On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Fifty-Seven

Three Hundred And Fifty-Seven

The information seemed manageable at first, the greater insight into just what Daiyu’s proto-Dantian was doing was enlightening. But then my expanded vision started flooding me with all sorts of knowledge, most trivial, and I froze up, even my high stats and Split Thoughts unable to cope with the endless torrent of information my Eye was providing me. It’s like a computer, when the RAM is overloaded, or the CPU can’t process all the data and it gets bottlenecked… time had almost seemed to freeze for me as I tipped over, losing control of my wind energy, and as I started to pass out, I felt my consciousness dragged upwards… no, upwards wasn’t the right way to describe it, though it was definitely going… higher…

My vision was filled with something, something brown, green and white, filling my vision. At first I thought it was the sky, only to discover that it was actually an object of nigh-incomprehensible size. No, not just an object, a living thing, a Tree of such scale as to deny belief, for it was the size of a continent, the trunk many thousands of miles in diameter, the tree soaring to the heavens, out of the atmosphere and into the space above, so massive that its branches were casting shade over the planet, seemingly stretching far out into orbit.

The Tree of Knowledge? Yggdrasil, I guess? Just looking at the tree which made even the huge Rhyming Tree of Asha look like a mere acorn, I could feel a connection with it, and my Eye burned. Even as it did so, amber letters tried to form in my vision, though they were garbled and nonsensical. Yet even so, I understood, no, could intuit that the Tree itself was the centre of many thousands of worlds, Anchoring and protecting them, a great power surrounding it that made all my efforts so far nothing more than a mere children’s game of make-believe. For a moment, the realisation of the gulf between us paralysed me, before I laughed out loud, though the sound was swallowed into silence, perhaps only me even hearing it.

What does it matter if I’m weak, if I’m merely an ant to this sort of power? A few months ago I wouldn’t even qualify as an ant… and seeing this, I think I understand… This was the power of a Pantheon, a group of worlds, realms, whole universes, united under a single banner, a single driving force, a single Anchor. The Tree embodied knowledge spanning worlds, and so spread that power to all under its dominion.

Trying to tame the burning orange glow of my Eye, supercharged by the blessing of Anesidora, I realised I could see a number of faint strands of bonds linking me. Two were significantly stronger than the others, the orange strands nearly visible to my ordinary eye as well, and out of curiosity I tugged on one with my mind, only for my vision to blur, and suddenly my consciousness was elsewhere, looking on a scene…

“… nearly went poorly, Ortlinde.” A woman with moss-green hair and emerald eyes said, her armour ragged and dented. She looked down, frowning. “I will have to get the Dvergr to forge my plate and mail anew. Cursed creature…” four vicious grooves were torn in the lower part of her armour, and blood had stained it, tainted with a black, gooey substance.

“Sister Waltraute, those injuries look severe. You should seek aid from the healers under divine Eir. It would not do to lose you. Us sisters have fought together for too long. I would not see our bonds shattered as has happened to our older sisters.” Ortlinde said, her golden eyes filled with worry, her fiery red hair a match to the inlay of a red and gold tree upon her armour.

“These? You worry too much.” Waltraute coughed. “I was simply careless, the creature struck me in its death-throes. I did not suffer such an injury as Grimgerde did. Well, she was always close to a berserker in battle. Even so, the healers say they can still regrow her arm and eye. It will merely take a little time, due to the taint from the unholy aberrations.”

“Well, do not waste your time here talking to me, Waltraute.” Ortlinde sighed. “I am fine. Just disappointed. More failures. Those from the new worlds fare poorly, their lights extinguished long before they have the chance to sprout and bloom.”

Despite her injuries, Waltraute laughed, clapping her on one armoured shoulder, gauntlets ringing on metal. “You were always one to care for those you chose to bear the favour of divine Tyr. Bloom is apt, Ortlinde. Like a field of white pansies, reaching for the skies above, only to be trampled under the bloody feet of warriors above. Rarely, one will remain amidst the sea of mud and blood, all the stronger for it, seeking the sun. You cannot protect all the flowers from the press of battle, sister.” She paused. “Even though you tried. Was it not your idea to break open the forbidden fruit and share the seeds? Both of yours still live, yes?”

