On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Three Hundred And Eighty-Eight – R18/Contains Sex

Three Hundred And Eighty-Eight – R18/Contains Sex

“I want…” she said tremulously, smiling between the tears of shining energy that was spilling out of her, the energy she had taken from the Cauldron even now surging within her. “…these blissful days… to continue, for as long… as… no, longer… than the dark times.” Each word was wrung from her, an effort, but her eyes never left mine. “… I want my… Tree to flourish, the other… Trees to know the joy… of symbiosis… for your Territory, no… all the land… to be beautiful and full of nature. I want… to be… with the one… who saved my life, my very… existence… forever.” After her long string of words, she blinked at me, her expression shy. “That is… too greedy, right?”

I shook my head, feeling my own eyes starting to burn. “No, no it isn’t. everyone deserves happiness, especially those who’ve struggled through the mud and slime for it. And definitely those who are risking themselves to do something important…”

“Don’t keep a girl waiting, Aki.” Shiro said, exasperated. “That’s such a Yasu move.” Her eyes were red too, but not in her usual way. It wasn’t Tan this time, but her deep emotions causing her to tear up. “I don’t know everything that happened to her, but I know… it’s hard thinking you have no future, wishing for what you can never have… and when you get it, it feels like everything before it was just a bad dream, and the future shines.”

“Indeed. Gooo, Akio! To the Tree! Hyacinth shall fooollow!” Her own smile was gentle, and I realised if anyone could understand Asha, it was Hyacinth, who had suffered a similarly cruel fate, trapped in the box all those long years, to cap off a long age of cruel treatment and denial of her very self.

Hoisting up Asha into my arms in a princess-carry, ignoring the burning of the adherence that was not for people to wield, I nodded, turning to Shaeula and Eleanor.

“I shall remain here, have no-no fear.” Shaeula said tenderly. “Take Asha and go. Soothe away her pain, as the male I have-have chosen should surely be able to do. I will bring-bring the others back safety when they have chosen their treasures.”

“Eleanor, when everyone is done here, feel free to come visit my Territory. I’d like you to see what it should look like. We’ll work on fixing yours then.” I said, making ready to go, Hyacinth and Shiro behind me.

“So arrogant.” Eleanor laughed, before her expression softened, seeming almost fond. “But I admit to being curious to see if your arrogance is well founded. So far it has been, as frustrated as that makes me sometimes.” She looked at the suffering Asha then, the stone goblet in her hand blazing with vivid verdant energies. “… and if you use that piece of Britain’s legacy wisely. Is it…” she paused, before saying what was on her mind. “…always so intense for you? They seem like heavy women. Maybe I should have some sympathy for you after all.” Her smile was gently mocking.

“No, Asha is as light as a feather to me. As is what she carries.” I said, hefting her up. “I couldn’t do it alone. I’m only one man, but together… we can find the shape of our own happiness. Now… I’m off!” Asha was trembling more intensely in my grasp, so I decided to hurry, sprinting out of the distorted chapel and up the winding stairs, Asha’s breath coming fast, spraying hot brown mist. Behind me came Hyacinth and Shiro, though they quickly fell behind. Emerging into the treasury, where Eri was swinging a large axe in satisfaction, I looked at David and Raidre, who were supervising them.

“I’m off. David, keep an eye on the girls, all right?” I shouted as I raced past. He looked at me in surprise, seeing Asha in my arms, before giving me a sneering smile.

“Fine, I’ll do that. But you owe me a rematch, punk!”

“Any time…” I laughed, flying up the next set of stairs. Raidre was looking on, open-mouthed, at the sheer energy radiating from Asha, while I heard cries of encouragement from the other girls, even a quiet one from Eri. Yeah, Eri is kindest to the girls who are hurting the most…

Once outside the Tower, I picked up the pace, making sure not to jostle Asha, who was curled up in my arms. “Are you all right?”

She shuddered but managed a weak nod. “I feel so… scorching and… freezing. But… I will endure.”

“Yes, just hold on. We knew this would be tough, but together we can do it.”

“Together. Such… a wonderful… sentiment.” She squeezed shut her yellow eyes, but I could still see glowing light through her eyelids, the intensity increasing. We reached the bank of the Thames by Bermondsey Isle, and I didn’t even stop to use their makeshift pontoon bridge that linked the two, but leapt, Body Enhancement empowering my muscles to ludicrous heights, a little wind energy keeping me airborne. I landed, cushioning the shock so that Asha wouldn’t feel any impact, and raced towards the Ring Gate, vanishing through it in a spray of violet sparks.

Emerging on the other side, I raced towards Asha’s Rhyming Tree. The café terrace had been dismantled and most of the stairs had been pulled down, but there were a few Fae working on it still. On seeing me hurrying with the brilliantly shining Asha in my arms, they gaped in shock, only to scurry away as I shouted that the area needed to be vacated, and nobody but my fiancées were allowed nearby until further notice. I quickly poured my plentiful earth energy, even stronger since my recent power-ups, into creating a privacy wall around the base of the Rhyming Tree, then laid Asha down on the grass and flowers below, the ruby energies from the hillside bathing her gently.

“We’re here.” I said, and she smiled weakly, still clutching the glowing goblet.

“Yes, my Tree, my… other self.” She gasped, thin rivulets of smoking energy leaking from her mouth. “Do you find… it… strange?” she asked.

