On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Four Hundred And Thirty-Six *R18 – Contains Sex*

Four Hundred And Thirty-Six *R18 – Contains Sex*

The steam rising from the artificial hot springs drifted up towards the glass dome overhead, through which we could see the night sky, though due to the lights from central Tokyo, which unlike at Shirohebizumi, we were now actually within, only a few stars and the moon was visible. “I wonder, why doesn’t the glass fog up?” I said, mostly to myself, but it was answered by Hinata, her tone surprisingly shy.

“It’s special glass. It already is only transparent from this side, but I believe it has tiny channels that guide the steam out and also temperature regulation… to be honest, I didn’t understand it.” I turned, to see she was flushed a healthy pink, her hands clutching the very short hem of the bathing robe she was wearing, the white, silken cloth clinging to her body tightly.

“All we need to know is that rich people will spend a fortune on the little things.” Shiro said, also wearing the tiny white robe, though on her it looked lewd, her ample chest and long legs protruding, while Hinata made it look cute. Though again, Hinata’s chest is surprisingly big for her age…

On seeing my gaze, Hinata’s bare skin flushed a deeper red. She took a deep breath, before smiling at me brightly, though the cute flush in her cheeks gave away her tension. “It’s fine. We’ve bathed together before, haven’t we, Akio? And we were wearing less than this.”

Oh yeah, when I first gained Spiritually Pure Physique, and my body simply gushed out impurities. “True. Although I get why you’d be shy.” As she saw where I was looking, Shiro laughed, crossing her arms under her own chest.

“I’d say you have a bright future ahead of you, Hinata. You’re not small for your age at all.” She leered like a dirty old man, an expression of hers I was used to seeing, when we were talking about eroge games or doujins.

“If you think I’m big, then you should see a girl we have at Hanafubuki. One of the sisters Takakura house sent over to educate us. She’s still in middle school but she’s bigger than you, Shiro!” She turned to me, and the distraction from her scantily clad state of dress meant that she was no longer so self-conscious, and her legs stretching from the tiny hem of her robe drew my eye next. “You remember her, right Akio?”

“Yeah, you mean Mizuki-san? I have to admit, she’s eye-catching.” She certainly stands out in a crowd.

“Best drop that line of thought, Aki.” Shiro warned with a wry smile. “Hinata here is skirting close to the edge, but if you go after middle schoolers, it’s a crime. There’s no way even you can get the law changed on that one!”

“I wouldn’t want to!” I protested, knowing Shiro was teasing me at my expense. “I’m not a pervert…”

“Right, sure you aren’t Aki.” Shiro shared a smile with Hinata, winking. “Says the man bathing with his barely legal fiancée, and his older, hotter fiancée both at the same time, while some others…” She cast her eyes over to where Kana and Tsukiko were standing nervously, Kana red as a tomato, tugging at the insufficient hem of her robe, while also trying to keep the top part from opening and revealing her breasts, an effort which was ultimately futile, as the silken robes were so short only one area could be protected at once. “…are waiting in the wings.” Tsukiko didn’t look nervous, only confused, though she was wearing the robe boldly, her long legs and ample chest visible. From what she said, she had her own hot springs at Tsukuyomi-jinja, so she’s used to it, though she only had her old female servant with her…

On seeing me looking, Kana shivered. “I knew it, this is too soon. It’s not like I don’t want to…” she said, her voice shrinking, and seeing the usually flirty Kana so flustered was fresh, and sparked my desire to tease her, so I let my gaze roam up and down her body. Yeah, Kana’s confidence in her looks is certainly well warranted. She’s a very pretty girl… “No, that’s it… I’m going to change!” She hurried off, though the bottom of her bathing robe rode up, giving me a view of something she would ordinarily have kept hidden.

“The boldest girls on the surface are always the most cowardly.” Shiro observed dryly. “I was the same. Now, this Mizuki girl…”

“Oh come on. The three Takakura sisters are very pretty, each in their own way, but while I’ve done Chirurgery on them, we don’t have many dealings, although they’ll be coming to the training school more often. Besides…” I gestured to Tsukiko, who having made up her mind came over to join us, as we watched the steaming pools of hot water, the steam giving off the scent of minerals. Whoever owned this estate before really spared no expense, the water is even impregnated with the same elements as a natural volcanic spring. “…I’m more than happy with who’s in my life now.”

Tsukiko sat down elegantly, her legs sinking into the water. “This reminds me of my shrine, my home. No, is this my home now?” she mused.

“You can have more than one.” I said, smiling fondly at her. Our relationship isn’t deep, but… I decided I wanted to make up for her struggles and sacrifices, so we can develop it from here, just like I have with Hinata, and…

Motoko and Natsumi were next to arrive, both also wearing the skimpy robes. Sitting down on the cypress-wood decking, resting their backs against decorative boulders, the edges smoothed and polished to be comfortable even on delicate skin, they seemed relaxed, which provoked Hinata a little.

“You seem so calm and collected. My heart is racing so much I think I might explode.” She admitted to her fellow daughters of nobility. She then looked at me, her smile impish. “It’s not a bad feeling though, I think.”

“The reason’s simple.” Natsumi said, stretching, smiling a little as my eyes followed her movements, the collar of her robe opening. “Motoko and I, we’ve already given everything a woman can. There’s no longer any reason to hesitate. Although…” her smile was now a little shy. “…you never actually stop being nervous, it’s just a different sort of tension.”

“Yeah, if the thrill goes, then the fun goes.” Shiro said proudly, and I raised an eyebrow at her. “What? Aki, I’m a woman of experience now!” Shiro boasted. “I’m perfectly capable of offering advice to my juniors.” She looked at Hinata fondly. “So, how’s it feel to be staying over in your fiancé’s home? Like a little chick just ready to be devoured by big bad wolf Aki?”

Hinata exchanged a look with Motoko, who nodded reassuringly. Hinata then looked at me, a beautiful smile on her face. “It’s simply not done, in the world of nobility, is it? We’re supposed to remain chaste until our marriage. Even those who have arranged marriages don’t really spend any time with their fiancés until the wedding. Fortunately… we don’t have to play by their rules anymore.”

“No. Natsumi and I were more than happy to offer our chastity to Akio. Because we have faith that it will not bring us shame, only happiness. It was indeed a happy time.” Motoko flushed, remembering. “While there was a little pain, that is the proof we dedicated ourselves to Akio, and he accepted us. And it soon became pleasure. Not just of the body, but of the heart.”

“Yes, it’s a sweet feeling, being loved.” Natsumi agreed. “I don’t believe we could have ever experienced this within the narrow confines of the nobility, but… that’s not true, is it?” she realised, and Hinata giggled wickedly.

