s the placebo effect, right? That’s been rigorously tested. Trust me, I’m no Arisu, but I know a lot about medicines…” Seeing her looking downcast, I reached up, and cheekily used a little aether to pull her down into my arms, where she fell on my other side. As I hugged her with my free arm, she flushed, before punching me, embarrassed.

“Look, Aki, let go! This is a serious talk! I’m all fine now, I know! But you can’t blame a princess for regretting her past!”

“Mind over matter. But if ether and all its derivatives are matter of the mind…” Eri accepted it after thinking about it.

“Spiritual beings are indeed far-far more mutable than those of you who dwell here on the Material. The Material is a place of laws of matter, while the Astral is a place-place where the laws of the mind hold sway. With enough strength, one can be imposed on the other, but…”

“This is all hurting Hyacinth’s head…” she whined. “But I dooo think I get it. Hyacinth was a brownie, but when I grew cooold-hearted and vengeful, I became a boggart. Now… Hyacinth in neither. Boooth?” she tilted her head. “Because I am what I and yooou all believe me to be.”

“There are only so many tales in the world.” Daiyu said suddenly. “That is an old Cultivator saying. Its meaning was lost on me, but I believed it to mean there were only set routes to power. Now I think I grasp the intent. The Dao is following one path that is forged by many before us. A Dao of fire exists because fire exists and always has, yet… a Dao of swords? Swords are but an invention, yet many weapons coalesce into the shape of swords, across many cultures. And many worlds too, I imagine.”

“Of course. A sword is an efficient killing tool. There are many varieties, many shapes and sizes, many materials. But all are swords.” Tan snorted. “This one…” she pointed at Shaeula. “She has a replica of a powerful sword from the Endless Knot. Fragarach. Do you think that is coincidence? Or that I, Taṇhā, the Thirst, am here, yet also in your mythologies?”

“I think that answers us. Thanks Tan.” I laughed, and as she muttered a grumbled denial of her intent to help before retreating again, I came back full circle to the start of the discussion. “So, what are levels and why? Simply, it’s integrating aether, and perhaps more than aether, the strength of mind and will that comes with it, into the body. We level when we defeat powerful enemies, or grow Territories, times when great aether is scattered, and also great feats where we think it’s likely to level.”

“If it’s that simple, why can’t we level without help from Lovers’ Link or a Throne?” Eri pressed.

“I think it’s the same reason that Territories don’t seem to start having an Anchor, at least until higher Ranks, yet Chosen such as me and Shiro start with one. It’s the Favours.” I tapped my right wrist. “I think it’s probably hard permanently making changes with aether. Ether seems to be less mutable, and is able to construct permanent Buildings, right? But aether is transient, yet far more flexible. But Chakra networks don’t seem to use ether. Not mine, not yours, Shaeula’s, Hyacinth’s, not even Tan’s, I’d wager. It’s like food. We have to break it down before the body can use it.”

“So you’re saying that the Divine Favours are a package, designed not only to give a useful, powerful ability, but to provide both an Anchor and the ability to absorb and make aether our own strength?” Shiro said, and I nodded.

“Shaeula, Fae grow stronger as they age in general, right?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Yes, by age, or by absorbing elemental energies, though that-that is seldom done nowadays, at least it was not-not. Or sometimes by defeating great foes and surviving a terrible ordeal, one can break through…”

“I think that is in a way levelling up, just somewhat different… it goes back to what we were talking about before. They might be called something else. We might see them as levels, as it’s ingrained in the consciousness of us humans. Get experience, level up. But just as a sword might have many different forms but be a sword, levels should be the same too.”

“Multiversal standards.” Shiro said. “I get it. So the Throne, it functions as a minor catalyst for levelling. Lovers’ Link… I think I see. You become connected, sharing your strength, and that allows a little of your ability to process and absorb aether to flow to those you love. Thus they can level up, at least a bit…”

“And skills work the same. Their benefits are surely not because we know how to do something. Being able to play Piano doesn’t give faster thought speeds and resistance to finger injuries, for example…”

“But if enough of the thoughts in the vast universe thought playing the piano allowed you to resist blunt-force trauma then…” Shiro smirked, and Eri let out a surprising giggle.

“… then playing Piano would be compulsory for police officers and the army!”

“So, Dual Cultivation… I gained a level, because Dual Cultivation makes one stronger, increases their Qi!” Daiyu finished. “Because it is known, and designed that way, if performed properly, it will work!”

