On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Fifty-Three

Three Hundred And Fifty-Three

“Well, now I’m feeling a bit underdressed.” Shiro said, looking down at her t-shirt and jeans.

“No, anything you wear looks classy enough.” I promised her, as we took a seat in one quiet corner of the rather exclusive restaurant in a hotel in Ginza. “You look like a model with that figure, so…”

“He’s right boss.” Suzu-san laughed. She had arrived before us with Arisu-san, as apparently she wouldn’t have been able to get in on her own, looking out of place, her Caucasian looks, blonde drill-curls and black and purple goth-loli fashion making her appear younger than she was. That reminds me, I don’t know just how old she actually is… “When we used to meet you as White, I never knew there was such a pretty woman under those robes.” She pouted, eyeing the calm, cold Arisu-san, who was wearing a deep blue dress and looking at the menu, her lips pursed in concentration. “You kept that all to yourself!”

“Do stop your prattling, Suzanne-san.” She warned. “With characters such as Daizen-san and that crooked Raven around us, exuding an air of mystery and power to keep them in line was necessary. Even with the Contracts, there were no guarantees, as we saw ourselves.” She placed down the menu, having decided. Ringing a little bell that had been placed on the table, a smartly-dressed waiter appeared.

“We shall have the Lumiére Sparkling Koshu, the twenty-fifteen vintage. Make that two bottles. And for you, Suzanne-san?” she asked.

“Oh… I’ll have a coke. I think I need the sugar!” She giggled. “Though I’ll have to exercise later to work off the calories. I’m on a really strict diet!”

As the waiter took her order, I frowned. The last member of our party, Bunta-san, was sitting in the corner closest to the wall, twitching like a nervous rodent. Still, he had made the effort, and was in a reasonably smart suit, though it looked more like one a salaryman might wear, not one for a night out. Well, I get that he’s the nervous sort. He helped during Kyoto though, so I’m prepared to get to know him…

“Anyway…” Suzu-san continued. “Yeah, it came as a real shock, boss. Especially when you seem so nice! As White, you were damn scary. I’m glad to see it though, those scars…” she shuddered. “If I had those, my career would be over. Idols have to be beautiful you know. Though, I don’t want to compete with you, boss! You’d be the world’s number one idol if you could sing and dance!”

“Well, I can’t sing to save my life.” Shiro admitted. “As for dancing… I never tried, but I bet I could, now.” She smiled at me, and I squeezed her hand under the table. She’s thinking she could barely walk a few hundred metres before, and now she’s talking about dancing… “I’ve no interest in being an idol though. I’ll leave that for you, Suzu.”

“Aww, that’s a shame, but probably good for me!” She giggled, before eyeing me with her deep blue eyes that reminded me of my sister a little. “Well, I guess Akio-kun here is the jealous type, his face twitched when we talked about it. Want to keep her all to yourself, right?”

“As it happens, I do.” I agreed plainly, and Shiro flushed, looking away.

“Cute!” Suzu-san giggled. The waiter brought over the wine and cola, and I neatly uncorked the first bottle and poured a little for Arisu-san to taste. She took a sip and nodded, so the waiter retreated gracefully, and I poured the four of us wine, Suzu-san the odd person out.

“Aki has become annoyingly smooth recently.” Shiro confided. “But… I don’t think I’d change him. Hey, this wine is pretty good.” Shiro exclaimed after taking a sip to cover her embarrassment.

“Of course it is.” Arisu-san said. “I know my wines. Now, enough idle chatter. We are here for a reason.”

Shiro nodded, placing her glass down. Her eyes shone crimson, and her demeanour and tone changed. “We are indeed. Our alliance has become… rather messy, of late, thanks to this man.” She eyed me with a mixture of exasperation and respect.

“Oh, boss is back!” Suzu-san shivered, as did Bunta-san. “I’ll shut up and listen, I promise!”

“Well I’m sorry.” I declared as I studied the menu, before making my decision. “But Shiro is precious to me, and those Contracts… I don’t like them.” No way I’d let her end up serving that bastard the Raven Knight. It’s not that I think he’d abuse it or her, he doesn’t seem the sort to be interested in women, from what I can tell, but… I don’t like it, not one bit! “I don’t like the Raven Knight either. I’m not going to hold a grudge, we did drive him out, though he was targeting Shaeula. But I offered his Tree back, and he would rather throw a tantrum, so… he’s a fool.” And now Shiro can push his Tree to a solid Rank 4 it’s even less likely I’ll return it…

“Master Raven was a bit of an idiot.” Suzu-san agreed. “Really, being single-minded is no good, you know? It’s not cute.”

