On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Eighty-One

Three Hundred And Eighty-One

After the meeting with the Fae, I had to return to the Material several times to deal with a few matters. Shaeula stayed behind to help Daiyu accumulate more High Spirit Water, and Shiro was giving out her buffs like sweets. Jack and Evelyn had been spending the day enjoying Tokyo before they would be flying out to Nishimorioka tomorrow, and they had also been introduced properly to Eri, which had been amusing. I can’t believe just how much mom was talking about Eri to them. Apparently she has been for years. Eri was so embarrassed when she heard that.

I had been too. My mom and auntie Mori had always joked about us ending up together, but perhaps they weren’t jokes, after all, and they had really expected it. And in the end, they were right, though nobody ever expected things to be like this. Eri had finished up her remote work and would join me back in the Boundary later when Kana got back from school, while Jack and Evelyn were accompanied out by Karen-chan and several members of the Black Wolf Company for security, letting them enjoy Tokyo while they were here. it’s a bit of a break for Karen-chan too, she’s had it tough while I was away.

With that done, I was now back in the Boundary, the rest of the Black Wolf Company gathered. As usual, Aliyah was taking the lead, addressing me sourly, though by now I was used to her bluster, knowing that was just her way, and that she didn’t really mean her insults so much as they were reflexive. “So, boss.” she said dryly, arms crossed under her massive chest. Like the others, she was now wearing matching black armour, similar to the Twilight Brigandine, but of lower standard, more mass-produced. “You really made a scene in Britain, didn’t you?”

“That he did.” Shiro laughed from beside me, a touch of exhaustion on her face from her labours, though she still looked proud. “Aki came, he saw, he conquered.”

“Conquered what?” Aliyah scowled. “Better not be any more women. Besides, from the spectacle of you on TV, looks like you were doing some conquering yourself.”

“You think?” Shiro smirked. “But we certainly achieved what we set out to do. There’s no hiding it now. Not that you can hide the light of this princess, I was always going to shine!”

“You’re certainly gorgeous, but shit, your attitude stinks.” Aliyah complained. “You know, you two are made for each other.” She looked at us sourly, and Shiro burst out laughing, pleased.

“You’re exactly right. Aki and me, it was meant to be.” She agreed. “So, enough about our escapades, fill us in. We’ve heard good things, right?”

I nodded. “Kana told me you’ve been mastering earth element well, and have even started organising into teams to prepare for training others. I’m impressed.”

“It somehow sets my teeth on edge getting praise from you.” Aliyah sighed, but at a look from her brother, she nodded, her hair beads jingling softly. “Yeah, a number of us have mastered it. Of course we have.” She let out a surge of red energy, and the ground below her spat out a number of bullet-like projectiles. “We’re the best. Professionals. Some might say the army is better trained than us mercs… sorry, I forget, we’re… uh, what the hell are we now Trey?”

The big man shrugged. “I’d say we’re still a PMC. Just… we’re never allowed to break contract now, right?” he looked at me, and I shook my head.

“Maybe in the future, when you’ve paid your debts and things have changed, but you know too much right now and have benefitted from our expertise, when really, you should be still under arrest.”

“Don’t I know it? Man, this situation is all kinds of strange, but…” his own ruby energies surged, and a spire of rock formed, which he tore from the ground, the edge gleaming sharp, like knapped flint. “… can’t argue with results, can we? Though sis and I aren’t the best…” he admitted. As he said those words, the eyes of the company turned to stare at Luciana, who was standing a little shyly to attention, her somewhat diminutive status belying her fighting skills.

“Well, it is… I just feel la tierra, the ground, the soil.” She said softly. “It speaks to me. I hear the sussuros, whispers of the stone. It is quite… enjoyable.” Her smile was pretty, and I noticed a number of the men in the company eyeing her. Supressing my own smile, knowing she was the sort of girl who would be very popular in such a male-dominated field, I asked her to demonstrate, my Eye shining.

