On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Eighteen – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Side One Hundred And Eighteen – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

“That getup is crazy, boss.” Suzu was saying, and Shiro had to bite her lip not to respond. “I mean, your usual hooded white mask and robe is a real shame, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, right? Idols don’t get to be famous for wearing clothes that cover up their looks. But this…” she snickered, and Shiro felt a surge of annoyance.

Hey, Aki made me this. Besides, I’m not one who wears items for the looks in games, I want the stats, the numbers, the power. Flicking the black, feathery armoured robe with one finger, she smiled coldly as it vibrated softly, giving off a gentle hum like a tuning fork. She lacked the wind energy to make it vibrate properly, unlike Shaeula, so Aki had also given her several small bluesteel batteries loaded with wind, for emergencies. “Well, I think this is more suitable than a goth-loli dress.” She sniffed at last, as they prepared to enter the Ring Gate to Kyoto, Bunta following like a shy little animal, Arisu striding imperiously through like a queen, her head held high, eyes cold.

“It isn’t like you are going to need to impress anyone there with your looks, Suzu. Least of all Aki. He’s mine, remember. I’m bringing you here to fight, understand?”

“I get it.” Suzu giggled, producing another lollipop and sucking on it happily, twirling around the purple and black parasol that matched her dress. “Seriously, boss, I always knew you were scary, but to think you were this cute too. I’m an idol, if I had a scandal like stealing another woman’s man, well, that’d be career suicide, right?” she cocked her head adorably, blonde drill-tails bouncing, and Shiro idly wondered whether changing her own hairstyle might be worthwhile. “Besides…” Suzu continued, scattering her idle thoughts. “… big sis Arisu wouldn’t like that at all.”

“Enough of this. We have work to do. Work I am unconvinced we need risk.” Arisu declared, and Bunta quailed at her frosty tone.

“I told you, it’s beneficial in lots of ways.” Shiro promised. “Right, through we go.” I’ll feel better having Arisu in Haru’s Territory. If that suffers damage it’d be a blow, sure, but Aki could live with it and help her rebuild. Here… her gaze strayed to the silver spires.

You are quite the worrier, princess. After all, was it not your intention to bring her here? Now you second-guess yourself? There is no time for doubt. This is the time for deeds.

I agree. Not that I’m worried about Aki or… no, I promised I’d never be tsundere. I just want to help. And if… if we profit a bit as well, all the better, right Tan?

An amused snort was the only thought Shiro received in return, and the world shuddered for a moment, her consciousness distorting, and then she stepped out into Kyoto, followed by her comrades. On seeing their arrival, Haru floated over, looking relieved, sending up a brilliant burst of light into the sky, which scattered into an array of colours before fading away.

Fireworks huh? Pretty. “Hey, I’m here.” Shiro declared proudly. “And I’ve brought help. Where’s Aki and the others? What’s the situation?”

Before Haru could answer, the stone-faced Arisu spoke. “So, are you one more of his women?” her tone was arctic. For a moment Haru looked confused, before letting out a small, slightly bitter laugh.

“Me? And Akio-san? Perish the thought. After all, what would he want with an already perished woman such as I?” she laughed again at her own pun. “No, I am merely a grateful ally, his vassal, and here to lead the defence of Kyoto. I assure you, I am not one of his lovers, not like this one here.” She looked at Shiro, who shrugged.

“Besides…” Haru continued. “And I’ll make this quick, as the situation is desperate, and your aid will be most welcome…” she glanced behind her, to where Ixitt was orchestrating a fiery defence of the Territory, ratkin and weaselkin firing long-barreled weapons, and a forward squad unleashing clouds of what looked like a miniature version of Aki’s Foehn, burning some shambling corpses to ashes.

“… but you may have seen me in the news. I was murdered. Worse than murdered. So I don’t think I have much interest in men right now.” She paused. “You… I recognise you too.” At her words Shiro froze. Oh no, if she says anything to upset Arisu, it could be a bloodbath. I’ll have to step in, if Haru is destroyed, Aki will be furious and heartbroken…

“… it seemed a shame. I can’t say that I pay much attention to celebrity scandals, but… it sounds like you had a hard time. I get why you don’t trust men.”

