Offer To The CEO

Chapter 211: Recovery and Revenge - Part 6

211 Recovery and Revenge - Part 6

Thursday, continued …

Amanda and Phillipa looked at each other, but before they could say anything there was a knock on the door before 5 people in white coats entered."Could we please have everyone leave, we need to speak to Madam Hou."

Before anything else could be said, Hou Yi interrupted "I am her husband, and unless she requests that I am not here, I am staying."Then pointing to Phillipa "This is Dr Chen, a psychologist that I have brought in to support my wife."Then pointing to Amanda "And this is Miss Mei, a Lawyer who is assisting my wife with some matters with respect to the incident yesterday."Amanda looked strangely at Hou Yi and realised that in fact he had not told a lie about her involvement with Anna, he simply omitted a few things.

"Apologies CEO Hou.In the circumstances it is OK for everyone to stay.I am Dr Lang, and I have been appointed to oversee Madam Hou's care."

Dr Lang, continued "Madam Hou, as you know you were very lucky.All the injuries you suffered were some cuts and abrasions, a concussion, the broken bones in your left leg, and a small fracture to your cheekbone.Based on the information from Officer Mu, in reality Madam Hou your injuries could have been significantly worse."

"Our plans for treatment, are that we will generally keep you in bed until Sunday or unless scans tell us something else.You will be allowed out to use the bathroom with the help of nursing staff.This is due to concerns we have from the concussion.You will have further scans tomorrow and Sunday, before the final decision is made as to when you can get out of bed."

"We will then be transitioning you from movement with the assistance of nursing staff to doing things for yourself, before finally moving you to a normal, not hospital bed before releasing you.Additionally, there will be twice daily sessions of physiotherapy to keep your limbs fit, and work on strengthening your arms to cope with being on crutches for 6 to 8 weeks."

"Given Dr Chen's presence here, we can work with you to put into place counselling to address any PTSD issues, which may in fact speed your release from here.While this is a general plan, we will be constantly reviewing it, and whether things change will depend on the scans and other normal tests that we will do."

"Now, there is a couple of matters that I need to personally talk to you about CEO Hou, so we will leave the rest of you here, and move over there" pointing towards the suite's dining space.Hou Yi followed Dr Lang over the area.

"Apologise CEO Hou, but this was something that I believed you would not want to talk about in front of anyone.I understand that you and your wife only received your marriage certificate a couple of weeks ago?"

"That it correct."

"The only thing that I can do is be brutally honest.If your wife was pregnant, I would suspect that she would be in the early stages of the pregnancy, and given the extent of the assault, she would have lost the child, or if she has not lost it will likely loose it in the future."

"Additionally, while we can detect no physical injuries, we will be bringing in a specialist to determine if the assault will cause issues with you falling pregnant in the future.It is something, that I have not raised with your wife, as I sense that she has an emotional fragility, more than from this incident.I am concerned that in doing so, without appropriate support it can cause significant issues, if the specialist examination confirms the problem."

"Dr Lang, my wife was the victim of domestic violence in her previous relationship.While we are committed to our marriage, these issues are something that we are dealing with.Dr Chen, is a personal friend, but a world expert in dealing with this.She is visiting for a few weeks, and at my request has been providing some specialist assistance and will be putting in place long-term assistance before she leaves.Could that be what you are seeing?"

"Possibly.I will talk in depth to Dr Chen.But I want you to be prepared for the potential worst-case scenarios, so that if it comes to pass you can support your wife.The absolute worst case will require a full or partial hysterotomy, but it could simply be difficult for you to conceive.It also may mean IVF treatment, for your wife to conceive or the use of a surrogate."

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