On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Nine – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor / Prince Henry Philip Charles Windsor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Nine – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor / Prince Henry Philip Charles Windsor

Eleanor hung up the call, her face twisted into a frown, blue eyes narrowed. That is a very frustrating man. Worse, I can’t say he’s wrong. It doesn’t sit right with me though. Now that she had finished her call, she returned to the sitting room, where her brother Henry greeted her from the couch he was occupying with his new fiancée, Melissa.

“Who was that, Ellie? Judging from the look on your face, it wasn’t a fun call.” He ran a hand through his reddish-brown hair as he grinned. “Well, tell me all about it, it’s not like I have much else to do while I’m on guard duty.”

“You’re not my guard.” She retorted, vaguely irritated. “Henry, if Max Power somehow broke in here now, it would be me protecting you and Melissa.” Though I feel quite naked without my armour. Not that I can wear an old suit of metal here away from Avalon.

“Don’t be like that.” Henry gave her an infectious grin, yet she could see worry in his eyes still. “After all, now I have one of the relics of Britain, I can surely…” he trailed off as Eleanor gave him a withering glare.

“Do be quiet, brother mine. You shouldn’t be talking about such secrets in company.” She looked at Melissa them, apologetically. “I’m sorry, but even though you are engaged to my foolish, loose-lipped brother, there is a lot we can’t tell you. Not until you are genuinely part of the family.”

“I understand.” Melissa said. “But it isn’t as though I’m going to break up with Henry, you know.”

“I’m sure you won’t.” Eleanor agreed. “But this is concerning the ultimate duty of the Royal Family. I know Americans sometimes don’t understand the concept of Royalty, but we aren’t just privileged and wealthy, we have a duty. Noblesse Oblige. Some duties are heavier than others, but for this one… if I have to lay down my life for it, I will.” She was resolute, and her lips quirked up into a smile. I was so terrified to start with, so alone, thinking I was the unluckiest person in the world. But my comrades, my friends, they have helped me realise I’m not alone, and seeing the nightmares of London, speaking to Raidre of the Fae, learning that other nations of beings not human exist in the Avalon of these shores… I have to do this. I have to stand above my fears. This is why I was born. Of course, telling herself this didn’t completely diminish her fears, she still often woke at night drenched in cold sweat from nightmares, and though she could now step into situations that would leave her gravely injured, the thought of pain still making her grit her teeth in anticipation, she was able to stand against it all. Meeting others who fight too, who share the burden, even if I find some aspects of them distasteful, that helps as well. Her lips quirked into a smile despite herself, remembering him.

“I don’t know a lot about the changing world, but Henry has told me some… nothing that he shouldn’t!” Melissa promised frantically, while Henry stammered in apology. “He likes to brag about how brave you are, Eleanor. It’s impossible for me to understand the kind of resolve that is required to lay down your life for your country. I’m not a soldier, or a firefighter, or a police officer. I’m just a model and an actress. The only fighting I’ve done has been in front of a greenscreen.” Her smile was pretty, and Eleanor understood what her brother saw in her. Melissa continued speaking, her hand in his. “I’ll be your sister soon, Eleanor. So… can’t you open up to me, at least a little? Henry is worried and just wants to help.”

“I know he does. But… I wasn’t lying when I said I am the one here with strength.” Eleanor said softly.

“That’s not true!” Henry declared. “I’ve kept in shape, and more to the point, ever since Akio Oshiro did me that service, I feel stronger than ever.” With a grin he bent down, easily lifting a heavy gilded oak table beside him, though a few beads of sweat stained his brow and his arms were trembling a little. “See? Your brother can lift!” he joked.

I get that he’s trying to lighten the mood, but… Eleanor stood, grabbing Henry, who was still holding the table and hoisted him and it over her head. “Really, I’m sure even Motoko and Natsumi would be able to beat you up, brother. You saw them with that spear.” Putting down her laughing brother, she smiled at the amazement in Melissa’s eyes. “One blessing is, with the power of the other world, the aether, as it’s called, you don’t have to become muscular to grow stronger.” She flexed her seemingly delicate arm.