“You are one to talk, Suzanne-san. Now, to the main subject at hand.” Arisu-san said, leading the conversation. “We came together to achieve our goals, and to secure ourselves a slice of the pie, as the deceased Daizen-san would have put it.” She scowled as though his name was something dirty, and I remembered Shiro had told me Arisu-san killed him after he threatened to leave their alliance and aggravated her, poking at her emotional scars. She’s definitely a dangerous woman, and her skills are great, as she proved in Kyoto. Besides, Shiro looks up to her. Therefore I want to keep her onside.

“Yes, I’m sorry, but Shiro and I are together now.” I declared. “That’s non-negotiable. We’re getting married.”

“Hey, I saw the news. I don’t watch it much but…” Suzu-san raised an eyebrow, excited. “They were talking about the law being changed to allow polygamy. That’s wild. Those stale old men were going crazy.”

“Yes. This man changed the law, merely so that he could have what he wished for.” Tan laughed. “Such a man of deep desires. It makes me a little… thirsty.” She drained Shiro’s glass, before filling another and downing that too, despite Arisu-san’s frown at her behaviour.

I’ve seen Tan overindulge before. Oh well, my wallet is taking a battering, but to firm up an alliance with Shiro’s crew, no cost is too big. “Don’t worry, she has an appetite sometimes. We’ll just order more, and if she gets drunk… well, we have a room booked upstairs.”

“Yes, tonight’s the night.” Shiro said, a touch nervously, back in charge for a moment.

“I see.” Arisu-san observed us coldly. “Well, I hope you won’t have any regrets. Learn from my mistakes.”

“I’ll make sure she doesn’t. I’ve always cherished Shiro, first as a friend, now as something more.” I promised. “Which is why… we need to come together. I don’t think much has changed. Sure, some allies of yours came and went…” That’s one way to phrase it. “… but now you have me. And you know I’m not going to betray Shiro.”

“Do we?” Arisu-san mused, the wine sparkling in her glass, reflecting the candlelight ominously onto her face. “I thought that my fiancé, my juniors, my Directors, they were all trustworthy, that they respected and cared for me. But I was wrong. I shall never trust blindly again. The Contracts… I accepted them for that purpose. Trust is hard to earn and lost in a mere moment of carelessness.”

“Arisugawa Arisu.” I said suddenly, surprising her. “Star of a number of very famous films, such as the Woman in Deep Black and the wartime drama Lost Sons and Daughters.” Arisu-san’s eyes darkened, her face an expressionless mask, and beside me Shiro flinched, clutching my hand under the table tightly. “Engaged to be married to a famous actor, one with international appeal. In fact, rumour was that you were going to break into the Western market, with Hollywood interested.” Her eyes glittered darkly at me as I spoke of what I had learned. Well, what I got Karen-chan and the others to dig up, anyway. “Then you were accused of cheating on him repeatedly, bullying, stalking and harassment of your industry colleagues, especially the less experienced ones, as well as fraud, embezzlement and more. It was quite the scandal, I’m told.”

“Aki….” Shiro whispered, clearly aghast at my pointed remarks, but I gave her a look to let her know I knew what I was doing.

“You dare speak to me of…” Arisu-san began, Suzu-san and Bunta-san shrinking away from her.

“Dare?” I interrupted her. “What am I daring? I’m just repeating what the press reported, what rumours are going around. Anyone can find them out, even several years after the scandal. But… I don’t believe blindly. So, I’d like to hear your side, Arisu-san, and what you want. Shiro believes in you, and that earns you a lot of trust with me. You aided us in Kyoto too, which doesn’t just earn trust, it means I owe you. So I don’t want any shadows between us. Just like you have reservations with my relationship with Shiro, which I intend to clear up, I want us to have a clean slate between us.” I turned to Suzu-san and Bunta-san too. “The same goes for you two. You helped in Kyoto, so I think that makes us natural allies.”

“Suzu didn’t help much at all…” Shiro whispered loudly, and Suzu-san sniggered.

“That’s mean, boss! I just didn’t want to lose my dancers! I did what I could.”

“Enough.” Arisu-san rubbed at her forehead, as though she was in pain. “Very well. Let us order, since White here seems famished. As an ex-actress, let me tell you such appetite will ruin your figure. You wouldn’t want your… man… here, to get disappointed in you. Especially now your wounds seem to have healed, as was promised.” She conceded that.

“I’ll bear it in mind.” Shiro said, a touch relieved.

“Very well, let me tell you of betrayal. The thing I hate most in this world. Betrayal, cheating, disloyalty. I never forgive that.”