Spiritually Pure Dual Cultivation – This Technique is based on the Yin/Yang Duality between a man and a woman, harvesting the natural Yin and Yang Qi all Cultivators possess, and by connecting the Dantians, strengthen each other’s bodies and spirits. The original Technique has been enhanced by the addition of powerful Spiritual Qi derived from the pure Spirit Water that bubbles at the heart of the Cultivator, and the effect will be magnified if both parties have spiritual purity. Yin and Yang Qi will be drawn in, and it is one of the best ways to gain access to Yang Qi as a female, and Yin Qi as a male, and the purity of said Qi will be deepened by the feelings shared during Dual Cultivation.

Dual Cultivator – This class is gained by a practitioner of Dual Cultivation and will increase affinity and ability to control Yin and Yang Qi, as well as increasing Aether and Charm. Skills and Classes that involve emotional bonds are strengthened, and pleasure during the act of lovemaking with your Cultivation companion will increase.

I read out the details, and Daiyu nodded, understanding, as did Shaeula. “I see-see. I did wonder why I noticed aether being drawn from you both into each other, which then-then seemed to vanish. I had thought it was being changed into light and darkness element, this Yang and Yin, as you so-so call them, Daiyu…” she continued. “… but perhaps that is not-not simply the case. You each produce aether, or Qi. It seems you can turn it into experience points, no?” Her expression was bright, and she was licking her lips lustily. “Daiyu, I must-must insist you teach me this. There will be less-less excuse to hold back when making love is a way to strengthen ourselves!”

“This is bad though, right?” Shiro pointed out. “I joked about it earlier, but it seems that Aki … and Daiyu I guess… can actually screw people to level up!”

“Yooou worry too much.” Hyacinth said, shaking her head. “I dooo not get it all, but you said that ooordinary people cannot level, no? Those that can, would it nooot be easier to simply do what they have been doing until nooow? Besides…” she looked at Daiyu, her violet eyes gleaming. “Yooou will not sleep with another, will you, mistress?”

“No, most certainly not. I am Zhao Daiyu! I am too proud to offer myself to just anyone. I have already chosen, and this bed…” she smiled shyly, flushing again, as she saw the terrible state of it, covered in sweat and secretions, despite the ministrations of Hyacinth. “… is proof of my loyalty to my Dao Companion, to you.” She looked into my eyes, and I knew she was serious, so I kissed her. Now there was no hesitation in her, and we tanged tongues, going deep, until we parted, and she sighed lustily.

“I know that look.” Eri said, and as I looked at her, she shrugged, her movements still awkward, but I felt warmth within, knowing her healing was going well. I can feel your amusement too, Ginneka. But… I’m grateful.

“What look?” I asked, and she sighed.

“The look that you are thinking over a difficult problem, but know there is a solution. I’ve known you forever, Akio. Aiko gets the same look too. Though usually with more confusion. So, you’re thinking that if you can level, Lovers’ Link, your Throne, the White Snake Earth Altar and more can all add the ability to gain levels to people, there has to be some other method that will unlock it for everyone, right? Just like you did with Chakra networks and elements?”

“Obviously.” I agreed. “I doubt very much that the higher Astral is full of weak, ordinary people. Besides, if spiritual beings like Fae can grow… perhaps humans simply lost the ability to integrate aether properly here on earth over the last fifteen hundred years and we’ll get it back as the ether density increases…” The reason Shaeula, Hyacinth and the others didn’t have levels is probably because their growth mechanisms are different, and I’ve forcibly altered them… just like they didn’t have Silver Cords, because they didn’t have Material bodies…

“So, that’s the mystery solved.” Shiro said, still lying next to me. I looked down and immediately felt bad, as her clothes were rather dirty now, and she grinned. “I agree with Shaeula, Daiyu, you have to teach us! You owe me a favour for this. Besides, with Tan, I think I’d be a natural for Cultivation. I’ve got the peerless jade beauty and the princess bit down! I’d fit right in a Chinese novel! You can slap the faces of anyone who covets me too!” She let out a little chuckle, amused at her own jokes.

“I do not mind, but…” Daiyu looked at me, and I nodded.

“Yeah, Dual Cultivation certainly worked, but I’m still not sure how safe mixing Cultivation with our original methods are. So we shouldn’t be hasty.”

“Yeah, I guess I still have questions.” Shiro changed the subject. “Just what is Yin and Yang energy? And also… why the hell jade?”

“That one stumped me too. But I worked out some of it.” I said, and though it was still difficult to use such a powerful ability as Prominence Dawn here in the Material, the ring of light and darkness flared into existence, into which I fed my Mangetsu and earth element, which created a beautiful shining crystal projectile, shaped like a flint dagger. Moments later I allowed them to fade away, and Hyacinth let out a soft sigh, disappointed that the pretty item was gone.

