On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Forty Two *contains status – Ixitt*

Three Hundred And Forty Two *contains status – Ixitt*

“So, that was quite a day, wasn’t it?” I said to Motoko and Natsumi, as the car we were in was driven back through the dark streets of Tokyo back towards Shirohebizumi. Hyacinth was in the front seat next to the driver, while the three of us were in the back together. Haru-san was going to follow later, after she finished up with her tasks at the Diet. And then she’ll be in the Boundary again, huh? Yeah, she definitely needs a break soon. Well, hopefully things will calm down for a bit…

“I believe that to be an understatement.” Motoko smiled. “I must apologise again for my father. His rudeness was inexcusable, but… understandable. He has worries. For me. For the country and the military.”

“I know. I get it. No father is ever delighted when his daughter becomes a woman, I’d imagine. Noble ones far less so. Even if he agreed it was for the best, feelings aren’t so simple, are they?” Well, I’m not a father, not yet, but I guess it’d be like when Aiko brings home a boyfriend. Even if he’s a good guy, it’d feel… complicated. But I’m not a fool. I won’t kick up a fuss like Shaeraggo if he isn’t trash…

“Well, my parents didn’t mind so much.” Natsumi smiled. “But then, being a daughter of one of the highest-ranking of the Fifty-Eight is quite different to being one of the middling Three Hundred. But that wasn’t what you were asking about, right Akio?”

“Yeah. Hinata, huh? She’s certainly fiery. But… how do you see it going?”

“I am touched that Hinata was thinking of us as well.” Motoko considered. “Our future status… yes, it would have declined as we married out, even though we would have done it under the rules of nobility. Now…” she pondered, and Natsumi took over.

“It’s obvious that Hinata will win her competition. After all, she has us to support her. And with Fujiwara-sama and Ichijou-sama seeming to accept her proposals… well, looks like you are going to be Takatsukasa Akio.” Her smile turned wicked. “I never thought I’d ever be important enough to marry into one of the Three Great Houses.”

“It is quite a complicated tangle. But nobody will be able to gainsay us, were it to pan out as Hinata wishes.” Motoko agreed. “I… apologise we said nothing of how Hinata was being treated, but she did not wish us to speak of it. She has her pride, a noble pride. I would not trample that carelessly.”

“I get it. I should have noticed, and most of the blame is mine, I tried too hard to do what I thought she wanted, what would help, rather than looking at what she needed. I hope in the future any of you will tell me if you are being troubled. After all…”

“After all, you’re our husband.” Natsumi agreed happily, and under the lights of Tokyo we kissed, Hyacinth making envious noises as she watched from the front…


Back at the shrine, we had a quick dinner. Shiro and Eri were there, watching the TV, seeing more of the protests. The numbers had diminished as the day progressed, but there was still a die-hard mob that was outside the Diet and the Chinese Embassy. TBS News, one of the major TV stations, was broadcasting an interview with one of the protesters.

“… can’t let this outrage stand! Whatever the Government says, I’ve seen the footage! It’s all over the internet. Those were Chinese tanks and armoured vehicles on our soil!”

“Well, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a statement that they were deserters and terrorists…” the reporter began, but the crowd drowned him out with shouts and jeers, very unusual for the reserved Japanese. Tempers are running high. Though time should cool the worst of it, I hope.

“If so, what about the previous Kyoto incident? A terrorist cult? That’s a lie, and everyone knows it! Anyone who digs a bit deeper can see they were Chinese infiltrators too! Two attacks! Will it take a third to wake you up?” the man shouted.

Well, I guess the cover story for Yamato-san’s mess is working, though in a way that’s problematic. Better that than knowing what really happened. Turning away from the television, I asked where Daiyu and Shaeula were.

