Offer To The CEO

Chapter 229: Recovery and Revenge - Part 24

229 Recovery and Revenge - Part 24

Monday, continued …

Twenty Five minutes later.

Hou Yi, while Rosemary and Anna were in the ensuite made a few of the calls he needed to make early towards progressing his plan to destroy Lu Corporation in a legal business sense.He was just grateful that he had finished the last of the initial calls he needed to make this morning, when be observed Rosemary wheeling Anna from the ensuite.She carefully helped Anna from the chair onto the couch.

In just the minute or so that it took Rosemary to return the chair to the bathroom, and return she observed Anna and Hou Yi quietly leaning their heads towards each other.They were lost in each other's eyes.If anyone had doubted that they were in love with each other, showing them a photograph of the scene she walked in on would dispel any questions.

Before Rosemary could stir Hou Yi and Anna, in walked three nurses shocked to see Anna changed and sitting on the couch.One said "Madam Hou, you should not be out of bed.The Doctors have not been in to see you."

As Rosemary did not understand what was said Anna quickly translated for her, which set Rosemary off given she already knew that Anna had been waiting for then to answer her bell for almost thirty minutes to take her to use the toilet.All she could saw was "Do you not answer patient's bells."

Anna, then started to be the translator.She translated Rosemary's response to which the reply was "We were busy and the doctors prefer to patients to remain in bed until after they have been."

Rosemary on hearing that became highly offended and responded "You are idiots.She needed to use the toilet, and you left her there without responding just because the doctors do not want patients moved until they have been.Think about the patients, not just what the doctor wants."

Dr Lang, then opened the door, and the nurses all ran over and in unison said "Dr Lang, we so apologise for Madam Hou not being in bed for you."

Dr Lang wondered what was going on, and asked Hou Yi "CEO Hou, what is going on here."

"Dr Lang, do you speak English?"

"I do, I completed my medical degree in Australia."

"Could we speak English, please as my sister-in-law only speaks it."As Dr Lang came over, Hou Yi continued, pointing to Rosemary "Dr Lang, this is my sister-in-law Rosemary Jones."

"Ms Jones, a pleasure."

"It is not a pleasure.Those nurses over there" with that she was pointing to the three nurses near the door "ignored my sister's ringing of the bell to take her to the toilet for almost thirty minutes.When I arrived, I did so and decided as I had her in the bathroom I might as well shower her as well."

"Ms Jones, we only allow nursing staff to do that."

"Dr Lang, do not get me started.I am a qualified nurse and have multiple postgraduate qualifications.I know how to get any patient our of bed safely, and to bathe them.I also have enough sense to not let them ring bells for significant time before I even think about doing something.Those three would have left my sister in bed, until you arrived.It is an utter disgrace"

"Ms Jones …"

"Do not Dr Lang.They even told me not to question a doctor.Given you trained in Australia, you would know …"

"That nurses within reason, if they have appropriate qualifications, challenge doctors if they disagree …"

"With a diagnosis.I know.I should have let you know, that I also have limited prescribing rights."

"You are what they call a nurse practitioner?"

"Yes.I asked to see the scans and other documents, as I have concerns that my sister is quite exhausted.I am questioning if something was missed.The nurses told me a doctor reviewed the scans etc, and I did not need to see them."

"While normally I would not allow it, given your background I will arrange for the scans to be brought in for you to review.You might notice something we missed."

With that he signalled the nurses near the door and requested that scans all be brought in, for Rosemary to review.A laptop, with the electronic versions of the scans were brought in, and Dr Lang and Rosemary, sat and looked at the scans.Ten minutes later, after carefully reviewing the scans, Rosemary was satisfied that there was nothing of concern.

"Thank you Dr Lang for indulging me."

"Ms Jones, it does not hurt for a fresh set of eyes."Dr Lang paused, and then continued "CEO and Madam Hou, the plan for this week is that we will have further scans tomorrow, and again on Thursday.Provided that they show no additional concerns, and given you will have nursing care at home, we will happily let you out of hospital on Friday.We can work with Ms Jones as to the initial rehabilitation steps.Most importantly we are going to keep you out of bed for at least 5 hours today, 6 hours tomorrow, 7 hours Wednesday and then all day Thursday."

He paused, and then continued "Ms Jones, I will make sure that it is noted that while you re here, you can look after your sister, given your qualifications, to prevent any issues.Now I will leave you."

After Dr Lang left the room, Anna looked at Rosemary "You kept a check on your temper."

"It was damn hard.They are idiots.At least Dr Lang, understands my skills, and hopefully things will quickly get better."

Anna, turned to Hou Yi, and said "Remember your promise, get to the office."

"Yes Anna."With that he lent over and gently kissed Anna on the lips, before standing up, picking up his briefcase before existing the room.Inside he was glad that Anna had chased him from the hospital as things were moving even quicker than he had anticipated with his manoeuvring to bring down Lu Corporation.Other companies were lining up to be part of the boycott of projects involving them in the future, and some were happy to withdraw as at the date from any project where Lu Corporation was involved.

"Damn girl, you have him whipped."

"No, he just indulges me, particularly at the moment as he blames himself."

"Now sister, tell me what happened truthfully."

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