On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Eighty-Three

Three Hundred And Eighty-Three

This is rather taxing. I hope it is worth it. Arisu-san mopped her brow which was sodden with steaming silver sweat, her long hair sticking to her forehead. I glanced away from the slowly folding space of her Room, the degraded kobolds within standing motionless, only to look away again, as Arisu-san was in a rather dishevelled state, her dress clinging to her, highlighting all her curves.

Keep my mind clear, I’m not thinking anything. I definitely don’t want her to kill me. As I looked aside, I saw Tan watching me, a smirk on Shiro’s features, so I covered my thoughts with a cough. It will definitely be worth it. Your help won’t be forgotten, and if this helps Hyacinth work out how to link the Ring Gates, that will earn us many opportunities, and I’ll be sure to reward you.

Arisu-san looked at me, before raising a single eyebrow, half-hidden behind her sodden bangs. I shall hold you to that. You know what I hate more than anything, no?

Yes, liars and betrayers. Don’t worry, Shiro can tell you, I look after my own.

So, I am yours, am I? Even the sound of her thoughts was harsh. A little arrogant, especially with White here in front of you.

You know I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t bully me. I chuckled as we exchanged our thoughts. It was proving a bit of a strain for the twins, especially, to keep all the links going, but I was constantly funnelling them aether though Chirurgery, and it was surely increasing the strength of their telepathy as they grew more practised. But I am the head of this alliance, so you’re someone I have to look out for. And reward when you do good work.

Aki’s always like that, Arisu. But try and resist him! It’d be way too weird if you fell for Aki too! Besides, you’d end up murdering some of the other girls, I just know it!

At Shiro’s amused yet alarmed thoughts, Arisu-san actually stumbled for a minute, eyes widening, before she sneered. Surely you jest, White. You know my thoughts on such matters. Now stop bothering me, this is difficult, intricate work.

She does not jest, not entirely. Our princess is rather worried. Tan’s amusement was plain as she shared her thoughts. I suppose it is the pink sickness in her head, she fears that every woman will find him irresistible.

Yes. She has changed. You both have. I do not remember you taking time to talk about such trivial matters before. You were colder, hungrier. Arisu-san thought, while wrapping up her work, a surge of purple and violet sparks scattering. So, it is done. The third test, commence. She slumped to the ground, onto a chair of vines that Hyacinth had whipped up for her. Asha passed her a goblet of honey mead, which Arisu-san took gratefully, wetting her parched throat, as she wiped her soaked forehead and dabbed at her face and throat delicately.

Oh, I am still thirsty, never forget that. Tan licked Shiro’s lips seductively, ruby eyes flashing. But since I am trapped here for now, I may as well enjoy myself. And I have an agreement… she looked at me, and I nodded.

“All right.” Since I spoke out loud it drew more attention. “Enough banter at my expense. Now we need to continue the testing.” My Eye flared, increasing the connection I felt with something high above, and the sudden influx of information made my head spin, only for the twins and Haru-san to redirect it into Tan with practised ease. Yeah, they are definitely getting better at this. Sure, doing it this way almost certainly lessens the effect of my Eye, but it’s still more potent than without buffs.

The concentration is increasing, the more pronounced the distortion of space, the greater the rate of formation and concentration of the spatial element. Arisu-san observed clinically, still tidying her appearance, the energy required to maintain the distorted, closed Room far less than the great efforts required to create the warped geometries.

This reminds me ooof that time… Hyacinth was looking at the kobolds within, which again puzzled me as to how the light was getting in or out. Ooonce again, Hyacinth will master it, I promise.

“I know you will.” I spoke, stroking her hair. Haru-san let out a dry chuckle at that, and Asha smiled warmly. “But for now…” Can you see it? The build-up.

Yes, it is faster than before. Is it because the space is even more contorted? Ixitt thought, curious, and Arisu-san seemed to agree.

I believe so. From what I understand, elemental energies are found in places of significance, and also stress. Is that not correct, Red?