“Looks like light element and earth combine to form crystal element. It’s another strange combination that makes no sense.” I said, a little perplexed. “And Daiyu’s jade is a mutated crystal element. As for how she got it… that I can’t exactly answer.” I thought back to what had happened. I was feeding her Mangetsu and earth element, since she wanted to master her original Foundation as well, and my water element was resonating with hers, giving moonlight to her too. There were hints of spatial and other elements mixed in as well, despite me doing my best to keep the Dual Cultivation pure, even as I felt some of my aether converted to light element, no, Yang as well.

Third Eye And Root Chakra Of Jade – the Third Eye and Root Chakras generate this potent mutated elemental energy of Crystal nature. Jade is an element of emotion, healing and strength, and is extremely durable, while having many forms and colours. It shares the base properties of Crystal, in that the effects of Light element can be solidified, and it is an excellent element for both offense and defence.

Yin element – this mutated Darkness element is a type of Darkness Qi which can be used in Cultivation and similar Arts to strengthen aspects relating to femininity, emotion and negative forces. However, without a balancing Yang, the power of Yin is imbalanced and imperfect, unable to show its true power.

Yang element – this mutated Light element is a type of Light Qi which can be used in Cultivation and similar Arts to strengthen aspects relating to masculinity, physicality and positive forces. However, without a balancing Yin, the power of Yang is imbalanced and imperfect, unable to show its true power.

With those described, I offered my own suspicions. “I think that Mangetsu, being as it focuses on blessings and buffs, got mixed in, and it seems rather similar to Yang in a way. Coupled with the earth element, and finally…”

Chang’e’s Moon Elixir Of Immortality [Class: Imperious] [Type: Principle]

This Divine Favour is made of concentrated Adherence, refined Ether and ??????????. The bearer can regenerate from severe injuries, recover stamina quickly and shrug off most diseases and other negative influences, though the more damage accumulates, the slower the recovery will be, and death can come if the Elixir is overwhelmed. Just as Chang’e stole the Elixir of Immortality from her husband Hou Yi, and carried it to the moon to live eternally, so too will the wielder endure, death struggling to claim them.

“Looks like we have to step up our game, Eri.” Shiro joked. “Shaeula, Hyacinth and Asha already have their long lives booked with Aki, and now it looks like Daiyu isn’t going to age much either.” She looked at Daiyu’s chest and grinned. “Bit of a shame though.”

Daiyu didn’t rise to her provocations, but Eri exclaimed tiredly that “You have Tan inside you, right? Wasn’t the plan for her to help you live for centuries? You’re not on my side!”

As the two argued, though I thought it was a sign of their closeness, as Eri tended to think little of and ignore those she didn’t care about, Shaeula was starting to put together what I meant about Daiyu’s mutated element. “So, you believe that-that a combination of the Divine Favour, which focuses on durability and permanence, combined with your potent light element, which shares many-many properties with the Yang Daiyu was seeking, perhaps with the Yang itself, from this Dual-Dual Cultivation, has somehow crystalised, perhaps with the moonlight resonance as well?”

I nodded, and Shaeula gnawed on one fingernail irritably, a sour expression on her face.

“What is wrong?” Daiyu asked, puzzled, and Shaeula sighed.

“I am most-most pleased for you, Daiyu. You are my sister now, especially…” she patted the bed, heedless of getting the residue on her hand. “… after this. But I can not-not help but have a twinge of envy. Securing our High Moonlight Spirit Water was a great-great challenge, and now you have gained this Jade with such a pleasurable effort. You have two.”

“Three, I think.” I said apologetically. “Yang Moonlight is a double-mutated element.”

Shaeula barked a laugh. “That does sound like something I should-should be wielding. After all, as a princess of the Fae, I am of the moon. Though… it seems you are too, Daiyu.”

Daiyu nodded. “So Chang’e believes. As for my fortune…” she looked at me then, face slightly red. “…I will not downplay my hard work. No Cultivator worth the title would. But I do thank you. You supported me, did not abandon me when I sought comfort, and have accepted me.” She touched her bare chest, by the heart. “It is comforting, this Lovers’ Link. I can feel your care. For someone lost like me, there is no greater happiness.”

“All right, enough of the emotional crap.” Shiro said. “I get it Shaeula, I do. I’m jealous too. I know Eri is as well. Compared to you though, we’re weak little chicks, so we find it hard to sympathise. Besides… if I know Aki, and I damn well do, better than anyone here except maybe Eri…”

“There’s no maybe. Only Aiko comes close, and she will never know the sides of Akio I do…” Eri muttered, but she was nodding, agreeing.

