On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Five – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Five – Princess Eleanor Elizabeth Diana Windsor

Well, so far today has been simply awful. Eleanor drank from a glass of champagne the server passed her, taking big gulps. She wasn’t much of a drinker, really, not like her brother Henry, and less so since she became the Green Knight, but today she felt the need, and cursed as her body rapidly purged her of the lingering effects. Finishing the rest of the glass with a gulp, she quickly procured herself another, biting back on a bitter sigh.

Her gaze strayed to the ever-watchful Mary Stuart, the woman that had been plaguing her constantly recently. Grandmother had set eyes on her and her allies, of course, but the worst thing was that they had no reason to bar her from any of these events, as other than some harsh words about her faith, the woman had done nothing, and the Silver Hands Foundation she was in alignment with, under Maxwell Power, had spent a notable fortune on both charitable endeavours, realising Sarah’s and Mary-Jane’s ideals on various schools and orphanages, as well as providing monetary support for research and other expensive matters. As grandmother says, everything costs money. The Crown is sinking a significant amount of money into training and supporting all the Gods’ Chosen that can be gathered… Putting aside the beautiful yet stern woman, whose probing questions and accusations were guaranteed to set her on edge, she considered the second reason she was in a foul mood. “Those American bastards…” she swore quietly, quite unlike her usual polite demeanour. But if anyone deserves my invectives, it’s surely them… surely her. The Americans, in either a calculated insult, or an act of tasteless hubris, had sent a researcher, most likely one who had performed tragic and cruel experiments on innocent people, her people, good British citizens, abducted from these very shores or vanished while on holiday abroad. It makes me furious. As a Royal, they are our subjects, and owed our protection. To think we weren’t able to…

She would have to meet her later, along with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary, as well as several military figures. It was something she was not looking forward to in the slightest, but as the leader of the Gods’ Chosen and a Princess, it was a role only she could do. Then there’s the third reason I am so furious…

She had accepted David’s tales of womanising and careless relationships, mostly because she wasn’t presented with evidence of them, they were more tall tales he liked to brag about during their downtime, and Eleanor was half-convinced he was doing it merely to get under Sarah’s skin. I’m fairly certain David is carrying a torch for her. Well, he does praise strong women… Donovan was a concern, it seemed every week he was romancing someone new, but he was a young man, barely past being a boy, and he was so soft-spoken and timid that she was sure nothing untoward was happening. Well, I’ve warned him not to break too many hearts, but David says boys will be boys… Sir Arthur asked me not to judge him too harshly either…

On her third glass of champagne now, she frowned. Well, Raidre doesn’t trust them. That means I should be wary too. Besides… hearing about the awful polygamy laws Japan had put in place was frustrating, though David seemed to find it funny. Worse was to come, when the Japanese Chosen that claimed he was here to speak to her about something important was brazenly showing off his relationships with a young girl. Damn him! It’s Uncle all over again! How can I trust or work with such a man… not when he has more than one. He is even making moves on Fae! Such a dangerous individual…

Her fist clenched, and she gasped as the crystal stem of the champagne glass cracked. A thin bead of blood flowed before her flesh instantly sealed, healing. Gingerly she called over a servant, who took the glass and asked her with some concern if she was well. Waving her away, Eleanor nodded.

Just why does he annoy me so? Well, it’s obvious, but… Eleanor was starting to feel a little guilty, she had been undiplomatic, and whether the man was a saint or a scumbag, it was true that the United Kingdom needed allies more than ever, the disrespect America having showed them today a clear sign relationships would remain strained.

“No. I refuse to apologise. With great power, one must wield it scrupulously. Using it to satisfy base desires is wrong. It seems to me he is only interested in collecting women like they are trophies. Disgusting.”

“Oh, Princess, it’s you.” A man said, and she turned to see that it was Samuel Davies, the middle-aged man who commanded the Manchester strike team. He was wearing a noticeably better tailored suit than last time he attended one of these events, and on seeing her looking, he grinned.

“Well, I thought it would be better to dress the part. The pay we receive is quite decent, and I’m tired of feeling out of place at these large events.”

Feeling out of place, I see. “I heard that Manchester is coming along well.” Eleanor said, trying to take her mind off more annoying matters.

“Yes, though Callie got injured and is recovering. A bad business, we were lucky there. That’s another reason why I want to dress to impress. No point being frugal, our line of work is very dangerous. It makes one think about their own mortality.”

“Callie? That’s the youngest of your team, right? I haven’t heard…” Eleanor said, horrified. “… will she recover? Has Mary-Jane been called to help her? If not, I can…”

“Calm yourself, Princess. I’m sure Callie will be delighted to hear you’re so worried about her. She idolises you, our brave Knight who leads from the front, despite being a privileged Princess.”