“Not really. It’s no stranger than Shaeula being a weaselkin, or a Kamaitachi, really. Besides, it’s a part of you.” I reached out and touched the healed bark of the Tree, remembering the sorry state it was in when we brought it here, riddled with fungus.

“You saved… her. Me. I do… not even know… the distinction… anymore.” Asha smiled. “Even when you … took me… out of the hell… I thought… we were… too far gone. Which is why…” even with her eye shut I could feel the intensity of her gaze. “… I believe… even now… in the future.”

“Good sentiments. We have a long way to go. You, me, Shaeula, the others…” I promised, my Eye glowing to match the radiance she was exuding. Around her, the flowering grasses were growing wildly, and other patches were withering just as swiftly, the energy she contained, the adherence, too strong, too uncontrolled. I extended my aether, trying to use Chirurgery and Ether Healing to aid her, but all I could do was soothe her pain a little, as there was actually nothing wrong with her, just cascading energies that were hard to bear.

It's like the first time with Eri in Las Vegas. I know Shaeula has been joking about the sure-fire method to fix Chakra network issues, but fortunately it’s never been needed. Now…

“Take me… closer.” Asha said, and I lifted her up once more, taking her to the base of her Tree. She reached out, placing a trembling hand against the trunk and a faint trickle of the energy started to flow from her to the Tree. “This… is… difficult. The energy, it… wants… to do… as it… pleases. It is not… ours.”

It pained me to see her suffering, but her expression was resolute, and despite her pain she was calm, so I merely reached down and grasped her other hand. “No, it’s a mixture of adherence, a complicated jumble. Even ordinary adherence is hard to use, but…” I bit my lip, thinking. “… Asha, there is a way.”

“I… do not… want pity.” Her smile was slight. “I… made my choice. I chose… you, back … then.  Should you… not… choose me, then, it was… not meant… to be.” The energy was slowly seeping into the Tree, but at the rate she was emptying it, her body could suffer significant damage. “I hope… it is… however. But if… you do not… desire me… then…”

I shook my head, angry with myself. I’d been giving her mixed signals, despite my resolution to change. I have been better, more decisive, but… I’m still me at my core. “Look. We’ll set aside my promises. That’s not what you want to hear. I apologise. You and Daiyu, I’ve not been good to you both. One minute I was showing affection, the next minute I was equivocating, hesitating. I have tried to change, and I think I’ve demonstrated I have the resolve…”

“Perhaps. I certainly… like the… fire… in your eyes and heart… now, more than… ever.”

“It’s still impossible not to feel a bit guilty that I get all the benefits, that I have all you wonderful women in my life. But I know doing that is disrespectful and is the thief of joy. Even Eleanor, who hates this sort of unfaithfulness, she understands that. All that matters is our feelings. And Asha… no man could hate you. You’re beautiful, and have that aura of calm that makes you seem like a comforting older sister. To know that you like me, it makes me happy. I’m not going to be my old self, denying the reasons you like me. I’m not such a fool. I saved your life, I know.”

“So… arrogant.” Her lips twitched into a pained grin. “But… so true. I have cause… as good… as any. Those who are powerful, just… and kind… will attract the love… of many. But I… want you not because… you promised. But because… you want me. I have… my pride… even now.”

I do want Asha. Perhaps I’m an idiot that can’t leave sad girls alone, or perhaps I’m a hopeless lecher. Probably both. But… “You want forever, right? I’m afraid I can’t promise that.” I said sadly. “Not to you, or to anyone. After all, even the stars will burn out eventually, and black holes will radiate away, leaving only emptiness behind. But until then… that…” I bent down and kissed her lips, feeling their softness, and the burning heat of her adherence-laced breath. “… I can promise. Asha, these happy days will continue, and that will be in a large part thanks to you and your Tree. And your efforts here. It’s not pity. You’ve proved as capable and important as any.”

Her eyes snapped open, and as her lips loosened, I pushed in my tongue, kissing her deeply. She was scalding hot and shaking, but she seemed to calm as our tongues twisted, my saliva pouring into her mouth. She swallowed, gulping, and I pulled away, leaving her making a little noise of disappointment.

“Don’t worry.” I whispered. “Your Tree will grow proud and strong. The others too. And we will bring more beauty and nature here, and to Japan as well. Yes, we need to rely on technology and the standard of living we had before, no, improve it. But we can do that without raping the planet, despoiling nature. Humanity and nature in balance. A lot of Ixitt’s technology is for that purpose.” I kissed her again, and feeling bolder, I reached out a hand, grabbing her chest, gently but insistently. She gasped as my hand sunk into her hot flesh, her legs twitched, snaking around mine, not letting me go.

“And… you’ll be with me. I’m not letting you go.” I grasped her hand with my free one, our fingers entwining, and, and we kissed again, my other hand gently pulling down the green gown she wore, her nipple standing hard and proud, my thumb kneading it gently, wringing a wet gasp from her.

“No man has… ever touched… my flesh. As is… our way. Only those we Kiss… as we… live with… one Tree, we only offer… our fruit and seeds… to one… man.” Her words were whispered, but I had heard her say similar before.

“I accept them. I’ll cause you to sprout.” I said, before wondering what nonsense I was speaking in the heat of the moment, only to hear laughter and clapping behind me. I turned my head, to see a grinning Hyacinth and an amused Shiro looking at me sardonically.