“No, it’s not. Because we still are the nobility, but Akio is so important we’ve been able to change what it means to be a noble daughter.” She leaned back, looking up at the night sky through the glass. “I know I’m loveable, and any man would be an idiot to betray me. Besides, Akio…” she looked into my eyes, her brown eyes intense. “…you love me, I know that. So I have nothing to fear.”

“Of course I do.” I promised, feeling warm inside. “Though not just you of course, Hinata.”

“I know. I wouldn’t be so greedy.” She giggled. “Besides, we’re daughters of the nobility.” Motoko and Natsumi nodded their agreement. “It’s not unusual for a man to have concubines. At least we get a proper wedding, all of us together.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what you think about it, Tsukiko…” Shiro said, her silver locks cascading as she shook her head. “…but I was quite pissed off when Aki had the nerve to propose to me, despite being engaged to Eri. At the time, he won me over by… well, by being Aki, you get it, right?”

“Yes, I believe I do.” Motoko inclined her head gracefully. We were siting on the edge of the hot springs, and the steam was causing their robes to become more and more transparent.

“I do not understand myself, perhaps I am too sheltered, naïve.” Tsukiko said. “However, I can feel your care. It surprises me, but I am prepared to experience that which I denied myself in service of Tsukuyomi.” She touched her lips, remembering. “I have no complaints. I feel I would rather seek someone who understands me and the weight I carry. I never had friends, for I never had a true self. Other than Yukiko, and even her, there was a distance between us, though I have hope I can bridge that now. So…”

“Ugh, hearing that makes me feel guilty, don’t you agree, Daiyu-chan?” Kana said, having returned, followed by the quiet Daiyu. On seeing us looking, Kana flushed, embarrassed.

“Isn’t it bad manners to wear something other than a bathing robe in a hot spring?” Hinata asked slyly, and Kana sighed, before twirling around, now less concerned with the revealing nature of her robe, the black bikini underneath making her look quite striking.


“Yeah, I guess so, but we’re here by ourselves, it’s ours, right? So it doesn’t matter. Besides, I admit, despite everything, I’m a bit embarrassed.” Kana shrugged. Beside her, Daiyu was unconcerned, her robe already see-through, as she had washed herself thoroughly before donning it. I think she’s concerned about all the impurities she’s exuding. As she practises her new Foundation technique, she does ooze a bit. It doesn’t put me off though, it’s proof of her hard work.  “I’m not at the stage I should be naked with you, Akio. We still haven’t been on many dates. I’m the one that can give you an ordinary romance! None of the others can, they are either nobles who live in a different world, or… special.” She grinned at Shiro, her expression mocking and triumphant. Kana sat down beside me, while Daiyu lounged on another of the nearby decorative boulders.

“Yes, I am special, though I can’t help but hear the insult in that.” Shiro snickered. “But what about Eri?”

“Now come on, Eri’s no good for normal romance either. Sure, she’s as ordinary as they come, but…” Kana grinned at me. “She’s so clingy and a bit of a stalker, so… it’s up to me. She’s actually improved though. If it was before, there’s no way she could have spent time with her family settling them in their new home, knowing we were here with you.”

“True, and we can’t expect the Fae girls to understand.” Shiro agreed. ”Speaking of, how’s it going?”

“Not bad, Shaetanao was more reasonable than I expected.” I replied, sharing what my other self was experiencing. “But really, is that what you want to talk about?”

“No, tonight, you’re all ours, Aki.” Shiro insisted. “Yeah, I’ve definitely changed too. Come on, we’re all here now, so we might as well take a dip.” Shiro stood proudly, challenging Kana with her gaze, before slipping the robe from her beautiful figure, standing there naked before me. Enjoying the way I looked at her, Shiro slid into the water, letting out a relaxed sigh. “Yeah, this is the life of luxury I always deserved. I mean, as trophy wives go, I think I’m the best you can get!”


“Should you be boasting about that?” Hinata said, amused. Natsumi, following Shiro’s lead, also shrugged off her robe, sinking into the warm water, while Motoko kept hers on, though it covered little, turning transparent as soon as she was soaked in the water. “Not that I don’t get it. That’s the only fate I could have hoped for, before this.”

“That’s a bit sad, Hinata-chan.” Kana said, more relaxed now she was in a swimsuit, though Daiyu also had no care for my eyes on her, as she too was naked in the water. Beside us, Tsukiko slid in, her robe soaking up water, revealing the flushed pink of her skin, though she was listening intently, trying to make sense of her own feelings through the experiences of the others. “But I’m not sure I was much better. My way of thinking was pretty shallow…”

“Hey, it’s not so bad.” Shiro protested. “I mean, it wasn’t like I was healthy enough to really be in a relationship. Looks were all I had going for me. Well, that and my winning personality.”

“Modesty too.” I muttered, and Shiro splashed water at me.

“Don’t be rude, Aki. Why should we be modest, any of us?” She looked around, dark eyes solemn. “Like I said before, I was a bit pissed off. I didn’t exactly feel thrilled about sharing, even if I knew I had to, if I wanted Aki. But now…” She grinned wickedly, and Hinata was smiling as well, a grin that seemed to indicate some sort of shared secret between them. Curious. But whatever it is, I’m happy they are getting closer. I want everyone to get along. Right now I’m lucky, they bicker sometimes and some girls find it hard to relate to some of their fellows, but… in general it’s largely harmonious. That was another reason I wasn’t keen on recklessly increasing my harem, even if I knew there was no way that I’d get through the long centuries of life I’d live without falling for others. Even so, I don’t want to choose just for the sake of it. It’s not fair to them, the girls, or even myself…

“…it’s a funny thing. Perhaps Shaeula rubbed off on me, the little witch is quite a schemer, but it’s a bit thrilling, you know? To think that I’m with the most desirable, important guy in Japan. No, not just Japan. Shit, the whole world knows your name now.” She grinned. “Imagine it, Aki leading us all through the heart of a big city, everyone watching in awe, taking notice… damn, I’m shallow, but… it’s so satisfying!”

Hinata seemed to have made up her mind. She took a deep breath and with a slight trembling of her fingers, she pulled open the collar of her bathing robe, sliding it down, until she was naked before me. She winked, her embarrassment somehow amusing herself, and she jumped down into the water with a splash, making sure I got a good look at her.

“Careful Akio, you’ll be arrested…” Kana smirked.

“If that is the case, then he cannot look at you either, Kana-san?” Motoko pointed out, and Kana sighed. “Besides, Hinata is his fiancée. There is nothing wrong with it.”

“I know, I know, just lightening the mood. Now, Akio, aren’t you joining us?” Kana said, and I slid into the water as well, feeling a pleasant warmth on my skin.