Ortlinde nodded slowly. “I know I cannot protect all. Yet we are Valkyrie, are we not? Those who find worthy warriors and bring them to Valhalla. Of course it grieves me to see so many lost before they can make a difference, reach their full potential. I know it grieves you as well, Waltraute, as it does Gerhilde, Siegrune, any of our sisters, even the elder circles.”

“It does.” She admitted tiredly, her face pale due to her wounds. “But it is necessary. A single success is worth celebrating. And despite my losses, yours still survive. Perhaps the gamble will pay off…” she coughed, a faint trickle of red at her lips. “… it would be nice if something does. The Hel-Vegr are firing near-constantly these days, draining our ether reserves, leaving us little room to replenish our lost defences. And news from other pantheons is becoming scarce. Not that they would share such critical information with such as we. The eldest sisters would shield us from worry.”

“Not knowing is worse. But the void spews out ever-increasing numbers of abominations, and the stronger threats also increase. I worry that…” Ortlinde paused, golden eyes going wide. Her head turned, looking down at her wrist, and my Eye could see the joining of our thread of connection there. She then turned, golden eyes staring into my amber one, and opened her mouth to speak, only…

The sudden lurch as the blessing of Anesidora was shorn from my Eye confused me, my consciousness seemingly sucked back downwards, though again such nuance was poor at explaining exactly what was happening. My mind calmed, the tides of information diminishing, and I found myself drifting off into slumber, exhausted...


The Great Red Dragon, one eye a filthy golden-yellow, the other covered by a red-scaled lid, roared in pain. A great temple wagon, one that looked familiar to me, was engaging it, spears of darkness leaping to clash with the scales that were falling free, changing into chittering ants. Great gouts of blood and slime were pouring from the wounds, the slime attempting to encircle the portable shrine, only for a giant figure wreathed in crimson flames, shrouded from my sight, to burn away the remnants. The shadow of the figure seemed to dance within the flames, hidden from sight, her hair, dyed crimson by the fires, acting as a sort of veil. As the Dragon was driven back, flesh melting, it spoke, laughing savagely.

The words were a buzz of static, indecipherable, but the dancing figure paused for a moment. Then flames leapt out from her, piercing the Dragon in the eye. Flesh boiled, giving off a bitter, disgusting scent, and the dragon thrashed, tail lashing out, causing tsunamis and earthquakes. The very sky itself, which was covered in dark, inky clouds, was suddenly cleared, and overhead a great full moon shone, which was reflected in the turbulent waters below. My eyes were drawn to it, and in the reflected waters I could see another dragon, this one white and gold, with a number of great feathered wings, wrapped around the shuddering mountains and valleys, watching, feathers falling to earth, as numberless as the ants surrounding the Red Dragon.

Defeating one enemy gives rise to others, as surely as the moon waxes and wanes. Yet to do nothing is to condemn the world to destruction. I had heard this voice somewhere before, though the words previously were broken and filled with static, but this time they were clear, comprehensible. Six great trials threaten, yet many smaller and no less dangerous ones exist. But… all are linked, as are Six Paths. Destiny is knotted, twisted, and what is Definite must not be. Else…

My head ached, and the world blurred to static. The Red Dragon thrashed, only to suddenly stop, the eye that was shut snapping open, revealing a rainbow eye shimmering many colours, before scales shattered, spine ripping, forming a mountain range full of magnificent, massive ants adorned with jade and precious gemstones, which fell to earth and began to build towering hives and edifices. Even as that happened, space itself shuddered and tore, and as I stared at the reflected moonlight, three pillars descended, a faint flicker of a pink colour in the corner of my vision. Then it was gone as the three obelisks fell. One was black obsidian, the other petrified wood, and the third… I was stuck by it, a massive shape shrouded by obscuring fog, and my vision shattered, water washing away the moon, only to...