“Motoko and Natsumi, hmm? Are they on your mind? That means the call, it was from Akio, right?” he said shrewdly, gladly dropping the table, which made a loud thump as it struck the wooden floor. Her gaze drawn, Eleanor could see Henry was carrying a short sceptre of bronze and rust-pitted iron at his belt, looking out of place compared to the expensive jeans and open-necked white shirt he was wearing. That’s the one he was able to take from the Tower. I haven’t seen it in action in Avalon though. She shook her head, remembering when she received her armour. I wore it when I was away from others, looking rather a fool, despite it being useless here. Though Raidre says when the eventual return of Avalon encompasses the world we know, that the armour would shine again, and likely the sceptre and the other relics will be the same.

“Yes, you win, Henry. Do you have to badger me so?” she sighed. “He has been giving us information. And he shared some concerns with me. Greatly insulting ones, you know!” She tried to look indignant, but failed. “I must admit though… even though I am quite sure he is wrong, I do appreciate his worry.”

“That’s just like you, Ellie.” Henry said soothingly. “Always seeing the best in people. Why, if that Mary Stuart spoke to me like she did to you, I’d have given her the back of my hand.” He gestured, and Melissa whacked him on the head, annoyed.

“You can’t hit a woman, Henry! She’s of the cloth, as well!”

“Come on Mel, woman or not, she has an acid tongue, and clearly is unhappy with Ellie! But you’re right, that wouldn’t solve anything. But Akio, I like to think I’m a pretty good judge of character, and he seemed sincere. And, well, he did help you, didn’t he, Ellie? Like he said, he would have had opportunities to get rid of you if that was his goal.”

Melissa was listening quietly, a little confused, and Eleanor, having thought the same, despite her earlier accusations on the phone, snorted unhappily, her wanting to trust him warring with her desire to deny the visions and prophecies he talked of, that those she trusted, thought of as friends, would betray her. “Well, some of your ex-girlfriends might disprove that, Henry…” she began, before flushing, embarrassed. “Sorry Melissa. Poor choice of a joke in front of you.” She sighed, apologising. “I was irked that he would tell me I should be additionally wary of certain of my companions, simply because they were Catholics. I find that offensive.”

“Come on, Ellie. I don’t think he means it like that. A vast majority of Catholics are good God-fearing, charitable people, and I’m sure your companions are no exception. But… if he’s looking for a point of commonality, it makes sense. After all, we have two suspicious people. Maxwell Power and Mary Stuart. He’s a cautious one, it seems.”

“Henry, as a Veteran, you know how important trust is.” Eleanor began, and he shook his head.

“Ellie, we’ve been over this. He believes he has good reason to warn you, and considering how much you strike back at him when he does, I‘d say he’s gone above and beyond for you.” He grinned. “I would say he’s sweet on you, Ellie, but considering those girls he was going around with…”

“That maid of his, Hyacinth, she really hates me.” Eleanor said, surprised at how hurt she felt over that. Saying she would rip out my tongue was going rather too far, I’d say… “She cursed me out as though she wished to kill me.”

“I bet you said something cutting, Ellie. Really, the two of you hardly hit it off.” Henry said, and Melissa spoke up.

“I understand, Eleanor. I found him rather arrogant and his behaviour with women is immoral.”

“Behaviour aside… he’s right. It is wrong of us to judge.” She sighed. “At least not without all the facts, and those girls are willing to even fight by his side, despite being so weak…”

“Are these the girls you said could beat me up?” Henry laughed. “They had resolve. I don’t like it when such resolve is mocked. I expect Hyacinth is the same. Besides, if someone was to badmouth my Mel, I’d be furious too.”