“Yeah, I do feel a twinge of guilt. Though the pair of you are nearly the same age, you look more mature, Kana, so it doesn’t sting my conscience quite as much…”

“I don’t lose out.” Hinata said, and suddenly I felt her warmth against my back, her decent chest for her age pressing against me, heating me up. “Besides… this isn’t the first time. Though then I wasn’t really able to understand the implications. I liked to think I was so much wiser than the other daughters of nobility… but really, I was just as sheltered. Sorry Motoko, Natsumi. I looked down on you a bit in my heart…”

As they waved that off, forgiving her, I leaned back into Hinata, looking at the others happily. Even while this was going on, I was with Asha, Hyacinth and Shaeula in the Fae realms, so Eri was the only one that was missing. I’ll make it up to her. I did promise her that trip, just the two of us…


“So we’re all agreed then?” Hinata asked, and everyone nodded. “Then we will no longer use honorifics for each other. I know the way we address each other has been a bit inconsistent, and it can be hard to change our habits, but… we’re not merely ordinary friends.”

“Yeah, it seems strange, especially after all this naked socialising. Be more like me, treat everyone the same.” Shiro patted her chest, enjoying the way she made me look at her.

“You always address everyone freely.” Motoko observed. “I find it refreshing. But I have noticed one thing.” As Shiro made a noise to signal her interest, Motoko continued. “You call everyone by name, but you only ever give one person a nickname. And that is Akio. You were doing it before he proposed to you, were you not?”

“Tch.” Shiro made an embarrassed noise, looking away for a moment. “You’re a sharp one, Motoko. Must be your martial arts training. Yeah, you’re right. Even Hayato, I never had a nickname for him. Only Aki. Guess I had deeper feelings for him than I thought. Such wasted time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if I realised and moved first, I could have had him all to myself.”

“I thought you liked us all?” Hinata pointed out, and Shiro shrugged.

“I do, and that’s no lie. But a girl can dream, right? But this is nice enough for my life.” She floated in the spring, her hair a silver mat behind her. “I really must ask Aimi and Hina if they want to try this out. No guys though, can’t have any of us walking in naked while they’re there. Aki’d kill them for sure. He may not look it, but he’s a jealous man!”

“I know he is.” Hinata agreed, snuggling up to my arm, having grown accustomed to the embarrassment of bathing naked with me. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to persuade him to marry me. The thought of seeing another man taking me… it upsets you, right?” she giggled, and I nodded. It’s true. I didn’t want to break her heart, sure, but half of it was certainly greed…

“But what about if Akio walks in on your friends?” Natsumi asked. “Isn’t that just as bad?”

“Oh yeah, good point. Hina’s too shy for that. Aimi would probably blush but pretend nothing had happened and walk out. It’s worse because I know Aki used to have a crush on her. She’s actually got your sort of build, Hinata. Short but with a big chest. No, luckily Aki isn’t into stealing women from other people. But yeah, I shudder to think what would happen if I invited Arisu and he walked in… yeah, no thanks. I don’t want the hot spring ruined with blood.” She paused. “So, subject change. Tsukiko, how are you finding this?”

Tsukiko frowned, a little unsure, before smiling, a trace of confusion on her face. “It is not unpleasant. Just listening to you all chatter about little without a care, watching you all smile, it makes me feel more connected, more real. For too long I have drifted ephemerally through life, tied down only by the portents of disaster. But now…”

“But what about Akio?” Kana asked, grinning. “Do you feel anything being so close to him how you are now?” she fidgeted, her legs rubbing together nervously. “I’m wearing a swimsuit, and even I feel all hot and bothered. So for you…”

“I may have lived a solitary life, but I understand the principles of how men and women procreate. While Tsukuyomi is not strictly a fertility God, the moon has been the symbol of such in many cultures.”

“I still think that’s missing the point.” Kana pressed. “I’m asking how you feel, not what you know.”

“I feel strange.” She admitted. “My eyes are drawn to him constantly, and my heart is racing in my chest. I feel hot, hotter than would be usual for a soak of this length. It is far from unpleasant, and my lips… my lips burn.” She touched them tenderly again.

“Yeah, makes sense. She’s got it bad.” Shiro grinned. “Aki and his saving of damsels in distress is getting out of hand. Oh well, we’d each be idiots to complain, since he extended his hands to all of us as well. But…” she grinned wickedly. “…it isn’t often we get time with Aki away from Eri, Shaeula and Hyacinth, is it? Since we have a novice here…” she looked at Hinata then too. “… no, two novices…”

“I’m not experienced…” Kana protested, but Shiro rolled her eyes.

“Maybe not, but you’re a streetwise young girl, you know how it works. These two are pure and unsullied. So I think we should show them a few things that can be done with lips…” Her smile was lascivious now, and she licked her own lips. “You might want to step out, Kana, considering you were too shy to get in without a swimsuit.”

“I’m not shy!” she protested. “I just… don’t want to rush things. Half the fun of dating is taking things slow! Besides…” she grinned then, and it looked genuine. “I can see the way Akio looks at me sometimes. I know he wants me, so… I’ll play a little hard to get, and so when we finally do…”

“Yeah I get it. Your loss. More for the rest of us then. So…” she grinned, striding over to me through the water, reaching down and grabbing my dick in her soft hands, starting to slowly stroke up and down as I bit down on a groan. “…who wants to have a go first?”

“I remember this.” Motoko said, flushed. “We will serve with our mouths, until he erupts?”

“We sure will. Luckily Aki has the recovery of a prized stallion, otherwise us girls would wring him dry until he’s a mummy. Now, decide amongst yourselves, while I…” she pushed her head under the water and swallowed my dick with her mouth, her tongue twisting around my glans, licking and stroking. The contrast between the warm water and the inside of her mouth was erotic, and a groan did escape my lips. Reaching down, I started massaging her breasts, feeling her hard nipples, and my other slid to her ass, groping her tight flesh. One finger started stroking her pussy, sliding along her folds lubricated by the water, and after a moment I slid it inside, rubbing at her sensitive places. Her mouth tightened, and even under the water I could see her black eyes looking up at me. For a moment she continued, before resurfacing, face flushed.

“So yeah, that’s the gist of it.” She said proudly, and I gently smacked her ass, before continuing to finger her gently. Her legs wobbled, and she shot me a look of flushed reproach. “Come on Aki, I’m trying to teach here…” she grinned at Hinata. “I’d say you should have a go, but do kissing first, otherwise it seems a bit wrong.”

“I… I’m staying over tonight. Mother, father and grandfather all agreed. I think… they must know what I’ll do.” Hinata smiled shyly, stirring my heart. “Takatsukasa house, Fukumoto house, your daughter is surrendering herself to a man’s lusts.” Her own words were stoking the fires of her own lusts, and I bent down to kiss her. Our lips met, gently at first but with increasing desperation, until my tongue pried open her lips and tangled with hers. Her eyes widened, but she was quick study, greedy to learn and indulge, so soon we were kissing passionately, tasting each other as our tongues licked and sucked. While this was going on, Shiro had given me another handjob, and now my dick was standing out of the water, the head throbbing. With a smile she ran one finger over it, as I parted from Hinata, her saliva scattering, drool dripping down her lips.