For a moment, Eleanor paused, not sure if she had heard his tone correctly, but then she dismissed it. I’m a little tipsy. Though damn it all, I can already feel it fading. “So she’ll recover?” she asked, and he nodded.

“Yes, it was some sort of poison, apparently, one that has left her weak and feeble. So I don’t believe your healer will be able to help her, since it was far too late to cut out the poisoned areas, like I believe she has done before. Nothing we do is an exact science, is it, but we think she’ll be back to fighting trim in a week or two. For now, the Manchester team is just keeping sharp, training. And enjoying ourselves. As you should. If there were any reporters from the tabloids here, they’d love a picture of the depressed Princess.” He laughed heartily, and Eleanor sighed.

“True. Well, I do hope you’ll continue serving Britain and the populace, Samuel. And when Miss Callie has some spare time after her recovery, do tell me and I will visit.”

Samuel’s smile broadened. “I’ll tell her. I’m sure she’ll be overjoyed. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” with that he headed off, and since he was heading in the general direction of people Eleanor had no wish to engage with, she looked away, only to spot a familiar, friendly face, her brilliant traditional red and gold Sari standing out amongst the suits and dresses of the other guests. At last, someone who I can relax with. Eleanor had grown very close with Aditi over the months they had spent together, her calm, soothing manner always lifting her spirits.

“Oh, Eleanor, it is good to see you.” Aditi said with her melodious accent. It had taken a while for Aditi to stop calling her Princess and use her name, but now hearing that made Eleanor happy, as it was an extra closeness that she had earned.

“Not half as good as it is to see you.” Eleanor said fervently, and the look on her face must have been unusual, as Aditi leaned in, surprised.

“Oh Eleanor, just what is wrong? If it is something you can talk about, I would be most happy to listen. I do not know if I can help with any weighty matters, but a trouble shared is a trouble halved, is it not?”

“I don’t know about that.” Eleanor said, a smile on her face for the first time in a while. “But you do have an aura about you, Aditi. You always seem so cheerful, despite everything.”

“You are most kind, as always.” Aditi laughed with gentle humour. “I simply have no reasons not to be cheerful. Yes, what we do is dangerous and terrible, but we do it together, working as one. As long as we have harmony, we shall succeed. Besides, seeing the smiling faces of the children and all those we have helped… is that not a more precious reward than any amount of money or fame?”

I’m very fortunate grandmother managed to find these members. Aditi, Sarah and Mary-Jane are all so kind, while Sir Arthur is someone I can trust. Even David and Donovan, despite their… problems… are good people at heart. Good at heart, hmm…

“What troubles you then, dear Eleanor?” Aditi pressed, jolting her out of her gloomy thoughts. “I know you do not enjoy these events, to raise funds and awareness, but they are necessary. Even those who hold some reservations about us know we have to work together.”

Ugh, that hits a sore spot. True, if even Mary Stuart offers us support, despite clearly disliking me, can I reject foreign aid merely due to personal feelings? But… it’s not right. It isn’t! Eleanor had very traditional views on love, and having watched her brothers go through very different paths of romance, she had firmed up an idea in her head of what love should be. Not… not treating women as trophies to be won, young impressionable minds to warp. “Yes, well, I just find some of our guests today rather intolerable.”

“That is not like you, Princess.” Aditi observed. “You normally do not let your displeasure show. But then, I have noticed you have been on edge recently. David has noticed it as well.”

David? Really? But then, he has been there whenever I enter Avalon recently… Looking around, she realised she couldn’t see David anywhere in the hall, nor the Japanese visitor and his too-young fiancées. Just where did they all vanish to? She spotted Raidre, leaning on a table, expression lifeless, and she had never seen the powerful, brave Fae look so shellshocked.

She caught the eye of Henry, who was with Melissa, his current girlfriend, one he seemed very serious about, and he waved at her to come over. The only downside was he seemed to be with a group of Asians, likely more of the Japanese delegation. Well, I’ve seen him now, so…

“Are we going to talk to your brother? That will cheer you up.” Aditi smiled softly, and Eleanor once more was glad of her soothing calm.

“I suppose so. Well, I’ll just shake off this gloom, then I will mingle, I promise.”

“That’s the spirit.” As they approached, Henry called to her jovially.

“Ellie, Miss Aditi, come over here and meet an old friend.” He gestured to the oldest Japanese man.

“This is Katsuro-san…” Henry surprised her by using a polite honorific. “He’s the head of the JSDF, and we’ve met several times at my Games, and also to discuss Veteran matters. He’s a man who believes in looking after those who’ve served.”

