Offer To The CEO

Chapter 226: Recovery and Revenge - Part 21

226 Recovery and Revenge - Part 21

Friday, continued …

Once they stopped laughing, Hou Yi moved back onto the bed to sit hugging Anna.For him that simple thing reconfirmed his own views from earlier in the day, regardless of anything he wanted a life with Anna.He just had to get her to the point that she could feel what he felt for her and let him know.

Anna leaned back against her husband.It was so calming, serene and safe to be in his arms.Despite everything that had happened, she knew that there was no blame on Hou Yi.Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were to blame.They had no control and reacted as people who believed the need to be in control and are on top of a social group do.

It was, however, harder to read how Hou Yi felt about her.She was picking up signs that he cared for her, but at the same time there was something telling her he was holding back on something important.The last thing she needed to do, given the disaster of a relationship with Lu Jinhu, was to confess her feelings and he reject her.

That would be the most devastating thing that could happen to her.Anna just determined that she needed to wait until it was clearer how he actually felt about her before she would confess her feelings.At least then she would be able to better ensure the protection of her heart.

Anna turned to Hou Yi and asked, "So what did you work out with Rosemary?"

"Rosemary is coming on the weekend, as she is the only one with a valid passport presently.She will be flying commercial to Singapore and a company jet will pick her up from there.James is arranging for an expedited passport to be issued for him, and that will be in place for next weekend.He, Rebecca, and the children that have a passport will come over next weekend on a company jet.School holidays, apparently start at the end of next week in Australia."

"I was able to speak to James' university briefly.I explained that it was going to be a medical requirement for your discharge to have private nursing care for a couple of weeks.Despite you being family, if we detail the hours he spends and provide all the confirming paperwork, The University have agreed to allow him to count those hours towards his placement hours.Apparently, he has not done any one-on-one nursing in a ward, and this can replace this, in part."

"When I was talking to Rosemary, James classmates are already jealous that he is getting to travel and placement hours together.Susan will not make a decision until Monday, but she knows that she will be able to obtain an expedited passport as well.Whoever comes, will share the care during the day, with me being responsible for you at night, unless there is a medical reason to change that."

"As for your nieces and nephews coming, your siblings asked, and I could not say no to them.There is plenty of room at the ancestral home for everyone to stay, including us, which will make the time after your initial discharge easier.The apartment will not be big enough, and I have only started looking for a Villa for us.I do not want them in a hotel, as it seems stupid to isolate you from them, when they all will have come that distance."

"My parents, grandparents and Aunt, are already planning a fun time for the children, including engaging carers to assist with all the children.It is in the process of being finalised, but they will take everyone to Hong Kong in the middle weekend, for the children to go to Disneyland and Ocean Park, and for shopping as well.That will please my mother and aunt, as I will give them access to additional funds in that weekend.

"Are they OK with that?"

"Anna you have to ask.You would not believe how many times I have dealt with calls from my mother and aunt, wanting to know how you are and to come and visit.They will have no issues, as this will ensure that they can spend time with you, which is what they want.Now stop worrying, and let me arrange for our dinner to be brought in.You need to settle for the night."

"Fine Yi."

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