“Yes, my heart is throbbing so hard… I feel faint.” Hinata giggled, a little dazed. She glanced down at my erect cock, and let out a surprised giggle, before shaking her head. “I’ve seen it before, even touched it a little.” She admitted. “But now it somehow seems bigger, more… meaningful.”

“Hear that Aki?” Shiro grinned savagely as she continued to toy with my dick, so my free hand slapped her ass again, causing her to moan sexily. I knew it. Shiro has a thing for playing a little rough. Ever since London… “Hinata thinks you’re big. That’s a good thing for a guy. It’s not like I’ve been looking at other dicks, but if you’re not a decent size, I’d hate to see what is.”

“It’s because I’m a half.” I said, not for the first time. “But before that…” Hinata had reached down, hand outstretched, and Shiro grinned, directing her towards my dick. Hinata’s small fingers, surrounded by Shiro’s longer ones, wrapped around my cock, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“It’s pulsing. I never noticed before. Is that your heartbeat? It’s so fast. Like mine.” Hinata said, her brown eyes bright and dotted with tears. As one ran down her cheek I wiped it away with a finger.

“Are you all right?” I asked tenderly, and she laughed.

“So kind. Even here, even now. I’ve already pledged my love to you, and I meant it. Mean it. Will always mean it. These are tears of happiness, stupid.” She suddenly squeezed, making me groan and flush, and that made her giggle again. Turning to Tsukiko and Kana, she continued to touch me, her hands guided by Shiro, and soon she was sticky with my precum. “It’s strange, when my touch makes him react, seeing the look of pleasure, it makes me feel pleasure too. I think I’m broken, but it’s a happy ruin.”

“It was the same for Natsumi and me.” Motoko said gently, her own brown eyes glued to my dick. “I can see why our parents warn us against love. It is too dangerous, for it defeats reason.”

“Lucky.” Natsumi agreed, wiping at her mouth. “It doesn’t taste great, but… when I know it’s Akio’s flavour, I find myself wanting to drink it. But tonight is your night, Hinata.”

“The taste, huh?” she blinked at me, before Shiro nodded, bending down.

“There’s no right or wrong way… no, that’s not true. Don’t bite.” Shiro snickered. “Aki’s sensitive. Just suck it like it’s a treat, use your tongue… watch.” She demonstrated, her tongue licking my shaft, around the glans, eagerly sucking the precum out of me, before enveloping my dick in her mouth again. After a brief moment of sucking, making lascivious sounds, she released my dick, and a bridge of saliva and my own fluids formed a brief connection, before she kissed me.

“It’s funny, making you taste yourself.” she said, provoking me to gently slap her ass a few more times, before I stroked her legs and back tenderly.

“I get it. I think.” Hinata licked her lips delicately, before pushing back her black hair and bending down. She paused a little by my glans, before gingerly licking the tip. Her eyes narrowed, before she did it again, more vigorously.

“Try touching his balls too.” Shiro guided Hinata’s hands under the water, and I felt them both squeeze and squish them gently. Stroking Hinata’s back and hair softly, I slid a hand down, touching her bottom. It feels different to Shiro’s. Yeah, everyone is different. The lingering traces of guilt at being intimate with the young-looking Hinata had quickly faded and were banished from my head as she finally took my dick into her mouth, sucking it inexpertly.

My hand reached for her pussy, before I decided not to. Not yet. Instead, I contented myself with groping her springy ass, while my other hand slid to her chest, squeezing the warm flesh gently, fingers flicking her nipple which was now a hardening bud, the tip a pretty pink. Hinata flushed crimson, but started moving her head up and down, splashing into the water, tongue licking me in various places. Shiro then grinned maliciously. “Hey Aki, question?”

“What?” I gasped, enjoying the intimacy with Hinata, seeing the look of concentration on her face as she was eager to please.

“Aren’t you at an important meeting right now? Just think, while you’re being watched by all those dignitaries, including Shaeula’s family, you’ve got your cock in poor Hinata’s mouth, while a bevy of beauties is naked around you.” She then shoved her breasts in my face, and I greedily sucked the nipples, biting them gently, making her shiver. “Just imagine it… everyone watching, as you let loose in Hinata’s mouth, forcing the young virgin girl to swallow your seed…” Her tone was teasing, erotic, and as Hinata looked at me quizzically, Shiro bit down on my earlobe playfully. I could feel hot magma rising within me, and Hinata must have sensed something, as her tongue was licking me with greater intensity.

“You’re a pervert Aki, but you’re our pervert…” Shiro whispered as she licked inside my ear, being quite experimental herself, and with that I cried out as I orgasmed, cum spraying into Hinata’s mouth as her eyes widened. Her throat worked, trickles of white smearing her face as it spilled free.

“Oh shit, it’s not stopping…” I groaned, and moments later Hinata was coughing, cum splashing into her open palms, more soiling her face and breasts. The water around us was a little cloudy, and Shiro winked.

“I guess the bath is a good place for this, but this would be really bad manners if it wasn’t our own little hot springs paradise.”

Ignoring Shiro’s quips, I picked up Hinata, hugging her naked body against mine. “Sorry, are you all right? That was a bit sudden…” I apologised.

“It does taste strange. A bit bitter. But I don’t hate it.” Hinata said, before kissing my lips gently. “I’m happy. Really happy. That I found someone that could accept me for me, who would support my dreams. Every day is fun now, and it’s only going to get busier and better. Now that we can operate the factory properly, even if only as a temporary measure, we can put our plans into motion. It’s not just our dreams you’ve made come true though. Even Mayumi is happier, and I can finally stand equal to her, as a true friend. Miyu too. Hanafubuki is changing, what the nobility wants from us daughters is changing with it. Sakura…” she frowned, momentarily troubled, before continuing. “She’s hard-headed, but I know she’ll find what makes her happy too. Like I am now. Looking at you, I feel so content.” She licked her lips, tasting the remnants of my cum. “It’s like I never want to be apart from you. So this is what it’s like to be a woman?”

“Not entirely.” Shiro laughed. “I guess oral sex is still sex, but until you’ve had this inside you…” she slapped my dick, which was still standing proud despite my ejaculation, making me shiver. “…you’re not a woman. Speaking of…” she looked at the red-faced Kana and slightly pink Tsukiko. “… like what you see?”

Kana swallowed. “I…” she was looking at us wide-eyed, her breathing heavy. “It was a bit intense.”

“Want to give it a try?” Shiro pressed, and Kana thought for a moment, before shaking her head.

“No, it’s too soon. I’m sticking to my plan! I have to appeal somehow, stake my claim to a niche in Akio’s heart.”

“Suit yourself.” Shiro shrugged, patting Hinata’s shoulder. “So, next is…”

“I believe I would care to try.” Tsukiko said, surprising everyone.

