Offer To The CEO

Chapter 232: Court - Part 1

232 Court - Part 1


Just after 9am, Dr Lang came into Anna's room.With Rosemary's help, not only was she changed but she was having her first attempt to try and move a small distance with crutches.

"Madam Hou, your progress with your sister here has been amazing.Now sit down."

With that Anna manovured herself to sit down on the wheelchair.Rosemary sat down herself, and Hou Yi had been sitting watching his wife from the couch.

"Madam Hou, yesterday's tests are such that we are happy for you to be released today.We simply need you to come in each Wednesday until we remove the cast, as we want to check that there is nothing going wrong.Once the cast is removed we will work with you as to the rehabilitation schedule from there."

"Thank you"

"Ms Jones, however if you have any concerns at any time, do not hesitate to immediately bring her back here, and we can do a further examination.I suspect that if she continues her progress within a couple of weeks she will not need nursing assistance at all, her husband can manage her care at home himself."

"Not a problem.I will make sure that she behaves and that Hou Yi learns the basics that he will have to help with when he is alone with my sister."

"CEO Hou, Madam Hou, Ms Jones, now please do not take this the wrong way.I actually only hope to see you on the weekly reviews.The nursing staff will help you complete the discharge paperwork, and we have arranged for both a wheelchair and crutches to be made available for you, and they will have the prescriptions that we are sending you home with."

With that Dr Lang exited the room

One hour later

As Hou Yi wheeled the wheelchair out of the hospital, Rosemary followed carrying the crutches for Anna, and with the help of the nursing staff Anna and Hou Yi's belongings were being brought out.There were three cars waiting for them, and the belongings were all put into one vehicle which departed as soon as possible.

Hou Yi turned to Rosemary "Now do you want to come to court with us or not?"

"Actually I think I should, in case there is something of a medical nature that has to be discussed.Plus Anna will need some support."

Hou Yi moved over to the BMW and told the driver to simply take the vehicle home.The final vehicle left was a limousine.Hou Yi with Rosemary's help carefully moved Anna into the back, and they both then climbed in, while a bodyguard put the crutches and wheelchair into the boot.

Twenty-five minutes later …

The limousine pulled up outside the court complex and was immediately surrounded by press.The bodyguards exited the front of the car, and the trailing vehicle to make space around the door for Hou Yi to initially get out and with Rosemary's assistance to carefully help Anna out into her wheelchair, which a bodyguard removed from the boot.

As soon as the press realised what was happening, the provided space for Anna to be carefully removed from the vehicle.As Anna as carefully settled into the wheelchair, another vehicle pulled up behind them, and out exited Yang Lin,and from a second vehicle out climbed Yang Lin's parents.

The press were trying to determine who they needed to question.However given the bodyguards surrounding both groups, all they were able to do is should out questions that were simply ignored.Rather than allowing a confrontation at the entry door, the bodyguards signaled to Hou Yi that they should wait until Yang Lin, and her parents had entered the court building.

Yang Lin, stopped at the entry door, and posed for a few photos for the press, before entering the building.Rosemary wheeled the wheelchair towards the entry, and Hou Yi walked beside Anna, and they entered the building.As they entered they were met by Alister Nang, who directed them to follow him, and they were taken to a waiting area to wait for the case to be called.

One hour later …

A knock happened on the door, and it was indicated to Alister Nang was that the court was ready to deal with the first day of the case against Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, so they made their way into the court.

As soon as the case was called, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's lawyer stood up, to speak to the court.

Hou Yi whispered to Rosemary, that she would unlikely understand what is happening as English would not be used, but he would try and translate as best he could.

Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's lawyer started to speak "Sir, on behalf of Mr and Madam Lu, I have a motion that immediately needs to be ruled on.It is totally inappropriate that the alleged victim in this matter comes before the court in a wheelchair.I request that the court order that unless she is able to walk in on her own, then she should be banned from the court, and no evidence about anything involving her should be admitted before this court."

Addressing the court, Alister Nang indicated "Sir, while I can understand the motion from the defendant's lawyers this is about ensuring that the court cannot do its job.My client's injuries are a cause of the actions of the defendant, and she should not be ordered out of the court, simply because she is in a wheelchair.In fact medical evidence should be heard, as to why my client is in the wheelchair at the moment, which we can immediately provide."

"How can you provide such evidence, there is no doctor present," responded the Defense lawyer.

"A highly qualified nurse can provide that information."

"A nurse is nothing.And there is no nurse with the alleged victim.All she is accompanied with his the man she claims she married and her sister-in-law."

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