“Come, la tierra!” she called, and the red glow surrounded her, as well as the silvery glow of aether. She was using both together, and the soil beneath her feet melted like wax, flowing up over her body, forming a sort of armour. It solidified, but retained a strange sort of elasticity, almost as if it was still molten. Like tar, maybe? I was certainly impressed though, such a working required real skill in visualisation and elemental manipulation. Aether manipulation as well, if she’s using it to make up for her shortfall in other areas…

“So, I’m curious…” Shiro said, nodding. “Is that purely defensive or…”

“Why don’t you show the princess here…” Aliyah snorted, teasing Shiro. “… what you can do, Luciana? Show them that the Black Wolf still has fangs and claws, even in this new bullshit world.”

Si, I will do it.” She nodded, before leaping off the ground far higher than she should have been able to manage. My Eye caught that the muddy armour was pushing on the ground, boosting her force. As she leapt the stone around her arm elongated, forming a blade, the edge not merely flint-like, but glittering darkly like obsidian, balefully sharp. Her other hand pointed, and chunks of the armour formed small bullets, which she discharged at the rate of a machine pistol. She then landed, and her armour rippled, dispersing the impact, allowing her to roll into another combat pose. She tossed her stone knife, and more formed, leaving her dual wielding in traditional combat stance.

“I see.” I clapped my hands, my Eye having followed her movements. “Yeah, that is impressive. Though you shouldn’t get cocky, it’s much more draining to use such abilities on the Material.”

“Yes, I agree.” Luciana nodded, and her armour dispersed, hardening and flaking off her like mud, leaving her brushing dust off her combat uniform. “In training, I can not manage the armour. But un poco, a little…”

“She’s still more than capable of using a knife.” Aliyah grinned. “Our cat here has her claws.”

“I confess, I have received great help from las gemelas, the two girls.” Luciana told us. “And el phantasma. To think I would be working with a ghost.” She crossed herself. “But they make it so clear, so easy to understand. Only a fool would fail to learn, no?”

At that some of the mercenaries shifted restlessly, and Aliyah grinned. “You heard her, you maggots! Those of you who can’t even manage what some damn schoolgirls can had better pull your heads out of your fucking asses and get it done, or Trey and I will drum you out for being useless wastes of oxygen.”

“Yes boss!” the men shouted.

“I can’t hear you. Louder!” Aliyah shouted back.

“We said yes boss, sorry boss!” they chorused.

“My sis might be a bit foul-mouthed, but she’s right.” Trey said, addressing the troops. “We have to uphold the Black Wolf. You don’t want the soldiers to show us up, do you?” As they replied in the negative, Aliyah shook her head again.

“The world’s mad. Shit, we’ve tested it, and Luciana’s armour can block stabs, bullets and more. Maybe she can’t use it properly outside of this madhouse…” she looked around us. “… but that’s just for now, right?”

“Yes, as the Boundary gradually dissipates, ether density will rise, and there’ll be less resistance…” I agreed.

“When that happens, those who can’t do this will just be like kids playing at soldiers. Sure, it won’t be stopping RPG’s or other heavy weapons, but it’s not like urban warfare can just become a shitshow of collateral damage. The battlefield may still be dominated by firepower, but urban warfare, suppression operations, security… assassination… all of it is going to be ruled by people like our little Luciana here.” she paused for a moment. “Although against monsters like you pair, or your little blonde tyrant, she still has about as much chance of success as a fucking ice cube does of putting out a bonfire.”

“A monster? Me? Rude.” Shiro pouted. “I’m a gorgeous princess, not a monster.”

“Sure you are.” Aliyah chuckled. “Don’t take it so personally.”

“We’re getting off-topic.” I said, changing the subject a little. “So Kana was telling me you’ve been helping out with the training of the newcomers. I appreciate that.”