As his fiancée smiled, Henry continued. “If it was just your life, it’d be different, Ellie. But it’s not, is it? No, you’ve admitted you carry the weight of Britain on your shoulders. Well, I’ll be there to help you now.” He patted the sceptre happily. “Uncle Arthur and the others are undertaking an evaluation, right? There’s no way Arthur will betray you, Ellie, but he insisted on taking any tests along with the others, and he’s happy to do it. He’d rather you be apologetic for doubting them, than get stabbed in the back. And I agree.”

“Yes, Sir Arthur would never turn on me.” Eleanor agreed. “But it’s so frustrating. Apparently Max Power is a fake, and the forces under Mary Stuart were all decoys and she’s vanished. At least she didn’t kill anyone, like Max Power did, but… well, Mary-Jane can heal them, I hope.” If not, I could always send them to Japan. Brave men deserve the best care…

“All the more reason to listen to him. Well, the situation is in hand, right?” he asked, and Eleanor nodded, glancing at Melissa, before sighing. My foolish brother will be telling her too much anyway, and she will be part of the family soon… “Yes. The Tower has been closed to all tourists, and the areas that are off-limits to the public at all times have been guarded by the best. We have more of the elite SAS dressed as Beefeaters, so as not to cause a panic, but anyone trying to enter the Tower will be captured. As for my Avalon, Raidre and his forces are there, while everyone undergoes the evaluations.” She felt the occasional burst of unease that signalled her Avalon being attacked, but it quickly passed, as it often did. It’s probably just more of those cursed goblins trying their luck. It was rather satisfying to see Akio manhandle the so-called Wild Hunt that way. Her lips twitched as she fought the urge to smile as she remembered how panicked he was when she was injured. If he can fake that, he’s better than a Hollywood actor. “I believe that man means well, but he doesn’t know the others like I do.”

“Well, with the Tower and your Territory…” Henry was using a word he had picked up from Akio. “… secured, what worry is there? Delaying the conquest of the other London for a few days while we deal with loose ends won’t be a problem. Grandmother would go mad if you were to be killed, Ellie.”

“I hate it when you are so reasonable.” Eleanor agreed. “But you’re right. There’s nothing we can do but wait…” These things take time. If we are going to mistrust and doubt the others, we should only do it once, and thoroughly… Like that, time passed, a number of long, draining hours, Eleanor forced to listen to Henry flirting with his fiancée, her face becoming ever more strained and unhappy.

“You look tense, Ellie.” Henry said, concerned, and Eleanor resisted the urge to snap at him. It’s not his fault.

“Of course I’m tense, Henry. You would be too, if you were sitting here, feeling helpless.” She was drumming her fingers restlessly on the table beside her, a most unladylike act, but she was well and truly vexed. “The feeling of unease is growing. It must be a major attack, and here I am, uselessly waiting.”

“You have the Territories around the Tower from your comrades, right? They should act automatically, from what I understand.” Henry asked, and she nodded.

“Yes, and we have the defenders in the Palace as well. They should be more than up to the task, but it is a painful feeling, to be so helpless.”

“I see.” Henry nodded. “If it bothers you, I could take a look?” he said, and Eleanor frowned.

“No, I can’t let you put yourself at risk, Henry, you know nothing of that world.” She denied him, with Melissa looked worried for him.

“Oh come on. I’m not an idiot, Ellie.” He said reasonably. “I was a soldier a long time. I understand reconnaissance. Besides, your Territory is well fortified. All I’m doing is nipping in and taking a look at the situation, gathering intelligence and putting your mind at ease. I can be gone and back in a  few minutes, when I find Raidre he’ll fill me in, right?.”

“I don’t want you doing anything dangerous…” Eleanor said, having a bad feeling, the constant niggles of alerts getting to her.