Such information is hardly a secret. It can be places such as this… Her crimson gaze took in the geysers of ruby elemental energies that were leaking from the hillside, and her thoughts echoed to us. …where a conflux of energies gathers. The seas or fierce rivers spawn water element, barren lands with great winds or high places might form geysers of air element, volcanoes and fumaroles can be rich in fire, and sacred hills and mountains such as this may give birth to earth, or more can be found deep below the ground. This however is not the only way…

I remember the Foehn that Shaeula and I had found, and shared an image, and Tan agreed. Yes, a great earthquake, tearing the ground, may spawn lasting earth element, or an eruption of a volcano, or as in this case, a falling star, may give rise to flame that burns long. The Astral is a fickle world, more mutable than the Material below, so changes can persist for great stretches of time, and then vanish just as swiftly…

I get it. The desert in Las Vegas was a barren, windswept place, and the falling Foehn burned with fire, so when it struck, the two were combined. Formed through stress. Just like…

Of course. Stressing the space around us causes it to fracture, releasing spatial energies. Truly remarkable. Arisu-san smiled, for once a genuine one, and it made me think she must have been stunning, back in her acting days. Maybe I’ll watch a few of her films…

So, it’s a bit like a black hole then? What was it… uh, gravitational waves? Ripples in space-time? I considered it, and Arisu-san nodded cheerfully.

I believe so. A massive object distorts space, and eventually with enough mass in a small enough area, space becomes so distorted it collapses into an event horizon, through which nothing should be able to escape. Though here, we can still see… she shook her head. It does not matter. Have you heard of Hawking radiation?

Ixitt was listening to our thoughts eagerly, as Arisu-san and I conversed. Just the name. I thought back.

I have not studied it in detail myself. Though I did have a long time to read, during my … hiatus. Her sneering tone as she thought about that was unpleasant, and I could feel the complicated storm of emotions within her. Resentment, anger, thirst for vengeance, pride. But now there’s also a little hope, excitement and wonder. I knew it, she’s eager to act again. It isn’t just about revenge.

Even a black hole is not indestructible, inescapable. Space… is not empty. She continued to share her thoughts, and several of us thought back to the strange void we could see with my Eye within the entrance to her Room. So within it, matter is constantly created and destroyed, always in balance. Yet distorting space with such force, it can disrupt the balance, allowing some matter to exist without destruction, though the mass comes from somewhere else, the black hole. Of course, this is all theoretical. I find my understanding of the science behind it far clearer nowadays. Perhaps I might become a scientist after all.

No kidding. Having big stat boosts works wonders for everything, Arisu! Shiro’s thoughts were happy. Tan had fallen silent, but I could feel her approval.

It’s dangerous to assume that the Boundary works the same as the Material, however… as we watched the density of spatial element exponentially increase within the warped space, the kobolds within starting to break apart, slowly disintegrating, my Eye was giving me detailed information about that Paradoxical Doorway. Spatial element is being generated, and it’s forming at a measurably faster rate than before. The kobolds are degrading faster too, but if you plot the rate of damage to the spatial density, then it’s linear. I wonder… could we not make a permanent warped space, to generate spatial element indefinitely?

Tan drew a breath at that, her eyes gleaming. We looked over, and she stood there silently, but her eyes were expressive. No good huh? Okay, we’ll do more research on that. We have the Lantern and Klein Bottle after all. The density in that is constantly growing as well. We can use it to study the effects. There’s also the possibility we could create other artificial sources. I think it wouldn’t be impossible to replicate the birth of Foehn? Though the collateral damage might be unpalatable…

Enough. One matter at a time. I will not have your carelessness endanger White. Arisu-san stood, having tidied herself up and refreshed herself. The first kobold had now perished, shattering into ether, and the stronger one, a degraded kobold miner, was starting to look very bad, chunks of flesh distorting and breaking apart. So, have you seen enough?

As the miner perished too, I nodded. “I think so.” Sometimes speaking out loud made it easier to think. Gathering everyone together, we discussed the possibilities. “I don’t think I need my Eye buffed any longer, can you switch it back to my chakra network?”