“She’s a clever one.” Aliyah agreed. “Pretty too. Wasted on you.” She snorted, showing her irritation. “Even without this Chirurgery, we’ve still been running through the exercises and a few other bits for orientation. Give them a head start. Though some of those brats are lucky I didn’t knock them on their asses. Pretentious shits.” As Aliyah grumbled about some of the new trainees, Shiro and I exchanged amused glances. Yeah, I expect that noble sons and daughters would find our brash American friends a bit of a culture shock, especially with such weird training on top…


“Akio, I’ve missed you!” Hinata ran into my embrace, so I lifted her up and spun her around, smiling at her impish expression. Motoko and Natsumi followed behind her, also smiling, but showing more noble poise.

“Hinata, you should be less shameful. You’re a Takatsukasa now. Unmarried girls don’t do that, even with their fiancé.” A stern voice said, and I saw that the three of them hadn’t come alone. Mayumi-san was there, as well as Miyu-san, and surprisingly enough the speaker, Sakura-san, who was lecturing Hinata even as she was in my arms. There’s the bodyguards too of course, though they are wisely pretending they don’t see or hear anything. Even Kazumi-san is doing that, though she’s looking at me wryly.

“Oh, do you think so?” Hinata retorted. “Motoko, Natsumi, don’t you want to hug Akio? It’s been nearly two weeks for you as well. Though I’m still jealous that you had such an amazing trip with him. Even you, Miyu.”

“Don’t pull me into this, please.” Miyu sighed, but she turned to Sakura-san. “Please excuse Hinata’s excitement. She has missed him, and only wishes to show her affection. It is only us here, surely you can forgive her?”

As I put down Hinata, Motoko approached me, and she held out her arms too. I gave her a hug, and then Natsumi was there, equally as eager. After hugging her, I turned to Sakura-san and apologised. “Sorry about that. But like Miyu said, can’t you let it slide? I’m happy to see everyone myself.”

“I would hope so. You’ve been busy playing with foreign Princesses and dignitaries.” Hinata took my arm, ignoring the teasing laughter from Shiro, who enjoyed the feeling of superiority. “And I have missed out on… other things too.” Motoko blushed, looking down, while Natsumi placed a hand over her mouth, giggling.

“That’s Aki’s fault, no question. Though I get it. You do reek of crime, Hinata.” Shiro pointed out.

“That’s hardly fair. I got engaged to Akio before you did, and it’s been approved by my parents and also by Fujiwara-sama, Kira-sama and grandfather Itsuki.”

“Don’t call grandfather so casually.” Sakura-san complained, only for Mayumi-san to step in.

“This is all very well, but we have more important things to do today.” she said gently, nodding at me reassuringly, which surprised me a little. “Sakura-san, I know it’s hard for you the way things have changed, but you need to adapt. Besides… you don’t really hate Hinata as much as you pretend.”

“I don’t hate her.” Sakura-san protested, before realising who she was talking to, and she moderated her tone. “I apologise, I have become too heated, and have broken decorum myself. I’m a little ashamed.”

“Don’t be foolish, Sakura.” Hinata spoke up. “That’s the beauty of being with family and friends. I spent my whole life on the outside looking in, despite being your cousin, my blood the same as yours. It’s a beautiful thing, being elegant, refined and charming. Don’t misunderstand. I wanted to be a noble, to be equal to you and Mayumi so badly. I looked on you both with envy. But… not everything is wonderful. If being nobility means I have to keep my feelings in check when the man I love returns to me after a long time, after a battle that could have been his last… then surely nobility needs to change.”

“She’s got you there.” Shiro agreed. “Besides, there’s nothing noble about burying your feelings. But I’m no fool. It’s not this that bothers you, is it?”

“It’s that I’m finally being accepted. And not just at Hanafubuki.” Hinata said, a trace of sadness in her brown eyes. “The group of noble sons and daughters that have been selected for training treat me as a daughter of Takatsukasa now, just like Sakura. No, since it’s clear I’ll be the heir now I get more respect.”