“I’ll command the living armour you have in the Palace. As a Royal myself, they should listen to me, right, even if I can’t access the Tower basement below.” he said meaningfully. “Fortunately when Akio gave me this gift, he explained how to return quickly, by expelling the aether. So I’ll be fine. But if you can’t go yourself, then I’m the only one you have.”

“I don’t feel good about this. Yes, I don’t see how any enemy can breach the barrier that protects us, but if Mary Stuart or Max Power…” she hadn’t seen the footage but had been told that whoever this Max was, he was a Gods’ Chosen, and Mary Stuart clearly was too. “… it’s too much of a risk for a novice like you.”

“Don’t be like that!” Henry gave her a broad grin. “Why else would I have got the ability to go to this world, if not to help you, Ellie, Britain’s Green Knight.” He teased her, as he did when they were young. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He shut his eyes, and despite the protests from Eleanor and Melissa, he refused to back down, and a few minutes later he was breathing slowly, his Astral body departed.

“I’m worried.” Melissa said, softly, looking down at her fiancé with a pale face.

“There’s no reason to be.” Eleanor muttered. “There’s no reason. But I too feel a chill.” No, it’s surely just the feeling of my Avalon being in battle. Its common, every day there’s a probing attack or two. But… Akio’s warning flashed in her mind, and with a grimace, she pulled out her phone, to dial her grandmother. I have to trust someone. Sir Arthur is the obvious choice. I’ll call Grandmother and get him to retrieve Henry and find out just what’s going on. She wanted to enter herself, but Grandmother had instructed her to remain contactable, in case she was required to act against the appearance of Max Power or Mary Stuart’s forces…

This is a nightmare. Now I’m second guessing everyone. Her only solace was the churning of the water energy inside her lower body, the feeling warm and comfortable. If anyone thinks I am the simple Eleanor from before, they’ll be in for a rude awakening…


“This really is amazing, I never tire of it.” Henry looked around at the Palace, the sceptre at his waist now shining a brilliant bronze, with ruby and sapphire inlays. Taking a swing, he grinned. “Well, Akio, you thought I was no match for your little fiancées, but with this…”

He talked to himself happily, heading for the exit. On route he came across eight suits of armour, moving without people inside, performing patrols. On seeing him, they raised spears, swords and maces in a threatening manner, but Henry simply spoke in an authoritative voice. “I, Prince Henry Philip Charles Windsor, of the true Royal line of Britain, do command you. Defend me and the land!”

At his words, all the sets of armour saluted, falling into line, and Henry breathed out a sigh of relief. I know Ellie showed me that when we retrieved my sceptre, but I admit it’s still rather nerve-wracking. I don’t know how Ellie does it. He had boasted that he would only be a few minutes, just in and out, but it had taken him quite a bit of courage to make that offer, only seeing his sister suffering had motivated him. She looks awful. She’s doing the right thing, acting on intelligence received, no matter how painful. But if I can relieve just one of her worries… all the work she’s put in protecting the Tower, she would be devastated if it went to waste now…

It didn’t take long to get outside, the dark, shimmering skies above filling him with a brief sense of wonder. That feeling lasted a mere moment, as he soon heard the sound of distant explosions. They were coming from the east, and Henry had a bad feeling. “Follow me!” he ordered the suits of armour, and clutching his sceptre in a hand that was sweating nervously, silver mist rising, he rapidly raced along beside the river. He quickly ran into an issue, slamming into a barrier, and he realised he must have run into one of the Territories held by Eleanor’s companions. Blood scattered from his nose, red and steaming silver, and ignoring the pain, he started skirting the Territory, the suits of living armour following. As he passed through the cleared area, his senses were telling him something was definitely wrong.

They say soldiers can always tell when something isn’t right, a sixth sense. I can still hear explosions, they should be dying off by now if it’s a minor attack, right? Worse, I’m sure I can hear voices… Slowing down, he started moving as stealthily as he could, passing between the buildings and taking what alleyways he could find. It took him around ten minutes to traverse the four or five hundred meters he had to go to reach the shadow of the massive, sparkling edifice of the St Paul’s Cathedral of the shadow of London. He had no time to admire the spectacle, as what he saw stole his breath.