Shiro sighed in relief, as Haru didn’t blame Arisu, like so many who had believed the lies that had been spread about her did.

“I do not like betrayers, cheats. Liars.” She enunciated clearly, but her frost had melted a little, Haru’s fate causing her to be sympathetic.

“Well, Akio-san is no liar, and betrayal…” she laughed. “… he doesn’t have it in him. As for cheating… well, surely the girls are just as much at fault? There’s no secrecy, everyone knows what they are getting into, except perhaps poor Mori-san, and she admitted to allowing Shaeula in. Is it really cheating then?” she shook her head. “Seriously, we don’t have time for this. Akio-san went northwards towards Kinkaku-ji and the defences there, while Shaeula headed east. They could use the help…”

It is time for me to step in. I have used the Favour we took long ago to find our prey. Three that I want, one that you need. Now… there shall be some… discomfort, princess. But for our strength, and your man, you can surely endure, can you not?

Hey, Tan, wait a second… Shiro squirmed as her hair flared into fiery red, her eye turning crimson. That was not the end though, as even her facial structure shifted, her body shape changing a little. As the Divine Possession activated fully, rather than the partial control Tan had exerted before, Shiro cursed inside her head, her scars burning painfully. Shit, this bloody well hurts, Tan! My scars are agony… can’t we go more gently?

“I am afraid … not.” Tan spoke out loud, now fully in control, though Shiro realised that since the Divine Possession was her own skill, so Aki had said anyway, if she struggled, she could exert a measure of control over Tan. “… my own adherence is clashing with the remnant adherence from the broken contract. Fortunately… that healer creature has done well. Even though the scars have diminished little, the adherence polluting them from within has noticeably lessened, making the resonance less of a torment.” Even her tone was different, with a faint accent, and her manner of speech was sultry, seductive.

This is less? Well, that damn well doesn’t make me feel any better! Well, I should be grateful, I suppose…

Bunta was looking at Tan strangely, and Shiro felt a little ill at the adoring, almost fervent gleam in his eyes. On hearing her thoughts, Tan glared at him, and the timid man looked away.

“Wow, boss, you look so different. Sexy too. There’s just an aura about you, right? Dangerous and hot!” Suzu giggled. “Well, I’m sad to say it’s not an idol look, too… too lewd?” she giggled again, fishing out another lollipop to suck. “Well, shouldn’t we be off? I have to say though…” she finished with a happy whistle. “… your guy, Akio, he’s certainly got some things going on. Two Territories, ghost women, whatever those animal people have going on over there. Guns, flamethrowers. So cool!” she continued to gush. “I thought this in Kyoto, but you sure can pick them, boss! I totally ship the two of you together, promise!”

“Be quiet, Suzanne-san.” Arisu said sternly, and she grimaced, nodding. “We have no time for such ramblings. You even said it yourself, we must make haste.”

Tan nodded. “Indeed.” I can exert only a fraction of my power, as your body is too fragile to withstand my aether and adherence. Besides, destroying the Boundary would not be wise. Although… “There is a dark, filthy evil here. A hunger. It is not… pure… like mine own.”

“Yes.” Bintara spoke then. She had followed Shiro’s group through the Gate silently, and had even ignored it when Tan had called her a healer creature, though she had frowned balefully. “These little humans, the dead things, those others… they spread a filth wherever they go, like burrowing beetles, or voracious ants. Their power is not wholly their own, but borrowed.” She fixed her dark eyes on Tan. “Much like you and this parasite here, human woman. So foolish, selling yourself to a divine creature. You will regret that, before the end.” She sniffed, tossing her head, horns nearly striking Bunta, who scurried away. “But for now, Lord Nurarihyon wishes you healed. So I shall do it. Besides, I hate illness, sickness and injury. It should all be gone from the world.”

I guess good Yokai do exist then.

Not good, as you call it. Merely different. Spiritual beings are neither good nor evil, Divine beings neither. Each type of being must act according to its own whims and beliefs.

“This is all very well, but time is passing…” Haru interjected, and Tan nodded.