“Well of course, Prince Henry.” The man, Katsuro, returned the favour. “The JSDF is an army to protect the people, but the soldiers themselves are of the people. To let their service be a detriment to them is something no righteous country can countenance.” As her brother let out a boisterous cry of “That’s damn right!” Katsuro turned to her. “I am charmed to meet you, Princess Eleanor. The rumours hardly do you justice. I am Tsumura Katsuro, and this is my son, Minoru, and my daughter-in-law Hikari.”

Tsumura? Eleanor froze for a moment, before venturing a question. “So, the girl I met earlier with that… Chosen…” she looked at Melissa cautiously. I hope Henry hasn’t been indiscreet. Yes, she’s here so she knows the basics, but there’s a lot we can’t disclose to outsiders, and until they marry, sadly Melissa still is. “… she was Motoko Tsumura…”

“Yes, my granddaughter. Isn’t she lovely? She was delighted to be meeting a Princess such as yourself on her engagement debut, but…” he looked around. “I can’t see her, I wonder where she and Akio-san have gone.”

So frustrating. She exchanged a glance with Melissa, who looked equally tense. I see we agree on some things. Not even Henry had been foolish enough to mention their uncle to Melissa much, considering she was an American and often championed women’s rights. “If I may be a little forthright then…” Eleanor managed, annoyed. “Just what possessed you to allow your young granddaughter to be engaged to such an older man, especially one who has other women? Don’t you care about her wellbeing at all?”

Katsuro reacted at that, smiling wryly, while Hikari looked embarrassed.

“Whoa, it’s not like you to be rude to guests, Ellie. You should calm down…” Henry began, only to shut up as she faced him with a sapphire-eyed glare.

“Be quiet, Henry. Don’t make a scene in front of your girlfriend. Don’t call me Ellie during state events, and I hope you haven’t been… indiscreet, or grandmother will have your hide!” Beside her, Aditi was shocked by her vehemence, shrinking back a little.

“Oh, no… well, I’ve talked to Melissa, of course but… only about how cool and brave you are, and how proud we all are of you, Ellie… uh, Eleanor. Nothing bad. Besides… she’ll be part of the family soon. I… uh…”

So, my useless playboy of a brother is settling down at last? I’d normally be happy, but I’m too furious.

“I am sorry if we have offended you, Princess. That was not our intent. Not when we had such important news to bring you.” Katsuro said with the dignity of a true noble. “I understand our culture  might be foreign to you, but from what I know, you only have to go a few generations back and your partner would have been chosen for you.” he said and Henry agreed.

“He’s got you there, Eleanor. Grandmother’s marriage was hardly free of meddling.”

“In Japan, arranged marriages are, if not common, still a notable percentage of the population. Curiously, do you know which has the higher divorce rate? Arranged unions or marriages for love?” Katsuro said mildly, and Eleanor frowned.

“Since you are asking, it must be love marriages. That’s not the point though…”

“No, but it is an illustration. With marriages of love, love can cool, and then they divorce. Arranged marriages need to be worked at. Both parties make more of an effort, and therefore they last.”

Aditi spoke up, surprising her. “That is true, in my culture, certainly. Arranged marriages are very common, our parents wish for us to marry well, so… I had my own marriage meetings and proposals. Now I am one of your team Princess, they have been cancelled. My status now is hard to calculate.”

That’s a relief. “If you want my aid to refuse any offers or orders, I shall surely give it.” Eleanor declared stoutly, and Aditi smiled benevolently.

“Oh, I thank you. Your kindness is ever radiant to me. If I truly hate it, then I will take you up on that. But as I said, it is not unusual, nor is there any stigma amongst those of my culture.”

“I think it’s just terrible.” Melissa defended Eleanor, while Henry tried to keep out of the conversation. “Young girls should be able to choose to love freely. It’s like slavery, forcing a marriage just on status or family ties!”

“To an extent, I agree.” Katsuro said, surprising everyone. “In the nobility, we have treated our daughters perhaps too harshly. Motoko most of all.” Eleanor was open-mouthed at the admittance, as she had heard Asians hated admitting any faults.

“I agree, though I understand why.” Hikari said. “We lost the War and Japan was occupied. Much of our culture was lost. So the surviving nobility, with some injection of fresh blood, tried to preserve the best of Japan. Our daughters have made sacrifices. I followed that path myself.” She looked at Minoru fondly. “But I love my husband, and I adore my daughter, Motoko. But… she was never happy. She is what you would call a tomboy here, I suppose.” Her smile was rueful and pained. “She loved traditional martial arts and weapons from the moment she could walk. Our family has a rich legacy, you see.”