Sakura held her expression still, but we could see Hinata’s words had hit their mark. I see. Well, Hinata’s wish was to be equals to Mayumi, true friends. I think she’s had that come true, or if not, she will. Their friendship seems to be in a good place. I watched as Hinata, Sakura-san and Mayumi-san argued, while Miyu looked on, a touch bemused. Our eyes met, and I smiled reassuringly. I’ll sort this. For Hinata’s sake if nothing else. She did care for her cousin, or sister, technically now.

“So, putting that aside, what brings you here today, Sakura-san, Mayumi-san?” I asked.

“That’s simple.” Mayumi-san said, glad of the subject change. “I’ve been utterly fascinated by events over the last few weeks. And I’m desperate to get started on our new enterprise. So here I am, ready for an update.” She looked at Hinata then. “And of course, I wanted to see how Hinata reacted to seeing you again. It’s been rather amusing watching her reactions to everything over the last few weeks. You’ve had it rough, right?” she said to Motoko and Natsumi.

“I understand her jealousy. After all, we are the same.” Motoko said, and Hinata pouted.

“I’m sure your debut will be just as big.” Natsumi interjected. “Akio’s known the world over now. And I know he’s not unfair as to only have our engagement event. There’s Eri too. And Kana-san.”

“That’s right.” Daiyu too, though she’s a bit more problematic what with the anti-Chinese sentiment, but that won’t stop me. Then there’s Asha. Though without a Throne… no, if the plan goes well, first thing we’ll do is upgrade a Throne to Rank 3. I have an idea of who need to be Chosen Heroes to maximise our potential… “In fact… I think that it might be time to use our fame to our advantage. I was thinking…” I explained my idea, and Hinata’s eyes brightened.

“That’s a wonderful plan!” she said, eyes gleaming. “I want to stand on the same stage as the others. I’m your fiancée, and I’m proud of that. I want to shout it from the rooftops, to the world, to anyone who would listen.”

“It’s certainly daring, and kills a lot of birds with one stone.” Shiro agreed. “I’m not sure what Arisu will think, though. Suzu will love it, that’s for certain.”

“Grandfather will support it, I think.” Miyu nodded. “It is time for the nobility to return from the shadows. Since the fall of the zaibatsu after the War, we have kept to ourselves, in our own worlds, wielding political influence as best we could, but compared to the olden days, the keiretsu such as Nichibotsu Technologies and many other modern companies have a great deal of sway as well. Not all of them care for us. But now we need to put aside our differences, otherwise Japan may suffer as the United Kingdom did.”

“You’ll need to get Yukiko onside as well.” Shiro added. “That shouldn’t be hard though, she sees you as a friend, Aki.”

“Ichijou house will of course be involved.” Mayumi-san said, excited. “After all, we’d never let such an opportunity pass us by, and I am your partner.”

Business partner.” Hinata sniggered, and Mayumi-san shrugged.

“I know that. Don’t be foolish. I am Ichijou Mayumi, I am not one to be so easily won.” She smiled, before turning to Sakura-san. “So, what will you do? I suspect that Akio-kun here has a role for you, considering he’s been looking at you for the last couple of minutes.”

Am I that obvious? I guess so. Not that it matters. “Sakura-san, Hinata, can I be honest with you both here? No lies or dissembling words, just my honest feelings?”

Sakura-san paused, surprised, but nodded. “Very well. In that case… I will not hold back either.”

“Lies? To me? You don’t, I can tell.” Hinata clung to my arm. “But I think I see what you mean. I’ll be honest too. Mayumi, Miyu, as our equals in Ichijou and Fujiwara house, you can witness.”

Well there’s the bodyguards too, but they stay out of these matters… “Shiro…” I began, but she shook her head.