Another dream, no, a vision, I suppose… The sky above was pitch-black, a massive moon hanging overhead, reflected in the numerous puddles around me like broken glass. A giant shadow was approaching, towering overhead, eye gleaming crimson like a burning sun. Everywhere it looked, all died, and a small golden-amber weasel was fleeing from it, fur starting to blacken and twist. Shaeula! Even though it was a vision, a prophecy, I knew Shaeula to the depths of my soul, and could recognise her. I readied to interfere, only to find I could not move. Just as the gaze fell on her, and I feared she would be consumed, a green shield blocked the beam, melting and disintegrating. The figure behind the shield shivered, armour cracking, shattering, only to reform despite the pain, black threads of ash lifting into the dark skies…

That which is threatened must be preserved, else all you have built will fall to ruin. The gaze that destroys all things, the fragment, Favour of a distant divinity, shall find a home within an ancestor, and show true power. Let not this gaze fall upon…

The many moons reflected in the puddles were gone, the water flaring to steam instantly where the ravenous, all-consuming gaze passed, and the vision shattered. Now I was in a dark hall, standing on a mountain of old detritus, broken armour, old weapons, rusted and dull, goblets, jewellery, gemstones and more piled haphazardly. The room was circular, and I could see many tall, narrow windows, and through them… white scales, like a massive snake, wrapped around. In the centre of the room I could see a woman kneeling, dressed head-to-toe in green and copper, her head bowed, tears falling like diamonds to the ground, and a figure of blinding white light standing over her. I squinted, trying to peer though the light, only to see a vague shape both horrific and beautiful, something not to be comprehended by mortal minds. Looking away, I could see that the walls were lined by many figures, male and female, all wearing masks, polished white and with laughing, sneering faces…

Only through impossible Fortune can this doom be overturned. Six Definite Futures, no, five… for one path has shifted and while the threat remains, those to face it shall surely overcome it… should these six strands of the same Fate be severed, then the world will have a chance. No more than that. But a chance to bloom, to find what will Anchor it in the limitless realms above…

I could see the moon reflected in the window, only for the glass to crack, moon image severed, and as the glass shattered, shards falling all around me, the vision faded. I was in pitch darkness, a million glittering moons falling in the glass, and all I could hear were faint sobs, lost and empty, and the scratching of long nails on wood and stone…


I opened my eyes, blinking away sleep, to find myself back in the Material. Well, weren’t those dreams unsettling. No wonder Tsukiko-san has suffered so. Well, perhaps Tsukuyomi needs to start predicting some happier times… After the vision of the darkness and the crying, which ended with the faint drone of some distant singing, which was triggering a memory that was so old and faded that not even my own incredible memory could recall it, I had then had another vision of the rock with ropes, and the volcanic wasteland it inhabited. This one seemed out of place somehow, different. But I must be receiving it for a reason… well, I’ll set the others to looking into it.

“Good morning, Akio.” Eri said, and I looked up to see her face above mine, staring deep into my eyes. I then realised I was using her legs to sleep on. Hastily I went to move, knowing I was heavy and she was injured, but her good hand stopped me as she gently kissed my lips.

“Just rest.” She said as she pulled away, her movements jerky and still heart-breaking to see. “We decided to let you sleep, since you’ve obviously been overdoing it recently. Just because your body doesn’t need rest, doesn’t mean your mind is fine.” Her obsidian eyes were looking at me with concern. Moments later, Shiro strolled in, a wry expression on her face.

“I thought I heard you two talking. So, feeling better, Aki? Shit, you really gave us a shock.”

“Sorry about that. I’m not entirely sure what happened. I think… well, I guess my Eye overloaded my brain like a server under a denial of service attack. Too much data.” I grimaced.

“I thought so.” Shiro agreed. “When you went down, first thing I thought of was your Eye. After all, I’d just buffed it, so I switched it to your Chakra Network. You seemed to recover a bit then, but you looked so peaceful we didn’t have the heart to wake you. Besides, Shaeula said her winds were telling us not to.” She shrugged. “We’d no reason to argue with her, right Eri? So we just let your consciousness come back to the Material.”