“Wait, really?” Shiro asked, amused. “You’re a quick mover, woman. Not that I blame you. There’s no point waiting around when you’ve made up your mind. That’s just missing out.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, a bit uncomfortable with the pace things were moving, and it was Hinata who reassured me.

“She knows her own mind. If she is serious about it, why worry? We’ll all be together a long time. But more importantly, she’s choosing for herself. Isn’t that what you wanted for her?” her smile was kind. “Akio, you can’t tell me you don’t want to? She’s beautiful, right?”

I looked at Tsukiko, with her perfect, shapely figure, perky, large breasts and beautiful face, her crimson eyes unique and alluring, her midnight-black hair cascading down behind her, and swallowed.

“He’s hard as a rock.” Shiro grinned, and Hinata circled my dick with her hand.

“You’re right.” She laughed, stroking me as she’d seen Shiro do earlier. “He’s excited. I am too. I feel so hot deep inside, and I’m leaking. I’m glad we’re in water, or I’d be too ashamed to let anyone see.”

“Nothing to be ashamed of.” Shiro grinned. “Looking at the others, I’d wager everyone’s the same. Even our little shy Kana. Is that a stain I see on your bikini bottoms?”

“No way!” Kana protested, hands going to her front, and we all laughed, though Hinata didn’t stop stroking.

“Hinata, if you’re not careful…” I began, but she merely bent down and licked the tip gently again, before shaking her head.

“No, it’s not fair, I’ve had my turn. So…” she grinned at everyone else. “Who’s next? I think it would be instructive for Tsukiko if she saw a variety of methods…”


Daiyu swallowed, well satisfied. My third ejaculation had left me a little tired, the previous one having been shared by Motoko and Natsumi, who had both fellated me together, their tongues curling around my dick like eels, and when I had sprayed over their faces and tongues, they had dripped cum into each other’s mouths, swallowing. Damn, they sure do know how to tease me.

Wiping cum from the side of her lips primly, Daiyu spoke, even as I let my fingers trace her slit, keeping her skin flushed and her breath fast. “I have no objection to this, when one marries the chicken, one should follow the chicken.” Another Chinese idiom, I see. But it does make sense. “But I would dearly love to continue Cultivating with you. Raising our strength is important.”

 I laughed, kissing her then. “Can’t you admit that you just want to make love?”

“Of course I do. If it was not you, I would not even consider such Cultivation.” She pouted, a rare sullen expression of embarrassment on her taciturn features. “That does not change the fact that we should devote time to it. I have no objection to teaching the others the basics, though Qi Refining must come first.”

“Your Japanese is getting decent now.” Shiro remarked, as we were conversing in that, only the odd word in Chinese now.

“Of course. I married the chicken, so I must speak the chicken’s words too.” She sighed. “Your hand, it… wait… uh… ahn…” Since Daiyu was being so cute I sped up my movements, fingers polishing the ruby bean of her clit under the water, fingers slipping inside her, and soon she let out a series of moans as she orgasmed, her juices mixing with the warm water around us. When she was done, she looked at me reproachfully, but I kissed her gently, tongues twisting together lewdly, before we parted. She then leaned her head on my shoulder, like a kitten, snuggling close.

“All right then. Kana, you sure you…” Shiro began again, but Kana, who was curled up, clearly aroused but trying not to show it, hiding her groin area, even though she was clothed unlike everyone else, shook her head. “I’m fine. No, not fine, I doubt I’ll sleep tonight! No, wait, I’m not going to do anything dirty, it’s just… I’ll dream of this…” Her face was crimson.

“I bet you will. Aki’s likely available for night visits if you get too horny.” Shiro teased, and Kana told her to shut up, somehow managing to redden even more, which I was sure was impossible. “So, Tsukiko, what do you think? Still game?”

The beautiful Diviner nodded slowly, her eyes had been fixed on our activities, and her lip was red from where she had bitten herself, so deeply was she concentrating. Striding through the water towards me, she stopped, allowing me to put the regretful Daiyu down. Don’t worry, I’ll have time for you later. At least this is more pleasant than the trouble I’m having with that damn fox in the Astral…

“Yukiko always wanted to find someone who would like her for who she is, see the real her, not just the Imperial name she carried. I understood. I love Tsukuyomi, and will always serve the Gods, but… I too dreamed of a time where I could do the things others took for granted. And that someone would reach out to me, not because of my gifts, but because they saw the me hidden within my heart.” She reached out, touching my face gently. “I do not need pity. I need… what they have.” She smiled at the satisfied girls, who had spent a pleasurable evening toying with me in the bath. “I do not need you all to myself.” She snorted, an undignified noise she would never have made before, which I hoped was a sign she was adapting. “After all, as the Diviner, I dedicated myself to all. So I understand that you need to do the same. But I find myself curious, wanting…” She moved closer to me, her red eyes almost hypnotic, and her lips met mine. I remembered our fleeting kiss as she disintegrated, slain, and my body reacted, an arm snaking around, pulling her close. My dick pressed against her belly, leaving a smeared trail of cum on her that the waters of the bath quickly washed away, and her chest pressed against me.

For a moment our lips touched, before she pulled away. I was a trace regretful, only for her to kiss my ear, mimicking Shiro from earlier, whispering a few words. “I do not need my gift to see you are nervous of this. But have no fear, even should I regret this in the end, I would still thank you for the experience. I do not understand love, but… I shall learn from you. Because no matter what the future holds, you looked at me and saw my loneliness, and sought to do something about it, without expecting repayment.” She then returned her lips to mine, and this time her mouth was open, her tongue loose, and I couldn’t resist, letting my own tongue slip inside her mouth. Her ruby eyes went wide, before she clumsily responded to my overtures. 

Her hands crept downwards, and soon she was gripping my dick, both hands alternating stroking, squeezing and rubbing my glans, and I couldn’t stop myself. Grabbing her breasts with one hand, the other slid to her ass, and as I rubbed her nipples, kneading the flesh of both her buttocks and ample chest, I had to hold myself back from going straight for her pussy. No, that’s too soon for her. I’ll take things slow… I had been heated up by the others, the fires of my lust burning, but Resilience allowed me to keep my cool, though it was most definitely a struggle. For several minutes more we groped each other, only for Tsukiko, her cheeks red, to kneel down before me, her head and upper body out of the water.


“I… if Yasuhide could see me now…” she whispered, and I laughed.

“If he could, I’d have him killed for being a peeping tom.” I joked, but my tone was gentle. “Seriously, we can take this slo…ow?” She swallowed my dick to the root, her face looking a little pained for a moment, before she began to move her head, tongue gently gliding around my shaft. I then winced as her teeth knocked against my sensitive cock, and she grimaced, realising her error.

“Damn, I wasn’t kidding when I said you were bold.” Shiro whistled, impressed. “Aki, why not go a bit harder? I think that’s what she likes.”