“We’re staying. Right girls?” Motoko and Natsumi agreed. “Look, Aki. Hinata’s not just your responsibility. She’s ours, right?” she winked at the younger girl. “When Aki asked me out, I knew he was engaged already. I was pretty pissed off, but… somehow it all worked out. I didn’t even know about you then, Hinata. But I accepted Aki, and all that comes with him, just as he did me. I mean…” she laughed, a touch bitterly. “… didn’t I try and sell out the world in my own selfishness? My hands aren’t clean. But what matters is that we all stand together. You saw the news. I was there, fighting.” She was solemn, and our eyes were drawn to her, her silver hair shining under the dark light of the Boundary, her beauty captivating, as though she was a goddess descending to give us wisdom. “In the face of those who would happily kill us for their own ends, those who can’t be reasoned with, this all seems so very foolish to argue over. But it isn’t, is it?” she looked at me, and I shook my head.

“No. If happiness is a foolish goal, then why did we even fight? Let the world burn.” I said, to some gasps. “Look. Hinata, I love you. I do. Just as much as any of the others. I’m sorry, but you’re so youthful and energetic, sometimes I see you as younger than you are. I’d like you to take it as a compliment. That’s why…”

“You’ve not offered me the same as Motoko and Natsumi?” she said, and I nodded.

“Honestly, I feel guilty. I shouldn’t, after all, we’re engaged. We’re going to spend our whole lives together. But feelings aren’t rational, are they?” But Kyoto and London taught me that the biggest fist wins. And I can’t just have that fist myself. I don’t ever want to be helpless as people die around me again. It’s insane hubris to think that I can save everyone, but with enough support… together we can be stronger than any of us alone.

“No, they’re not. Akio… I don’t love you any less than Motoko or Natsumi. Or even Shiro here.” Hinata promised. “After all, I loved you from the first moment I saw you.” She chuckled, ashamed. “I never believed in love at first sight, but it happened. It’s your fault for being too charming! And then… all my dreams came true. So… I’m not a child. I’m a woman. Your woman.”

“Not all your dreams.” I said, surprising them. “Look. Sakura-san, I’ll be honest. I love my family. I’ll do anything for their happiness. Hinata… she just wanted to be recognised for who she is. The equal of any of you. This nobility thing… even now I don’t really get it. But I’ve met many people who could be called noble. Shaeula. Yukiko-san. Princess Eleanor. The Queen of Britain. And yes, your grandfathers.” I said to the girls. “And I’ll be honest, to me, Hinata, Eri, Kana… it doesn’t mater how ordinary they are to you, to me they are noble.”

As Hinata blushed happily I continued. “So Takatsukasa house… I didn’t want to take from you, Sakura-san, nor your brother. But I’ll be damned if I’ll let Hinata suffer. Mayumi-san… I’m happy you’ve realised what true friendship is. And I think you’ll be better for it. Isn’t it less lonely?”

“I… well, I wouldn’t say I was lonely. But…” Mayumi-san said, pensive. “…everything is so exciting, so fun. And I realise that it isn’t just us daughters of nobility who are special. It would be hard to say that, with you here.” she smiled at Shiro.

“Aki, she’s a smart girl. She sees I’m a beautiful princess.” Shiro laughed, but I was still serious, not rising to the joke.

“That’s right. In this new world, the meanest beggar could potentially gain a power that could make them the ruler of nations. But I don’t care about that. I care about Hinata’s wishes. And she wanted to be respected, and for us all to be respected. We’re allies, friends, comrades… not lackeys of your grandfathers. So… Takatsukasa house.”

“I knew I wouldn’t inherit, that I’d be married out.” Sakura-san agreed. “That’s not why I am so angry.”

“You’re angry? I knew it…” Hinata said softly.