“… then Aki is definitely thinking up ways to make sure we all get access to as many top-tier elements as we can. Just like with classes. Speaking of classes… doesn’t her Fae-Bonded class seem way too high? Level six?”

“I can’t be certain, but my only guess is maybe the blessed water from that sacred lake she took from the Tower did it?” I shrugged.

“Speaking of water, all your Cultivation skills are Spiritually Pure now.” Eri observed. “And you have a class, Karmically Pure.”

Karmically Pure – This class is gained by a Cultivator who has washed away their impurities and is now a blank slate, ready to find their Dao. While the bearer of this class avoids evil deeds and accumulates the favour of ???????, their Fate and Foresight will increase, and beneficial effects will last longer and be more potent. The handling and affinity for Yang Qi is improved, and elements and materials that can raise Cultivation have an increased effect, with less chance of Cultivation Deviation or Backlash, and intuition regarding the path of Cultivation will be greatly heightened.

“Spirit Water is precious. Such is only found in sacred places, small springs that run dry quickly, and have been dead for many centuries, or in the other world, that we call the Astral now.” Daiyu said. “Most treasures are like that. Sacred Ginseng, Spirit Grasses, rare elemental resources…”

“So, you being able to create it, and not just Spirit Water, but High Spirit Water…” Shiro looked at me, and Daiyu’s gaze followed, her smile bright. Her hand sought mine, and I gave her a reassuring squeeze.

“That is correct, Shiro.” Daiyu agreed with her sentiments. “I owe more than I can ever repay. But to think of repayment… it is wrong. I know this, after Dual Cultivating. We only need to think of each other, of happiness. Our joys shall be our repayments.”

“Don’t forget us now.” Shiro faked a pout, and there was laughter.

“So, we’ve gone over pretty much all of Daiyu’s stats in detail. Just the last few bits and pieces…”

Third Eye Chakra Of Yang Moonlight – The Third Eye Chakra generates the mutated Qi Yang Moonlight, a potent Yang Energy that has also been infused by Moonlight. This is beneficial to both the Yang, as the full moon shines bright in the night sky, and Yin when the energies balance, as the dark of the new moon hides many undercurrents and mysteries.

Lower Dantian Of High Spirit Water, Yang Moonlight And Jade – The Lower Dantian, the Golden Stove, is a furnace that creates great strength for the body, converting Qi into Elixir, gradually fortifying all aspects of the physical form. This Dantian combines multiple mutated elements, greatly increasing the effectiveness of this improvement, and the Elixir has been subsumed by the High Spirit Water, greatly rooting out impurities, while Jade will strengthen the physical body further, and the Moonlight will empower the spirit.

“Damn, girl. Sounds like you’re going to be strong as hell if you keep Cultivating. But then, that’s the point, isn’t it?” Shiro scratched her cheek, thinking.

“Yes, my Foundation is solid. Perhaps more solid than any since Kunlun.” Daiyu agreed.

”Speaking of Foundations…” Eri said. “… didn’t you have another? The Invincible Jade Yang Technique? That’s so… well-named.” Eri could barely hold in her laughter. “Aiko would say that you’re very chunni, Daiyu. But wasn’t that why you wanted light and earth elements? So where’s that in your skill list?”

Daiyu sighed. “Yes, I believe I could complete the Foundation now, as I wished to before. But… whether it is my heightened intuition, I can not help but feel it would be a mistake for now. I believe that the reason Dual Foundations are not attempted is not merely due to the difficulty. Something is still missing.”

“This Dantian…” Shaeula and Hyacinth had talked about it while the rest of us were discussing the Foundation. “It is not quite as the lunar chakra. The lunar chakra increases the aether and the elements we possess, but does not otherwise strengthen the physical form.”

“Yes, but the middle Dantian refines spirit and Qi, right? So that would be closer…”

As we continued to discuss that, Hyacinth spoke up. “So, Akio. Did yooou make any gains from this? I am pleased for mistress Daiyu, but I wooould be sad if you did not grow stronger!”

“He’s strong enough… is what my jealousy says, but yeah, Aki being stronger is a win for all of us. So, confess? Get any sexy skills and classes? Rank three super stud. No, it’d be Rank six, right, considering you repeatedly broke Daiyu’s bottleneck.” She snickered nastily, enjoying the dirty joke, and Daiyu’s shy expression.

“Shiro…” Eri warned, but Shiro raised an eyebrow at her, her grin even wider.

“I’ve heard all about you and your sexy shenanigans. So don’t complain.” As they began to argue good-naturedly again, I raised a hand, halting all the discussions.

“It’s getting late… or early, I suppose. We might as well wrap this up. So yes, I did make some gains.” I explained that Light Manipulation broke the Rank 6 bottleneck, and that I had gained several skills and classes as well.