A battle was raging, a score of people dressed in fanciful white robes with golden and red crosses embroidered on them, as well as some twice that of armoured warriors, men and women alike, carrying swords, spears and axes, engaging a number of hulking humanoid seals, armed with massive, spiked whalebone clubs and great two-handed blades carved from ivory. Blood was splashing the ground, both sides bleeding. Even as he watched, Henry saw the leader of the selkie, for that must be who the seals were, Raidre, bring down a massive bone mace on the head of one warrior, crushing the skull fatally. He let out a bellowing roar, tusks goring at another, who fell back, breastplate torn open, before a number of words spoken in a dissonant, barely understandable tongue echoed across the battlefield, and the berserk selkies all stumbled, most of them falling to their knees, though Raidre managed to keep upright, barely, losing his grip on the mace.

[As I Live, Says The Lord, Every Knee Shall Bow To Me!]

Henry staggered, his own knees hitting the ground, scraping painfully. Fortunately the armour behind him seemed unaffected. Panicked, he searched around for the speaker, only to watch in horror as one of the selkie perished, and then another, cut down by spears and swords of shining silver and steel. The group in robes began to sing, a hauntingly beautiful hymn that would not have sounded out of place in Sunday Mass, and a great circle of energy formed, brilliantly glowing a vivid whitish-indigo, like an Angel’s halo.

I have to get out of here. Eleanor was right, this is no ordinary attack. But from what I understand, they shouldn’t be able to penetrate so deeply… He began expelling his aether, draining his body, only for a pretty voice to speak behind him.

[Be still!] The words were like needles in his mind, and Henry stopped, his body no longer obeying him. All he could move were his eyes, and he looked up to see Mary Stuart standing over him, a benevolent expression on her face, though it was marred by the blood that was leaking from her mouth, her lips and cheeks split, vermillion dripping, and silver running like mercury.

“Prince Henry, isn’t this a surprise? What brings you here?” she asked, speaking English again, her moss-green eyes looking as friendly and unconcerned as if she was simply meeting him for afternoon tea, which was somehow more chilling, with the blood soaking her grin, and the savage battle continuing on in the shadow of the Cathedral. “I was expecting your sister, after all, I have gone to great pains to welcome her!”

Unable to respond, Henry glared at her in silence, and Mary shrugged, her smile unchanging. “Of course, the Lord has your tongue. [Speak!]” The strange words were said again, and Henry could almost divine the meaning, as he was showered by her bloody spittle.

Wheezing, the invisible grip on his mouth released, he spat out the words. “Mary Stuart! You’ve betrayed my sister, the Queen, all of Britain! How can you do this? Eleanor is protecting London, if you do this, all she has done will be lost, and the people will be at risk! How can you, as a good Christian, countenance this? You can’t believe God would want all this suffering?”

Mary continued to smile, eyeing him curiously. “What God wants is to save this world, and as many sinners as he can.” She said, and Henry knew she believed it, her eyes were glittering with absolute certainly. He managed to shift his gaze a little, and he could see that Raidre and his surviving selkie were beating a hasty retreat, leaving the dead on both sides behind, slowly fading to some sort of silvery balls that shimmered like a rainbow on an oil slick. The singing voices of the Choir were continuing, as the surviving armoured warriors pressed forwards, only to come under attack from a volley of shimmering bolts of energy, punching through several, killing them instantly and forcing them back, their charge halted.

“Your people are dying, don’t you feel anything?” he asked, and Mary Stuart shrugged again.