“Daiyu is in her room again. Don’t worry Aki, I made sure she had a snack earlier.” Shiro assured me. “She’s still writing down all of her secrets, it seems like. There’s tons of notepads full of odd writing in there. Oh, and since it’s a real pain with Tan having to translate for me all the time, I took a liberty and asked Karen about a language tutor. Apparently you already have a Chinese teacher, so I guess they can teach Daiyu Japanese, right? I put in the request anyway, hope you don’t mind.”

“Not really. It’d be beneficial for her to learn.” I agreed, before smiling slyly. “Just how are you paying for that though? That tutor doesn’t come cheap, due to the discretion involved.”

Shiro looked at me flatly for moment, before realising I was teasing her. “Aki, don’t be a jerk. I know you’ll pay for that.”

“I sure will.” I agreed, enjoying Eri’s pleasure at the flustered Shiro. “So, Shaeula?”

“She’s been in the Boundary most of the day. She’s very excited about her new lightning powers. Really, it doesn’t seem that much different or any more effective than light element, but well, she seems happy.”

“It’s a cultural thing.” I said, and Eri nodded, having spent more time with Shaeula. “For her, lightning is the element of her Queen, so having it is a big deal. Plus, well it does look cool, and you know she’s always concerned with that.”

“That’s true. Well, a girl has to look cool and beautiful, Aki.” She smiled. “Shit, I’ve just been spending my day in and out of the Boundary giving buffs to Shaeula, Ixitt and that dwarf. He’s not even coming out of his forge, and it’s hot as hell in there, but when his buffs run out, that doll Azuki ends up coming running to fetch me.” She pouted, not really irritated but just trying to draw an affectionate response out of me. “I’m tired. You should pamper me, Aki!”

“Sure.” I pulled her into a hug. She stiffened for a moment, before relaxing.

“So, how was your day, Eri?” Natsumi was asking. “Did you go to the Boundary too?”

Eri moved her head a little in an approximation of a shake. “No, I’ve been catching up on my remote schoolwork. I promised my parents, Akio’s too, that I’d not fall behind despite being away from home.” She flexed her good arm. “Fortunately nothing was too difficult. I’m on course to graduate with good scores.”

“I see. Well, I would expect no less from you, Eri.” Motoko said politely. “As for us…” as Motoko and Natsumi filled them in on the negotiations, including the shocking turn of events that Hinata had sparked, and the potential takeover of Takatsukasa house, there was laughter from Shiro and smug approval from Eri. On seeing my look, she raised her eyebrow in surprise that I didn’t get it.

“Well, I didn’t like seeing those snooty nobles walk all over you, Akio. It made me really angry, in fact.” Her good hand clenched, knuckles going white. “It isn’t like I don’t like your kindness, your willingness to be fair, but… I’d rather you were kind to those that deserve it, such as us. With others, you can be ruthless. After all, look at all you’ve built, all you’ve done, in just a few months. Imagine a year from now…”

“She’s right. If you’re too kind to everyone, it makes us feel less special. Oh, and it also lets jerks take advantage. So, this Sakura girl…”

“There’s nothing to consider. I’m not accepting an arranged marriage, and it’s not like with Daiyu, where there are a number of good reasons to consider it.” Not least of all I can see something in her, with the way she rarely shows her emotions, but definitely has them, her shy smiles, her determination. I like to see girls with that willpower and drive get ahead. “Sakura-san can do as she pleases. Well, it’d normally be as her father says, I guess, but if Hinata does take over Takatsukasa house, I think Sakura-san will be free to find her own husband. I know Sakura-san and Hinata have their difficulties, but I do believe the two of them care for each other, it’s just been distorted by the fact that Hinata’s mother was married out to a commoner family.”

“I still can’t believe the family that owns Nichibotsu technology is considered common.” Shiro sighed.

“I know. When you three…” Eri looked at Motoko and Natsumi wryly. “… first turned up at our town, you were like people from another world. Of course, I’d met Hinata once before. The nobility sure is strange.”

“Well, that’s why there is the Three Hundred. In time, those of them that successfully endure for a hundred years or more under the aegis of the true nobility would find themselves as part of the ever-expanding Fifty-Eight.” Natsumi said. “Our family was hoping to follow that path as well. Now we have a different one.”