“I got the Dual Cultivator Class and Qi Refiner. Both level one. That’s interesting but not the most interesting thing.” I had everyone’s attention. “I got a couple of very interesting skills.”

Moonlight Jade Qi Refining [Class: Powerful] [Type: Artifice] – You can refine Aether, combined with Light and Earth elements, into a potent Qi which contains the properties of Jade and Moonlight, balancing both physical and spiritual strength. This is a masculine, Yang-type Qi. At your current Rank, you have an extremely poor efficiency in the conversion.

“Masculine Qi, huh? Makes sense. You’ve got surprisingly manly over these last few weeks.” Shiro said. “Daiyu, wasn’t yours a balanced type, leaning masculine too?”

Daiyu nodded. “The Techniques and Arts I have studied since I was a child have all been biased towards male Cultivators. Balance is good, but…” she smiled. “… if I am to master the path of Dual Cultivation, I need more Yin-side Qi. Darkness, Water, Air…”

“I thought Dual Cultivation was looked down on? I bet you did too…” Shiro teased, and Daiyu nodded.

“I did of course. I only wanted to follow the more traditional paths. But I was eager to learn, so I studied the Techniques, as I studied everything. Now I know I was a fool.” She admitted. “Any path is worth following, in the right company.”

Damn, she’s shockingly cute now. I think it’s the gap between her usual stoicism, and her softer, embarrassed side. But… “I’m not done.” I said, smiling, “There was one more odd skill. Oh, and Spiritually Pure Dual Cultivation, but that’s just a repeat of Daiyu’s so is boring.” I joked. “No, the skill I got was … well, saying I got it would be incorrect. One skill evolved.”

Might Of Indestructible Jade [Type: Noble] [Class: Artifice]

This ability allows one to strengthen the physical body so long as it contains Crystal element. Crystal Qi can be consumed to purify the physical body, strengthening bone, muscle, skin and more.

“It’s actually made me weaker…” I laughed. “I don’t have Crystal element, and my Qi is non-existent, But the potential…”

“It is surely an omen from the heavens.” Daiyu looked supremely happy. “After all, you already possess Black Jade do you not?”

“She’s getting bolder!” Shiri guffawed happily. “But yeah, it was earth element before, right? Which you have a ton of. So you lose out on some Might and Fortitude, right? Fortunately you already have crazy-high stats so it shouldn’t be a disaster. Though… you are a level one Qi Refiner, right?”

“Yeah, as bottom-tier as it gets.” I said, and Shiro looked at Daiyu once more.

“I doubt I’m wrong, but that doesn’t strike me as a Qi refiner-class technique. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, it is an enviable one. I am not sure how a Technique such as this could appear from nowhere. It is similar to Spiritually Pure Physique, but… there are treasures to strengthen the body, of course.” Daiyu admitted. “But since the days of Kunlun they have dwindled, irreplaceable. When I was younger, my father gave me a tincture of some of our last remaining medicinal herbs. Now anything that was left will be destroyed as our Sect burned, or in the hands of our enemies…” she clenched her fists. “…But that does not matter. The Spirit Water I received could buy and sell me, never mind what our Sect had remaining,”

“So, we don’t know?” Shiro said, and everybody exchanged puzzled looks. “All right then.” She finished. “I guess that’s not a bad thing. It’d be boring if we knew everything. Tan likely knows but isn’t telling. So, how about… a wager?” she grinned.

“A wager?” Daiyu asked.

“Yeah, we all bet on the reason we think Aki’s skill changed and now seems to be a hybrid between what we are used to and Cultivation. For the record, my gut tells me it’s got something to do with Lovers’ Link and Dual Cultivation.”

A bet, huh? Normally that’s a bad idea… I eyed the grinning Shaeula. … but even with her Fortune, this isn’t random, so it shouldn’t make it unfair. As for me, what do I think? “All right then, so what does the winner get?”

“A date with Aki, just me!” Shiro said, and Eri snorted at her pride.

“Who’s to say you’ll win? And what do I get if I’m right? And why would I have to pay the winner anyway?” I interjected.

“Shut it! If you win, you can take any of us losers out on a solo date, and the rest of us won’t complain. Fair?”

Everyone nodded. I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s all just a bit of fun. And I admit, I’m curious myself…

Once the answers were in, Daiyu’s leaning towards some Cultivation terminology, while Shaeula focused more on possible elemental reasons, I looked at the clock. Damn we’ve been talking for hours. Not just talking either. It’s time to get ready for a new day… “It sure would be nice to be able to use the skill properly… permanent buffs are better than temporary power…”

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