Offer To The CEO

Chapter 221: Recovery and Revenge - Part 16

221 Recovery and Revenge - Part 16

Friday, continued …

"Correct Sir.If you look at Madam Lu's response to Madam Hou and Miss Mei's posts makes multiple claims about Madam Hou, including that she is a liar; ingratiates herself with rich men and cons them; she blackmailed Lu Jinhu into a relationship in Australia; stole millions from Mr Lu; and manipulated the Australian Legal system into overturning valid Australian Court Orders that Mr Lu obtained to to recover some money."

"Madam Lu also claimed that that as Madam Hou plays the victim so well, that two brave police officers who stepped in to help her and Mr Lu, were pushed to breaking point by Madam Hou that then eventually snapped, when they were simply trying to right wrongs."

"I obtained the identifying information to locate the original posts and all responses to them that will enable Madam Lu's posts to be located.Madam Hou, has denied all the allegations, and based on what information I have gathered I believe Madam Houover Lu Jinhu and Madam Hou. "

"Madam Hou has provided information we can verify.I have an authority to speak to her bank, which should prove her claim that during her and Mr Lu's relationship the account from where rental and mortgage loan repayments come from only had her wage as the income source.She also states that household bills were paid from this account.She has also advised her employers to cooperate with us as well.This may result in other information." Indicated Officer Mu.

"I can help on the court orders, as I know Madam Hou has electronic copies of all the documents, so maybe CEO Hou can provide them to me, which should clear up some things."Responded Alister Nang.

"That reminds me, Madam Hou, states that the signature that appears on the court orders, and it appears Lu Jinhu is using was forged.Apparently in the court proceedings that Mr Nang is talking about, there is an order for a forensic analysis of Madam Hou's signature.If Madam Hou is correct it prove that it is not her signature."

"Which will leave Lu Jinhu open to charges relating to his attempts to enforce invalid and illegally obtained court orders, under our law."

"Correct Sir.Then if Madam Hou's information, and the information from the various Australia sources all plays out, then we could also charge both Lu Jinhu and Madam Lu with criminal slander.Given the contents of Madam Lu's social media posts, it also puts them into the position of charges or wither bribery or attempted bribery, and squarely puts both Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang…"

"Open to charges of bribery in public office."

"Good Work Officer Mu.We need to start chasing this information down in Australia.It is going to be annoying due to the time difference, but we are not going to be able to do anything about that.Would you like to remain involved in this investigation?"

"Is that possible?"

"It is.You have done significant work to find out information, that will potentially lead to the serious criminal charges, and we would like you to remain involved as without your work, the case would not be where it is.All that would be able to be done is minimal charges to be laid, as we could not prove anything more serious.Mr Nang, you are welcome to remain as an observer with the investigation."

"I will be doing this.CEO Hou, while not wanting to interfere with the investigation, has indicated he wants to make sure that it is done above board so regardless of the outcome no one can agree a sloppy police investigation.Therefore I have been engaged to simply provide an oversight of what has happened since Wednesday."

"CEO Hou, has always been clear to my employers, that he did not want us to interfere and keep a watching brief to ensure nothing went wrong.It was understood if charges resulted from the investigation and it was necessary for he and Madam Hou or Hou Enterprises to prosecute them, we were to do this."

"That is not a problem.We need to get to work and bring this to a a point that we can lay charges as soon as possible.This has to be stopped as soon as we can."

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