“No. Shaeula might have been lying because she’s worried about you as well, or she might have been telling the truth. Either way, the best idea was to let you rest. You do look better now. Watching you sleep was… adorable.”

“Have you been letting me use your lap as a pillow all this time? In fact, how long have I been out?” I asked, confused.

“Well, it’s Monday afternoon. So a bit more than half a day?” Eri smiled. “And yes, I won the rock-paper-scissors.” She giggled. “Shaeula, Hyacinth and Shiro all have better Fortune than me, right? So I guess it really was my love that powered me to victory!”

“Well, it must be hurting you, I’ll get off…” I began, only for Shiro to whack me on the head.

“Don’t be a fool, Aki. You’ll stay right there a few minutes more. Besides, we’ve all been taking it in turns to watch over the pair of you. Eri loves it, no need to worry about that. Besides, even in her condition, her stats are more than enough to support your weight just fine. So, did you see anything useful at least, or was it a total bust? There’s someone else interested.” She grinned, glancing over to the door, where Daiyu was peeking around the frame. On seeing me up, she came in, wearing rather more ordinary clothing than the traditional Chinese outfits we had got from Akihabara.

“That looks good on you.” I said, admiring the sweater and long skirt.

“That seems a rather odd thing to say, when your collapse brought such worry to everyone.” She said coldly. “Well, I am pleased that you seem to have recovered.” I felt a surge of Qi from her, as she tried to probe me, only to frown as my far stronger aether kept her out.

“I’m fine.” I assured her, still looking up from Eri’s lap. “And I’m sorry if I worried you…”

“You did.” Shiro laughed. “She looked quite distraught, and was blaming herself, considering you were doing it to look at her body. Well, even Arisu showed some concern, which is a miracle in itself. She says that she doesn’t want her vengeance denied now that you got her hopes up, but… maybe she’s tsundere? Nah, no way. There isn’t a dere bone in her body.” She then looked at Daiyu slyly, who flushed and glanced away. “This girl here lost at Janken as well. Threw scissors to Eri’s rock. You should have seen her face…”

“Well, it is not normal for one’s Dao Companion to want to…” her embarrassed words were cut off as Shiro went over and started squeezing her cheeks.

“Aren’t you adorable? Like a little kid… seriously though, Aki. I was shit-scared for a minute there. What actually happened? And that reminds me, you owe an apology to Hinata and the others. They were worried sick as well all night. I’ll drop them a text to let them know you’re up.” She released the scowling, red-faced Daiyu and whipped out her phone.

“Yes, I want to know too.” Eri agreed. Daiyu nodded after straightening her features and regaining some calm.

“Like I said…” I gathered my thoughts. “… it was a data overload. Well, my Eye is a Legendary ability, so it’s powerful. I ended up… well, I think that I was briefly connected to the upper Astral. I remember seeing Ortlinde, and another Valkyrie… my memory of that is fuzzy, as if I’m not able to retain it… well, that’s not important. What is was I saw the Tree of Knowledge. And I have a hypothesis…”

“Oh?” Shiro asked, having finished her text.

“Tan would probably know better than I, but I suspect that the Tree is the Anchor for that realm.”

“That is not my secret to speak of. Even if I knew.” Tan said suddenly. “The Anchor at the heart of the Six Paths, I have of course seen it. My father took me there. But I myself have admitted my own Territory is merely of the Fifth. I know what it takes to reach the Sixth, and become an Astral Emperor. Hence my compact with the princess here.” Shiro’s expression twisted into a grin. “The Seventh, well, that is beyond me, though perhaps my father… well, suffice it to say, only the true Rulers of a great pantheon know what it is to have such an Anchor.”

“I see. I think that’s indirect confirmation in a way. I am certain it’s more than just gathering ether, for that.” I paused. “Well, I then ended up having a lot of prophetic dreams. They seemed quite similar to the ones Tsukiko-san talked about…” I briefly explained.