“Nor should you.” I agreed. “I understand my marital relations are… unconventional, but the fact that Suzu-san here spotted the law has been changed, which is largely down to my pressure on the Government, should tell you how serious I am about doing the right thing, as well as the influence I hold. Influence that could help you all, if you continue to support Shiro and work with me.”

After speaking to the waiter, Arisu-san began to talk, only to pause when our starters and more drinks were brought over. “My fiancé, I’ll not speak his lying, worthless name… he was my senior in the industry. Over time we grew closer, and eventually he proposed. I was happy, elated even.” She sniffed. “Foolish, naïve too.” She criticised herself. “It turns out he was only interested in me for my own fame and status, as a trophy. I was not aware of it, but he was working with several famous Directors on… you may have heard the term before, casting couch principles.”

“It’s all too common.” Suzu-san said suddenly. “The idol industry is full of that. Well, if you’re cute and a winner like me, then there’s no need.” She winked, but I detected sadness in it. “But a lot of girls who just can’t quite make it, or need a little push… well, they’re lucky if they get away with just having to give it up to their Manager. The unlucky ones end up selling themselves or worse.”

“Suzanne-san!” Arisu-san said, scandalised. “Young girls shouldn’t talk of such things, although…” she paused, reflecting.

“Yeah. Not talking about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Well, I can see you looking worried, Akio-kun, boss.” She smiled at us. “Like I said, I’m pure as the driven snow, not a hint of scandal. How else can I be the world’s best idol? But… well, sorry. I should let Arisu-chan talk!” She busied herself with her starter and cola.

“Yes, well…” She coughed, clearing her throat. “… not only that, but the cabal was involved in defrauding investors and the Government, enriching themselves. When I found out, I was horrified, but like an idiot, an overly trusting, naïve idiot who did not act her age… I denied it, believing it could not be true. But it was.” She stabbed her fork into the starter angrily. “And then they needed a scapegoat. So everyone involved banded together, pinning it all on me. How could I even have managed it all? Laughable.” She sighed bitterly.

“In the end, a lot of the allegations were swept aside, right? All except the cheating and bullying.” I pointed out.

“Yes, there was no way to make the fraud and embezzlement stick, I clearly had not received the money. But there was enough doubt that the real culprits escaped scrutiny long enough to cover their tracks. As for my so-called affairs and the bullying, it was my word against theirs, and in the court of public opinion, I was guilty. Oh, how some of the little bitches cried prettily, evoking sympathy. If they put their talents into their acting, perhaps they could have succeeded on their own merits, rather than whoring themselves out.” She snarled.

“I see. Well, I’m sure you don’t need my sympathies, but you have them.” I said, and meant it. She may be a brilliant actress, but I doubt anyone can fake the hurt that is in her eyes right now. Besides, she’s right. The evidence against her did seem rather too perfect…

“Heavy stuff.” Suzu-san said, and I agreed with her.

“So” I continued. “We get to the heart of it. What do you want, as an Astral Emperor-candidate, a Chosen? Is it power, money, revenge?”

“I want power, yes. We all do, for various reasons.” At that Suzu-san, Bunta-san and even Shiro nodded. “As for money, well, I had some decent amount of savings. I lived rather modestly, for a successful actress. Like a fool I did not want to shame my fiancé. Though I do confess, my money is dwindling.”

“Well, this goes for all of you. Powering up my allies is somewhat of a specialty of mine. In terms of Territory, that too is something to talk about. I intend to push mine to Rank 4 soon enough. It’s an epic undertaking, but a vassal of mine holds a significant amount of Kyoto, and we have a great source of income. Plus I have Governmental support, for what that’s worth. We’re shooting for a year. It’s a big ask, but I don’t think it’s impossible. So I’d be able to protect your Territories after that. Even before that…” I produced a map I had, of the greater Tokyo area. “… from what Shiro says, you’ve been looking after her Territory while she’s been injured. I really appreciate it.”

“I do too.” Shiro agreed.

“Despite everything, White is still an ally I trust.” Arisu-san declared. “Of course I would guard her precious assets.”

“Well, as she no doubt told you, pushing to Rank 3 is dangerous. I nearly fell afoul of that. But if the two of you wanted to start moving towards Rank 3, well, you as well, Bunta-san, Suzu-san, then I can supply guards. The situation in Kyoto has stabilised, and the Spring is under control as well, so protecting a few small Territories while their defences are down is very possible.”

“Daizen felt that we were splitting the potential rewards far too thinly.” She replied, thinking. “He objected to bringing in more to our group.”

