On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Forty-Nine

Three Hundred And Forty-Nine

A Vassal Territory has reached Rank 3. Your Class, Conqueror, has increased from level 14 to level 15. Your League has increased by 2. Your Chakra Network and Silver Cord has been strengthened slightly, significantly increasing your aether.

“I see. I have a lot of options now.” Haru-san said, having consumed the large amounts of ether, a million strong, that Ixitt’s clever Artificial Ether Silos had ferried through the Ring Gates. Each Silo couldn’t hold that much, only a few thousand to perhaps ten thousand for the best designed, but the distance was short, so the ability to move it was efficient enough, and once the amount was there, Haru-san had rushed the upgrade. “So, now we just need to consolidate as much of Kyoto as we can, right?”

So now we can successfully donate Ether without using Etherites, which we need for other things. Sure, it’s not going to work for distant Territories, but for those we can access it’s fine. So, I could do the same for Shuta-san’s Territory, but… well, currently he’s confined to a small area around Hisuikomushi Shrine, so adding a lot more Ether Spires there wouldn’t make too much sense. It would allow him to capture some land outside my own Territory due to his location, but… well, I’ll think about it. We have a lot to do, and it might make more sense for me to be Rank 4 first, though the planning and cost…

“Well, all the unclaimed territory, sure. But we’ll leave things like the Kyoto Imperial Palace alone for now. After all, there’s no need for a fight, and the owner of that, whoever or whatever they are, made no move to stop us from entering or leaving during the Kyoto mess, so I think we owe diplomacy a try. For now, we want to claim Kiyomizu-dera and the surrounding shrines, Yamato-san’s old Territory.”

“Some has already come under my control.” She smiled. “It shouldn’t be too difficult, but ten kilometres is quite a wide area. I’ll need some help if I’m to do it quickly.”

“Well, that’s what we’re here for.” I grinned, gesturing to our weaselkin and ratkin forces, as well as Hyacinth and Shaeula. “I’m hoping we should be able to get this done by morning.”

“It’s fascinating, isn’t it?” Hinata said happily, talking to the other girls who were here with us, despite the late hour. “Seeing how a Territory expands first-hand gives me a lot of ideas.” She rubbed her hands together, excited. “And to think that such a large amount of Kyoto will be under our control now. I think I need to speak to Grandfather about what land we have or can purchase in Kyoto.”

“No, it’s under Haru-san’s control.” I corrected, before the woman in question laughed, shaking her head.

“Silly, you know what is mine is yours. I’m your vassal, no, more than that. Without your aid I’d be floating around here wishing for death. No, that’s not right, I was already dead. Oblivion, maybe? Well, no matter. Kyoto is yours.”

“Well, I’m glad someone is happy.” Shiro said, sitting down, face pale, looking like a used rag, silver sweat streaming from her body. “I’m totally wiped out. Aki is a brute…” she complained to my other girls. “He’s used me hard all day. I can’t even think about anything but having a damn rest.”

As Motoko and Natsumi consoled her, taken in by her mock-complaints, I patted her head. “You have worked hard, it’s definitely true. And thanks to you, we have a good chance of securing our position faster than planned. It’s why I don’t feel worried about upgrading Haru-san’s Territory like this.” Shiro had worked herself to the bone calling on Anesidora’s gift. Hell, I was tired too, as I had exhausted myself giving her my aether. In the end, Shaeula had to help top her up too. Hyacinth had tried also, but her ability to transfer her aether successfully was meagre, much to her chagrin. It seemed that the successful transfer of aether in any quantity was affected by Chirurgery, so as well as Aether Manipulation and Ether Healing, a Rank or two in Chirurgery was something I wanted to be standard issue for everyone going forwards. At least those close to me, anyway. Chirurgery is a trump card for us…

In terms of skills, Asha didn’t seem to have anything that promoted the trees producing more aether, but she did have skills to promote elemental energy and the safe growth of her Tree, so we would be enhancing those as appropriate. As I thought that, Shiro looked at me, and I felt a touch guilty as she had seemingly guessed my thoughts. Oh well, when she levels up a bit more she’ll have more aether to play with… Pushing the other two Rhyming Trees to effectively a better Rank 4 was far less efficient than the single Tree to Rank 6, but inefficient didn’t mean it wasn’t still worth it, and over time the extra ether quickly added up.