“Tsumura house has been involved in the military throughout the Shogunate and even before. Sword, spear, bow, hand-to-hand combat, we have a legacy. And we have preserved it to this day. But… in the modern world, when guns and missiles rule, it is nothing but an ornament. Sadly, Motoko loved it dearly, and wanted nothing more than to pass it on. But a noble daughter cannot fight, risk injury, marring her beauty.” Katsuro said.

“That’s sexist garbage!” Mellissa snorted, and Hikari sighed.

“We are a culture where graceful, polite, calm and subservient women are treasured. Yamato Nadeshiko. To be seen as such is to be respected. Motoko is graceful and kind, and has learned well, but… she was never happy. She made a friend in Natsumi-chan, another girl from a newer, semi-noble line, who also found a love for the Tsumura arts as her bodyguard. Perhaps they love each other as well.”

“All the more reason not to…” Eleanor said, swiftly followed by Melissa, voicing the same thoughts.

“It’s immoral to force a marriage, especially so young!”

“I did not like Akio at first. I thought him rather beneath us.” Hikari said, to forestall their anger. “And he rejected my Motoko, the gall of the man!”

“He is like you, Princess. If you are the leading Chosen of The United Kingdom, then he is the banner the Japanese Chosen rally behind.” Katsuro praised him. “He has done much for Japan, that we are as prepared as we are, that we protected Kyoto, despite the losses, it is thanks to him.”

Really? The womaniser is so important? “But still, to arrange a marriage for your precious granddaughter, despite her youth, to a man with no scruples, and insatiable lusts…”

“My sister, talking about lusts. Not something you hear every day…” Henry joked to lighten the mood, only to fall silent, as red as his hair, as the women here glared at him.

“Prince Henry, what age can a soldier see combat?” Katsuro asked, and Henry answered immediately. “Eighteen for frontline combat, but… we allow joining at sixteen. So it’s not impossible if war was to break out, a soldier could be forced to fight.”

“So, a commitment one makes at sixteen can see one having to fight and kill only a few years later? I believe that a sixteen year old has to serve until they are in their early twenties as well?” Henry nodded at Katsuro’s question.

“So, my Motoko is a warrior. She may not use a gun, or join the JSDF, but she and Natsumi-chan are not foolish flowers, despite being raised in the greenhouse. They would have been unhappy, married to a noble who treated them as a doll. Instead… we did what was best for them and the nobility, to gain a tie to Akio-san, we proposed an arranged marriage. But in the end, they ended up falling for each other. Now Motoko and Natsumi-chan will never separate, they love the same man. They may be young, but if a man can sell his life and death at an even younger age, why can Motoko not declare what she wants and aim for it?”

Eleanor puffed out her cheeks, annoyed. “I feel you are fooling me with logic. Besides, I don’t think that the army should allow those under eighteen to enlist.”

“Motoko is a very clever girl. But rebellious, in the most polite of ways. She never stopped training with Natsumi-chan, never stopped dreaming of a future where her skills mattered.” Hikari said. “And… she knows her own mind. She loves him, and he her. He loves Natsumi-chan too, and some others. But they are all entering into a relationship knowing this. If you speak to Motoko, she will tell you she is happy, or is she a fool, Princess?”

“No, but… he’s so much older than her, it…”

“Uh, I don’t think it’s quite like Uncle.” Henry said. “This guy, he’s what, six or so years older? Father is thirteen years older than our mother, so we can’t exactly throw stones, Ellie…”

Stop calling me Ellie when you are trying to calm me down. I’m not hysterical. I’m just annoyed! “Yes, all right, and the girls Uncle were caught with…”

Melissa looked disgusted. “Yes, they were naïve, young victims, starstruck. But is this any different?”

Very different.” Katsuro said. ”I have met many of the girls Akio-san treasures. And make no mistake, he loves them deeply, each and every one of them. There are those he saved from great sadness, and those who he fills a hole in their hearts. Those who he wants to see fulfil their dreams, such as Motoko and Natsumi-chan, and those he simply likes. Do you think we exchanged the law for a whim? Akio-san pushed for that. He knew it would cost him political capital he could have used for his own ends, and it gained him nothing. Nothing but…”

“Motoko said he did it so that they could all experience the joy of marriage and be treated equally.” Hikari dabbed at her eyes, which were a little moist at the thought. “Motoko was more than prepared to be a concubine, but every woman dreams of a beautiful wedding, especially the nobility. We thought she would be looked down on, marrying a commoner, instead… well, matters have worked out very differently. Thanks to the affair with Takatsukasa house, she will be Takatsukasa Motoko, even higher in status than when she was our daughter.”

“Concubines. How medieval. Women aren’t chattel…” Melissa snapped.