“That’s small-scale thinking.” I shook my head. “We’re not limited to just Tokyo, Japan, or even the world. There are Civilisations in the lower Astral, and other worlds and empires in the higher Astral that we can hardly dream of. We can share without compromising our interests.”

“Indeed. Did I not promise this world, and others?” Tan spoke up. “Though first, this world must be claimed and secured, an Astral Emperor installed.”

“I want us to work together. I’m not going to supplant Shiro, as her partner, I’ll work with her. But I’m acting from a position of strength. You saw, in Kyoto we defeated that toad clone. Could you have done that alone?”

They all shook their heads, Suzu-san looking disgusted at the memory of it. “The whole situation was simply unpleasant.” She sighed. “Well, at least I got a new idol for my group. It wasn’t all bad. Your Territory sure was something though, Akio-kun! Those mushrooms were handy!”

“I trusted you to enter my Territory because Shiro vouched for you.” I reminded them. “You didn’t betray that trust. Therefore I want to bring you all in. In exchange… I’ll make sure your Territories prosper, that you have the wealth you need, and… if you have dreams, they come true.” I looked at Arisu-san then. “Do you want the truth to come out, to be vindicated?”

“The truth? Of course. But too many powers are arrayed against me. And public opinion is hard to change.” She sighed.

“Well, I’m not so sure.” I disagreed. “Arisu-san, stay as Shiro’s friend, and continue to help her out. If you do, and pledge to be our ally, I’ll help you get what you want.” I’m pretty sure with my connections I can dig up enough of the truth, and Fujiwara House has good connections to the media…

“I do not take kindly to liars.” She warned me, before I could answer, Shiro, no, Tan backed me up.

“He is many things, but not a liar. He kept his word to me, healing the grievous scars tainted with corrupt adherence, as you can clearly see.” She flexed her arm which was a ruin when last they met, showing unblemished skin. “He even…” her ruby eyes flickered to the space where Tsukiko-san’s spirit light floated, unseen to all but me. And Tan, it seems. “… managed to perform one miracle, if not so much as he had hoped. I gathered you all, and while I have some… complaints… about how matters have panned out, I have made agreements.” She licked Shiro’s lips, the gesture somehow erotic. “And I have feasted, so am content.”

“Yes.” I said earnestly, a little touched by Tan’s support. “Arisu-san, your Favour is precious and powerful. I’ve seen it in action. But more than that, you’re Shiro’s friend. I’m repeating myself, but… let me help you.”

“Considering some of the allies White gathered or was proposing, such as the rapist and murderer Kondou Kazuo…” Arisu-san began, and I looked at Shiro in surprise, but it was Tan who answered, shrugging.

“Well, I had no intention of trusting such a man. But keeping him close, using him… it would have been prudent. He had quite a strong position, and was talented. Besides, his Favour, I could have drunk it down, were he disrespectful.” She licked her lips again. “But alas, that did not come to pass, for you dealt with him first.”

“Well, I’m all for allies, and we’ve made peace with some of our enemies, but we’ll avoid bringing in his sort, please. There are some pieces of shit I can’t forgive.”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t have been my choice.” Shiro agreed. I could see Bunta-san being a little confused by all the shifts in her mood and tone, though the girls seemed to be taking it in stride. I guess she’s explained more to them? She did say Arisu-san was her confidant.

“I’m not going to ask you to be a vassal.” I said earnestly, looking into Arisu-san’s eyes. “It has benefits, but considering you are a dear friend of Shiro’s, it wouldn’t be right. But I will ask us to be allies, watching out for each other. And if you do, I’ll help you get justice. I hate bastards that hurt those that love them. That’s why you have my word I’ll do everything in my power to make sure Shiro is happy. I may be… well, I guess I’m easily persuaded to love, but all those I’ve decided on, I’d kill or die for any of them, and I have the determination to strive to make them happy. I may be prepared to die for them, but I can’t, right? Else the survivors would be without me. So the best thing is to make sure I never have to.”

“You’re learning!” Shiro pulled me into a hug, and Suzu-san whistled happily at the sight.

“I see.” Arisu-san said after a while. “You are earnest, and I have grown skilled at spotting liars. Either you can fool me, like my snake of a fiancé, or…” she looked at Shiro, who nodded.

“Very well. I shall join you. Somebody has to watch over White. She can be quite the fool.”

“Rude much?” She snorted back. “But I’m happy to have you on board once again.”

“If… if I join you, you’ll keep me safe, right?” Bunta-san said suddenly. He had been observing us with his rodent-like eyes, saying little, but I could tell he always paid attention to his surroundings and what people said. “Sure, I want money, I want nice things, but… you can’t have those if you’re dead, right? I’ve learned that.”