“You’ll make her sprout, huh, Aki? Shit, I wish I had my phone here to record this, I’d be able to play it over and over to Hayato and the gang, Eri, everyone.” She snickered. “You’re going to germinate her, huh? Bold move, Aki. Bold indeed. But your proposal lines suck as much as ever. Definitely a running joke with you…”

Hyacinth shook her head, but it was Asha who answered. “No, to… a Dryad… to me… they were words I longed… to hear. Now… I must… endure… until that joyous day… comes.” The flow of adherence into the Tree picked up a little, and the bark seemed a little shinier, the leaves on the lowest branches slightly glossier. But it’s still too slow. I’m not sure how long Asha can hold on. I’m confident we can purge the adherence if we need to, so she’ll live, but if we waste it, Eleanor won’t give us any more. It’s not entirely hers to give, she feels bad enough about this already.

“Why wait? Toooday is your day, nooo?” Hyacinth said, shaking her head, coming over. “Hyacinth did nooot wait, and I am happy. Let us help you, mistress Asha. My new sister.”

“She’s right.” Shiro stopped her teasing, her expression set. “Eri, Kana, they told me to tell you to do your best. And if the normal, ordinary girls can accept it, everyone else can. Nobody wants Asha to suffer. What’s the difference between nine, ten, eleven or twelve? Not much, not much at all.”

“Hey, there’s no twelve!” I protested, but Asha’s hand touching the Tree darted out, pulling me against her. This time her tongue sought mine greedily. “Give me strength…” she gasped, her hot, damp lips forming the words. “… and I can… do… anything. I am… as strong… and as constant… as the great Tree I am. Give me… love… and… I will make it… bear fruit!” Her voice strengthened, and her yellow eyes were determined, even as her chest was heaving, her bare breast drawing my eyes.

“Go for it, Aki. Don’t worry, I promise not to watch.” Shiro said, grinning. “Damn, never thought this beautiful Shirohime, the pure, undyed white princess, would end up encouraging her fiancé to bang another woman. I’m not Shaeula, I don’t have an NTR fetish…”

“Yooou will watch, Hyacinth knows.” The maid giggled. “I will watch too. It is ooour right. And mistress Shaeula doooes not have a fetish….”

“I know. Can’t blame a girl for trying to lighten the mood, can you?” Shiro sighed. “I’ll keep the buffs flowing. You tell me what you need. What will you do, Hyacinth?”

“Help.” She answered succinctly. Her own nature energy was channelled into the ground, and a number of small mushrooms sprouted, gathering up the energy exuding from Asha as her body struggled to contain such a power. “Waste not, want nooot, no?”

“All right then. What do you want buffed?” Shiro asked.

“Asha’s Chakra network for now. It should lesson her discomfort.” I said, and as energy flowed from her into Asha, whose expression relaxed a little, I asked the Dryad below me the important question.

“Asha. Do you want to… become one?”

She nodded slightly, her sweat-soaked auburn hair glowing with rivulets of light. “It is all I have wanted. Perhaps this is not… the most romantic of places… but…” her words were less strained, the buffs already having an effect. “… for me, the first time should be… with my Tree, with all… of me.”

“What the hell is it called when one nails a tree?” Shiro asked Hyacinth, making sure I could hear. “Aki’s got fetishes for days, never mind Shaeula.”

“I see. Then… Asha.” I kissed her again, and slowly started caressing her, starting from her hair, softly stroking it, then tenderly touching her cheeks, her lips, her shoulders, her throat. As my fingers traced down her neck, slowly tracing her soft cleavage, she shivered, and I could feel her trying to push her own mixture of elements and aether through into my lunar chakra. With a smile, I started reciprocating with my own cascade of mixed energies, and she gasped, not from the adherence she was containing, but from me, as our senses jumbled, lunar chakras pulsing. There’s something different though…

It wasn’t just the raging torrent of adherence, which even now was passing into me, circulating via my lunar chakra. Fortunately, I had some skill at manipulating it, so I was able to circulate it through me harmlessly, and relieve more of the pressure on Asha. No, it was the feeling of connection, which was somehow spilt. As her green gown was pulled down, her second breast springing free, I started fondling them, my mouth greedily latching onto her nipple, biting playfully and licking it. It is as if I can feel the Tree as well. It is slow, ponderous, yet alive, and also a part of Asha. It’s a bit like my Split Thoughts, maybe?

“Focus… on me.” Asha gasped happily, flushed from shame and arousal. “I am… yours and you… are mine!”

“Sorry, you’re right. Whatever is happening, right now, you’re in my arms, and I should only be looking at you, feeling you.”

Happy at my words, she stroked my hair, her movements slow and weak. “A happy… day indeed.”

More and more mushrooms wee sprouting up around us, a thicket of them, all glittering with brilliant brown sparks. I slid my hand down, even as the connection we shared through our lunar chakras deepened, under her dress, over her soft belly, and into a thicket of hair. I guess she’s all natural. Makes sense. Within that lay her most sensitive area, and gently I exposed it, and as my finger touched her clit, the first time anything had toyed with it, her breathing turned ragged, a sour scent, a mixture of citrus and grass, leaking from her.

“So this… is the pleasure… of love? Oh, my sisters, I must live… for your share too.” She cried. “But I… want to give, not merely receive. I have more pride than… you think, Akio.”