“No, they are not. But also… women have hearts. They all love him. But he already had a first love. Would you deny Motoko and Natsumi-chan their own happiness simply because they met him too late?” Katsuro said plainly.

“There are plenty of other men out there… or women, since it sounds like they might be of that ilk…” Eleanor said finally. “… who could make them happy. Perhaps even with each other, or would you stand in their way? Japanese culture is conservative, I’ve heard.”

“Yes, same-sex relationships are frowned upon there and discriminated against, I know.” Melissa piped up.

“The nobility is indeed conservative, but the girls are raised ignorant of men, so many love each other. As long as it is discreet, we say nothing, think it for the best, at least until their marriages.” Katsuro said. “As for Motoko and Natsumi-chan, their love is deep, but platonic. As for someone else making them happy… what does it matter? You concede they are happy, so why not rejoice for them? Besides… age is meaningless now. Do you not have Chosen that are not yet legally adults, who have to fight and take risks nonetheless?”

Cassie. There are others too. “We do…” the words were dragged from Eleanor.

“Akio-san is the one who can give them the most happiness, and the most protection. After all, Motoko and Natsumi-chan are now forces to be reckoned with. Mori-san, well, she needs to be seen to be believed.” Katsuro laughed. “Now, Princess, Miss Masters, please speak to my granddaughter, Natsumi-chan and the maid, Hyacinth. Put aside your prejudices, about polygamy, their age, whatever misgivings you have. My granddaughter and her truest friend are both strong-willed, clever and resolute. If it turns out they chose unwisely, well, they will cry over it and move on with their lives. But if they chose wisely, as they believe, and we do too, then simply be happy for them. This is Motoko’s official engagement debut. Spoiling what a young girl dreams of is hardly diplomatic, Princess. Your blessing would count for a lot.”

Damn it. His points are good. But… am I too traditional? He’s right. A Gods’ Chosen is a rare, special existence. David did say that power attracts… “You said earlier that this man…” I don’t want to use his name. “… has something important to tell me. Do you know it?”

“I do. But it really should be between you, him and the Queen. So I shall remain silent. All I will say is, if you don’t hear Akio-san out, you’ll regret it, as will the United Kingdom.”

“Sounds important, Ellie.” Henry turned to Melissa then. “Sorry. Not the happy party we were expecting.”

“Actually, it gives me a lot of respect for your sister.” Melissa smiled. “I understand. I can’t like this man. But… I will talk to these girls. Perhaps I can give them some advice. If they change their minds, you won’t force them to marry this brute still?”

“No. It isn’t necessary.” Hikari shook her head. “But I fear you will not succeed. Motoko is head-over-heels for him. Her beautiful yet hollow smile has changed, and now I am happy to see it every day. I am a woman, I know when love is genuine. As should you.”

“So just where are they? Even that strange Fae maid is gone.” Eleanor complained, feeling a little sick. Aditi consoled her, but she was barely listening. Now I have to go back, after storming off. I feel a fool, huh…

Her thoughts were interrupted as the closed doors to the main hall opened, drawing everyone’s attention, and what she saw then completely drove the thoughts out of her head, leaving her staring blankly. Beside her, Katsuro laughed heartily, and Henry whistled in appreciation.

“That takes some guts. I can see why you like him  Katsuro!”

Henry was quickly chastised by Melissa, while Eleanor stood there frozen. Aditi shook her shoulder gently, and she blinked, her mind starting to work again. That… damn show-off!

“That isn’t the gown Motoko was wearing before.” Hikari said, and Eleanor agreed. It was again white, but this one was more daring, while still being classy. The man had his arm around her waist possessively, and on the other side was the bodyguard, but she too now was in a gown, showing off a bit of cleavage, but her white dress was not vulgar but classy. Beside her was the sight that shocked her the most though.


“That dress looks rather familiar.” Henry said. “I’ve not seen it in years, but…”

The Fae maid was wearing a beautiful, flowing white dress, with a purple underskirt, hints of that flashing through as she moved, matching some of the streaks in her hair.


“That’s mother’s… but how?” She saw that Sir Arthur had followed in behind them, and was even more confused. Wait, Sir Arthur? Why?

“Quite the bold statement.” Katsuro observed, seeing as he had one arm around his granddaughter, while the other was around the man’s Fae maid and the girl Natsumi. Everyone present was looking at him, and Eleanor instinctively glanced over to the dais at the front, seeing her grandmother, the Queen, looking on with curious eyes. That’s bound to impress her. She always admires boldness and decisive bravery. Ugh… they look so happy.