“I feel great grief and sadness, of course.” She said, a tear running down her face. “Believe it or not, while I loathe sinners and those who spurn the Lord, I have compassion. After all, I too was a wretched unbeliever, a mocker, once. But I repented. And it is not too late for your sister, or for you. But the hour is at hand. The cock will soon crow. I grieve for all lost souls, but when the Earth joins the Ninth Heaven, all will rejoice.” She looked down at him, her hands fidgeting with a ring on her finger, gleaming gold. “It’s simply a matter of time. I can wait no longer. Britain is stealing what does not belong to it, and that must stop, the worship returned. Now, I am surprised. How did you hide the fact you were blessed from me, Prince Henry? I suppose it must be a false, heathen God.”

She leaned in close, and her beautiful, bloodstained face was pressed against his, and his body would have flinched, were he able to move. “Don’t listen to them. Their truths create the lie. The world is indeed in grave danger, and this infighting is what will condemn us. There are many mansions, and more monsters under the heavens. Only the Ninth Heaven offers safety and succour.” Her breath was hot on his cheek, and he listened dumbly, unable to escape. “I do not relish death, but I am prepared to die, as are all the Church of True Revelation. The world has changed. The Pope, may God bless him, is a good, kind man. But kindness will not stave off the end. So we will wade in blood if we must, our own and those of the sinners. We will bear the crown of thorns, and in the end, the Lord of the Ninth Heaven will judge us. I do not fear damnation, only failure. Those who live by the sword, even if wielded in a good cause, will perish by the sword.” She pulled away, and Henry found himself regretting it for a moment, her smile almost mesmerising him like a deadly snake.

“Now, this is a fortunate meeting. If you are prepared to give up the blessing of your false god, the impious demon that has beguiled you, I will return you power such as befits more a Prince. Though your ancestors brought forth that hollow shell called the Church of England, I cannot fault you for it. Look…” She gestured to her forces, which even now were engaging a group of strangely-moving green-skinned creatures wearing long black and red hats, like jesters, the halo of light burning the frontrunners to sparkling silver dust. “… only the Ninth Heaven can bestow the ability for true believers, those who did not earn the Lord’s blessing, to enter this distorted world filled with Godless abominations. I can make better use of that power, and I will return it to you in a different form. It is not a bad offer, is it? Now, a question. Can you access the basement of the Tower of London? What is there should never have belonged to you. If so… I have no need to bother your sister any longer.”

Henry merely laughed uproariously, until tears sprang from his eyes. Seeing that, Mary clenched her bloody lips, eyes narrowing, but that just made Henry laugh harder. Only you, huh? Such arrogance, Mary Stuart. I’m proof you are full of shit, and I’ve seen others.

“I am not seeing what is so amusing.” Mary said balefully. [There Are No Lies Before The Lord.]

The strange words came again, Mary wincing in pain, before she returned to speaking English. “Now, what is so amusing, Prince? If you delay, surely your sister will eventually come running. Can you access the basement of the Tower?”

“I was just laughing at you being so wrong.” Henry found he had to speak, and his ears and nose were bleeding freely now, his mouth numb. “I have no gift, I’m not a Gods’ Chosen.” At those confident words, Mary looked as if she was going to speak up, but he continued, words compelled from him. “As for the basement? You mean the room of relics? Yes, I can.” Curse my damn mouth, why can’t I keep silent? If she steals the precious treasures that our family has gathered for fifteen hundred years, the items of destiny…

“No, not that Godless trash.” Mary declared, angered. “The true basement, here in this world! Where what you have stolen from us lies, waiting to be reclaimed. The Holy Grail!”

“The Grail? That’s just a stupid Arthurian legend.” Henry managed, amazed and flabbergasted. “Joseph of Arimathea never even came to England. If the Grail exists, it’s long lost…” he paused as she grabbed his chin, her fingers biting into his flesh with enough force to crack bone, and one tooth was forced free, making him groan. Damn, I wonder if Ellie and Mel are seeing this? Don’t the injuries go between worlds?