“Well, there’s no guarantees, you’ve seen Kyoto, and likely other battles.” I said, and he looked a bit shifty, but nodded. “Well, you also know that I’m strong, my allies are strong too. I think the best chance of survival in what’s to come lies with us.” There’s definitely something going on with him, but I can get Haru-san to check him later. As long as he’s not some sort of rapist or murderer, he can be reformed… I did doubt it was that, he didn’t look brave enough, but considering Tan wasn’t too fussy, as the Raven Knight and Kondou Kazuo showed, it’d not hurt to be safe.

As if reading my thoughts, Tan spoke up. “He is not what you fear. Yet… his past is… chequered. He was an accountant, a man of numbers. And he double-crossed the wrong people to embezzle their wealth. Now he fears they are still hunting him.”

“The Inagawata-kai have eyes everywhere.” Bunta-san muttered. “I couldn’t help it. The money was there, it was criminal funds, so… I moved it around, laundered it. But now I can’t spend it, if I stand out, they’ll find me! They did already once. If I hadn’t gained my power, I’d have been…” he shuddered. “Being safe, being alive, it matters more than anything! It’s why I agreed. Well, I’d have been killed if I refused, right?”

“True.” Tan agreed. “When I found you with the Eye of Ichnaea, I realised you were an asset, could you be properly controlled.” She turned to me. “His Favour is great, and one of the few that has great application in the Material World, being extremely efficient. Though, without the Contract to control him, there is the risk he will run off to someone he thinks can protect him better. He must be ruled by fear.”

“I don’t like doing it that way. But we can get a contract via Shaeula. That goes for any of you. I’m prepared to swear I’ll treat you all fairly. I’ve had run-ins with yakuza already and come out on top. In fact…” he might be more useful working with Detective Kato in the new Ministry Police Force. He seems to know inner yakuza dealings, and he has an ability that works well in the Material. The worst thing would be yakuza or other criminals like Kondou Kazuo acting up with their Favours… “… I think I have a solution to your dilemmas.”

“In that case…”

You have gained a Vassal Territory. Your Class, Conqueror, has increased from level 15 to level 16.

I blinked in surprise. “You accepted being my vassal? You didn’t have to…” it seems a bold move for one so cautious and cowardly as well. Besides, I only just mentioned it without going into detail…

“I’m not stupid.” He idly poked at the remains of his starter, swirling wine in his glass. “You’ve won over her.” He gestured to Shiro. “I saw Kyoto, and your strength. You have others as strong as our leader, right? Connections too. You promised Arisugawa-san you could help her.”

“You have no idea. Aki’s engaged to the daughter of a very important house as well as me, and he also has another vassal who’s the daughter of one of the economic and political powerhouses of Japan. Uh… the JSDF too. Shit, now I think about it, Shaeula’s a princess of the Fae, right? Aren’t you just marrying your way into power rather than fighting for it? Eri and I seem quite lacklustre in comparison.” Shiro pouted.

“Never.” I hugged her again. “But yeah, I’m well-connected. Sorry Arisu-san. I know faithfulness is a good thing, but if I stuck to that, I would never have been in a position to make Shiro happy. In fact, we’d likely have clashed, and only grief for us all lies down that path.”

“He’s genuinely making us all happy. I promise. I’ll introduce you to the others, and you can see he treats us right, Arisu.” Shiro pleaded, and she nodded at last.

“So, I’m more than happy to take you under my wing. Where’s your Territory?” I asked Bunta, and he pointed to an area near Toshima. Oh, yeah, I can feel it faintly too now, when I put aether into my Eye and concentrate.

“Mine’s by our University, as you already guessed.” Shiro said, pointing it out.

“Well, mine’s way out of the centre, unfortunately. But I do have Miyu’s vassal Territory in Azabu.”

“That is an expensive area. A real mix of old and new money, powerful old families and new billionaires.” Arisu-san observed.

“Not too far from your Territory either.” Shiro said, and as Arisu-san gave her a look, Shiro shrugged. “Oh come on. We’re working together, it’s set in stone. Bunta here even became a vassal of Aki’s. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you can join the vassal gang! That’s four now, right? See, we’re on a big ship, Aki has things covered!”

“Yes, four, counting Bunta. But… a question, if you will. Though maybe we might want to step aside for a minute, as it’s a bit sensitive.”

“It’s fine. I don’t have secrets from them.” Shiro insisted. Well, suit yourself. But then, you’ve always been pretty open about most things, except your worries and family, that is.