“Well, enough about that. It’s a shame you have to go home tonight.” Shiro grinned at the two noble daughters. “No entertainment like last night.” The two of them blushed crimson at that. “But I suppose you might as well use your time wisely. All I’ve been doing in-between trips to the Boundary was watching TV, which made me so damn happy that I could cry, being able to see with both eyes again, and also chatting with Eri while she studied. I did think I could help her, but she had it well in hand.”

“Well, I was the quiet, studious girl back in Nishimorioka.” Eri teased. “And that was even before I gained a lot of levels.”

“Quiet? Tch, you’re quite the actress. There’s nothing quiet about you, girl.” Shiro scoffed.

“Oh, maybe I’ve just come out of my shell?” Eri retorted happily, and as I watched the two bicker, I was pleased to see effectively my two greatest friends, childhood and Uni, getting along so well.

“All right then. Well, I have some things to do in the Boundary, so we’ll scoop up Daiyu’er and then… we’re heading for Kyoto.”


“I see what you mean.” I laughed, a touch apologetically. The forge that Master Bjarki was using was going non-stop, cascades of brilliant sparks sailing directly up into the sky from the heavy brick and iron chimney, the smoke also rising directly up to the silvery, aurorae-streaked heavens above. Yep, without wind that looks strange, but eerily beautiful.

The sounds of hammer on metal and the hissing of quenching echoed, and multiple dwarves were carrying ingots, red and orange Etherites, gems and other materials we had gained from battle loot. “I don’t think we should disturb him.” I said, as Shiro came out, head drooping wearily, soot on her now-pristine cheeks. As she approached I stroked her hair and tenderly rubbed the dirt from her face. She made preening noises and embarrassed gestures, but she let me do it.

“So, Shaeula’s back at the Spring for some reason, and Kana and the other trainees are working on earth element still. Haru-san should be back to join them soon, poor overworked girl that she is. Well, in that case, we might as well be off.” Hinata wasn’t with us tonight, she had far too much to do, putting her plans into motion.

“What are you doing about your Territory?” Shiro asked, curious, and I realised I hadn’t explained.

“For now, accumulate Ether. I’ll let the build queues tick down, and fill them with quick and cheap low-level upgrades just so we don’t waste any time. We’re going to sort out Kyoto to Rank 3, and then we’ll push for Rank 4. It’ll be a nightmare and take forever, but the wider radius of control, stronger barriers, higher ether density, extra Ether Spires and more… we’ll just have to push through and try and rush it as much as we can.” I remember I can also build Satellite Anchors at Rank 4. That would open up some very interesting options. “Well, we also have to worry about your Territory, right?” I asked her.

“Yeah, guess so.” She shrugged me off, having been embarrassed enough by my affection. “Arisu is looking after it, but… that can’t continue forever. Though ideally, I’d like Arisu and the others to come under your protection. She will not like that suggestion though, that’s for sure. She’s not fond of trusting or relying on men, Aki. Not at all.”

“Well, the first step to a relationship is building trust. And we’ve started that, I promised to heal you, and I am, right?” As we walked towards the Ring Gate we passed our trainees, who were valiantly striving to absorb and master the ruby energies. Kana, Keomi-chan and some of the others waved at us, and we returned the gesture. I noticed Bintara was there watching, which gave me some peace of mind, as she’d be able to heal any damage their root chakras suffered if they improperly absorbed the ruby earth element.

“So, are you going to do any further healing?” Shiro asked, her arm still immobile.

“No. We’re on schedule, and I don’t want to stress your body and network by pushing it too far. Tomorrow your arm, then the next few days removing the remaining adherence, fixing up your scars, and a final polish of your Material body.”