“So, what are the plans for my Territory then, as regards infrastructure?” Haru-san asked. “I don’t mind setting you a tithe rate of a hundred percent. After all, this is all down to you.”

I shook my head. “That’s too much, you need ether to upkeep the territory and the defences. Besides, I’d like you to have at least some ether of your own, so that you can pursue your Thrones and anything else you want. But then, I do need a lot of ether…” Kyoto was producing abnormally high ether, so even at a reduced efficiency via tithes with the rate set high enough, it could be like having an extra Ether Spire for each one constructed here. And there’s light element too.

“Right then. Well, first I’ll set our Ether generation to the maximum. That means all my Spires to Rank 4, and all your Spires, plus the new ones, to Rank 4. That would hugely increase our accrual. I think… eighty percent tithe? Damn, I feel usurious. I’ll have to look at Shuta-san’s again, as well as Miyu’s.” Miyu was currently alternating dancing and grinding for levels at the coast, and her Territory was prospering slowly. I can’t easily get ether to her Territory through Ixitt’s Silos though, so doing what I plan for Haru-san’s Territory is impossible for now…

“Well, I don’t mind. Besides, I am the Under-Secretary at the Ministry.” Haru-san declared, proud of her role. “I understand you need to reach Rank 4 as soon as possible. After that, when your urgent need diminishes, you can always lower the tithe a bit.” She smiled.

“True.” I laughed. “Though I always have a need for more ether, we can never have enough.”

“Well, if you ask Akio nicely, I dare-dare say that he will provide you with what you need.” Shaeula teased her.

“Sure, sure. Well, she is my precious vassal after all.” I waved that off. “In terms of rush-building, we know that Rank 1 and 2 Spires are trivial. You can build Anchor Spires now as well, right?” I asked, and she nodded. “Well, in your case, let’s hold off on the Ether Density Anchor Spire. That goes against what we are trying to achieve here. No, you want the Ether Spire Anchor Spire. You won’t need extra queues yet either since we’ll be relying on blowing ether on rush-building. I think we’ll consider other options. Anyway, a Rank 1 Spire will set you back three thousand, and a Rank 2 twenty-two and a half thousand. We can have all of your Spires to Rank 2 including the new ones we need to build by the weekend. That’s the most efficient for the both of us.”

Haru-san agreed. Hinata was happily listening as well, eyes sparkling. She really loves the economic side of things. That reminds me… next week, looks like it’s time to do some more Ether Healing. She wants to extract maximum value before our powers become common knowledge, and others gifted with healing Divine Favours or skills start competing with us…

“In that case…” Shaeula grinned wolfishly. “We shall quickly secure areas with elemental resources. Daiyu, you come-come with me. Hyacinth, accompany Eri and Kana.” As the plans were set and the girls scurried off, while Ixitt and Grulgor were leading their own forces, Grulgor accompanied by a towering giant and a number of new trolls I had not been introduced to yet, I continued to explain to Haru-san, Shiro, Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi the path I planned to take.

“Rank 3 Spires are expensive to build instantly, at three hundred thousand ether, but even in the slowing, with Shiro’s exceptional work…” she groaned at that, but did look proud. “… we are easily able to pull in well over two hundred thousand ether an Astral day as the Trees do their work. In fact, we can nearly afford one Rank 3 spire a day. If it wasn’t a slowing right now, we could afford multiple each day that passes in the Material. Oh well, sooner or later the slowing will ebb out. Anyway, my Rank 3 Spires are pulling in on average around fourteen hundred ether per Astral day pre-slowing. It varies by location, of course. But then, the density is higher here, so it wouldn’t surprise me if you can get a bit more. I think it’s not unreasonable to assume with the tithe your Spires can give me around that as well.”

So, overall, we were looking at four and a half million ether to this point, but it would be adding around twenty thousand ether an Astral day after the slowing ended. It’d pay for itself in a hundred days on the Material then, assuming we didn’t hit a deepening tide. Damn, I know quickened tides offer many more dangers, but the extra Astral days and heightened ether gain sure would be awesome.