“Well, if the Red Dragon with the golden eye is that piece of shit toad…” Shiro scowled, remembering. “… then whatever else happens is going to be centred on China.”

“I agree.” Daiyu said after our translations. “I believe we must take steps to prepare for war. The Party and their new puppets, those who broke faith… they will not be satisfied by anything less than ultimate power.”

“There’s more as well. That giant chasing Shaeula…” Eri said, concerned. “Don’t you think it might be this Duke Formor that she’s mentioned?”

“I don’t, actually. Shaeula thinks he’s on board, and I kind of agree. From what Grulgor says, Duke Formor is prepared to let grudges go for his greater goals. But I think you’re on the right track. After all, I know Shaeula wants to retake Salamandrastrae and that was captured by the Fomorians, the wicked giants who joined the Unseelie. But then… that seems awfully simple for prophecies, considering how obscure the others are.”

“No point second-guessing. We’ll have to plan as if it was though.” Shiro said. “Better to be overprepared than caught out, right?”

After a bit more discussion, Shiro wrote down the details, and we would get Karen-chan and our friends to do some research, see what we could unearth. Even trivial details might spark some ideas. “Well, finally…” I looked at Daiyu with a smile. “Before I passed out, my Eye got more info on your proto-Dantian.” I explained what I had read, and my thoughts. “It seems to be very similar to the lunar chakra, which makes me wonder…”

“Where is the lunar chakra?” Daiyu asked, and I indicated it was at my back, just a little above the heart.

“There should be no notable chakras, meridians or acupoints there.” She said, puzzled. “Well, the closest is… the Middle Dantian, which lies in behind the heart…” she pointed, before pausing. I didn’t fail to pick up on the gleam of interest in her eyes.

“Yes, I’m also wondering if the lunar chakra has any relation to the Dantian there. Just like your root and sacral chakras seem to be slightly deformed and misaligned by my standards around your proto-Dantian… well, it’s something to look into.”

“Indeed. I do wonder if…” her face was rapidly gaining colour as her voice dropped. “.. it is something that can be explored through… Dual Cultivation…”

Eri shot her a flat look, but sighed. “Well, I’m not a fool, it’s going to happen anyway, whether I like it or not. I still stand by my comments to Shaeula…” she said to me, stroking my hair gently. “… that sex for the sake of gain is simply prostitution. I don’t like that. Not at all. Even if I was a little guilty of forcing you at first…”

I opened my mouth to protest but she placed a finger on my lips, shushing me. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved you then, I still do now. I wanted it. But I also secretly wanted to get pregnant, to tie you to me so that you couldn’t escape. I’m a pretty terrible person sometimes, I know.” Since she didn’t wish me to speak, I communicated my denial with my eyes, and she removed her finger, kissing me softly once more.

“Thanks Akio. But you always see the best in us. We have our bad sides too. But… back to Daiyu… I’m not sure how, but it seems you’ve won her over. She seems to genuinely be interested in you, and not just for what she’ll gain. I see that yearning, for companionship, for love, for respect… maybe even for a father figure.” She grinned. “Who would have thought you’d end up so mature you’d have girls seeking you for your manly nature.”

“I do wish his companionship.” Daiyu said after Shiro translated. “And the respect of men… well, I wished my father and other Cultivators to respect me, but that was for my power alone. I found so quickly I wish Akio’s praise for more than just that. Perhaps I am indeed broken, losing all my Sect, my family, my country, my pride… but… I oftentimes during training or writing out my memories of Sect secrets, wonder just what Akio would think, or say, what he would improve, whether he would praise me…” her voice was dropping again.

“She’s got it bad.” Shiro laughed. “Well, I get it. Aki’s got the presence nowadays. It’s like steel wrapped in velvet. You know he’ll be nice to you, comforting, supportive… but if anyone threatens you, the steel comes out like a fist. Girls like that. Well, I certainly do.”

“Me too. Knowing that Akio will always look after me… it makes me want to give back, look after him too.” Eri agreed.