We entered the veil of red energies that shrouded the ring of mushrooms that made up the Ring Gate to Kyoto, feeling that momentary sense of dislocation and frozen time, before passing out to the other side. The skies above Kyoto were far more brilliant than the skies in Tokyo, aurorae clashing with silver lightning, hints of gold shining through as well. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the noticeably higher ether density, closer to the lands of the Fae than Tokyo.

Shiro’s eye turned red, and Tan, who had been silent all day, spoke lazily. “Yes, the Boundary here is rather frayed. I do suppose it cannot be helped. That vile creature was reckless with its power.”

“Oh, Tan, it’s been a while.” I said, and the look she gave me was totally unlike Shiro’s, rather withering.

“I did have quite the meal, I have been slowly digesting it, making it mine, extracting what I wish, discarding the remains. I may thirst, but I cannot drink dry an ocean without adequate time.”

“I see. That makes sense.” Behind me, Daiyu and Eri were on guard, not entirely comfortable around Tan, not that I could blame them. Though I do trust Tan when it comes to Shiro’s welfare, so… “So, is the Boundary in danger of collapse?” I asked, concerned.

“Not… imminently.” She replied. “Though areas in such a fragile state should not be seen for years, perhaps even decades after a world starts to connect to the deeper Astral once more, the bubble it inhabits starting to shudder. I fear you must accelerate your plans, lest you be unprepared when the time comes.” She paused. “Know that I will take the princess with me, should this world fall. So she will be safe.”

“That’s a relief. But I hope it won’t get to that stage. So… Rank 4 is vital then. If you say years or decades, then the defending worlds should definitely have secured a number of Rank 4’s by then, so we need to do the same.”

“It is not so simple, each step up is a giant stride more troublesome, more demanding than the previous. Else why would Astral Emperors be so rare?” She chided me for my arrogance.

“I know that Tan, and I’m always appreciative of your wisdom. But I think if Japan works together, we can push a Rank 4 in a reasonable timeframe.”

“I suppose we shall see… wait, Tan…” Shiro interrupted her dubious confidence in me. “I’m grateful that you’d do that for me, but shit, if you’re taking me away, at least take Aki and the girls too!”

Tan shrugged. “The Fae, they would be able to travel with me. Your man too, I suppose. Or if not, then soon. These others, though…” she eyed Daiyu, Motoko and Natsumi. “… too weak, too fragile. Too mortal.”

Daiyu’s eyes glittered darkly with annoyance, though her expression was as outwardly composed as ever, while Motoko and Natsumi looked sad but accepting. Well, I can’t leave it like this. “Isn’t that why we are here? To take advantage of the new situation, and get Motoko and Natsumi to take full advantage of the extra levels they can gain? Well, cleaning up the mess that is Kyoto is important too, but you all come first. You too Daiyu’er.” I said, smiling warmly at her. “I know you’ve been working hard on transcribing your Sect’s secrets. I appreciate it. When I get a chance… Spiritually Pure Technique, for you all.”

There was a look of grateful surprise and the faintest hint of embarrassment on Daiyu’s face, her cheeks tinted a faint red, difficult to see under the strange light of the Kyoto Boundary. Yeah, it’s fresh having such a taciturn girl with me. All of the others show their emotions so openly, so unashamedly. Well, Eri used to be quieter, but ever since Shaeula entered the picture, that went away, and while Motoko has that noble upbringing, she’s very open with how she feels to me, at the least.

“Us too?” Motoko asked, and I nodded.

“Of course. Sadly I was pretty much entirely dry of Spirit Water when we made love, due to the battle of Kyoto draining every asset I had. Otherwise you might have had a nasty surprise.” I smiled, remembering Eri’s state when she leaked a little impurity after we shared elements through our lunar chakras. “But… Spirit Water offers many benefits, and since mine is double-mutated, I think there’s no better water to learn, at least for now. And… well, I’m hoping soon you’ll all have the strength to warrant it. Of course, Spiritually Pure Physique also keeps the skin and hair beautiful and clean, and why wouldn’t I want to see my fiancées at their best?”