“Then there’s Rank 4 Spires. Now things do start getting expensive.” I admitted. “Each one should produce anywhere between five or six thousand ether an Astral day. But they cost a bit under one point nine million ether for an instant build. If we assume that we are making around four thousand extra ether a day, that’s… well, assuming the slowing ends, and time dilation at roughly two and a half days per day on the Material as I’ve been used to… that would be half a year to pay for itself. Really, that’s not too long, as after that, everything is pure profit.”

“I see.” Hinata grinned. “The Government wants you to push for Rank 4 to protect Tokyo, so while there is the chance of receiving support, it makes sense to build up your infrastructure.”

“Indeed.” Motoko agreed. “Grandfather says that the JSDF is so successful at what it does because it is built on solid foundations. Though he does worry that in these changing times, the foundation might crumble.”

“That’s why they want Akio to shore that up, Motoko.” Natsumi smiled.

“Well, now is the hard part. I’m already upgrading one Spire to Rank 4 as we speak, but to simplify the maths I won’t worry about that. So, between us that’s twenty-eight Spires. Adding on the previous costs, and also getting your Ether Spire Anchor Spire to Rank 2, as any more than that isn’t cost effective right now, we are looking between fifty-three and fifty-four million ether, but then from Spires alone, I’d be getting, for one Material day, outside the slowing, around four hundred and seventy thousand ether.”

“So, uh… the Rank 6 Rhyming Tree with my buffs… doesn’t that mean it essentially performs around the same as that on its own?” Shiro blinked, shocked. “How is that even fair?”

“It’s not. I’m so grateful to Asha, and to you.” I laughed. “Well, even a basic Rank 6 would be equivalent to sixteen Rank 4’s, and Rhyming Trees tend to produce at around ten to twenty percent more than a Spire of their equivalent Rank anyway. Add your other buffs on top and we get a monster working overtime. Hell, even keeping the other two Trees running at buffed Rank 4 is noticeably valuable. All told, I think we can get above a million ether per Material day when all this is done, though if the slowing persists, we’re still looking at rather less than half of that.”

“It sounds to me like we should make getting more Trees a priority.” Hinata mused, to agreement from everyone else.

“Yeah, I know. I do intend to talk to Shaeula about it soon, but that’s… complicated. Politically, certainly. But if she knows of any areas that we might be able to obtain them from without damaging our interests, you know we’ll be planning that.”

“So, what about storage?” Hinata asked.

“A good question. Yeah, we need ten million to start the Rank 4 Anchor upgrade, and we can store under twenty percent of that currently. A Rank 6 Silo would hold that and more, some twenty-two and a half million ether, but the cost is far too wasteful right now. No, at Rank 5 we hold four and a half million, so two Rank 5 should do in the meantime. We upgrade our Rank 4 and one of our Rank 3 Silos to Rank 5, and with the Expanding Silo we already have we should have ten million in space, for another ten million in ether.” I can hardly believe I’m talking such huge figures… well, Rank 4 is a colossal undertaking. I wonder how the Chinese are managing…

“Then, at ten million to start the upgrade, plus the previous spending, that’s a total of seventy four million. Then to finish, another hundred and sixty million?” Natsumi said, frowning. “That’s a lot!”

“It is. Well, any ether we have coming in will be decreased as the Territory upgrades, barring the Trees of course, by perhaps around forty percent, if it holds true to previous upgrades. Even so, every day we should be able to reduce the five thousand days it’ll take by multiple days more, and Miyu will dance too, bringing it even lower. We can do it in a sensible timeframe of a year, maybe. Though I’d like to put everything in place faster, of course, if we can.”

“It will very much depend on what the Ministry can end up extracting from the other Chosen of Japan.” Hinata mused.

“Not just that.” Motoko agreed. “We can collect ether by defeating enemies while growing stronger. We should continue to aggressively proceed, right Natsumi?”

“Yes, if I can get stronger by helping, I want to do it!” she said, clearly excited.

“As for me… my fate is sealed. Miyu and I will drown our sorrows together… ugh, she’s not old enough to drink in bars, but at least she’s had experience drinking as a noble during parties. She can get hammered with me!” Shiro pouted.

“Well, sorry but your buffs are simply too awesome to miss out on.” I consoled her, and that brightened her up almost instantly. She puffed out her impressive chest with a grin.

“I know, right? Well, now we know our goals, it’s time to start implementing them!” She was eager suddenly, and that brought laughter to us all.