“So a question then. Why didn’t you make your allies vassals? Well, maybe you wouldn’t have wanted all of them, but this Daizen-san sounded troublesome…”

Tan fielded that question, eyes glittering a dull red under the candlelight. “An excellent question, and one that touches on the nature of Divine Favours. They are designed for mortal creatures, beings of Material Law, to awaken them to higher, spiritual powers. I could access it through the princess here, but it is far from perfect. Some features simply would not manifest, and even now, with our spiritual bodies far more entwined, it is difficult. The same goes for the Divine Favours. I have a great thirst, so I can drink down those I take, but unless they suit me, match my nature, I find them a trial to use. The Eye of Ichnaea I can use but little, else I would have searched out all those who had such powers. The same goes for the Favour I have taken from Daizen. I have still not acclimatised to it, though when I do, even using it poorly would be a great boon.”

“I don’t get it.” Suzu-san said, frowning, hand idly pulling on one of her drill-curls. “But his skill really was a good one. The boss isn’t wrong about that! Anyway…” she looked at me then, eyes sparkling. “Me! Me! I’m next, right?”

“Patience, Suzanne-san.” Arisu-san said sternly. “Our main course is arriving. Talking and eating at the same time is vulgar.”

“My bad!” She laughed. “Sorry Arisu-chan. I’ll be good, I promise!”


After eating our main meal, which was as good as expected from the price, I was relaxing with a glass of whiskey. Arisu-san was looking at me, a bit perturbed, so I asked what was on her mind.

“Your table manners are rather refined.” She observed. “I find it curious.”

“Yeah, I noticed that. Aki always used to be like any guy, a bit of a slob. But…”

“It’s as you imagine.” I agreed. “Motoko and Natsumi have been teaching me proper etiquette, so that I don’t embarrass myself or them in high company.”

“More girls.” Arisu-san growled. Bunta-san actually barked a laugh. We had talked a little over dinner, and he had told us about the year he had been on the run from the yakuza. Some of the stories were actually quite interesting, and it was clear to see how a man who was bold enough to steal from effectively a criminal cartel, was finally ground down through wariness and constant vigilance to the rabbit he was today.

“Yeah, well, they’re both pretty adorable.” Shiro shrugged. “Motoko is the granddaughter of the noble house who oversees the JSDF and Ministry for Defence. So… big ship, shade of a big tree, all the metaphors. Aki has us covered!”

“I do think that standing together is for the best, and someone has to lead. Before, you trusted Shiro for that, now not much has changed. Shiro will always have her say.”

“Oh you.” She hit my shoulder in embarrassment.

“Anyway. Before dessert…” I looked at Suzu-san, who perked up.

“My turn, huh? Cool.”

“Yes, your turn. In fact, you’re the one I’m most worried about, Suzu-san.”

“Just call me Suzu.” She said. “Worried, about me?” She tilted her head.

“Of course I am. You’re not Japanese, are you? And how old are you?” I questioned her.

“Oh. That.” She sniffed. “I’m Japanese now. I live here, I speak Japanese, I’m an idol! I reinvented my life here. I love Japan and Japanese culture, I always felt I was born in the wrong country. As for my age… I’m nearly eighteen! I’m not a kid, I’m an idol!”

“Well, if you are Japanese, then you’d still not be considered an adult until you turn twenty. You’re American, right? In that case, you’d not be an adult until eighteen. So that begs the question…”

“Look, I ran away, all right? I hate my parents! They never understood me. I came to Japan to live my ideal life. It was destiny. It must have been, why else would I have gained these powers? I’m an idol, a magical girl… it’s everything I ever dreamed of!”

“You hate your parents?” I blinked. “Why? Did they mistreat you?”

She puffed out her cheeks. “Not really. They never abused my physically, if that’s what you mean.” She shook her head, curls bouncing. “But dad was always too busy with work to care much about anything I did, he just cared about my older brother and the company. He never even remembers my birthday or how old I am! Last time we spoke, he asked me what year at school I was in!” She shook, face crimson with anger. “And mom…” she looked at Arisu-san sadly. “I get it. I see why you don’t like cheaters! She sleeps around, I know it! All she cares about is spending dad’s money. At least Akio-kun…” she pointed at me. “… he’s up-front about it, and the boss seems to accept it.”

“It’s not cheating.” Shiro laughed. “Everyone agreed. It’s legal polygamy.”

“See? See!” Suzu-san said, satisfied. “Our boss is so magnanimous. Though I did meet some of the other girls and they were all nice people! Nothing like my bitch of a mom.”