“In that case…” Shiro said, her voice hoarse. I felt her hands tug at my Brigandine, and soon she was pulling out my dick, her hands giving it a cheeky squeeze. “Why not give this a try?” She released me, taking Asha’s hand and wrapping it around my shaft, gently sliding it up and down. I held in a groan, and Asha brightened, her skin now entirely red with arousal.

“Like this?” Asha said, stroking me, and Shiro nodded, puffing out her chest in pride.

“Yes, but work the head as well.” She reached down and started rubbing my engorged glans with her smooth fingers, teasing me. “This princess is quite the experienced woman, now.” She giggled, and I had to tease her back.

“Really? We’ve only done it a handful of times. I’d hardly say you’re an expert.”

“You think? I’m an expert in Aki. Always have been.” She grinned, pinching me, and then Asha’s fingers were there, becoming wet with my precum. I sped up my own hand, now sliding to her pussy, stroking the wet lips, obscene noises sounding, mixed with our gasps.

“Shit, this is kind of hot, isn’t it Hyacinth? You know, I think Aki’s turned us all into perverts. Or maybe we were already?”

“I love Akio, I looove the mistresses. I can finally love myself. If that makes Hyacinth a pervert, I dooo not care. Now…” she grinned, the mushroom forest now slowly starting to sprout on the lower part of the Rhyming Tree. “… mistress Asha, the fun is yet tooo come.”

“Could it be… better than this?” she gasped, the fight against the tide of adherence pushed to the back of her mind. “I feel so close with you… than ever before. The Kiss, I feel it resonating. And I feel your… care for me. I am happy.” Tears, this time genuine liquid rather than adherence, soaked her face, dripping to her chest, where I licked them up. “I feel… the dark times washing away…”

“But you need to feel me deeper.” I said, my Eye blazing. No Rank up in Lovers’ Link yet. I think that the adherence is blocking it. It’s not just our own spirits mixing… I split my thoughts as much as I could, trying to feel the nature of Asha’s Tree, as well as her spirit, her body, her mind. The rest, I allowed to guide the adherence, using Hyacinth’s mushrooms as temporary holding tanks for it. The mushrooms quickly burned out, but she was always creating more, and even her own body was covered in them, giving her a comical appearance.

“Look at me… please?” Asha said, her grip on my shaft tightening, and I nodded. “Sorry.” I stopped toying with her nipples and kissed her, before shifting position, so that I was facing her pussy. I started lapping at it, not forgetting to polish her clit with my saliva, and she groaned, her own hand moving fast. On seeing what I was doing, she stuffed my cock into her mouth, and her tongue clumsily licked and sucked at it. It wasn’t skilful, but it was certainly arousing, having the refined, gentle older sister-type that was Asha clumsily trying to please me, while she twitched in her own pleasure, juices flowing from her depths like a broken tap.

I sped up my tongue, her taste exciting me, and her legs twitched and writhed. I pulled off her dress, leaving her naked, exposed, and moments later she convulsed, heaving her first taste of the pleasures of the body.

“What… this feeling…” she gasped, and it wasn’t just her who reacted. The branches of her Tree waved too, as if they were in a strong breeze, and many of the mushrooms that were sprouting around us collapsed, the brown energies within pulled into the towering trunk. There was a number of groaning snaps from around us, and then I found myself in similar pleasure, Asha sucking and pawing at my dick desperately.

“I’m going to cum…” I gasped, and moments later her eyes went wide, my cock discharging. Her throat worked, despite her surprise, and she swallowed, but my volume was too intense, so pearly liquid squirted between her lips, running down her chin and soaking her beautiful hair. It seemed like my flow would go on for ever, but eventually it subsided, and Asha coughed, spitting out white liquid.

“Don’t. You should show it off. Aki likes it.” Shiro advised, and she opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. Exhausted from her climax, Asha followed her advice, and poked out her own tongue, which still contained a puddle of my semen.

“Are… these are… seeds?” she said, realising. “I will germinate?”

“Not exactly.” Shiro pointed out. “But close enough. But no…” she pointed to Asha’s dripping crotch, which was now twitching, as if ready to welcome in my dick, which had already regained its vigour. Say what you like about Shiro, she does know what turns a guy on. Probably because she spent too long talking about doujins and porn with the gang in Akihabara, back in the day. Thinking about it, we were quite the bunch of idiots.

“The seed has to be poured in there.” Shiro told her. “But don’t worry. I’m not sure how it is for Fae, but for humans, it only hurts at first. It soon gets rather fun. But only with the one you love, all right?”

“You insult me, Shiro. Though I know… you are only speaking out of… compassion. I am a Dryad. I will have no… other. My fruit shall only be born for one man.”

“She’s definitely the boldest. None of the other girls are so keen on having kids…”

“Not true.” I managed. I was letting Asha calm down after her orgasm, gently playing with her pussy and breasts, showering her with deep kisses, licking at her tears, keeping the fire in her body burning, while our spirits struggled to merge amidst the tides of adherence. “Eri was determined to get pregnant on our first time. Though she knows she was doing it for the wrong reasons. For Asha… well, it’s different, isn’t it?” I said, and Asha nodded as my Eye examined her. There we go. Lovers’ Link from a proper connection, rather than one I’ve just shared. It feels deeper, purer.