“Right then. It might be more efficient to grind on Sagami bay, at least for now, but we need to secure Kyoto. Come on, I’ll escort you all and we can kill two birds with one stone. No, three birds as we get ether too.”

“All right then.” Haru-san said, floating beside me, a smile on her face. “Hey, doesn’t the fact my Territory is Rank 3 mean I’m one of the strongest Chosen in Japan?” she giggled. “I’m certainly coming up in the world!”

“You know, you might just be right.” I agreed. “Well, I’ve already stood up the Detective, so I don’t want to do it again. Besides, you girls need your beauty sleep, right? Can’t have you looking tired in class.”

“Well, we can spare a few hours more.” Motoko said, speaking for the three of them. “We need far less sleep now.”

“I still need some, you know.” Hinata complained, face red. “I’m not lucky enough to… well, never mind that.” Her face was now a deep crimson, even her neck and her ears flushed. “Well, come on, let’s go, let’s go!”


“Well, I don’t have to buff this, right?” Shiro observed the towering tree at Yasaka-Jinja shrine. We had passed through Chion-in and Koda-ji, where the monkey Yokai had set up their camps. Fortunately the shrines themselves had sustained little more than a few holes where the Sarugami had tried to dig in, or had set up earthen walls. Likewise, Yasaka-Jinja was unmolested, and seemed to have been avoided entirely. Perhaps because of the strength of energy radiating from the tree here? I can feel adherence from it, no surprise as an avatar of Tsumatsu-hime was here guarding it before. Well, I feel better now we’ve reclaimed it, and Haru-san will do a better job of guarding it than Yamato-san ever did…

“Nope. Though I do wonder what it could become, one day.” I laughed. “Well, we recovered the Kodama from Koda-ji, as well as a number of small bands of Yokai and other creatures who have accepted your rule, Haru-san, so… next stop, Kiyomizu-dera.” I sighed, not having good memories of the place.

“That reminds me.” Haru-san said, smiling as she watched the younger girls looking around, eyes bright with excitement. “What of the Night Parade?”

“Yeah, good question. Well, there’s no way a Rank 3 Territory will keep them out, they could crack the barrier very quickly. Hell, Red, Blue, Urakaze, that damn fox-woman… any of those could do it by themselves if given a little time. But, they should still keep out of the Shrines and Temples. Best we keep all our infrastructure in those if we can, for now. Well, we are trading booze with them, so hopefully that should prevent problems, plus we have a relationship with Shaeula’s mother. Best to let them pass through on their Parade and soak them for their Etherites. Hmm, maybe we could even set up some sort of establishment like Asha’s café…”

“That sounds a marvellous idea.” Hinata said happily. “Good business ties two parties together, and makes it worth more to stand together, than to compete.”

“Indeed. It is rather like a marriage.” Motoko agreed.

“Well, ours were proposed that way, certainly. But I like to think we’ve moved past mutual benefit and into love.” Natsumi giggled. “Benefit is still great though.” The two of them were in high spirits, having been able to fight under the watchful eye of Haru-san and I. Even Hinata managed a few battles under our protection, and her level was capped out, considering the training she had been doing before. I feel bad for her only being able to reach level twenty-five, but for now, that’s more than enough for her to be able to take care of herself from ordinary threats…

“Well, once we’ve captured Kiyomizu-dera, you should head back.” I said, and we soon reached the brilliant golden geysers of light that shone with a cascade of indigo sparks. The magnificent shrine buildings were just as I remembered them, and the girls were awestruck.

“Shit, this is sweet. Why doesn’t our Territory have anything like this, Tan?” Shiro complained, getting a lazy grunt as an answer.

“I feel… compelled to take it.” Haru-san said dreamily, drifting into the main building, which here was far bigger on the inside than the outside, golden pillars holding up the massive, vaulted ceiling. Inside, the likeness of Kannon, towering even taller than the giant with Grulgor, arms thick as tree-trunks, looked down on us benevolently. I’m sure the reproach I see in her eyes is an illusion, only my guilt…

“So… I see.” Haru-san nodded in satisfaction. “I can build them now. The Hands of Forgiveness.” She smiled. “They aren’t cheap, but I believe they have many benefits over normal Defensive Emplacements.” She paused. “With your permission, I could even build them in your Territory and those of your other vassals too, I think. Assuming you have the light element for it.” She winked happily at me, and I was pleased to see her continued good cheer.