“Well then… in that case, Eri, you’ve milked your victory long enough! Let Aki get up, we should go see Shaeula and Hyacinth, since they rushed back from their big meeting…”

Yeah, I’ve caused everyone trouble. Still, it couldn’t be helped. And I’ve learnt one thing. I glanced at my status screen, which had a higher Resilience and Determination than before. Overloading one’s brain comes with perks, if we can withstand it. Also… one more thing had caught my attention, and as I flexed my wrist where the seeds Ortlinde gave me were located, I strained to see the bonds, my Eye flaring. Two. I can see two. One stronger than the other…


“Akio-san, you’re well?” Haru-san asked, concerned.

“Of course he is.” Shaeula scoffed, puffing out her chest proudly. “I was not-not worried, not-not for a moment.”

“Mistress Shaeula is a liar!” Hyacinth giggled. “Yooou were beside yooourself with worry, Hyacinth knows!”

“Well, you were quite-quite distraught too!” Shaeula shot back. “You were searching for the enemy that had attacked him, muttering you would ‘strangle-strangle them to death’ did you not-not?”

As the two of them bickered, I pulled them both into a hug. I had called up Haru-san, interrupting her work at the Ministry, to get her to come with me to her Kyoto territory through the Ring Gate so I could do my assessment on the progress of her Territory. Once I had consoled Shaeula and Hyacinth a bit, I returned my attention to Haru-san.

“Yes, sorry for worrying you.” I apologised. “And thanks for taking time out of your brutal schedule for this.”

“Well, you’re the boss.” She smiled. “Oh, and the newcomer, Ito Bunta-san, he’s quite interesting. It’s strange meeting someone more nervous than me.”

“Well, if you ask me, you’re braver than you give yourself credit for.” I said, and she shook her head.

“No, I’m still an easily-frightened coward at heart. But… at least I know most things can’t hurt me anymore. There’s not a ghost of a chance.” Her smile turned sly. “Well, you do know he’s quite the … dishonest… individual.” Her pause spoke volumes. “It was hard to read his mind, but he’s embezzled and cheated and crippled some criminals. Having him work with the Police sounds a bit unusual, if you ask me.”

Normally I’d agree, however… “Well, that’s why we have you, to keep an eye on the Ministry for corruption. It’s too important to leave to corrupt staff. Besides, he agreed to be my vassal, so I have a measure of control over him…”

“As do I…” Shiro laughed, having joined us after rebuffing the Rhyming Trees, and enjoying watching Shaeula and Hyacinth bicker good-naturedly over whether they were worried about me or not. “… Bunta is pretty scared of me, well, of White. He won’t go against Tan. And if you can guarantee him safety and a good, rich life, I think he’ll be loyal enough. He always did what Tan wanted, that’s for certain.”

“There you have it.” I assured Haru-san. “Well, if he doesn’t work out, then we’ll deploy him elsewhere. But his Favour is suited for capture and restraint, especially on the Material, so I think it’s a good role for him. So, anyway, Territory time.” I looked around, grinning. Haru-san’s Territory was also full of Mortal Engineers, many of them ferrying ether to and fro, others setting up more Artificial Ether Spires.

“All the Ether Spires are Rank 2.” She ticked them off on her fingers. “Thanks to the ether your Territory has supplied, that was trivial. We’ve also got the first Spire to Rank 3. It’s just over a day per upgrade at the moment, we’ll have enough for the second Spire soon.”

“Great. So, a bit over two weeks until all your Spires are Rank 3, unless things change. Then it’s pushing all twenty eight of yours and mine to Rank 4… ugh, the cost is obscene, but our income will be awesome afterwards…”

As we discussed the progress, some of my Split Thoughts were naturally dwelling on the visions I had seen. Well, Princess Eleanor is certainly involved somehow. If she’s the Princess of Humans, as Tsukiko believes, then she’s clearly going to face a trial, and equally be instrumental in defeating a great threat. But how do I convince her? My vision strayed to the floating spirit light of Tsukiko-san, which was still drawing aether from Shaeula and I, gradually growing larger and stronger. Well, it doesn’t matter how. I have to, so I will…

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