This is hard to listen to. Not that I don’t sympathise. My father was hard to live with a lot of the time, but… I did always respect him, understand that he was thinking of Aiko and me, at least. “So you ran away? How long ago was that?”

“About three or four months.” She sighed. “Getting on a flight by myself was the hardest part, but… well, who can say no to me?” She pointed at herself proudly.

That’d be July time, around when all this mess started. Her timing was good, it seems. “Hang on, what are you doing for money?” I asked, worried, and the look on my face must have been amusing, as Shiro was grinning, and Suzu-san laughed, her annoyance fading.

“That’s cute. Boss, he’s cute!” she said to Shiro, before answering me. “I’m not doing anything dirty or foolish, Akio-kun. I’m an idol, a whiff of that and my career would be over, you know? Besides, I have more pride. Like Arisu-chan says, if you have talent, you don’t need the casting couch, or in my case it’d be compensated dating, I guess? Money’s getting a bit tight, my parents stopped all the credit cards I took, but I’m not stupid, I’d been saving up for months beforehand. Mom never misses money out of her purse either. Dad will always give her more. He gives me money when I ask too, he thinks that makes up for ignoring me!”

“I see.” I relaxed a bit. I don’t like the thought of a girl my sister’s age being in a bad situation. And it’s not like we’re strangers, even if I barely know her, she was at both Kyoto incidents. “But… don’t you miss them? And aren’t they looking for you? They must have been able to figure out where you went.”

“They could if they actually listened to me. They should know I love Japan, but all they ever said was ‘that stupid Asian crap’. Still, dad’s pretty rich, so he probably hired people to look for me. That’s why…” she grimaced, her expression one of bitter pain, and for a moment I worried for her until she spoke. “… I had to trash all of my books, anime and treasures. No point leaving them clues.”

I see. Well I guess that would hurt. “What about your brother?” I asked. “Won’t he be frantic at your disappearance?”

“Aki here is the ultimate siscon, so he would worry about that.” Shiro laughed.

“Yeah, I met his sister in Kyoto. Aiko-chan. We should form a group together, she’s got killer looks!” she grinned. “As for my brother, no way. All he cares about is sucking up to dad and inheriting all our wealth and the business. He’s probably glad I’m gone.”

“I don’t think so…” I said, but then I paused. “Well, if that’s true, I feel sorry for you. A brother’s job is to look out for his sister.”

“You’re way more big brotherly than mine.” She smiled. “Want to be my big brother, Akio-kun?”

“Hey, no flirting!” Shiro protested.

“Flirting? I wouldn’t dream of it, boss! He’s your man. It’s just… when he goes all brotherly and adult, it’s kind of cool, see? And I thought it’d be nice to have a brother who’d look out for me for once, and well, you’d be my sister then too, right boss?” Her blue eyes sparkled innocently.

“Shit, can’t argue with that. Aki is definitely the brotherly sort. You should hear his childhood stories, such a perfect brother. It’s why Eri can’t leave him. But… asking a siscon like Aki if you can be his sister is like throwing yourself to the wolves! I won’t allow it!” She crossed her arms in denial.

“I’d just like to make clear I’m not actually a siscon, I just care like any good brother…”

“Denied! Siscon levels off the charts!” Shiro crossed her arms again.

At that, Suzu-san laughed until tears were streaming down her face. “Oh. Em. Gee. I really needed that. Thanks boss, Akio-kun. You’re really good together, aren’t you?”

Shiro flushed at that, muttering that of course we were.

“Seriously, I left my parents a note saying I was running away. I paid for the tickets in cash and didn’t fly straight to Japan. Sure, dad has connections, he’ll know I’m in Japan somewhere, but… I’m not going back. Not ever. Besides, I came here to be an idol, and that’s what I’ll do. And the fact I got my powers here proves it was meant to be, right?”

Dilemma. Bunta-san committed some crimes, but stealing from the yakuza and fighting them in self-defence aren’t unforgivable sins. He can easily atone by putting his Favour to use. Arisu-san… sure, she killed Daizen-san, but the circumstances were… difficult. It’s hypocrisy, but I don’t want to blame her for it. Suzu-san… ugh, her family must be worried, despite what she says. But if we try and press her, she could run from us too. No, far better we keep her safe for now…

“What’s up, Akio-kun? You look sad.” She queried, and I shrugged.

“Just thinking. So, Suzu-san…” at her scowl, I changed my address. “Suzu. I don’t know what to do about your family situation, but I do know this. As a brother or not, I don’t want a young girl like you to be all alone. You’ve survived until now, and sure, you have your Favour, but that won’t save you from every danger. Join with me, and I’ll see that you’re safe.”