As Shiro did so, the links disconnected, Haru-san and the twins breathing sighs of relief. With renewed vigour, my chakra network surged, and I looked at the violet-filled bubble in space. “So we know that the density increases at a predictable rate, and it rapidly becomes harmful. That’s with it not being absorbed though. There’s no danger just being in the odd space, and we’ve tested getting a degraded kobold out, that works too.”

“I am exhausted. I can manage it once more, otherwise I will need to rest.” Arius-san said, and Shiro consoled her, as Tan had relinquished her body once more.

“Just push it through a little longer. Aki’s got a plan, right?”

“Of course.” I agreed. “I’m sure that Arisu-san has already worked it out. She’s very knowledgeable. You know…” I said, smiling. “… never mind being the face of the Chosen, how about hosting science programmes on us? That’s a showbusiness role, and ties into your hobbies. Obviously, we can’t spill any secrets, but… if people understand the basics, they might be less fearful.”

“That’s a brilliant idea, Aki!” Shiro enthused. “Hell, I bet Ixitt here would be a good guest star. He’s got the mad scientist vibe down perfectly!”

“Why thank you!” he bowed, lashing his tail happily, and Hyacinth snickered.

“I dooo not think that was a compliment.”

“Perhaps not, but I take pride in my drive to learn. Every day since I arrived here has been a new delight. And speaking of…” he shrugged. “… you have not enlightened us to your plan.”

“Sorry, I got off-topic.” Arisu-san didn’t seem too displeased by my suggestion, so I continued. “The stronger kobold could survive the tumultuous conditions inside the warped Room longer than the weaker one, so Hyacinth and I should be able to last much longer than them. We should also be decreasing the spatial element density by drawing it in, further increasing our safety.”

The twins looked worried, so I smiled at them reassuringly. “Don’t worry, you know we’re strong, right Hyacinth?”

“Yes, I have nooo fear, even if I suffer injury, such is naught tooo Hyacinth. Knowing I take wounds for Akio, for us all, it…” her words were cut off and she flushed as Shiro and I enfolded her in a hug. She seemed surprised as even Asha came close, reaching out a hand and patting her head. “What is wrooong?” she asked, and Shiro answered for us.

“Don’t say that, Hyacinth. It’s too sad. Even if it’s nothing to you, it’s bad for us! We don’t want to see you dismissing being hurt as nothing.”

“Yes, I too have suffered greatly, but I know that does not mean I should become numb to it.” Asha consoled her. “If you do not take care of yourself, then it is us who feel sad. After all, you are one of my saviours, Hyacinth. I will never forget that.”

“What they said.” I squeezed her tight and shook my head. “I’m not one to talk, I get hurt far too much, my sis rightly chewed me out about my double standards. But getting hurt is sometimes necessary. But it should never be accepted as just a matter of course, or dismissed because you’ve been hurt before. Don’t forget, you’re Hyacinth now. The past is gone.”

“That’s right.” Shiro agreed. “So, at times like these, all you need to say to reassure the twins is leave it to us, we’ve got this. Go on, you try.”

Her silver-violet eyes wet with tears, Hyacinth nodded. “Dooo not fret for us. Akio and Hyacinth, we have gooot this. We will return triumphant, the power of space under ooour control!”

“I see. We believe in you.” “Yes, we know you can do it.” The twins chorused, and as Hyacinth wiped her tears, we released her.

“It’s a calculated risk. And if Hyacinth and I can make it work, then perhaps others can too. But for now, Arisu-san has excellent control, she’s proved that, and I am skilled at Ether Healing, so I’m confident that the risk itself is low.” I pointed out.

“I shall endeavour to do my best, but I cannot promise things will go as you wish.” Arisu-san said, only to be scolded by Shiro, and I laughed, pleased at her forthright manner.

“I understand. Right, time to link us up again. I want Ixitt, Arisu-san and Tan in the link. Asha, you can sit this one out, I think.”