“I’m not here to debate theology. I know the difference between myth and truth.” She snarled, for the first time her mask dropping. “The Fisher King was real though, and the great cauldron of Annwfn that he guarded was taken from his lands and the Tower of London built to protect it when the Kingship changed to the Norman lines.”

“Talking of false Gods?” Henry managed, unimpressed, though his mind was racing. “That’s your Holy Grail?”

“No, but…” her voice hissed. “The truth of the Grail is tied with the Ninth Heaven. Prayer, belief, shapes worlds, all worlds, this blighted realm most of all. And the faithful, their prayers gather, sacred objects, relics, sites, they all attracted the Adherence of the Ninth Heaven. As does your false Grail, so many stories, myths and lies dwell in the minds of others. Adherence that belongs to us!” She gestured wildly. “The world may seem peaceful, but this is only a shallow wall separating us from the chaos. Already creatures such as those damn seals walk amongst us. But the creatures of myth and legend are nothing compared to what lurks above. While your sister bleeds the power worthlessly strengthening this pathetic hallowed ground that can be kicked over by a child, we could be putting it to use. We must use it.” Her eyes burned with fanaticism. “Only then can we guide Earth into the embrace of the Ninth Heaven, and the only true safety. So, can you reach it? The Tower prevents all but Royalty who can access this world from entering. And destroying those ancient wards would be… troubling.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but I told you, I’m not special. Besides, only the Queen and her designated heir can do it.” Henry said, unable to stop himself, despite trying to bite his tongue.

“In that case… I suppose I need your sister after all. Well, why not keep me company a while? Sooner or later she will have to come, her and all her friends.” The grin she gave was knowing, and Henry felt a surge of fear. Akio’s right. She’s got allies in amongst the group. That look can’t mean anything else. But who and how many?

“One thing I don’t understand is why we were being watched so closely? Fortunately I was ready to move. Yes, I find it… difficult… to be polite to those who try my patience, my grandmother, may she be enshrined in the Ninth Heaven, under His light, always used to criticise me for that. But it seemed the scale of interest in us had spiked recently. Why?”

“Because…” Henry stopped suddenly, as the sky darkened, a tide of something black covering the skies flooding outwards, surrounding the Tower of London, drawing Mary’s eyes.

I can’t hold my words, but… as her attention wavered, he managed to divert them a little. “Max Power.” He gasped. “Maxwell Power is already dead, he’s a fake. He’s like you and Ellie…”

“Nonsense. If Max Power was using sinful powers, I’d know. He wanted to be granted the grace of the Ninth Heaven, so he helped me to win over…” her eyes went wide as a shining lance of silver carved up into the skies of London, and feathers fell like a blizzard, followed by a cawing host of Ravens, the cacophony deafening.

“…if it is Max…” she said suddenly, looking uncertain. “… was he using me? No, letting someone else take all my hard work is a failure I will not allow, not this…” her teeth ground together, and Henry shouted a command, his voice his own as she wavered.

“Kill her, quickly! Don’t stop until she’s defeated!” he screamed, throat raw. At that moment the living armours clanked forwards at a speed far faster than Henry could have imagined, and the lead knight swung a sword. Henry tore to his feet, wincing as muscles and tendons protested as he got off his knees.

Mary Stuart dodged back, nearly stumbling over her white and gold robes, and as he ran she called [Remain…] Her words were cut off, a line of blood blooming as a spear pierced her side. Turning to the attacking knights she cursed, but Henry did not see what was happening, as he raced for the Tower. I can feel the binding on me loosening, she wasn’t able to fully reapply it, the living armours interrupted her.

The Tower was the key. Henry ran, the tide of goblins being cut down one by one blocking Mary’s forces, preventing them from progressing, bolts of energy flying out towards them from several directions, though the ones from the Tower had stopped. Now he was approaching, Henry could see dead ravens and silver sparkles littering the ground, and a figure stepping inside the Tower. Is that Max Power? I’ll just check and make sure, then I’ll hopefully be able to flee…

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