“Of course I am.” She took a deep breath, calming herself. “Maybe it wasn’t fair for you to be treated so differently to me, despite being my cousin. But that’s the way it is, the way it was! Why should we change the whole system of nobility that Takatsukasa has carried for more than a thousand years? We… we might be the last generation. Without the help of the rest of the nobility propping us up, I know we’d have crumbled away. It isn’t just us!” she cried. “There are a number of houses on the brink. You know this!”

“Oh, those.” Hinata agreed, and Motoko was looking sad. I see. Somebody they know, maybe? “That doesn’t make sense though. A lot of the help that kept you afloat came from Fukumoto house and Nichibotsu! Would it have been too much to treat me right?”

“What’s right?” Sakura-san asked, her eyes reddening, and I noticed she seemed about to cry. “I did help you! When you acted arrogantly, I smoothed things over. I calmed down the other nobility when your attitude provoked them. I tried to offer advice, to help you avoid shaming yourself and me!”

“Your advice was terrible! It was basically shut up and obey your betters!” Hinata shot back.

“If I may?” Motoko said, and we all turned to her. She looked at the two feuding girls, her expression solemn. “Hinata. I believe you know I have nothing but respect for you. It is largely thanks to you that Natsumi and I had the bravery to finally seek out Akio.”

“I know that. I like you too.” She said, confused.

“Then… Sakura-sama is in this case correct.” Motoko softly spoke, everyone hanging on her words. “Your actions were too domineering for one of the Three-Hundred. Those of us at Hanafubuki often saw your actions as rude, especially towards Sakura-sama. Now I know differently. I have changed.”

“I understood it a bit more.” Natsumi said “After all, Hori house is nothing special. It’s impossible for me to be entirely happy with the way I am looked down on by others, but I always had Tsumura arts, and Motoko by my side. Though my relationship then wasn’t an even one.”

Yes, when I first met them, they were very hierarchical, though it took little time for that to change. Confirming my thoughts, Motoko agreed. “I have that to be thankful to you as well, Hinata. Akio too. And I suppose Eri, and the other girls we met in Nishimorioka. When we set aside the rules that bound us, we found true friendship.”

“Yes. It was hard at first. Tsumura house towers above Hori house, and I am a student in Tsumura arts too. So being equal to Motoko… it felt wrong. At first. Now it just feels natural.”

“Of course, you’re friends.” I said. “And friendship doesn’t work if there’s a barrier in status.”

“I see that now.” Mayumi-san agreed, her expression mocking. “Although it took your anger to show me. To think you’d be prepared to break your agreement with Ichijou house, losing all that power, just for Hinata’s happiness…”

“Yes, but since you are Hinata’s friend, if you were ever in trouble, I’d help you.” I said, and Shiro shook her head.

“Come on Aki, this isn’t the time for flirting. Sure, she’s attractive, but enough is enough. Eri will murder you in your sleep!”

“I’m not flirting! You know I take friendship seriously. Just like I’m doing for Arisu-san, or I would for Hayato-san or any of the gang.”

“Yeah I know. Shit Aki, I’m not so shallow.” She puffed out her cheeks cutely, annoyed. “Just trying to lighten the mood.”

“I see.” Mayumi-san looked at Hinata, who shrugged. “I appreciate that, Akio-kun. You may not be born noble, but you are certainly gentlemanly at times. I might take you up on that. Though for now, all I want is our factory to start working!”

“So, you see where I’m going with this?” I said, looking at Sakura-san. “You’re Hinata’s relative. Therefore I want you to be happy too, and for you and Hinata to be friends. For Hinata’s sake, obviously. She can’t be truly happy unless you reconcile. And for your sake too. So… how can I make that happen?”

“Akio…” Hinata murmured, touched.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Sakura-san said, defensive. “Just like my grandfather, father and mother, and my little brother, I’ve accepted Hinata as my sister. After all, that is the way of nobility. Adoption happens and is respected. My thoughts on the matter are irrelevant.”

“Accepting is one thing, but you said you’d not hold back. Your thoughts are relevant.” I pressed. “What do you want?”