“Don’t forget about me, Aki!” Shiro shouted, and Arisu-san chided her that she came with Tan anyway. As the sensation of the connected minds flooded into Hyacinth and me once more, I looked at the newly-opened doorway, leading to the Room Arisu-san was constructing. Oh well, here we go…


How is it, Hyacinth? I cast my thoughts across to her. It was harrowing being inside the Paradoxical Doorway. Despite it looking normal from outside, albeit like a flat image, like watching a TV screen, inside was like seeing a kaleidoscope of such images, yet somehow despite them appearing all around us, they were still a flat two-dimensional array. The human mind isn’t designed to cope with this. My Resilience is rising just by being in here. Paradoxical indeed…

I dooo not care for it. The Dark Maidens would dearly looove it though… it would be a wonderful tool in their booox of tortures. She let out a quiet laugh, and even the sound was wrong, somehow coming from all directions at the same time as from Hyacinth, and also feeling oddly flat.

Yes, I can imagine that. I guess the Fae mind isn’t good with this either. We were huddled together in the small space, and faint flickers of violet light were starting to form. From within the warped Room, my Eye was able to discern more about the process of creation, and it was as we surmised, the impossible curvature and twisting of space fracturing it, releasing energy. Perhaps it wasn’t pure, but it definitely contained spatial element.

Are you well? Arisu-san’s thoughts came to us. If you wish me to wrench open the sealed space, call out to us, and I shall affect your rescue.

We’re fine., for now. It’s just… ugh, you can’t really describe what it’s like in here. See for yourselves. I let the images Hyacinth and I were seeing leak out, and everyone outside trembled, going pale, clutching at their heads.

That was mean, Akio-kun. Think of poor Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan before you do that! Haru-san was angry, and after I apologised, Ixitt, Arisu-san and I had a thought-conversation about the images. In the end, that was just a distraction while the spatial element was building up, and now it was starting to become uncomfortable. Hyacinth’s skin was starting to flake, and silver and red blood was leaking from her ears, nose and mouth, and black and silver tears were streaming down her pale cheeks.

Are you all right? That looks painful. I wasn’t immune myself, but my higher level of Ether Healing was easily handling the damage I was taking from the surrounding pressure. This is like an extra-shitty Gravity Machine from Dragon Ball Z. There’s no actual force acting on us, but the damage is piling up nonetheless.

Dragooon Ball?

Never mind, it’s probably not something to care about. No, instead… I took a deep breath, despite not needing to breathe. My throat hurt, the softer inner tissues suffering more damage than my outer body. We should begin. Are you ready?

Always, Akio. But I am nooot sure how to proceed.

I’ll start. Arisu-san, Ixitt, if you have any insights, feel free to share. You too Tan. Not that I expect you to help with this…

At their affirmative thoughts, and cheery support from Shiro, Haru-san and the twins, I focussed on my chakra network, which was running at a higher Rank than was normal, Shiro’s buffs pushing me past my limits. With my Eye I could perceive and pick out the highest purity of spatial element, so now all that was required was to draw it in, then feed it through my body to the crown chakra. Easier said than done, though.

Each element had its own flavour, and opposition. Fire opposed water, and fed on wind, in turn being fed on by earth, which opposed wind, and was preyed on by water. A cycle of opposition and alignment, like a wheel. Light and darkness opposed each other but had no ordinary interaction with the other four elements. Yet they can form compositions. Just as wood or nature is the earth and water, and lightning is fire and wind, light and flame give rise to radiance, and darkness and earth dust. Keeping elements in balance and harmony within the body grows ever more challenging. How will spatial compare?

The violet motes, similar in shade to Hyacinth’s eyes as she watched me, her face close to mine, were drawn into my body through the silver cord and into the root chakra. Immediately I noticed the lack of opposition, it passed through the tangle of earth and wood element accumulating there effortlessly. As it passed, I felt my network suffer damage, but Ether Healing rapidly repaired the tears.