“For Asha, it’s part of her nature. And also… atonement. But more than that…”

“Yes.” She admitted. “I feel, if it is with you… the new daughters, they will be beautiful, strong and kind. Do you not wish for… children?”

“I don’t hate the idea, but I admit, up until now I’ve never really considered it. And now we are doing dangerous things all the time.”

“I will make sure Nooobody harms the children! A maid must protect all the family.” Hyacinth tittered, her mind drifting. “Oh, how I wooould long to care for the children as a nanny, as a wetnurse, as mooore…”

“I think we should leave her to it, she’s broken. At least she’s still pumping out those mushrooms…” Shiro said, shaking her head wryly.

“Even in safer times, doom can come.., unbidden.” Asha said sadly. “Yes, the world is dangerous, which is why… we do this, no?” She smiled then, and I saw no hesitation in her eyes. “I will do as you wish, and become the founding pillar of our new ascension. Along with dear Shiro, of course.”

Dear Shiro?” Shiro tilted her head, puzzled.

“Why yes.” Asha murmured. “You are integral to this plan of our Akio’s. And you are here… treating me kindly, teaching me. I feel close to you…”

“I see. It’s not like I feel bad about that…” Shiro blushed, feeling shy, and I was again reminded it wasn’t just me who struggled to change. Shiro wasn’t good with people she didn’t know well either. But like us all, she’s growing. And speaking of…

“Asha, before we have sex, I’d like to fully merge our lunar chakras, the Fae way. We can then do both together.”

“I am trying. It is still… rather blissful, but the… choking energy, it blocks me… though it is diminishing a little.” Asha admitted, eyeing the mushroom field.

“Yes, so let me help. I think we’re close enough.” I said, and now I was able to use Chirurgery to redirect more of the flow. As it flooded me, some of it was breaking down to pure nature element, the essence of Wood, of fertility and growth. Guiding that to my root and sacral chakras, as well as my lunar one, I tried to understand its essence, and I found that through feeling Asha, her changes, and her Tree…

Your Skill, Kin Bonding and Restoration, has advanced from Rank 5 to Rank 6, breaching the first bottleneck. Your bonds are deeper than ever, and you can share further of your elemental essences and aether with those you are bonded with. Your understanding of the emotions and knowledge of those bonded to you increases, and you can absorb a portion of any curse, misfortune or negative influence afflicting them, making it your own. [Class: Legendary], [Type: Principle]

That’s… incredible… Not the skill Ranking up itself, though that was undoubtedly a great boon. Nor even the fact that I could feel Shaeula, who possessed the paired half of the skill, also benefit. No, it was… I can feel it. Roots deep into the soil, branches stretching out into the skies, a slow, ponderous beating. Not of a heart, no, the whole Tree itself is the heart. And it doesn’t just draw on the elemental energy of earth, it takes it within and intensifies it, as well as the surrounding aether. Just as an Earthly tree takes in carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen, this Tree also gives out beneficial effects…

“Wait… what is this? I never heard from my older sisters…” Asha was stunned. “You… and my Tree?”

I silenced her with a kiss, my ability to perceive her body and spirit and the strains on it magnified. “Your Tree is you, and you your Tree. Of course I’d want to understand it.” I said jovially, as I sucked on her tongue, licked her lips and stroked her hair some more. “But for now…” I grabbed her hands. “… let us become one, in every way that matters.”

With the adherence now no longer blocking our merging lunar chakras, we blended together, sharing our hopes, fears, passions and dreams. As we did so, Asha started directing what remained of the adherence within her into her Tree. Now I could feel the changes, slight, but building. The snapping, rumbling noises were the roots, the first place that would absorb it. They were growing thicker and longer, like massive snakes, digging into the hillside, piercing the elemental vents, drinking deeply.

I see it. Wood. I don’t know why it was so hard to grasp. It was a more abstract energy, such as darkness, definitely, but it was as Eleanor said. A cycle, life and death, but death leading to new life, like dead animals and plants becoming mulch for the next generation. No wonder Hyacinth has an aptitude… It was flavoured towards the growth of plants, hence being called Wood, but such energies could be made to work on anything alive, anything from nature.

Your Skill, Root and Sacral Chakras of Wood has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 3…

Your Skill, Wood Manipulation has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 4…

Your Skill, Lunar Chakra Of Seven Primal Elements Rank 4 has become Lunar Chakra Of Seven Primal Elements and Wood Rank 4. It now generates Wood elemental energy, in addition to the previous elements it contained.

Your Class, True Faeduine, has increased from…

Finally. Now that all of my elements were circulating within the lunar chakra, I was able to generate a lot of energy for each one, but that wasn’t what mattered right now. Asha groaned, my Wood element suddenly pouring into her, and she understood, her handling of the chalice filled with brilliant light becoming defter, the seemingly endless light beginning to flood down, soaking into the roots of the Rhyming Tree as though it was water, or fertiliser. The ground started to rumble, shaking like a small earthquake.

“What’s going on?” Shiro asked, while Hyacinth merely continued to guide her mushrooms to prevent wasted energy.

“We’re getting to the crux of it…” I managed to gasp out, an effort even with my Split Thoughts, separating myself from Asha and her Tree proving challenging, so sublime and seductive our lovemaking of the Fae way was. But I need… to counterbalance it, I think. “Asha…” I said, and her smiled at me, waiting, as my hot glans pushed against her pussy. “Ready?”