“Does she even know what she likes? It’s her first time, I should be gentle.” I countered, but Tsukiko spoke, her breath hot on my throbbing dick.

“No, I wish for you to unleash your lust. If I am to be simply Tsukiko, I wish to make a break from before. But you wish me to be the Diviner too, to not abandon who I am… so on the surface I will be the elegant, calm Diviner, whereas for you…” She moved her head, tongue working around my glans, sucking out the precum that was building, her hands going to my balls, massaging them gently, squeezing and fondling. “…only for you and in front of those who love you, will I be Tsukiko. I wish to shatter my chains, go wild, drown in pleasure. Feel loved!”

“You heard her Aki.” Shiro said, continuing her role as mentor for this bout of sexual pleasure. “Mess her up a bit, it’s what she wants. I know you won’t hurt her, so…” She slapped my ass this time, before complaining and shaking her hand, a touch pained. “Fuck her mouth, make her taste you, and realise she can’t live without you, that she’s yours, just like the rest of us are.” She winked. “Besides…” I began to speed up, moving back and forwards just as Tsukiko did, my cock hitting her deep. It wasn’t the most comfortable, for either of us, her teeth occasionally making me shiver, her gagging, spit scattering, but her red eyes urged me on, and I could smell her scent, hot, sour and lewd.

“I… I am being used like … you want me, you like me.” She choked, tongue lapping at me. “Simply … loving my… body.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I gasped, my dick shivering with pleasure. Under her hands, my balls were hot, and I could feel another surge of heat within me, starting to move through my body. “Any man would love you, protect you, hold you…”

“But none… ever did. But you… did.” She gasped. I sped up, her cheeks bulging as she shifted her head so that I wasn’t always going deep, and she looked simultaneously pure, virginal, and also aroused and lusty, a dichotomy I couldn’t understand.

“So how’s it feel, Aki?” Shiro grinned. “You’re treating the noble Lady Diviner, the most sacred person in Japan, like your own personal fucktoy. It has to get you going, right? Shit, it does me…” her hands quivered, and her legs twitched. “I’d get myself off here, but… I’d rather you do it.”

“Later.” Hinata said. “They should have been delivered by now… besides…”

“Oh, really? Then yeah, later!” Shiro grinned. “I guess you want your first time to be more vanilla. Makes sense. Shit…” Shiro watched as I continued to drive my cock into Tsukiko’s mouth, while her flushed face and wide eyes betrayed she was feeling it as well. “…I said it earlier, right? I love it when Aki’s showing he’s the best, the one everyone wants. Because we…” she patted Tsukiko on the head tenderly, her black eyes kind. “… are the ones he wants. Who the hell cares why? I don’t. Nor should you. All that matters is…”

“Tsukiko… I’m going to cum…” I groaned, and she clamped down on me, her tongue ready.

“Do it. Dye me with your colours! As white as the moon, Tsukuyomi is a God, but he will never see my shameful side, my lust, my womanhood. Only you!”

As I spasmed, sperm flooded her mouth. Her eyes went wide, and she reached out a hand towards Shiro, who took it. I grasped her other one, and the three of us, the two similar women, born so beautiful yet so fragile, one of body, the other of emotion, were connected to me, and we understood each other. Tears welled up in Tsukiko’s eyes, just as my cum filled her mouth. As I pulled free, she sighed, a trace regretful, before swallowing, only a few trickles escaping. Impressive, even after three ejaculations, I still pour it out thanks to my stats, though it does diminish somewhat…

“It is indeed bitter.” She said, wiping away the traces of my orgasm, her expression wry. Licking her finger clean, she smiled at me then, her eyes shining with tears. “But not as bitter as a life without a true self. Perhaps… is this me?” She looked down at her dishevelled reflection in the waters, seeing a lewd, red face staring back. “Is this truly Tsukiko? Reflected in the water, just as the moon is?”

“Yeah, no question.” Shiro stroked her hair soothingly. “Who else would it be? So, now you’ve tasted Aki, your thoughts?”

“It… was not unpleasant. Uncomfortable maybe, but I felt itchy and hot inside.” She reached down, rubbing at her crotch, before offering a finger to me. Shiro whistled, amused. Flushed, I took her finger in my mouth, and licked it. I can’t taste much, she was leaking underwater, after all, but… there’s a slight tang…

"We’ve tasted each other now.” I said softly. “So long as you don’t regret it, then…” She used the finger I lad licked to silence me, pressing it to my lips.

“It is insulting to keep asking me. I am a grown woman. If I did not wish for this, I would have refused. You offered me a choice, I could have been under Suzuki Haru, or Yukiko. I chose you. So no more worries. If I do not care for something or am unwilling, I will say so.” Her smile then was pure yet somehow cheeky. “I am Tsukiko to you, a woman who has a self, desires, wants, likes and dislikes. I can speak my mind!”

“Yeah, women change when they get a man. I did, we all did. Men change too, right Aki?” Shiro said, and I nodded.

“Yeah, so, are we done?” I said, feeling hollowed out after all the blowjobs I’d had.

“Unless Kana wishes to have her turn?” Hinata said cheekily.

“No, I’m good. I think? I… yeah, not tonight.” she said, barely coherent, her eyes spinning from the spectacle.

“In that case…” Hinata snuggled close to me. “…why don’t we wash off our sweat and… other liquids…” a flush lit her cheeks. “…and let Akio recharge. Because then… I’m staying over tonight, aren’t I?” she whispered to me, and on seeing the mixture of shyness and anticipation in her eyes I kissed her, our tongues overlapping, and I knew just what she meant. Screw it, it’s fine. I love Hinata, and I’m going to marry her, and her family obviously consent, so…


“So, now it’s come down to it, I’m a little nervous.” Hinata said, shivering a little. We were sitting on the bed of the room allocated to her, and I was holding her hand. All we were wearing were a pair of dressing downs, covering more than the thin robes at the hot springs, but Hinata’s was belted loosely, gaping open, revealing a smooth expanse of her belly, and her slit, which was leaking sour liquid. Seeing me looking, she crossed her legs. “I’m embarrassed too. But… I do want this. I’ve longed for it, more and more. It’s exciting, everything’s exciting. Ever since the first time I saw you, after that dreadful party, which had ruined my mood, I haven’t ever cooled down. When I’m at school, when I’m planning our businesses, when I’m with the others…” she flushed. “Especially when I’m with the others. Today was very arousing. Poor Kana, I think she really wanted to join in, but she’s already declared how her relationship with you will go, so she doesn’t want to look like she can’t stick to her word. Maybe you should just attack her, she wouldn’t resist, she’d secretly be pleased.”


“No way. I know she wouldn’t, if I pressed her, she’d happily give in, but she’s right. I do find her teasing fresh and charming. Besides, I have a lot of others who want my attention.”