It moved upwards, showing no reaction to water, flame or wind, leaving a trail of damage within me. I coughed blood, only for Hyacinth to reach up and wipe away a smear from my mouth, her eyes solemn. Doooes it hurt? Hyacinth hurts tooo, but I will watch and learn. Fooor us, it is worth it. Sooo the others can have a more peaceful time of it, nooo? I do not accept pain because of the past, but because ooof the future.

That’s right. We’re blazing a trail, and that always comes with dangers. But we’re the right ones to risk it, aren’t we? At my thoughts, Hyacinth’s smile was beautiful. Most of my Split Thoughts were focussed on guiding the ever-increasing flow of spatial element within me and repairing the accumulating damage that the automatic part of Ether Healing couldn’t manage, but I spared a thread for Hyacinth. Hyacinth, can you feel it?

I can. I knooow what you know, feel what yooou feel. It is a gift beyond what a brownie should enjoooy. After all, I knooow you care for me. I can feel it, I do not have to wooonder. And… I looove you. Not as a servant, though it is a joooy to serve, it completes me. But as Hyacinth. She kissed me, her tongue aggressively entering my mouth, and I responded, the closeness of our bodies only heating us up.

I do not need to be subjected to this. Focus! Arisu-san’s thoughts were angry, while Shiro’s were amused, and Haru-san and the twins were embarrassed.

Don’t forget, I am here too. It is not all girls, like usual. Ixitt’s thoughts were slightly mocking. I admit, this is fascinating though. Spatial element, it neither opposes or feeds on or feeds darkness. But there is an effect…

It was true. The motes of spatial element passed through the darkness, yet as it did so, the amount diminished. Concentrating, my Eye flaring, I tried to observe the process, only to fail. It wasn’t the darkness or the spatial element growing stronger or changing, they simply… vanished.

Perhaps if I compare it to light element? As I thought that, I could feel Ixitt’s eagerness to share what I felt and saw. The growing flow of spatial element reached the third eye, where indigo light blazed, and this time the opposite happened. Again, there was no strengthening or opposition, but where the light and spatial elements met, there was a strange, inexplicable increase.

I see. Darkness and light in opposition. Yin and Yang as Daiyu would likely say. So where is spatial element in that? If light is additive, darkness subtractive, then…

As I thought that, Ixitt added his own thoughts. Is that not somewhat similar to your Twilight Prominence? Light adds your own strengths, while Darkness takes those of others? There are differences, but…

Yes, that makes sense. But… my thoughts were swept away as the flow of spatial element finally reached the crown chakra and reacted violently. My body convulsed, a storm of cascading energy rippling through my body, hard to contain. Damn, this is hellish… Fire, wind, earth, water. They were all easy to understand and grasp, after all, they were everyday things. Light was simple too. Darkness had proved a hard path to master, but…

Aki, calm down. You’ve got this!

We believe in you Akio-sama. Akio-sama you can do it!

All processes can be understood, and thus mastered. This is no different.

Spatial element… when I use my Room, it is hard to describe. I visualise it as a bubble filled with malleable foam, that I can feely shape and manipulate, yet which will disintegrate if separated from its membrane…

I don’t really understand it, but you need to do this, right? So do it. Just like you did the impossible and let me meet my daddy… err, father again.

Akio. I am here. I am hooolding you tight. Show me the way! I will master this and make thooose mushrooms obey me! But to dooo that, you must lead! Hyacinth can not do it alooone!

Shiro, the twins, Arisu-san, Haru-san and Hyacinth, they all poured their thoughts into me, and I momentarily stabilised, fixed on that to calm the ranging sea of forces eroding me. That’s right. I can do this. This isn’t the first element I’ve dealt with, and it’s not even being opposed. No… Thanks everyone. But don’t worry. I can tame that raging sea. It’s simply power, right?

Understanding it. Spatial element. Just what is it? I understand what space is, but the element itself, is it actually space, or something that mediates space? My Split Thoughts surged, running through all my knowledge of physics. As I did so, a warmth began to build up, radiating outwards, and as I looked within myself, I let out a surprised gasp. Wait, isn’t that…?

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