Offer To The CEO

Chapter 201: Firing Back - Part 7

201 Firing Back - Part 7

Wednesday, continued ..

Around 20 minutes later, the nurse returned to Anna's room, this time knocking on the door to disturb Hou Yi and Anna.She had to take Anna's observations, but there was also two people in reception requesting to come and visit.

"CEO and Madam Hou, there is an Amanda Mei and a Yao Tan at reception, requesting to come and visit Madam.Can they be sent up?"

"Absolutely," immediately responded Hou Yi.

"I will let reception know."With that she walked out and confirmed that the visitors were OK to be shown up to the two visitors.

The nurse re-entered the room and said "CEO Hou, Madam Hou's visitors are on their way up.Would you be offended if I asked you to let them into the secured area, as I need to take Madam Hou's observations?"

Hou Yi determined that the nurse needed a few minutes with his wife "Not a problem."With that he exited the room and walked to the entry doorway.The nurse quickly took and recorded Anna's observations, before Hou Yi arrived back with their guests.

As she left, she observed CEO Hou walking along the corridor with two people following him.These must be the guests sent up from reception.

Hou Yi opened he door to Anna's room, and showed their guests in.Amanda Mei moved and sat down in the chair beside Anna.

"What happened?"

"I was at the police station helping police with what happened last night, and then was assaulted.I do not recall much about what happened.The next thing that I recall was waking up here and being told that I had a concussion, cuts and abrasions, and a broken Tibia and Fibula."

"You are kidding me."

"No.I am guessing Yi knows more than I do, but he is not wanting to tell me.Now, how come you did not tell me about your father.Yi told me he is the Vice-CEO at XF International.How come you are working at Hou Enterprises then?"

"A long story."Amanda looked over at Yao Tan who was talking to Hou Yi, and had a sweet smile on her face, before she turned back.

Anna noticed this, and knew she had to ask the question."Something to do with, whoever is talking to Yi?"

"That is Yao Tan, his father and mine are close friends.Tan about 18 months ago replaced his father as CEO of XF International.When I finished high school, my father and Tan's father tried to force us into marriage.I wanted to study law, and work before I even thought about marriage to anyone, let alone an arranged marriage."

"I sailed through and earned my degree, and when it came to get a job, my father did everything to block me, as he still wanted me to be a wife only.Tan contacted CEO Hou, as despite him being a bit over 3 years older than your husband they are close friends, to see if there was an opportunity for a job for me with Hou Enterprises."

"He knew that I could not get a job at XF International as my father and his would prevent that, and they used the interconnected nature of business here to have everyone else reject me.CEO Hou, apparently spoke to his father, who with some pressure agreed to give me an opportunity.I have to admit that I have loved working at Hou Enterprises since I have been there, but …"

"Something is happening between you and CEO Yao?"

"How did you guess?"

"I am not blind.You both keep looking at each other to assure yourselves that you are safe.What do you plan to do?"

"Do you know, I still want to work, even though I know I want to marry Tan.The problem is, I know no one will employ the wife of XF International's CEO, so I will have no options.In marrying him, I will have to forgo my career.At least you have not had to make that choice."

"Yi spoils me.He is giving me the opportunity to have a career, knowing that if I did not I would not be happy."

"Stop distracting me.We need to talk about you.You have not told me the full truth.There is more behind you ending up here other than getting assaulted at the police station.I saw you last night getting slapped by that b**ch Yang Lin and then punched by that waste of space Lu Jinhu.What is the story."

"Do you want the long version or the plotted highlights?"

"Highlights please.I do not think I could deal the long version."

"I met Lu Jinhu at university.We lived in the same residential college.He wanted a relationship, but I refused.I finished my degree before him and moved for my career.He finished his degree 4 months later, and simply showed up my doorstep.He sort of pushed me into a relationship."

"During the relationship, as you now might connect from the press release, what happened Friday night, Monday's press conference and last night, he was abusive towards me.He asked me to marry him at a time that I was ready to walk from the relationship, and stupidly I agreed."

"Six months ago, Yi was at my employers in Australia for a meeting.We bumped into each other and ended up communicating.From there we formed a connection and eventually through our discussions I decided that I needed to end it with Lu Jinhu, as Yi was the person I knew I wanted to end up spending my life with."

"We jointly made the decision that in ending the relationship with Lu Jinhu I was not going to be nasty or push it in his face that I was immediately moving on.However, before I could do this Lu Jinhu married Yang Lin, so we had no problems in getting married immediately."

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