The girls were smiling, though their faces were pink. The Fae did look uncomfortable in her finery, but saying she wasn’t happy would have been a lie. As she watched, several other guests and Gods’ Chosen went over to talk to them, and the man was animated, cheerful. After a brief conversation, they passed through the hall, and ended up back with the Prime Minister.

“Well, Princess, still in a sour mood?” David said suddenly, trailed by Mary-Jane and Sarah. On seeing him, she blinked, surprised.

“David, why are you wearing that?” He was in casual jeans and a t-shirt, completely out of place.

“Get a load of this, Eleanor.” Sarah laughed heartily. “This fool here, he challenged him to a battle, can ye believe it? Octagon rules. And our King of the Octagon here…” her face was as red as her hair as she tried to keep in her laughter. “He got his ass handed tae him again and again. I dinnae know which is funnier, the fact that he lost, or the fact that he got beat so bad his whole suit was ruined!”

“Yeah, laugh it up, Sarah.” David sighed.  “The truth hurts though. He’s got some guts, taking me on, . and the skills to back it up. Well, it wouldn’t be so easy next time, I know his weaknesses, but shit, that guy has a blessing like my Battle Hymn, and he heals better than the schoolteacher here. Life just ain’t fair, but then, with no giants to slay, what’s the point of being strong?” David’s eyes were sparkling, the good fight having reinvigorated him, and Eleanor bit down on a sigh.

“You what? You fought an invited guest? David, are you an idiot?”

“Aye, he is, cost me a wager too, ye know, but…” Sarah trailed off.

“No way, we hashed out our differences with our fists, like real men. If anything, I’d say you dropped the ball, Princess. You really upset his little girlfriends, and I’ve learnt enough about him in this last hour to know that if you punched him in the face he’d laugh it off and still be willing to talk, but hurt his girls and he’s going to hold a mean grudge. Hence this.” He laughed. “Damn me if that old fart Sir Arthur doesn’t get it though.”

“Sir Arthur?” Eleanor asked, feeling rising misgivings about the whole situation. The Prime Minister was saying something, drawing laughter, and the girls in their white ballgowns that invoked wedding dresses, all smiled charmingly, nodding.

“Yeah, looks like they didn’t have any dresses fit for that fairy maid. Oh shit, look at Raidre, he’s lost it…” David chuckled, and indeed, Raidre, on looking at the maid in her white finery, was stunned, his legs shaking as he leaned on a table, shocked. “… so he asked Sir Arthur, and apparently he borrowed one of your dear mother’s dresses from when she was younger. That’s a statement, right?”

Wait.. Sir Arthur allowed that? “Well, it is odd, but she does look rather fetching.” Katsuro said, interrupting her scattered thoughts once more. “And we could argue it’s showing the respect and affection your two nations have for each other, that you would give us such a thing? I think, Princess Eleanor, that we should start again. Talk to them properly. Put aside your misgivings. If you speak to my Motoko and think she is being exploited or abused after hearing her out, then I give you my word I’ll listen.”

Biting her lip hard enough to draw blood, the wounds instantly healing, Eleanor sighed. I hate this. I made a rather large scene. David is right. But I will still demand he explains how he ended up fighting this Akio later! And losing too, it’s shameful!

“Here they come!” David grinned. “Now play nice.” He paused, before giving her his honest thoughts. “Those girls aren’t anything like you worry about. They’re nothing like the girls your no-good uncle was caught with. No, they are fighters, and they have guts. It’s wrong to assume they aren’t capable of making their own decisions, or that the guy is fooling them. Trust me, when a man crosses fists…”

“Aye, he can tell the character of his damn opponent. Ye’ve done nothing but yap on about it since then, David.” Sarah snorted, still clearly amused at his defeat.

“Very well. I… I need to hear what he has to say, don’t I?” Eleanor managed. I can’t let my pride ruin things grandmother has set up. Especially not with those women here… she glanced at the American envoy and also Mary Stuart. I can’t show any more weakness or discord. As the group approached, she took a deep breath and forced a smile. “I see you are being rather more… brazen.”

“Why yes, I am, Princess Eleanor. I am not ashamed of the three of them, how could I be? They are lovely, kind and loyal, and any man would be proud to have even one of them in his life. I have them all. I will say that keeping them safe, happy and fulfilled is going to be quite the task, but look at them and tell me it won’t be worth it?” Akio said calmly, a smile on his face that quite annoyed her.

“I can see that. But don’t you worry you might draw ire and scorn?” she shot back.

“I do worry,. But not for me. Scorn me if you wish, Princess. But never take it out on them, or you’ll find out just why I got so strong.”

“No kidding. He hits like a fucking dump-truck.” David sniggered.

“Language!” Mary-Jane said, scandalised, and David waved her off.

