On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Interlude Seven – The Waiting Dead

Interlude Seven – The Waiting Dead

So boring, nya. I suppose I should be grateful. In the near-silent stillness of the tangled web of spiritual links that made up the Kin Bonding and Restoration skill, the formless spirit that was the slowly rebuilding Ginneka cast out her web of perception. For a while the knotted strands of spiritual energy had shuddered, the trembling affecting the other spirits that were within it, though to a lesser degree.

Such a battle. Scary, nya. My brother and I were such a fool, to think we could defeat the daughter of that haughty bitch Urakaze. No, the so-called foolish princess was not the fool, we were. It was difficult to perceive anything, since she was a rebuilding spirit, only her core trapped within the skill, a miracle that should not have been possible, but for her ability as the thieving cat. Having momentarily been a possessor of the skill, no half the skill, for it was a skill perfectly distributed across separate beings, when she was slain… Thinking about that still makes me shudder, or it would if I still had a body, nya. Death was grim, I didn’t much care for it… as the skill returned whence it came, her thievery undone, she came along with it, and her brother too.

The skill was truly worth the theft. Such powerful abilities were sometimes created when bloodlines mixed, differing talents combining in unusual ways. But alas, they had reached too far, and this was the end result. But not the end. Though she still held a little grudge towards the man that had constantly mocked her, knowing when she was drifting into consciousness, listening, that sentiment had faded somewhat over time. At least he knows how to honour his debts, nya. He is rather handsome, perhaps when I finally return, we can have some fun before… a sudden feeing of malice overwhelmed the bond, and her spirit shuddered, quite the interesting feeling. Sorry, but it’s a compliment, nya? Besides, I’ve been watching. You yourself, you seem to take pride in his appeal, no?

Now that her spiritual presence was being constantly nourished by an ever-growing flow of aether, her moments where she could partially perceive the outside, or her fellow recuperating spirits, had increased in number and duration. Now she could clearly feel the other holder of the bonds, the Kamaitachi princess, for now she resembled one in truth, and she was displeased.

I had best mind my manners, nya. I don’t want to be killed again the moment I wake up. Any thoughts she had of revenge were long gone from her, as she had felt their strength grow to levels incomparable to when she and her brother had battled them and that insane maid. In fact, watching the battle against the Kijo Matriarch and her forces, Ginneka had felt sick with fright. It was a damn massacre. I’m never going against them, nya. I made a wise decision to help the wanderer. Back then she had only a few moments of clarity, as she and her brother were being starved of aether, unable to recover much, if any, strength.

Once the dying human had found her way to her by chance, and she had given her a portion of herself, which had almost destroyed her last flickering flames of existence, her dim candle almost extinguished, she found that she had gambled wisely. After that, the flow of aether to me has increased constantly, and I find myself growing stronger rapidly. Soon… soon I can return nya. My brother, he is receiving little, but when I return, I can grovel before them, nya. I can kiss the Kamaitachi’s feet if I must, or offer my body to him, nya… if she had a body she would be licking her lips, forgetting in her impulsiveness her previous apology, and anger surged through the Bonds again, leading to more mental grovelling until the storm passed. Even that was a delight though, as her thoughts were consistently clear enough to consider such matters.

Sorry, sorry nya! I’m a thieving cat, it’s in my nature to wish to take what others covet. Alas, I’m far too weak to cross you now, nya. In the Hyakki Yagyō, Shaeula was now her superior, her Number incomparably higher to Ginneka’s erstwhile Ninety, which she shared with Kinneka. I do worry though, nya. Don’t do dangerous things, if you die, or he dies, you both die, and me with you too, nya! Her as well!

There was another guest dwelling here now, a human woman. She too was drinking in great quantities of aether, though her development was far slower than Ginneka’s. While she did have a spiritual body, which was slowly being regrown around her core spirit, she was not a being of spirit, like Fae or Yokai, so the burden was far higher. Even so, she would return, barring mischance and the deaths of those that held them trapped within their Bonds. It sure is a strange feeling, having to root for my slayers, nya. Not an unpleasant one though. Submitting to the strong is natural for Yokai, and seeing that arrogant Kitsune humbled and killed was mighty satisfying, nya.