“In exchange for that… no, no exchanges.” Daiyu shook her head, angry at herself. “I believe it is only natural for… for Dao Companions to share everything. After all, their Dao and their hearts will be entwined for all eternity.”

“Aren’t you a bold one?” Shiro laughed, as we headed out of Haru-san’s Territory, only to stop in wonder at the large sea of ratkin and weaselkin, all fussing around a number of silver spires mounted on wagons, green and blue Etherites mounted in their crowns, smaller numbers of lesser Etherites placed in other spots. Amidist them all was Ixitt, who had a larger wagon, one that was covered with a tarpaulin, but looked like it was hiding some large, ammonite-shaped device.

“To think that you’d declare your love to Aki right in front of us. Well, you’re damn cute, I guess. I’ve always wanted to Cultivate too, ever since I read some of the stories. Female Cultivators are always beautiful. I’d be the true heaven-defying jade beauty of this tale.” She paused. “Hey, Tan. You know anything about Cultivation?” she asked, curious.

“I cannot speak of it, for such knowledge is above what we have agreed to impart. All I can say is that the Six Paths is deeply entwined with the art of Cultivation, and the many paths to Dao… no, perhaps that is too much to speak of. All I will say is, beware. Cultivation is one of the paths of power so well-forged that the multiverse itself, the very Astral, accepts and accommodates it. Such power does not come without commensurate dangers.”

“Dangers? The trials are many.” Daiyu said, fascinated with the meagre information Tan revealed. “Heavenly Tribulations, perhaps?”

“I shall speak no more. Though, if you try to learn, princess, be advised that your spiritual body is… extremely abnormal.” And with that her eyes returned to black. Eyes. I’m still happy to see them both.

“Well, enough of that.” I approached Ixitt, looking at the field of Artificial Spires. “Well, looks like you’ve been putting our trade bounty to good use.”

“More than that.” He lashed his tail happily. “The prince paid a fee in blue, green and yellow for his tutelage, that for his wife as well. I put many of them to use. It has slowed the rate of construction somewhat, the amount of silver material and crystals we have removed from the upgrading Buildings, but that girl Miyu, with her dances… that has more than offset the losses.” He gestured to the working Spires. “The rather impressive Ether Density here is yielding good results, your Silos shall fill nicely. And…” he looked down, where a small red Etherite had formed. Picking it up, he handed it to me happily. “… as a side effect of the impromptu nature of these first and second generation devices, the Ether density around is indeed decreased slowly, and occasionally the overspill forms red or rarely orange Etherites.”

“Great. It sounds like you’ve done a fantastic job. I’ll have to thank Miyu as well. That reminds me… no, that’s for later. So, what’s under the tarp?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“Why, it is of course the aether-electric generator and converter.” He grinned triumphantly. “I did have to put the finishing touches to it at the Spring, where the ether density was high enough to support my Mortal engineering.” He bowed to Shiro, who looked embarrassed. “Without your wonderful blessings, I doubt I would have been able to finish it so quickly, or so well. And the insights from such a wonderful experience have surely driven me to even greater heights.”

Curious, I checked Ixitt’s status, the first time for a while, and let out a low whistle. Yeah, no kidding.

Ixitt status part 1

Ixitt status part 2

“Damn, you’ve really powered up.” I had to laugh as his tail lashed proudly.

“Indeed I have. Serving as your Mortal Engineer is certainly satisfying, and walking the mortal world has confirmed many of my theories, yet given rise to just as many more hypotheses.”

Well, Firearms Technique is self-explanatory. Some of the others…

Calculative Predictions Rank 1 – This skill increases the ability of the bearer to perform complicated mathematics in areas of natural law, such as material stressors, gravity, propulsion, and other aspects of physics and chemistry. It allows a limited predictive model to be created to test theories and applications of the sciences mentally, though this is limited by the knowledge the bearer already possesses. [Class: Powerful] [Type: Artifice]

Aether Conversion Rank 1 – This skill increases the effectiveness of converting Aether into ???????? forms and the reverse. Conversion of Aether to Elemental forms such as the classic four elements and their composites and the reverse is further increased. [Class: Powerful] [Type: Principle]

“Damn, that Aether Conversion skill is awesome. I could really use that one myself. In fact, all of you girls need it too.” My eyes were likely sparkling at the thought of that skill, as it was the missing piece in utilising a lot of my abilities effectively. “How did you train for that?”