“To be loved, and to love? I can think of nothing… I am more… ready for. Let our love bear fruit!” she said, and at the look in her eyes, any small doubts I had remaining about my feelings died away. My warm smile beamed at her, as thoughts of the sorry state she had been in when we found her replayed in my mind. She deserves to be happy. I… no, we can make her happy. All of us together. And she can make us happy too. I’m happy right now… that such a beautiful woman wishes to be mine.

She groaned as my dick slid inside. The feeling was a little different to Hyacinth or Shaeula, and there was no hymen obstructing me, as there would have been with a human girl. Her breath came in hot gasps, and I could feel her pleasure, as she could feel mine.

“There is no… pain?” she said, and Shiro shrugged.

“Lucky. It seems you Fae are built differently. So enjoy, I guess?” She had sat down on the trembling ground. “Is it me, or is the Tree… growing?” she asked, but we were paying no attention.

“Asha, I like you, I do. I…” it was hard to say love, considering how freely I gave mine, but… “No, I love you. Your kindness, your willingness to …” she cut me off with a kiss, her expression melting, as my dick finally pushed all the way inside her. Her body felt ticklish, as though thin threads of silk were wrapping my dick, gently sliding along it, and I shivered. She bit down on my lip hard, and then licked at it, satisfied.

“Do not love me for what I do for you. Love me… because I am yours, and I love you.” She said, chastising me for my thoughts. “Love can grow from small acorns, to mighty oaks. As long as your heart… holds the acorn, I will nurture it, until our love… towers as tall as any.”

“Shit, I think I‘d fall for her if she said that to me…” Shiro choked, and my answer was another kiss, and I began moving, my body slapping against Asha’s, naked flesh on flesh. Each impact scattered burning adherence, but the flow from the stone grail was pouring into her Tree now, and her pain was fading.

“Asha, this is how… humans do it.” I said, as I rubbed on her silky insides. “Do you feel it?”

She nodded. “It is as if a hot shaft is burning me, but it is… a warm, gentle flame… that makes me shiver. Oh there, just there…” saliva ran from her slack mouth down her chin. “The more you… rub me, the more I…” her back arched, and I took the chance to grab her breasts, toying with their meaty weight. I sild one hand down to her bottom, groping it, enjoying the soft firmness, like a ripe peach. She smells like fruit…

“Your touch… it thrills me. My sisters said… that the one they Kissed, could never be… replaced… ahn, ugh… now I know why.” Her arms were around me, her nails digging into my skin, though they did no injury. I continued to drive into her body, sliding my dick around, finding new places to rub, but as I did so, I realised that I was about to burst, the soft brushing of many strands and her sucking walls wrapping me.

“Here it comes, again…” I said, and my face must have been amusing, as she laughed, free of the pain she was feeling.

“Give me your white seeds. I wish to germinate… a treasure… for us to love!” At her arousing words, I burst, and she reached down with one arm, touching her belly. “So… warm. Like a gentle… flame.”

I continued to push, emptying myself out, and I could feel the strands within soaking up my semen, her body shuddering, gulping greedily. As I pulled out, a puddle of her sour nectars and my own liquid trickling free, I looked at her sweaty face affectionately, touching her cheek gently, running a hand over her lips. “Sorry, you didn’t cum.”

“You mean what happened before?” she asked, and I nodded. She tutted, shaking her head weakly.

“That does not… matter to me. It was enjoyable, but… you are my chosen one. And we became one. That is more than… enough.”

“No, I think…” I stroked my dick, relying on my stats to get it hard again. “I want to cum together. If you don’t mind?”

“Do we… have time? The Tree…” The grail beside us was blazing, and the Tree was starting to show changes, the leaves glittering gold and brown, the bark splitting to reveal fresh, unmarred bark within, gleaming and shiny.

“If I’m going to love you like the others, as you deserve… then yes, we’ll make time.” I said, stopping her words with a kiss. I lifted her up, so she was sitting, and sank my dick into her pussy once again, spreading her open. She groaned in surprise, and more cloudy liquid scattered.

“So deep, as if a thick branch is piercing me…” she cried, squirming.

“Yes, this is the cowgirl position.” I said. “You can move yourself, to find where pleases you. I’ll thrust too, of course.” As if to prove my words, I moved my hips, and she squealed, her mouth going slack. “Do you like it there?”

“I do, my body quakes!” she cried, and as she shifted, my cock scraped along her insides, and she moaned. “There. There.” She shifted her body, moving despite herself, and I couldn’t hide my smile. Yes, seeing such a comforting sort of girl acting lewd is hot. I helped her out, moving my hips, jabbing at the spots she found she liked, and as she started wriggling her hips more and more, her soaked hair whipping my body, I made a game of it, bringing her peak closer, before forcing her to continue seeking the pleasure. My own dick was pulsing, eager to blow again, her insides tickling me, as if to wring every last drop of my seeds from me, and I groped her all over, her breasts, ass, legs, arms, face, hair… all the while, our spirits were as one, our aether and elements swirling in each other’s lunar chakras.

“I… this… uh!” Words failed her, but she started moving faster than ever, driving my dick into her deepest parts. Each time my cock made contact with the back of her pussy, I trembled, and I clenched my ass, trying to hold in my next eruption.