So many terrible foes, though. That horrible toad, that madwoman channelling a being she could not hope to control. Madness, nya. Against either of those, all brother and I could hope to do would be to flee. But… she had another sense, since part of her had been gifted to the girl, which had saved her life, and led to her bring forgiven, and gaining hope of rebirth. Occasionally their minds touched fleetingly as well and Ginneka could sense what she saw and heard, feel what she felt. The longing from the girl to be able to fight by their sides, face the same terrible foes they fought, was something Ginneka found hard to understand, but due to the connection, the mingling of skill and spirit, it was seeping into her too, and she had boiled with anger as the battle with the so-called Angel had raged on, surprising herself. Not good, nya. Being too bold and curious… well, it did indeed kill this cat. And my brother too.

As Shaeula’s anger turned away from her, Ginneka relaxed. At that moment, her fellow waiting spirit gained consciousness. It would not last long, but the worst thing about being trapped here, waiting, was the solitude. There had been others, Fae creatures, weaselkin, but their spirits were feeble in comparison to Ginneka’s, or this woman, so they had sucked greedily on the aether and been returned to life, their stays brief, unable to assuage loneliness. But this woman… Even though she is human, she is closer to us, nya. And so very alone, cursed by solitude. Whereas at least I have always had Kinneka, nya.

“Are you awake, nya?” It wasn’t really words exchanged, there were no sounds, merely a sort of spiritual resonance. As she spoke, her self-image solidified, to a bound girl, naked but for some silver fur covering her private areas, tail swinging behind her, ears twitching. Her blue eyes pierced the gloom, though calling it gloom was inaccurate, as this was a place of no light whatsoever, and suddenly her fellow spirit was visible.

Nya, pretty. She licked her lips, admiring the beauty of the woman before her. She was tall, with a slender figure but was voluptuous, with a shroud of night-black hair dropping to the floor, her red eyes seeming to glow like stars in the pitch darkness. She was bound in the strands of bonds, each shining silver with aether, and it looked rather… erotic.

“It is you.” The mental voice of the woman was weak, but calm and accepting. “How… how long have I been sleeping this time?” she asked.

“Not too long, nya. It is very hard for me to judge the time here, but as I am closer to finally being free of this place, I can feel more and more of what they do. Ten days perhaps, nya?” she shrugged.

“I see.” The woman nodded solemnly. “They survived then. And changed the Princess of Humans’ fate, it seems.” A small smile quirked on her largely expressionless face, and Ginneka purred happily.

“Yes, we survived. I did worry perhaps they would die, and we with them.”

“We are already dead.” The woman said softly, and Ginneka shrugged.

“Don’t be a sourpuss, a killjoy, nya. Death doesn’t have to be the end. Though it does take a miracle to prevent it. I so wanted this skill…” she sighed softly. “In the end, I even gave away my own. Perhaps I can reclaim it from the other girl, but… nya, not likely.”

“Yes. She is making it a part of herself.” The woman looked up, and suddenly there was something in the darkness, a light overhead reminiscent of the moon. Her blue eyes widening, the cat looked up, grinning.

“Nya, this is new. Is this your doing?” At least it isn’t so boring, nya. It breaks the monotony for a while…

“No.” the woman shook her head, dark tresses swaying. “I have already passed on the Favour of Tsukuyomi. This is perhaps merely a kindness, since we lie deep within Akio, my heir. See…” the silver disk showed shadowy images, hard to discern unless one knew what they were looking at, but Ginneka had been watching, so she saw the shadows as the human Princess that was the heart of the recent battle.

“… she lives. She has passed her deadly trial of betrayal by false friends masked falsely. Just as the Hungry Ghost passed her own trial of thirsting for the life of who she loved. I am well pleased.” Her crimson eyes seemed to shimmer with emotion as well as moisture, though that was again an illusion, just a construct of the consciousness of her spirit.

“No, did you not think he would win, nya?” Ginneka queried. It’s not like we have been able to talk much, she arrived far later than I did, nya, and she is barely awake the majority of the time. Though again, with more aether, more strength, we recover faster than ever…

Her expression changed, to one Ginneka had never seen. “He failed to save me from my prophesised fate of death, no?” Her smile was softly amused, her brilliant eyes narrowed, still shining damply. “What can one expect then?”

“Harsh, nya.” Ginneka purred, surprised. “The only constant in life is death, right?” At her words the woman whose name she had never learned seemed surprised, and Ginneka continued. “It’s simple, isn’t it? Even those who live forever, such as Lord Nurarihyon, eventually they’ll die. Though I’d probably be punished severely for saying so. But there are those beings out there even he fears, right?”

“Yes.” The woman nodded. “Even Gods, immortal and powerful as they are, are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. In fact, to be such is impossible. After all, can a god create a stone they cannot lift, or can an invincible shield survive the strike of an all-piercing spear?”