“You do.” Hinata giggled. She leaned against me, and took my hand, sliding it into the gap in her robe. Her skin was warm and damp, and as I pinched her nipple softly, she let out a gasp. “I feel just a little guilty, but other than Tsukiko and Kana, everyone else has already given themselves to you. So I wanted to as well. I never thought such a refined and noble person like Tsukiko could be so… sexy, is that the word?”

“It most certainly is. I guess since she’s been so repressed…” I continued to play with Hinata’s breasts, sliding my hand down to her belly, then lower. “Hey, I’ve just noticed, have you shaved?” I asked, feeling smooth skin.

“I did.” She flushed. “I asked Kazumi, and she said that while the Japanese favour the natural look, it would be fresh if I was a little different.” She looked worried. “Don’t you like it?”

I kissed her for an answer, allowing my hand to trace her bare slit gently, teasingly, making her shiver. As we pulled apart, tasting each other’s saliva, I smiled. “I like you. I really do. You’re cheeky, but always driven, kind-hearted but bossy, beautiful as a flower, smart as a fox… no, not a fox…” I corrected. “Right now I hate foxes! Don’t ask…” I saw the curiosity in her face. “What I mean to say is, never think I don’t adore you, Hinata. No matter how our relationship began, I can’t see life without you.”

“I know.” she said happily. “Hey, I’m trying to be serious…” She waved a hand as my fingers sped up, making her moan again. “I think I’m very lovable, and I’m what you need. Besides, I’m beautiful, just like everyone else. I don’t lose.”

“Yes, but you spoke to Kazumi about it…” I mourned. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to look her in the face in future.”

“It’s fine.” Hinata laughed, her voice a little damp as I played with her gently. “She knows just what you’re like. Besides, she’s my bodyguard, she’s good at keeping secrets, and more importantly, she’s my friend. Again that’s thanks to you. We’ve all changed.”

“Yeah, we have. And we’ll continue to change as time goes on. So… I guess since you’re here, your parents approve?” I asked, wanting to be sure. Hinata, sensing my worry, merely smiled.

“Of course they do. Grandfather told me I needed to tie you down, since I can’t do better. Even mother surprised me by being supportive. I suppose she’s just remembering her own experiences. Father… well, he didn’t try to stop us.”

‘’Yeah, I expect it’s difficult for a father to see his little girl grow up, find a man.” I kissed her lips, stopping my hands, and for a moment Hinata looked downcast, before I kissed her again. “Don’t worry, we’re not done with the fun.” I promised. “But for your first time I want to be gentle.”

“I don’t mind. I’m not very experienced. Though I’m more than I was…” she giggled cheerfully. “I’ll brag to Mayumi about this, and she’ll be jealous, though she’ll claim she isn’t.”

“Please don’t!” I begged, and Hinata merely hugged me, rubbing her cheek against mine.

“I’ll think about it. I’ll want to shout it from the rooftops, but… I know I have to watch my reputation, even now. But it’s like our wedding night.” She plucked at the dressing gown she wore. “This is like my wedding dress. So…”

She stuck out her arms, and I gently removed it, laying her bare. Pushing her gently down to the bed, I kissed her again, roaming my hands over her soft skin, cupping her breasts, ass, back, thighs and more. My tongue slid down, kissing her chin, her neck, her breasts, belly and thighs. Hinata trembled, anticipating more, and I finally moved my mouth to her pussy, kissing it softly.

“So you can do it too?” she asked, and as I tickled her clit, the bean starting to tremble, Hinata shivering too, I spoke, my tongue starting to gently inch inside her pussy.

“Of course. It’s an act of love, whether for me or for you girls. There’s lots of fun ways to have sex.” I lapped at her, tongue and fingers working together, and she started to exude sour nectar. Tasting it, I breathed out, my breath making her quiver.

“I’m… so embarrassed. I’m leaking…” she moaned, but I didn’t stop my ministrations.

“Were you embarrassed when you were licking my dick?” I asked, and she laughed.

“I was, a little, But it made me happy. So… I guess it’s like with Kazumi, right?”

I nodded, licking up over her freshly shaved privates. “Yes, it’s not embarrassing so long as we love each other. Instead, it’s fun to share.” I sped up, my tongue sucking on her clit while my fingers slid along her pussy, making obscene squelching sounds. Nectar was staining the sheets, and as Hinata started breathing more heavily, her eyes moist, flesh hot and pink, I curled my tongue around, fingers vibrating, and Hinata gave a loud yelp, water splashing my face, soaking the bed below. As her arched back collapsed back to the bed, she let out a soft moan, barely able to speak. “Was that… did I…?” she managed, and I rolled beside her, giving her a warm hug.

“You did, that was the pleasure a woman has when she orgasms. Did you like it?”

“I did… but only because it was with you. So… what now?” she asked, eyes moist with anticipation.

“You know what’s next. Unless you don’t want…” She cut off my words with an aggressive kiss, teeth savaging my lips, though she couldn’t break the skin. After a frenzied twisting of our tongues, she parted.

“Does that answer your question? I want nothing more right now. Not even the launch of our businesses. That can come tomorrow.” She giggled wickedly. “Do you want me to lick your dick again? I don’t mind. Although…” her eyes strayed towards the walk-in wardrobe of the room. “…maybe you’d better save some strength?”

What’s that? No, it doesn’t matter. “All right then. Hinata…” I gazed at her seriously, our faces almost close enough to touch. “I love you. And while there’s something to be said for waiting until the wedding night for sex…”

“I don’t need to wait. Besides, you’ll have a lot of conjugal visits that night.” She grinned happily, planting a cute kiss on my lips. “So, how do we do it?”

“Bear with me.” I slid down, staring at Hinata’s slit. Reaching out, I gently spread it open, and she shivered as the air touched her damp insides.

“What are you doing?” she asked, curious.

“Checking the state of your pussy, so that I hopefully don’t hurt you more than necessary. Besides… you’re a curious girl.” I looked, seeing Hinata’s phone on a side table. With a surge of wind, I drew it to me, pointing it at her exposed pussy.

“What are you doing? We can’t take photographs… no, we can, if it’s just for us, but…” she worried, as I snapped a shot. Grinning, I released her pussy and snuggled next to her again, showing her the image.