“That’s something to look forward to.” I agreed. “Now, let’s get some Rank 1 Ether Spires down here to start with.” Haru-san nodded, and suddenly several beautiful golden needles appeared, and began drawing in the surrounding ether and light element. Probably going to need to upgrade my Elemental Silos as well, but that comes after Rank 4…

“Well, I think it’s time for you girls to head back.” I said, and they agreed, though Hinata looked as if she wished she could stay longer.

“I’m tired. Can I go as well, Aki?” Shiro asked, and while I did want her to grow stronger, she’d pushed herself way beyond her limits today.

“That’s fine. Haru-san and I will continue to bring more areas under our control. Get some rest. As you’re going to need it!”

“Tyrant, monster, dictator!” She cursed me humorously, before she and the others vanished, returning to the Material, leaving me alone with Haru-san.

“All right then. We should push on.” I said, and she agreed. As we headed north, bringing more land under our control, we ran into Shaeula, as well as Daiyu, who were heading down from Ginkaku-ji and Heian-jingu shrine. These were areas under the old Amaterasu faction, but the Territories around there could not reach them yet, and in the case of Shisendo-ji, was now fallow, the owner having perished alongside Mine-san during the ill-fated expedition Yamato-san led.

“Akio, Haru, well met!” She enthused, amber eyes bright. “I trust you have had-had successes?”

“Indeed we have.” I agreed. Daiyu merely nodded politely at us, as reserved as ever. “Oh, Daiyu’er, sorry to be a nuisance, but you’re still free to come interrogate the prisoners with me, well, it’ll be tomorrow now, right?”

“That shall be no issue. I confess wanting to speak to the survivors from Diamond Mountain Sect.”

“What about my prisoner?” Haru-san asked. “She’s being kept here in Kyoto, due to her… well, tie to me, I guess.”

“Yeah I want to speak to her too. But the prisoners in Tokyo first. I was going to bring you, but…”

“I’ll be busy.” She laughed “Karen-san will be happy to stand in, I’m sure…”

“Well, I have some interesting news indeed-indeed.” Shaeula grinned. “We did bring a number of Yokai who dwell in Kyoto into the fold, my status as one of the Hyakki Yagyō did not-not prove worthless.” Her expression was proud and expectant, so I praised her, pulling her into a hug. “There were some strange burning spirits, tormented and sad-sad amongst these. But when I extinguished the flames with my spirit water, they did-did find release. Before they left, they advised me of a great-great flame, located to the north-west, atop a mountain called Atago. From their description, it did-did seem there is much fire element there.”

“Mount Atago, that’s… too far.” Haru-san shook her head. “I’m not sure of the exact distance, but it’d be a little over ten kilometres from my Anchor.”

“Well, I remember the map. A bit over eleven, in fact. However… that’s not insurmountable.” We can always solve that with an Anchor Spire. Territory Expansion Spire at Rank 2… that should push us enough, I think…

“Is it not-not? Excellent. I believe securing such a sacred place can only benefit us in the longer term.”

“True, but… well, we’re going to have to fight. The hills and mountains outside of Kyoto seem riddled with Yokai.” I exchanged looks with everyone, who nodded. “Well, that’s for later. For now, we continue bringing Kyoto under our aegis…” Mount Atago, huh? If I remember from school that mountain does have a relationship with fire…

“Well then, want to stick together for a little while?” I asked, and Shaeula laughed.

“I always want to spend time with you, Akio, do I not-not?”

Daiyu agreed as well. “I would like to observe your spiritual waters further. When Shaeula did free those tormented spirits, I found it rather intriguing. The Spiritually Pure Physique is surely even greater than our old scrolls and jade tags say. I think… perhaps it is meant to be fed with yin and yang element as well…?” As we pushed outwards, I listened to Daiyu’s musings with interest. Yeah, soon it’ll be time to start digging deeper into Cultivation as well. Right now I’m feeling strangely powerful for some reason, like I could do anything. Now might be the right time, and… I need to set things up properly between Daiyu and me. Work out just where we stand, and where we want to stand in the future… Yes, there was certainly a lot to think about, but right now, everything was starting to fall into place. Though there’s always more to do. Always…

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