“Riddles, nya? I like those.” She licked at her lips again, blue eyes sparkling, enjoying the brief moment of companionship. “If the God creates a rock he cannot lift at the time, sure. Then when he tries to lift the rock, he suddenly can. Problem solved, right?” she said proudly, puffing out her own chest, feeling a little outclassed. If I could freely change my shape again, I’d be more impressive, nya!

“Such is sophistry. But you are wiser than you appear.” she said gently, and Ginneka bristled, tail sticking up behind her, fur standing on end as she hissed.

“Rude! I am very clever, nya. I just got too greedy, which is why I ended up this way. So, what’s wrong with my answer? It works, doesn’t it?”

“It does, but it is still not a resolution to the paradox of omnipotence, only pushes it down the line one step. Even so… it is the solution that Akio arrived at for me.” Her gentle smile turned troubled. “I had accepted my death and upcoming oblivion, and…”

“Liar.” Ginneka snorted, tail lashing. “Here we are, spirits alive by their energies. I know what you feel, as you must know mine, nya?” As the woman nodded, she continued. “You hated the thought of your doom, thought it unfair, unjust. Not a fit reward for all your sacrifices and sorrows. More fool you, nya.” She scoffed, proud. “At least I died doing something for me, stupid though that was.” Before the woman could offer a rebuttal, she continued. “Well, you’re not the only idiot. But you should have tried harder to grasp what you wanted. Since you have a second chance. I get it.” She realised, smiling. “If your death was the rock he couldn’t lift, then your rebirth…”

“Yes. He did not have the power to turn aside the Definite fate I bore. No-one could. In fact, I felt the best course of action was to let me perish, then concentrate on gathering and protecting the Princesses of the Six Paths, so that he could save them, and thus defeat my slayer when the time was right. Yukiko would be safe then too. But…”

“They tossed that out, nya. I get that. I thought the daughter of Urakaze would be as weak and useless as the rumours. More fool me, nya.” She snorted again, embarrassed. “Well, my brother and me, we’re like your rocks too. Though it looks like I’m going to have to beg for them to restore my brother. Not that I blame them. I saved the girl, sure, but… well, there’s no trust, just repayment of a debt. But I don’t hate a hot man who is honest like that.” She giggled, licking her lips.

“Yes. He lifted the rock that was too heavy for him, and it seems I shall be restored in time. As he promised. Though…” she looked lost for a minute, forlorn. “… my time has ended, my work is done. I do not know what I will do with myself…”

I’m the stupid one, nya?” Ginneka shook her head. “You said it yourself. He saved the Princess, like you asked him to. But there’s more to do right? Can you stand aside, even if you’ve given up the torch to him?”

“I… do not believe so.” She agreed softly. “But then, it will just, all over again…”

“Guess I’ve been watching more than you. I’ve had front-row seats to their lives for a while now, nya.” Ginneka laughed. “Sure, they are trying to carry the weight of that boulder, but they do it together. Maybe if a God can create a rock they can’t lift, by getting help they can, nya? Besides…” Because all you were is duty, you weren’t strong, nya. We of the Night Parade, the Hyakki Yagyō, we are powerful, but also indulge. Booze, brawls, love… without pleasure, without a reason beyond what must be done, there is no true strength. They understand that too, nya. “… they have a lot of fun. Makes me very jealous. When their Bonds overlap and are stimulated, it stirs us the most, brings us to wakefulness. Either great joys or great pains. You know it too, right nya?”

Watching the pale woman flush was amusing, but she nodded. “I too… have felt their passions, and seen through his eyes. It was rather too much for me. I am not… used to such things.”

“Nya, little virgin girl huh? Bet you’ve never even been kissed.” She snorted in response, feeling superior. “There’s nothing special about it. If you want it, do it. I do. I’ve had many lovers. Life is for living. If you have things you need to do, get compensation for it, nya!”

“I have kissed.” She denied, face scarlet. “Besides, I have no wish to… no, if I was to experience love, I would wish it to be with someone special.”

“Nothing wrong with that either, nya. Just… who is stronger? Someone who does their duty for duty’s sake, or someone fighting to protect their own joys, loves, nya? The answer’s simple.”

Looking up at the fake moon and the shadowy images, the woman squeezed shut her eyes, and after a long silence, opened them again. “I see it. I know it. Though I hate it, for it repudiates the life I have lived up until now. So foolish.”