“I’m serious now. I’d kill to have him on our team. We might really have London back by Christmas.”

“I don’t understand.” Melissa said, and Henry looked apologetic.

“I know. There’s a lot we can’t tell you yet. I want to, my darling, but… grandmother wants it under wraps. You know Ellie has these powers, and the others too. And that we have to protect Britain. Well… how they do it is complicated. I wish it was me or the boys in the military, but…”

“I too am prepared to fight.” Motoko said cooly. “It is an honour to meet you, Prince Henry. Grandfather is in awe of your support for Veterans and your commitment to raising their profile and treatment worldwide.”

“You’re a polite one.” He said, and Eleanor had to admit she was.

“Forgive my rudeness, but… you’re not concerned by sharing a man who can never give you his whole heart? You’re young, it might not matter now, but…” Eleanor began again.

“From one warrior to another…” Motoko said, sighing. “… do not insult me, or my intelligence. Worse, do not insult my love. I too know what it is to fight in the Boundary. How I know this… is not for me to say. Therefore, my respect for you is immense. I ask that you accord me the same in return. A person who has fought to defend others is no child. I may not have his whole heart, but if I did, then I would weep for Natsumi.”

“She’s right.” The bodyguard girl, who had an entirely different allure out of her suit, nodded. “I love Motoko. Not in a way that I would wish to marry her. No, we are friends, bonded in battle and in love. I thought I could never be more than her bodyguard, and we would be parted soon. But Akio changed that for us. He loved us both, and showed us we could both be happy. I too have fought monsters, again I’ll not say how. I knew Akio loved others before us. I am not a fool. But…”

“It doooes not matter.” The maid, Hyacinth, spoke up. Seeing her in that familiar dress, it’s strange. But she is beautiful, definitely. Though it is a cold, unapproachable beauty, yet… as the maid looked at Akio, her face changed, her harsh edges softening, her vivid violet eyes with a tinge of silver going gentle. “Akiooo loves freely, but loves deeply. To rest in his arms is to know peace. But he doooes not stifle us. If he kept us as trooophies or toys, we wooould never have grown. Mistress Shaeula wooould never have reclaimed the Spring, earned the respect stupid little selkie must give her, ooor else.” She threatened Raidre so casually that Eleanor was momentarily amazed. Raidre is a powerful warrior, is she so bold?

“I know I’m a bastard.” Akio laughed sourly. “But I made a promise to let that go. I accepted responsibility for them, so I can’t berate myself. No, instead of that, I simply have to love them, Princess. And to me… love is…” he looked at the three girls fondly. “… protect them, yes, but also allow them to spread their wings, grow, achieve their dreams, and then find new dreams even more glorious. It’s hard, but I honestly wouldn’t do things differently now. Each one of them I love, and each one of them I’ll see happy. It’s why I fight.” He looked at Eleanor then, his steel-grey eyes earnest. “Strength for oneself is meaningless. Only when you have things to protect and cherish will you ever be truly strong. The only worry I’ll allow myself is that I might not have enough time to spend with them all, but…”

“That is why we work together.” Motoko said calmly. “We learn to love each other as well. For me it was easy.”

“Me too! I love Motoko, I always have, and the fact that we can spend as much time together doing what we want is a dream for me. But the time I have with Akio is just as precious.”

“Indeed. I feel the same.” Motoko agreed. “The others all have their quirks, but they are all good girls, strong girls. Not foolish, easily tricked girls who do not know their own minds. You are rather fortunate it is us who are here tonight, Princess.”

“Oh my, yes…” Natsumi looked at Eleanor, and also at Melissa, who had a sour expression, unconvinced. “… we are definitely the mildest of Akio’s fiancées.”

“If you two are, I’d love to meet the others.” David laughed, only to curse as Sarah slapped his head, and Mary-Jane told him to be quiet.

“If mistress Shaeula was here, she wooould declare her hostility to yooour country for this. Mistress Eri wooould grab her axe and rage…” Hyacinth giggled, amused. “I did want tooo strangle you, or tear out yooour poisoned tongue. But Hyacinth is a goooood girl, Akio says so, sooo I refrained.”

“Yes, you can’t do that.” he said, patting her head. “I understand people aren’t going to understand us easily. But all that matters is that we are happy.”

He’s very frustrating! That Fae just threatened me to my face! “Even so, shouldn’t you respect the customs of the countries you are visiting?” she protested.

“Yes, but that goes both ways. Princess Eleanor…” his gaze was intense, and I stepped back a pace, swallowing nervously. “I must speak with you in private, but if you refuse, then I’ll need to speak with the Queen, or failing that, Sir Arthur here has agreed to listen, though that would be a last resort.”