“Yes. It would not do to let our food vanish. One has been disposed of already.” She laughed cruelly, but Shiro thought Tan sounded alluring even doing that. “Fortunately it was not one we desired.” She turned to Bunta and the others. “Come. We go. One is this way.” She licked her lips seductively. “It burns hot. I would add it to our own flames.”

With that Tan leapt forwards, moving rapidly, far faster than Shiro ever could, the others trying to keep pace. Seeing them struggle, Tan slowed a little. “Up ahead. I believe I can handle this foolish mortal myself. But if there is support, I am counting on you.”

“Well, Bunta’s power is pretty good, but…” Suzu looked up, a touch breathless, face pink from their exertions running through the streets of Boundary Kyoto, seeing rubble and faint sparkles of ether from killed denizens everywhere. “… it’s a strange one that works better in the Real World than here.” She said as she took in the silvery skies above and the glittering metallic light they cast over everything.

At her words, Bunta hunched in on himself, and Arisu frowned.

“Suzanne-san, I’ve asked you before not to antagonise Bunta-san. Yes, with this light driving away most shadows, he is much diminished, but…” she made a gesture, drawing a finger across her throat. “… in the right moment, few can survive Bunta-san’s strike. It may prove useful. As for you… you did not bring your puppets, did you?”

“Don’t call them puppets! They’re backup dancers!” she insisted, pouting. “And no, I’m leaving them to manage my Territory. Buuuuuuuuut…” she drew out the word comically. “I’ve built up enough strength for another. If we can find a suitable candidate… oh, scouting for idol talent is the best! I’ll be the world’s first and best idol slash producer combination! All Japan, no, the world will know my name!” she gushed, looking around eagerly, not even flinching at the numerous displays of destruction and carnage around them.

Yeah, Suzu sure is cute, but she’s totally insane. What’s so good about idols anyway, I don’t get it? Tan, do you think there’s something wrong with everyone the Gods chose? I mean, I was ill and … well, bitter. Aki is a total hero-complex harem protag, Daizen was … well, Daizen. Bunta is a pathological coward, Arisu is… again, Arisu…

A good question, and one that deserves an answer. But not now. The favour I consumed, that now dwells within me, it tells me that we are close to the first of our thirst-quenching delights. As for combat, we have Daizen’s Favour too. Though I do not believe it should be needed for… this one.

Emerging out into a temple plaza, Shiro was relieved she wasn’t in control of her own body, despite the pain the Divine Possession was causing her. Ugh, that smell. Burned wood, stone… and worse. And what’s with that grave-stink?

“Oh wow, zombies! That’s totally disgusting. But…” Suzu paused, suddenly brightening up. “Zombie idols are a thing nowadays. I don’t have a zombie in my group yet. Arisu, you’ve got your room, help me find a cute one and capture it?” she twirled her parasol gleefully.

“This is not a game.” Arisu warned. “See?” As they watched, detached, as the mob of tattered zombies was roaming about, a mixture of what looked like soldiers in military uniform, as well as ordinary men, women and children, attacking any fleeing creatures they could see, as well as the great towers of crimson and yellow flames that were consuming the once-beautiful torii archways, large ropes and fine buildings, Shiro wondered if they were all too callous. Aki would be pretty enraged at this, I bet. Well, I’m sad, don’t get me wrong, but… well, it’s not happening to those I care about so…

Some distance is wise, princess. The human heart is fragile. Too much empathy can destroy you. But being too unfeeling leads to a different end. The Buddha… well, I do not envy him, and even though he scared me… well, he did miss out.

Still got your pride, huh? Well… at least we’ll be avenging the dead here, right?

“We shall indeed.” Tan declared proudly. “Here he comes.” She licked her lips again, before spitting. “It is a shame that the taste is tainted.” She stared at the newcomer, who had rolled in faster than a car, a human, monk-like figure, bald-headed and dressed in Buddhist robes. Blood was staining him, a thick layer solidifying and smoking in the heat of his favour, a pair of massive, burning chariot wheels. Even as they watched, he rolled over several of his own zombies, setting them ablaze, before crashing into a giant tree, shaking loose a number of small monkey-like beings, which he then breathed out on, a cloud of shimmering flames torching the fleeing creatures alive.