“I don’t know!” she shot back. “All I know is I don’t want this! It isn’t fair! I hate that I feel so inferior to everyone!” her red eyes were now brimming with tears. “I was respected, yes, the girls at Hanafubuki showed me deference, but I know I was always being compared to Mayumi-sama, to Miyu-sama. Even to you, Hinata! Takatsukasa house is empty, only our history remaining! You don’t understand what that’s like, Hinata!”

“No, I don’t.” she agreed. “But you don’t understand me either. I couldn’t even be compared. I was beaten before I started. You don’t expect me to feel sorry for you who had everything I wanted, do you?”

“Of course not!” Sakura-san was heating up. “But you think I have it easy? Everything you do reflects on me, on Takatsukasa house! Like it or not, we are still family!” she was shouting now.

“Yes, I feel a bit bad.” Hinata said, a touch chastened by her harsh words and obvious distress. “I wasn’t trying to cause trouble.”

“It’s obvious to me…” I broke in, my tone low and soothing. “… that the past was painful. But that doesn’t matter. The past is the past. Hinata, you want to be true family with Sakura-san, right?”

“I do. Especially if I was in the wrong. If Motoko says so, I believe her.”

“I do not say you were wrong. But you were perhaps not best placed to understand Sakura-sama’s burdens.” Motoko said sadly.

Sakura. You have no need to use such an honorific with me.” Sakura-san said, surprising us. “You will be married to him soon. He’ll be Takatsukasa heir through Hinata.” She looked at me, her expression unreadable. “It doesn’t matter what I say, that’s decided. As proved by the way Hinata took charge of the new nobles who will be joining us here.”

“Sakura…” Hinata began, but I cut her off.

“Hinata, Sakura-san, you’re both too stubborn. Look. Things are changing. Isn’t that right, Miyu?”

My vassal nodded. “Yes, I never could have expected things to turn out this way. I, a granddaughter of Fujiwara house, subordinate to a man, a common man at that. Common.” She laughed. “There’s nothing common about him, is there? I wouldn’t wish to change things. Not anymore.” She looked at me. “Things will change. Both here in Japan and abroad. And… we have to change with it. As we have been.”

“You’re right.” I approved. “This is when we decide the new form that Japan will take. Everything will change. From the top to the bottom of society, we’ll rewrite everything for the new world. So, Sakura-san… Hinata. It’s your chance. What do you want your new relationship to be? And if it has to be defined by the nobility, then… what do you want nobility to be?”

“Sakura-san loves traditional Japanese dance as well. She attends the same classes as I do.” Miyu spoke up. “It is why she’s here today. She’s been helping me as I Dance for the Returning Dawn.” Miyu said, a slight smile on her face, and I was struck by how she’d changed. When I first met her, the weight of her burden was crushing her, and she would even have chosen death rather than fight. Now…

“Is that so?” I asked, and Mayumi-san agreed.

“Yes, Miyu-san, Honoka-san and Sakura-san are all rather elegant. It’s not for me, I prefer business and trading stocks. Hinata too, right?”

Hinata agreed. “I’m not the graceful sort. But I have always appreciated traditional culture.” She smiled at Natsumi. “Your family makes the most beautiful furisode and yukata. And seeing Miyu dance is always soothing to the soul. Sakura… that’s nobility. What Fujiwara-sama and Kira-sama and grandfather want to preserve. Money or power. It doesn’t take an old, noble family to have those. But we can’t buy what is beautiful. I see it now. And sadly, Takatsukasa house has lost most of that.”

“I know. But…” Sakura-san replied. “… I was born to that house. I can’t let it end in my generation. Our ancestors… it would bring them to shame.”

“It won’t end though.” Hinata promised. “We won’t let it, will we, Akio?”

“No. Sakura-san, I might not understand the pressure you feel, but I know this. You’re my family. Just like your brother wants to be a hero, I’ll help you achieve your dream too. All you need to do is tell us what that is. Hinata will help too.”