“I understand. But what can be so urgent that you need to speak with me and would come here, showing off like this?”

“Showing off? This is Motoko’s time to shine, though I decided actually, I wasn’t being fair. Natsumi was happy as a guard, Hyacinth as a maid, but I thought I’d kill multiple birds with one stone. Sorry, grandfather-in-law, Hikari, Minoru. But Motoko liked the idea too.”

“Yes. Making happy memories with others is better than just me alone. And I do wish to share.” She met Eleanor’s gaze. “Shaeula and Eri often say, if Akio has to split his love ten ways, if he is a hundred times the man anyone else is, we still end up happier than we ever could with anyone else. And I believe it. I have never been so fulfilled and full of joy as these last few weeks. And I know that despite the hardships, the battles that we will willingly fight to protect our happiness and the happiness of those we love and cherish, our happiness will only grow.”

“This young man is like you, Princess. He carries the weight of Tokyo and Kyoto.” Katsuro said. “But it is reassuring to know that should the worst happen and Japan was to fall…”

“Yes, I’ll get them out safely, even if I have to die. Which I won’t, as dying will only make them sad. I have the will, the intent to die for them, but I know I can’t actually fail.” Akio said decisively.

“Shit, that’s a real man’s… wait…” David was once again clouted by Sarah, and Mary-Jane dragged him off, saying they had heard enough of his crudity.

Carrying the weight. It is heavy and hard, and lonely… Even Aditi, David, Mary-Jane and the others, they didn’t know the true weight that Eleanor carried. There was another secret beneath the Tower, one that nobody but the Queen and she knew of. Unless… has this man somehow found out? Worried, she nodded. “Fine. I don’t approve, I still believe what you are doing is immoral, but I will do my duty and set that aside for the good of the United Kingdom.”

“That’s my Ellie. We all friends again?” Henry said, and Melissa scowled. You’re not making a good impression, my brother.

“I honestly believe you believe your words, but… I want your phone numbers. If you ever realise you have been wronged, mistreated or exploited, text me without delay, and I will see you rescued and this man punished, I’m not sure how, but I will use all the tools at my disposal!” I should let it go, but… I have to at least say this to these foolish girls.

“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Melissa agreed. “I’ll support you!”

Akio merely smiled. “Fine. That’s fair. But first… this is the engagement debut, a Japanese noble custom. It’s hardly gone to plan, has it, but… can’t we at least get your blessings for now? In fact…” he grinned. “Since you owe me an apology for attacking me verbally, why not introduce me to the Queen? I can see her watching. If we could get a picture of us with the Royal Family, I think that would go down very well back home, right?”

“Yes.” Motoko agreed happily. “The other girls at Hanafubuki would be most awed, even Mayumi-sama. It would also be a memory we can treasure.”

“Why not? Grandmother loves some excitement.” Henry laughed. “Besides, don’t you think they’re adorable young girls?”

As Melissa scowled at him, Hyacinth laughed.

“I am ooolder than anyone else here, likely ooolder even than the stupid selkie. Hyacinth is nooo child.”

“But you are adorable” Akio snorted, and the maid blushed, her smile blinding.

I somehow feel like I’ve lost. No… it is still wrong. But… I understand Katsuro’s thoughts. If London was to fall, who would I give my all to save, above all else, even at risk of my life? As Eleanor pondered that, Akio was smiling.

“I’m glad we sorted all this out. Change won’t come overnight. But in a world where people like Hyacinth and Raidre exist, where the Gods themselves hand out Favours… we must change. All I ask is you judge us on our actions, and how happy we are, not by what you’re used to. We’re not enemies, and honestly, with problems like Christina Bakker around, we shouldn’t fight over such things. Princess Eleanor, what I have to tell you later might be painful to hear, but rest assured it’s true. I’m an ally, and I want us to help each other. So please, keep an open mind.”

“I think he speaks wisely, Eleanor.” Aditi said quietly, having observed politely as was her usual way. “Securing happiness in this dangerous world is surely a good thing, whatever shape it takes, no?”

“Even you, I see?” Eleanor’s shoulders sagged, defeated. “Very well. But you chose this. If you ever hurt them, if they regret it, you’ll be my enemy!” she said boldly, only for Akio to laugh happily.

“I welcome that. If you see me straying from the path, not thinking of my girls, being selfish, I’d welcome a kick up the arse.” He said the British idiom smoothly. “But for now, let’s meet the Queen. That’ll make a statement, won’t it?” He was looking at someone, and as Eleanor followed his eyes, he could see he was eyeing the American, accompanied by her huge bodyguard.

“Yes, I suppose it will…” Eleanor agreed. “I suppose it will…”

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