“Halt!” Tan called, drawing his attention.

“What’s this?” the man said, whirling around his flaming conveyance. “Oh, new victims? Amitabha, Amitabha, what a fortuitous meeting.” He clasped his hands in a Buddhist prayer gesture, clutching a necklace of charred prayer-beads. “I grow weary of destroying heathen temples. Though I confess, there are many delightful Buddhist shrines here. It will be a great sin to destroy them. I would curse and wail and spit at the damnation my soul will receive, Karma no doubt leading to losing my humanity, never to see Nirvana.” His expression turned crazed, flames leaking from his mouth as he breathed. “But fortunately, there will be no rebirth for this humble monk, sinner and murderer. So, I may as well sin until the very end!”

“He is crazed. His sanity has gone.” Tan declared. The monk breathed out a torrent of flames, and Tan raised a hand, only for a vivid slash of violet to appear in front of her, and the flames vanished within.

“Be more careful, White. No, I suppose right now you are Red.” Arisu declared, a swift use of a fraction of her Room swallowing up the flames, sending them elsewhere. “I would not be pleased were that body to accumulate further scars.”

“There is no cause for concern.” Tan scoffed, and with a gesture her own flames surged, surrounding her. “I am hardly so feeble as to fall to such a being. I am indeed offended…” she snarled. “… the Buddha, he walked on by. Now one of his adherents, following the hateful yet noble man, is reduced to this? I shall not stand for it!”

“Yeah, the boss has some serious split personality going on.” Suzu laughed. “Well, with all this light around, I doubt you’ll get your time to shine with this one, Bunta. Going to help me find my zombie idol? There’s some female ones over there. As long as she’s passable, I can do some touch-ups…”

Ugh, well, I suppose them handling the zombies will help us. Tan, what’s the plan?

Simple. His flames, while fierce, are nothing compared to our thirst, are they? Tan’s expression changed, to a ferocious snarl. “Fool, prepare to be devoured!”

“You too? It seems that the world is full of greedy creatures nowadays. Ah, such a shame. Perhaps evil is the natural state of being?” he said piously. “Well…” he suddenly exploded into movement, flames intensifying, as he roared towards Tan. “… this humble monk will not go quietly into oblivion. Not alone!”

“Careful!” Arisu warned, readying her Room, but Tan shook her head, blazing hair rippling like a fiery waterfall.

“Of this corrupted fool? Even vastly limited by this body and the Boundary, I have more than enough to deal with a fallen, capitulating fool!”

“Capitulating? I would see you resist the golden-eyed brute! Some did and were consumed. Those of us who submitted will end up devoured too, but…” he roared, slamming into Tan with a flaming wheel, momentum great. “… in the end, life is precious, it is not? Why should this humble monk not extend it even a moment longer?”

Ouch, that’s damn hot…

“No, it is merely lukewarm.” Tan said, her arms blocking the flaming wheel the size of a small building. Flexing, silently apologising for the additional pain that caused Shiro’s scars, she laughed. “Lukewarm and filthy. But also… enticing.” The monk howled in rage, spitting down great clouds of flame, but most of it vanished into Arisu’s Room, and the little that didn’t ran down Tan like water in a shower, doing little but leave faint red marks on her pale skin between the scars, and trickling from the faintly vibrating armoured robe she wore.

“All will end in fire!” the monk ranted, fondling his charred prayer beads so hard the string broke, sending them scattering. “You cannot resist me! Not with the cursed power…”

“Yes, you have been strengthened. First, by the power of the one I seek for the princess. Do not fear, he will join you next.” She licked her lips despite the strain of holding the wheel at bay. “And also… by that.” She observed the fitfully pulsing bone blade as his side, leaking violet vapour. “… it is part of something vile. Something that I am shamed to admit likely matches me in power. My true power.”

Really? That strong? Wait, golden-eyed? That’s… that’s the reason we were offered a healer by the Night Parade, right? To face that? Shiro was worried, but Tan showed no fear, only annoyance. More flames were raining down, and Arisu was sweating, her perfect, icy composure starting to thaw, as she continued to use her Room as a shield.