“Please, become one… with me!” she managed to assemble a sentence, and as she slid up and down my dick, her ass slapping against my thighs, she let out a piercing squeal, her body convulsing. Now’s the moment! I began to piston, prolonging her orgasm, scraping at her tender insides, and moments later I gushed out, filling her up, as she continued to sway up and down.

“We… I… such happiness!” she giggled, half-conscious, before collapsing on top of me, my spent dick popping out, followed by a flow of cum. She nuzzled into me, panting and drooling, curling up like a small animal, her ample breasts pushing against me, our bare legs tangled together.

“Yes, I’m happy now.” I stroked her head, before kissing her forehead softly. “Sorry for making it difficult for you. I’m insensitive. But now… you never have to worry again.”

“You certainly are.” Shiro said then. “But enough about that. Uh, don’t you have something more important to do, Aki, Asha?” she asked.

“Of course.” I glanced at the glowing jar and field of mushrooms, before kissing Asha once more. “Sorry to interrupt your post-lovemaking bliss…” I said, which got a chuckle from Shiro. “… but we have a Tree to grow.”

Asha let out a long sigh, her eyes coming back into focus. With an earnest gaze, she nodded. “Yes. I was so elated I … forgot, for a moment.” She looked a touch ashamed, which was cute, so I stroked her body, and she gasped at my touch, before slapping my hands away. “Enough. Later. I would… again… later.” Her face was boiling, her upper body flushed red. “For now… together. All of us.” She bowed to Shiro, before gathering up her dropped dress and pulling it on, covering her body. It was stained by grass, sweat and other fluids, but it made her look even more alluring, with her damp hair sticking to her, and her face flushed with post-coital bliss. “I thank you for your aid and advice.” Her tone was even, and the shimmering energies leaking from her body had dimmed dramatically, as I was shouldering a good portion, cycling it through us both as we bonded.

“And of course you, Hyacinth.” She said, thanking her. “Because of your mushrooms, I have had time to grow accustomed to it, and we have wasted little power.” As Hyacinth murmured her thanks, giggling, Asha looked back at me, her yellow eyes warm and fond. “And of course you. My destined one. Now I feel I can do… anything!”

Turning away, she picked up the wooden grail. She flinched as the burning adherence renewed the assault on her, but after a moment she grimaced, tossing her head arrogantly. “Power of life, of growth. You are angry, impure. But… I know what life is now, what growth is.” She touched her belly with her free hand reverently. “The seeds have kindled and fruit will be borne, I know it. I am Asha, and… I command you, serve your purpose. Grow!”

The energy surged, fighting her, but Asha held her ground. Our eyes met again, and I pulled more of the overspill into me, holding it within. At my aid, she nodded happily, before once more turning her attention to the grail she had made. Brilliant light poured from it, and the hillside shuddered, rock shattering as her Tree began to expand. A few wooden steps that hadn’t been removed yet came tumbling down, which I hastily deflected with some wind.

Isn’t this quite the sight? Energy surged, the mushrooms Hyacinth were cultivating hastily turning to glowing ash and being absorbed. We heard cries and shouts from outside, so Shiro shrugged and said she’d keep everyone away. My Eye flared, and as I peered at Asha and her Tree, I had several surprises. Firstly, I can see the status of the Rhyming Tree now? It’s just like the others, Bonded Kin. And Asha… She was growing stronger at an appreciable pace, some of the remnant energy being absorbed into her. But there was something missing. That’s it… water.

I called upon what water element I had reaccumulated, before emptying out what the Elemental Silos contained. Allowing it to break from the merging of our lunar chakras and instead head to her sacral one, Asha’s smile was warm, sure. “I thank you. Seeds need both worthy soil and satiating water to sprout healthily. And blessed energy, would they wish to grow strong and nobly.” Her words were now confident, the rampaging, dangerous energy no longer harming her, as her body shimmered with red, orange and brown light, as did her Tree. The whole hillside was rocking, and while I had been through a few earthquakes in Japan, they had never been this intense.

Grow. Do what you were meant for. Bring fertility and glorious nature to this land…” Around us, the orchard and even the Ring Gate mushrooms were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as was the second Earth Rhyming Tree, but compared to the changes in Asha’s Tree, that was nothing. It grew like the beanstalk in the old British fairy tale my mom told Aiko, Eri and I as children, widening out to twice the already impressive width, and the height soared past a hundred and fifty metres, then two hundred, then two hundred and fifty, as we hopped backwards, away from the expanding trunk, mud and rocks deflected by my wind barriers.

“Hyacinth has never seen such a thing…” she said, looking up dumbly as a glittering rain of fragmented bark fell down all around us, the Tree shedding, the remaining scars and lingering pockets of damage left over from the Myconids and their spores finally purged. “…there is nooot ever a dull day here with you, Akio. I am sooo very glad it was you who found me when I was freed from the booox.”

“I am glad too.” Asha said, looking at Hyacinth warmly, even as the Tree topped out at a little over three hundred metres, the branches spreading out far and wide, their leaves shimmering with not just red energies, but orange and brown ones too. “Perhaps it is his fate, to save those of us who suffer? If so, it is a worthy one. And one you share, for you helped me too, Hyacinth.” She suddenly released the wooden cup, which shattered, stumbling, and I caught her, the last dregs of the energy I had held for her breaking apart. At least I got some adherence out of it. It’ll keep me topped up to manage Laverna’s Divine favour for a while longer…

“Did I do well?” she asked, despite her sweaty face and soiled dress, looking truly beautiful. “Did I meet your expectations?”