“Well, my experiments have led to me performing a lot of trials on various elements, breaking them down to the fundamentals. Originally I planned some sort of water turbine, like you mortals use to generate electricity, or perhaps some style of heat exchanger using flame element. I even considered the simplest, most elegant solution.” He smiled. “A pair of small Gates, such as the Ring Gates, and a perpetually falling mass, pulling on some sort of wheel, creating electricity. Though that ran into numerous problems, not least the difficulty obtaining suitable spatial element, the chains kept being severed, and…” as he rattled on, delighted to be able to talk about such things, I checked his new class as well.

Technomancer – This Class is gained by crossing many bottlenecks in the crafting arts, as well as a deep understanding of both the spiritual sources of power and the material ones. Aether is greatly increased and skills to control it are enhanced substantially. Affinity to Earth, Water, Flame and Wind increase, as does affinity for their composite elements. Affinity to lightning element significantly increases in addition to this. Devices utilising Aether and electricity in conjunction are easier to create and have higher efficiency. Understanding of other material forces such as the nuclear forces is increased.

Okay. Yes, that’s an awesome class, and I’m proud of him. But that’s one hell of a dangerous class too… With that sort of skillset, he could start making nuclear weapons, probably!

“… so yes, in the end, the princess brought me the key to success. It is rather inefficient using intermediate steps. After all… entropy.” He grinned toothily. “Each time you convert or include a new stage, the efficiency drops. I had never considered such before visiting the mortal world. Perhaps… perhaps the Unseelie were the entropy of the Seelie. A sobering thought.” He paused. “Where was I? Oh yes. Well, the princess has now mastered lightning element, which is electricity, though the spiritual aspects do complicate matters. Happily, after she finished taking what she needed from the thunderbird blood, there was some material left over for me to play with. Well, Bjarki did take a lot of it, but… there was enough for my purposes. Now… with help from the princess, I was able to create a wonder.”

“A wonder?” Eri asked, her eyes spinning from trying to keep up with his excited ranting, and Natsumi was likewise flummoxed. Motoko was of course too polite to show her confusion, and Shiro was only half-listening, and Daiyu… well, she was interested, but seemed to know little of science.

“Yes. Behold!” Ixitt whipped off the tarp, to reveal a device made of a mixture of what looked like dwarven steel, the silver material and crystals my Territory was made out of, and kobold bluesteel. It resembled a silver shell like a snail had, though the spirals were ridged with thick bluesteel ropes. A number of spires jutted out of it, and they were topped by either strange purple crystals, looking a bit like Etherites, or clear transparent ones. My Eye flared, and I was surprised by what I saw.

Lightning Transforming Crystals [Class: Noble] [Type: Artifice] These crystals are made by combining Lightning element-imbued material with powdered Etherite and a mixture of bluesteel and Territorial Silver. Aether is absorbed and converted to a weak lightning element.

Lightning Absorbing Crystals {Class: Noble] [Type: Artifice] These crystals are made by combining Lightning element-infused materials with powdered Etherite and a mixture of dwarven silver and Territorial Crystal. Lightning element is absorbed and converted to aether. It can also absorb wind and fire elements, though at reduced efficiency.

Territorial Silver? Territorial Crystals? Even my Eye only gave question marks regarding such materials, though I expected it was whatever my Buildings were made out of, since that was a material Ixitt was often extracting.

“So, impressed?” Ixitt asked, and I had to nod.

“So, how does it work?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked!” As he rubbed his hands with glee, the girls and I exchanged glances. Yeah, this is going to be a long explanation, I can tell…

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