“As will I.” Motoko promised.

“Me too.” Natsumi agreed.

“I guess I’m in. Though…” she released my arm she’d been holding and clipped my head with her hand, though it was more a comedic blow than one with any strength. “… I’m pretty sure I told you to stop flirting with other girls, Aki.”

“I’m not flirting.” I said for the second time today. “I know you know that!”

“Just having some fun. To be honest, I’m a bit nervous about what Arisu is going to say… be a man, Aki, let me work off some stress!”

“I’m sure she’ll be willing. After all, it’ll be her revenge at last.” I said, before turning back to Sakura-san. “So, we’ve taken quite some time here. Should we go? I’d be interested to see you dancing with Miyu.”

“I… I’m jealous of Hinata.” She said suddenly, surprising everyone.

“Jealous? Of me? Why?” Hinata spluttered, shocked.

“Because you’re free. No matter how people looked down on you, or how I rebuked you, you never changed. You never had to carry the weight of Takatsukasa house! The weight isn’t an easy thing!”

“I see. Isn’t that something.” Hinata laughed, bitterness in her voice. “I wanted what you had, and you wanted what I had. But I did change. Inside, I was getting hurt more and more. Until a chance fell in my lap…” She smiled at me. “…and I took it. So, Sakura… it’s your chance now. Akio doesn’t lie. He sees you as family. You are because you’re mine. So… just as he spoils his sister, he’ll help you if you ask him.”

“I don’t know what I want.” She admitted. “All I know is I hate the way things are now. It eats me up inside. I feel lost.”

“It sounds like what you need is purpose.” Motoko said. “Just as Natsumi and I have our weapons and our husband, you need something to strive towards, to cherish.”

“Yes. Find a dream, Sakura.” Hinata said, shaking her head. “Just like Minoru-kun has. He’ll be happier learning how to use these new abilities than shouldering Takatsukasa house. Leave that to me. I won’t… we won’t let it down.”

“A dream. I…” she trailed off, still unsure. I decided to draw the conversation to a close, clapping my hands.

She’s been honest. She’s spat out the true upset she has for Hinata in her heart. It’s all a mixture of jealousy, misunderstandings and the weight of this system of nobility. Minor things, really, but the heart is complicated. Minor things often hurt the most. After all, didn’t I estrange myself from Eri and my sis for similar stupid reasons? That’s why I can’t let it go. “How about this? We’re about to move into the next stage of development here. Motoko, Natsumi, it’s time to see just how far we can push Tsumura Arts.” As they smiled in happiness, I continued. “Not just that… Classes, elements, skills… we have new trainees, new opportunities. Sakura-san, we started with nothing here, now we are shaping Japan, no, the world. Whereas you, you’ve got a lot on your side. So… take your time, and when you know, reach for it.”

“Sorry. If I wasn’t thoughtful.” Hinata said finally. “But it wasn’t easy for me either.”

“Enough already.” Mayumi-san said, exasperated. “This is so foolish. You are just repeating my mistakes, Sakura-san, Hinata. I was wrong, I repented when it was made clear to me.” She smiled at me. “I’m having fun, supporting Ichijou house. You just need to find your fun, supporting Takatsukasa house. If it means that much to you, there are solutions.”

“There are.” Hinata agreed. “We’ve talked about them. And even if you wanted to start over, we’d help you. That was originally our plan, build an Oshiro house. But for now…” seeing I was impatient, Hinata smirked. “… I’m curious. About a lot of things. And I want to be stronger.” She winked at me. “Besides, Motoko and Natsumi have told me a lot of interesting stories…”

“Yes, we don’t want to be late meeting Arisu-san.” I agreed. If anyone can help us link the Ring Gates, Arisu-san can. After all, she’s got her Room… and after that… It was time for training to start in earnest, and not just for me, but for everyone…

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