We should consider this a mere skirmish against this foe. Since this poor deluded man is drawing on a huge reservoir of aether from it, it is why he is so powerful. It is too much for the Boundary to easily bear, I fear. All over this land, it is starting to suffer damage. Minor at first, but if not stopped…

“…well, no matter. We shall stop it.” Tan declared. “Using borrowed power, such will never defeat me.”

Uh, isn’t that a bit, no a lot hypocritical, Tan? After all, aren’t I borrowing your power?

No, now part of it resides in you, truly. Your man has seen it, with that clever Eye of his.

“This is vexing, so frustrating. I must calm down.” He reached for his beads, realised they were missing, and the monk then grabbed the sword and started rubbing it, heedless of the way it cut into his flesh and sucked on his blood. “I hate being ignored. And as for you, stop stealing my flames. They were given to me by the noble…” he suddenly roared triumphantly, face twisted with glee. “Die, complacent fool!”

The second wheel detached from him, spinning free and slamming towards Tan from the side while she was still holding his other wheel back. Arisu panicked, her Room trying to intercept it, but the wheel crashed through, scattering her efforts in a spray of violet and yellow sparks.

Watch out… huh? Shiro looked on in wonder as Tan slipped one arm free from her burden, catching the other wheel. Her scars burned, but Tan merely laughed, trapped between the two blazing wheels. “You believe I can not hold you back? I, Taṇhā, she who thirsts? I am true Divinity, ruler of a realm above this. My father would weep were I to fall to such as you, even limited as I am. Besides…” she licked her lips, eye blazing balefully, the flames in her hair rising, forming a glowing crest of what looked like pale yellow feathers, a pair of wings of flame and hair trailing behind her, a strange almost beak-like mask of white-yellow fire covering her smiling mouth. “… even her man could do this much, as could that Fae creature. Poor deluded Raven, thinking them weak, suitable targets for vengeance. Well…”

Tanha, calling upon Thirst

As the monk ranted and raged, trying to retrieve his wheels, Tan finished, proclaiming “Well I never did get to eat a Fae, and that looks unlikely now. But as for you… I shall drink deep! Flames of my Thirst, quench my Famine! Consume, take out what you were given and make it mine!”

“Never, this humble monk will live on…” he roared, as his flaming wheels were wrapped in the blazing tide of her elongated hair. Flame met flame, an impure, purple-tinged one coming up against a yellow so ferocious it was almost white. The wheels began to collapse, and the monk sagged down.

“… even a second longer, a minute! I am not ready for oblivion!” he howled, suddenly dismissing his flaming conveyance. Tan was caught by surprise, and Arisu shouted a warning, her Room opening. Seeing that, the monk threw himself aside. Even so, his trailing leg touched the door to the Room and Arisu closed it with her own rage-filled snarl, severing it. Blood gouted, and the monk frowned, vile blade in his hand shifting to the side, no longer aimed at Tan’s head.

“I see. How careless of me. That wicked fragment could likely wound me badly. But alas…” caught in the wings of burning hair like a bug in a net, the monk screamed. Taking no chances, Arisu severed the arm, not used to using the Room so many times in succession, falling to her knees. As the bone blade hit the floor, it tried to squirm away, a tide of purple rising, but Arisu narrowed her tired eyes, recognising the similarities to her own ability.

“No. I think not.” A wave of violet struck the purple, and moments later the monk perished, becoming a bleached skeleton wreathed in white flame, then a silhouette of ash, before soon even that was gone.

“Well, the creature that empowered the fool was trying to claim the prize at the end instead of us. But…” she eyed the blade. “Well done, Arisu. Now…” flame flared, and the blade screamed, a psychic screech that hurt their heads, tears in Arisu’s eyes, Shiro unable to clutch her own head, forced to endure. Damn, this sucks. You’re not going to eat that shitty thing are you, Tan?

Of course not. This vile slime will hardly quench my thirst. No, I shall merely destroy it. Intensifying her flames, the bone finally melted, the goop remaining behind burning away, stinking and putrid.

Well then, I have my prize. Now, next is one for you.