“So, just what’s a vassal entail? I can’t do anything that’d ruin my image, so nothing lewd!” she insisted with a smile, teasing me. “I also have a request I want fulfilled, no matter what! If you can do that, I don’t mind following the boss into your care. It’ll be like old times, no, better! I like you way more than Master Raven already!”

Damn, she’s so exuberant. The way she punctuated most of her sentences with cheerful emotion was quite tiring to listen to. “Basically, you retain your Territory, but I and my allies can freely enter and leave it, and I can impose a tithe of resources and have a significant sway in how you develop it. In exchange, I’ll always protect it and you, and help you grow.”

“He will. Haru’s already hit Rank 3 in no time at all thanks to his largess.” Shiro added. “I’m totally not jealous, despite the fact it’s down to my sweet, sweet buffs!”

“I see. So… I guess it’s time to test you, Akio-kun. Or do you prefer big brother?”

“Akio-kun is fine.” I said dryly. “What do you want?”

“There’s a big charity concert and event being put on for the victims of Kyoto, right? It was on the news. Red and White will be there, as well as AKB0048 and loads of other groups. So… I need to perform!” She declared, hands on her hips, leaning forward. “It’s the chance of a lifetime! My debut, in front of Japan, no, the world!”

“Are you insane, Suzanne-san?” Arisu-san said coldly, and at her look of confusion, she sighed. “Even if that was possible, getting an unknown onto such a stage, which it is not, you are a missing person, an international runaway. You would be found instantly!”

That’s what I was going to say! “Yeah, getting you on the bill wouldn’t be that hard, at least, not for an opening slot or something like that, after all, it was my suggestion anyway…” at that, Suzu was gaping at me. “But Arisu-san is right. If your parents are looking for you, they’ll find…” I trailed off.

You have gained a Vassal Territory. Your Class, Conqueror, has increased from level 16 to level 17.

“I’m your vassal now, right? You said you’d protect me from anything, right? And you said you weren’t a liar!” she pointed out triumphantly. “Therefore you have to prevent my parents dragging me back home. I don’t want that sort of life! I’m happy here and now, Suzu, the magical girl idol, heading her own group! Can’t you see this was meant to be?”

Damn, such a pain. It isn’t that I don’t sympathise, and I know she’s better off under our protection, but… I feel bad for her family. Even if they were uninterested and neglectful, there’s no way they aren’t distraught that she’s ran from home at such an age. I imagined what I would do if it was my sis and shuddered. “Fine. We can discuss the finer details later, but… for now, you do need an adult to protect you.” I concentrated, and could feel her Territory, not too far from Akihabara. Why am I not surprised? It was tiny though. Rank 2, definitely, but it looked like she had focused on a small patch of land. Bunta-san’s is Rank 2 as well. I’d imagine most are. Though Tan and Arisu-san are probably in a position to make the breakthrough any time they think it’s safe.

“This really was a stupid way to get a vassal.” I remarked, and Suzu and Shiro laughed at that.

“Well, at least now we’re all united as one!” Shiro declared, just in time as a series of delightful desserts arrived. “Sure, there are problems to sort out and promises to keep, but they can wait. Besides, tonight’s the night…” she glanced at me shyly, face turning pink.

“So cute!” Suzu laughed. “Boss can be scary, but she can be cute too!”

“We’ll discuss the growth plan for your Territories soon. And get you registered with the Ministry so that should cut down on future trouble.” Legally speaking, if America finds out that a runaway underage citizen of theirs is a Chosen, they’ll do anything to get her back. So for now we need to be cautious…

“Before that, we should enter the other world, the Boundary.” Arisu-san said. “I would give you a token, so you can summon me.”

“Oh yeah.” Shiro remarked. “Arisu’s Favour is awesome. She’s made little chunks of her ability that give off a sound her ability can pick up. Well, not really a sound, more a distortion in space. That way she can come fetch you with her Room when you need her!”

“That sounds very useful.” I guess Arisu-san is another genius who’s got high affinity with her Favour. “But if possible, there are a few others I’d like you to give one of those too. It’d help us all out…”

She gave me a flat look, but nodded. “Very well. I remember where your Territory is. I can go there later.”

“Great, how about tomorrow? We need to meet anyway to discuss just how we are going to go about clearing your name.” She raised any eyebrow at that, surprised, and I chuckled. “Well, I’m not going to take my time. I want our relationship to be rock solid, built on trust, so I’ll get people moving on it as soon as we work out exactly what you want. But not tonight. As after this…” my gaze went to the still flushed Shiro. “… we have a date.”

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