My only answer was a kiss, and we entangled each other happily. When we parted, she wiped away the remains of my spit, before she glanced at the watching Hyacinth and opened her arms. Needing no further invitation she rushed at us, and I kissed Hyacinth passionately too, only to be interrupted by a cough.

“Just poor Shirohime who gets left out, is it? A sad, pathetic white princess?” She put on a look of mock-sadness, and Asha shook her head.

“Of course not. Dear Shiro, you too have aided me. So receive your share.”

“This girl needs no further invitation. I’m not too proud!” She said, and soon I was kissing her as well. When we were done, I looked up at the towering tree. My Eye flashed, and I nodded, well satisfied. “Rank six. We did it.”

“Really? That’s only Rank six? But it’s more than three times bigger. It’s as tall as the damn Tokyo Tower!” she paused, having a sudden thought. “Shit, there’s no wind here, so the view from up there… it’ll be amazing!”

“I am sorry I could not go further. But such accelerated growth could be harmful. But…” Asha stroked the trunk tenderly, the smooth, gleaming bark rather pretty. “… I do not think we shall have to spend too many years waiting before my Tree grows anew.”

I nodded. Yeah, it may be a Rank 6, but it’s most of the way to Rank 7, I’d guess. That means… All eyes fell on Shiro, who groaned. “All right, I get it, I do.” She looked around at the shattered hillside. “While I’m psyching myself up, you might want to get some landscapers in here…”

“That’s right. Asha, do you want to go change and freshen up?” I pulled on my own clothes after cleaning myself with the tiny amount of water element I had managed to regenerate after gifting Asha with my last drops. I still feel grotty, but it’s fine, I’m a guy…

Asha surprised me by shaking her head. “No, I am perfectly content for now. I wish to savour the closeness, the feeling of your sweat, tears, saliva and… other things, upon me. I am as a flower, pollinated. I find the sensation pleasing. After all, I am a Dryad, and I and my Tree must grow.” She said, echoing her earlier words.

“I get it, but you look a bit… stimulating. And you reek of sex, girl.” Shiro said.

“I am not shamed by that. I am proud, content.” Asha grabbed my arm, and I realised that I had perhaps created a monster. Now she was finally mine in truth, and I hers, she was very clingy and ecstatic. What happened to only needing a little of my attention now and again? Not that I wanted to go that route anyway…

“I guess every girl who falls for you is a bit of a wild one, Aki.” Shiro conceded, defeated. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter to me. Now…” she grinned a touch sourly. “Time for poor me to be worked to the bone by brutal slavedriver Aki. Can I put myself down for tomorrow’s pampering?”

“Sure.” I laughed. “Hyacinth too, since she helped out. It’s only fair.”

“I can live with that. Though I think Motoko and Natsumi are eager, since they haven’t seen you much in several weeks, and Shaeula’s always ready to jump you, the little pervert.”

“I guess I have it tough then. Or so I’d like to say, but…”

“Yeah, the Yasu’s of the world would hunt you down and kill you, no matter the cost.” Shiro sniggered. Aether was flowing from her in a great tide, and after a while she mopped her brow. “All right, that’s the general blessing. Now for the big one…” she groaned. The light of aether blazed brilliantly, and Shiro trembled, the Tree engulfed in light, Asha also groaning, though seductively.

“You cut that out…” the sweaty, shaking Shiro said, annoyed. “Damn, this is hard. Even your Eye didn’t take so much out of me. But I won’t be beaten, not me!” With one final surge, she slumped to the ground, spent, and the Tree was now giving off a thick fog of multi-coloured energy. I helped Shiro up, letting her lean her tired head on me, and she yawned.

“I can do it, but I’ll be bottomed out on aether most of the time. You want this done, and I won’t be showering blessings on you or anyone else at the same time.” She warned, snuggling into my embrace. As my Eye took in the blessed Tree, I drew in a hasty breath. It worked. Better than I thought… “It’s actually working at Rank eight!” I said, shocked. “I had only hoped for Rank seven and a third, like before, but…”

“Indeed.” Asha’s smile was radiant. “My beautiful Tree, my other me… it is magnificent. When it shines like this, there are few Rhyming Trees in the Seelie Court that can match it, and perhaps only two that exceed it. It gives me hope that one day my Tree will eclipse all others.”

“One day.” I promised. “But it’s not a competition, all Trees should be healthy and grow, right?”

She nodded happily. “Yes, all must bear fruit.” She rubbed at her belly gently, with a soft expression on her face. I turned towards Shiro, who peered at me from my shoulder, dark eyes solemn. I patted her head, and she grinned as I told her she had done a good job.

“Of course I have. I’m me, do you expect anything less?” she said proudly, and I kissed her forehead softly, mirroring what I had done for Asha earlier.

“No, of course not, my beautiful white princess.” I teased her. “But you did get one thing wrong.” I said, and she looked at me, puzzled.

“What’s that, Aki?”

“If you can’t manage to keep giving out buffs, then the solution is simple. Grinding. More levels, more skill Ranks, more aether.” As she howled in mock-outrage I laughed, and my gaze once more went to the colossal Tree, almost impossible to comprehend as it soared into the heavens. It went even better than planned. With this… next time that golden-eyed bastard or any invading foreign enemies try and invade, they’ll find Japan a very different proposition…

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