For me? Shiro thought, puzzled.

Indeed. I know you best, do I not? After all, as that healer creature says so rudely, am I not part of you now? Even when we separate in the future, as is inevitable, a part of me shall be with you, and a part of you with me. So I know… there is a Favour here you can use.

Really? Shiro was surprised. I thought that I wasn’t strong enough to survive a Divine Favour, which was one reason you decided to host within me?

Yes. Tan thought wryly, as she watched Suzu and Bunta taking out the zombies. Suzu was doing most of the work, using brute force rather than any skill, her parasol functioning as a fairly effective bludgeon, easily crushing skulls. Moments later she cried out in joy, instead swinging her makeshift club at the leg of one zombie, and as it collapsed she browbeat Bunta into restraining it, dragging it into one of the few shadows under the silver sky.

You were too weak, too fragile, your body adapted for a world long past, where the ether density was far higher than now. Though such times will soon come again. But… you have grown, strengthened. This Lovers’ Link… Shiro felt Tan’s amusement, and wondered what she really thought, considering how she had failed to win over the Buddha, and had then abandoned all interest in such matters. …it is quite the ability. Rather clever indeed. It connects on a deeper level, and affords you the ability to grow, as he does. And you have worked hard. Your strengths, your skills… you have been augmented enough to bear it, I believe. Ordinarily you would not be able to take a gift from another without claiming the embodiment of it, their Divine Anchor, the root of what it is to become an Astral Emperor. But… I have my means. And I am not the only one, it seems.

Wait, you mean… I’m going to be a true Candidate, no more level cap, real abilities? Uh, not that I’m not grateful for the ones I got from you… her thoughts were racing, and she found her lips quirking into a grin, not sure if she or Tan was the one smiling.

Indeed. This Favour is quite compatible with you, though you may be surprised as to why. Now… let us go. I would not have such a morsel snatched from you, dashing your hopes, and besides, there are a couple more that I wish to consume myself. Your man made me promises, so he will be unable to complain. Besides… A pair of flaming wheels, this time wreathed in white-yellow flames, appeared, as did a burning platform. Tan held out a hand, helping Arisu up, where she stood, primly adjusting her dress, curious that the flames didn’t burn her or her clothes.

“Whoa, neat!” Suzu snickered, as she leapt aboard, Bunta following, an immobilised female zombie with a shattered leg, wrapped in dark, inky blue shadows over his small shoulder, his expression downcast. “So you got him then? Never had any doubt, boss. You sure like fire though, huh?”

“Of course I do.” Tan declared. “My thirst is an ever-raging flame. So this suits me perfectly. It was wasted on this coward.” She spat, and the saliva sizzled in the flames. “To think one following the Buddha would fall so low. Even my father would be gravely offended. Now, we need to make haste.” The wheels turned, and they were propelled through the battlefield of Kyoto at a speed greater than a sportscar, flaming wheels crushing obstacles and zombies alike under their flaming rims. Suzu was cheering at the spectacle, while Arisu and Bunta were silent.

Besides… Tan finished her earlier thought, Shiro waiting eagerly for it. I dare say he will even thank me for it. He does cherish you greatly, princess. And he is a man who wants those he loves to be strong. It is the one quality of his I admire. After all, weak women are pitiful, are they not?

Why does that feel like an insult? But I get it, I do. Aki does want to protect me, protect us. But he knows that if he does that without us being able to protect ourselves… she looked back at the distance, and imagined she could see ashes drifting despite the lack of breeze. … no, I don’t want to end up like that. Besides, I’m not weak. Not mentally. After all… she laughed inside her own mind. I was prepared to sacrifice everything, even the fate of the world, to get what I wanted. I’m a bad girl, I suppose. But I’m not a pitiful caged bird. Not anymore.

No, and now you shall be able to soar. And the fate of the world still lies in your hands, those of you and the others. A different fate, but perhaps…


Enough of this. Quenching my thirst has momentarily made me contemplative. No, we have more still to do. We shall make haste… and with that she sped up still further, smashing through several debris-filled streets, reaching a park near Nijo castle, where their next opponent waited…

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