“Nya, no, you’re the foolish one. Your life up to now… though calling it life when we are dead is funny.” She sighed, and at a glare from those red eyes opposite her she continued. “Your life has led you to this place. A place of second chances. I will take my second chance, nya. Let it not be said this cat can’t learn. My name might be synonymous with stupid, but I most certainly am not, nya! As for you…”

She nodded. “I thought strength, the right thing, was to honour duty, even at the cost of self-sacrifice. But his words, they echo within me… Sacrifices not only hurt those that make them, but those who love those that make them. I… I thought I was destined to vanish, fade away as if I had never been. To find that fate destroyed… it is a frightening thing.”

“The unknown is always frightening, nya. But in the unknown lies the most fun.”

“I see. I… I cannot give up the mission Tsukuyomi gave me. Even without his Favour, I am still me, still the Diviner. But I am also Matsumuro Tsukiko. A woman. Who has kissed a man.” At her cute glare, Ginneka doubled over, laughing.

“What a thing to get hung up on, nya. Foolish. But, you’ve decided, right?”

“I have.” She agreed. “I will, as the Diviner, strive to aid Akio, Yukiko and the other Princesses, to save this world. But as Tsukiko, I will also seek my own happiness. I believe… the two can coexist. I’ve seen it.” Her face went red. “I’ve seen too much.”

“No kidding, nya! It makes me itch down below, but…” she shuddered as the sense of threat came back. “I know. You don’t like me, Kamaitachi. I’ll tow the line, nya. I’m not ungrateful…”

The woman, Tsukiko raised an eyebrow, also feeling some of what Ginneka felt. “Strange. When I…” she struggled to speak, but in the end managed it. “… when I think such thoughts, merely in passing, you understand, I do not sense such rejection.”

“Lucky.” Ginneka laughed. “But enough of that. I have no wish to anger her more. So, you have your path. I have mine. I’ll do whatever it takes to earn their trust to restore my brother, the idiot, nya. But there’s something I don’t understand. Can you help me?”

Tsukiko cocked her head, giving her assent. “When I can touch their thoughts, they think a lot about how things have changed now, that the world will never be the same again, nya. Why? All I can see they did was defeat a powerful enemy and save a woman, nya.”

Tsukiko laughed. “A very… spiritual… perspective. After all, you know nothing of the world other than what you have felt through them. Proof… proof that spiritual beings exist and can walk among us, that abilities which transcend our understanding of the world are possible. No, such chaos as this will bring will change everything.” She paused then. “I was wrong again.”

“How so, nya?”

“I had pieced together a rough time of the actions against the Princess of Humans. I had thought it would occur around Christmas. It seems that things changed. Everything changed. I am adrift in a sea of uncertainty. What was Definite, what was Destined… perhaps it might be averted yet.”

“Isn’t that a good thing, nya? It means that you can win.”

“Yes, it does. But it also means I have to work harder to be useful.” She looked at the moon, red eyes squinting, and for a moment the shadows shifted, revealing a thin, bedraggled figure, cloaked in matted hair, eyes burning with a ruddy light, fleeing on bloody feet, bare back covered in deep cuts, weeping blood.

“You see that, nya?” Ginneka asked, puzzled, and Tsukiko nodded.

“I do. It seems that all is not taken from me. I have seen her before, though never so clearly. The Princess of Demons. It seems soon she will be gravely endangered. Yet…”

“I wouldn’t trust her, nya. While she seems sad, there’s also a deep darkness in her, nya. She’s like me, I think. Not like you.”

“Indeed. Well, is a Demon human? I am not one to make that judgement. But for now…” she was starting to fade away, her energy spent. “… do… watch for… me. I am so very… tired. I will… sleep… until…. I.. see you… again.”

With that Ginneka was once more alone, the sleeping spirit lights of her brother and Tsukiko, and the sensations she could feel from Akio, Shaeula and the girl she had gifted part of herself to, all she was left with for company in the darkness. “I see. It would not be so bad to meet again, free from here, nya. But I did enjoy the conversation. The world has changed, nya? The world is always changing. The only constant is, everything ends, nya. But sometimes, and end means a new beginning. Like ours. Perhaps it will be fun to see, nya.”

It won’t be too much longer. I wonder… the mortal world… will I get to see it? I shouldn’t be greedy, I need to persuade them to bring back my brother, nya. But… with her position lost as Ninetieth of the Hyakki Yagyō Ginneka was at a loose end, rather free. … Tsukiko is not the only one who will have to find a new path. Though the difference between us is… I know how to have fun, nya!

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