“I’ll delete it in a second. Filming you isn’t a fetish of mine. I agree, I’d be worried about them getting leaked, then I’d have to hunt down anyone who saw it. Yasaka-san might go mad from asking the Book for names and addresses though…” I made a joke, tenderly rubbing her head with my free hand. “I just thought you’d want to see your hymen. It’s that pinkish-white film there. That’s your proof, not that I care or…”

“Of course you care.” She said triumphantly, looking at the photo curiously, as I expected she would. “You’d hate the thought of me being with anyone else before we met. Obviously I never would have been. I was destined to meet you. We all were. Motoko and Natsumi think the same, and we thank the Gods every day. I know Eri does, Shaeula, Hyacinth, Shiro… Daiyu, Asha, Kana and now Tsukiko. We all know our lives are better with you in it.” She smiled wickedly. “Aiko-chan too. She’d be useless without her big brother to look out for her. Besides… I want to dedicate it to you. Nobody else can ever see it. Just us. and then… it’ll be gone, right… ah, yes, that feels good…”

I started fingering her gently again, just the outside and the inner folds, as well as her engorged clit, as I didn’t want to damage her hymen. My other hand caressed her lips gently, before I started rubbing her nipples, kissing them one after another. As her liquids flowed, I scooped some up, smearing the pulsing head of my cock, and seeing that, Hinata flushed, her sweat smelling sweet yet sour, the scent of a woman, not a girl. “Good.” I whispered sweetly. ”I’m happy when you’re happy, and… when I’m holding you. You’re cute, Hinata. You’ve got a great body.”

I squeezed her tight in a hug, before rising over her, my glans pushing against her pussy. “Hinata, hand.” I reached out, and she clasped it, fingers entwining together. Then our lips locked, and I pushed in, my dick sliding deeper, until it reached the obstruction within. Hinata teared up, but her fingers and tongue told me to keep going, so, I pushed, and there was a groan wrung from her lips and a trickle of blood.

“Is it done?” she asked, and I nodded. “Yes, now you really are a woman, my woman.” I promised. “Want me to use Ether Healing?”

She shook her head. “No.” Tightening her grip on my hand, she denied that. “I want to do it the way Motoko and Natsumi did. Besides…” she paused, sticking out her tongue, and I understood, kissing her deeply. As she sighed in happiness, she laughed, a little shrilly from the discomfort. “They said it starts to feel good soon enough.”

“It should.” I agreed, gently sliding backwards. As she winced, I moved forwards, and after repeating that a few times, Hinata seemed more relaxed.

“Okay, okay, this is fine. It’s not too bad. You can do it properly.” Her smile was sicked. “Treat me like you treated Tsukiko’s mouth. That’s the proper way, right?”

“Cheeky!” I flicked her forehead gently with my free hand, before we kissed once more. I slid my hands over her body, touching her wherever I pleased, groping her slender thighs, squeezing her ample mounds, rubbing her tight bottom, stroking her delicate back. Each thrust wrung a grunt from me and a gasp from her, my precum mixing with her virgin blood and nectars, foaming out and scattering on the damp bed.

“You can… go… ahn, um… more… I want more! It’s already feeling good!” she gasped, and as her hand squeezed mine, I could feel her tightening up. “I think… ahn, ahn… I’m going to soar… again.”

“I see. I’ll try and keep up then.” I grinned, adjusting the pace of my strokes, speeding up, getting rubbed by her fleshy walls as she sucked on my dick with her body, and my own climax was nearing.

“I… please, kiss me!” she said, gasping, and I plunged my mouth onto hers. My free hand started rubbing her clit, and as she gasped and moaned, biting me in her pleasure, I continued to pound her, wet slaps sounding where our bodies met.

“I… I… I…” Hinata couldn’t even speak coherently as her body spasmed, and with one final thrust I too succumbed, spraying my cum into her womb, which twitched, eagerly accepting it. Oops, forgot to ask about birth control. No, I’m sure her parents have it in hand… That thought was driven from my head as I thrust again and again, the sensitive Hinata going through several more small orgasms until she was lying there slack and drooling, while my cascade of sperm seemed endless. When I was finally spent I pulled free, feeling an exhaustion that my stats shouldn’t have allowed. Collapsing down beside Hinata, we faced each other again, and her brown eyes were earnest as she looked at me, a hand on her belly. I looked down to see cum trickling from her pussy, staining her thighs, slightly pink from her virgin blood.

“It’s so warm inside.” She said softly. “So that was sex. There’s no going back now. No, no going back.” Her words were cheerful. “Don’t worry, mother will be sure to get me some medication when I tell her we made love. They don’t teach about contraceptives at Hanafubuki, they don’t want the girls getting ideas, but… it’s too soon for children yet. Not until we rule the world!” She was still clutching my hand, and she brought it to her chest. “Can you feel my heart racing?”

I nodded. “Mine too.”

“So I was worth it?” she asked, and for a moment there was genuine fragility and worry under the happiness, so I silenced her with another long kiss. As we parted, a bridge of saliva momentarily between us,  I nodded.

“If you aren’t, Hinata, who is? But I get it. You saw a lot of fun in the hot springs, even took part in some… it’s natural to worry. But you said it yourself, I’m greedy, and I see you as mine, and me as yours. And that won’t ever change.” For a while we lay there, making small talk, Hinata idly poking at my muscles and even my dick, which mercifully was quiet for now. There was a knock on the door, and Hinata bade them enter. Shiro then poked her head through.

“Hinata, Aki, how was it? Ugh, yeah, you ruined another set of sheets, bet it was good. Shit, how many virgins is that you’ve despoiled Aki? And some of the fanciest in the country too. Hey, maybe if you do Yukiko too, you can have the clean sweep. Nobles, Princesses, the works!”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” I faked a monotone laugh, imitating Primal Forest. “I’m not trying to, it’s just the girls I like happen to be that way. Though…” The flirting of the four-tails is getting annoying. She’s gorgeous, but… I’m not good with that sort of woman… I’m still a bit of a shy guy at heart despite everything…

“So, how about you, Hinata? Good for round two?” Shiro asked, smirking, and I blinked in surprise.

“Wait a minute, just how many times do you think I’ve cum today? Do you think I’m a machine?” I protested.

Hinata ignored me though, and grinned back, equally sly. “Akio did most of the work. I just lay here and let him devour me. So give me a few more minutes and I can.”

“That’s no good.” Shiro shook her head. “You’ll get boring that way, Hinata. Let big sis Shiro show you a few tricks to get his motor running. Besides… Ginneka sent them over. So… might as well see if Aki’s uniform fetish is alive and well. I know all his secrets.” she said proudly, standing tall. In her hands was a bundle of cloth, in black and silver, and seeing me looking, she unfurled it. Wait, is that a military uniform? It looks a lot like the ones I've seen a few girls wearing in the Boundary...

“All right then, the others are all changed, so it’s just us two. Aki, shut your eyes a minute, Hinata and I are going to put these on. We wouldn’t want you to ruin the surprise by peeking. Concentrate on what’s going on with Shaeula and the others for a minute, okay?”

I did so, shutting my eyes, and I could hear the rustling of cloth and giggling and whispering. Uniforms, huh? Shiro knows me well. Shugo-san and I were big into military uniforms on girls back in the day. Yasu-san was more sexy nurses, while Hayato claimed he didn’t have such fetishes, but none of us believed him, not even Hina-chan. Oh well… Listening to the girls chatter, I decided to rest while I could, for I had a feeling I’d be breaking my own record for sex shortly…

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