Offer To The CEO

Chapter 198: Firing Back - Part 4

198 Firing Back - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

"No problems on talking about your plan when I get there.Now ..."

"I am guessing you already have something drafted to release on the development?"

"You know me too well.Let me read it to you.XF International are happy to announce it has entered into an agreement with Hou Enterprises for the City X Mall development.Lu Corporation, despite their announcement of being the primary developer in this development have lied as to their involvement.The development has always been driven by XF International, with other partners."

"After ongoing discussions, we are pleased to announce that the development will be a collaboration solely between XF International and Hou Enterprises.Certain aspects of the development will be contracted out to other companies; however, Lu Corporation will not be involved in this development."

"Further XF International demand that Lu Corporation retract their statements made earlier in respect of this development.A refusal to immediately do so will ensure that XF International will not collaborate on developments in this country or internationally.We do not take lightly any other company acting in a manner to force XF International to act as they demand.Their actions were driven by the fact that we had refused requests of Lu Corporation both directly and indirectly to be involved in this development."

"Finally, it is highly concerning the actions of Lu Corporation, its CEO and former Vice-CEO in the last 24 hours.In term of its former Vice-CEO Lu Jinhu, we in the strongest words abhor the behaviour that he demonstrated.Nothing excuses any violence towards another person, let alone someone who he was previously involved with.He should have escorted his wife away from the confrontation rather than resorting to violence.Blaming the victim of his abuse is something we cannot and will not condone."

"While it can be expected a father will support his son, CEO Lu failed to condemn his actions.He again blamed the victim, rather than being strong in condemning any violence towards a woman.His excuse was, like his son, was that Madam Hou had engaged in criminal activities.As far as XF International know Madam Hou has not been charged with criminal behaviour directed towards former Vice-CEO Lu Jinhu either in this country of Australia."

"Even if she was, it still does not justify any violence.By supporting former Vice-CEO Lu, in a press conference held in Lu Corporation's headquarters CEO Lu, in our view has indicated that Lu Corporation do not condemn such behaviour in the strongest terms."

"XF International therefore are also announcing that they intend to become a major partner and significant financial contributor to the fundraising campaign commenced by CEO and Madam Hou, to assist victims of intimate partner violence.All staff will be encouraged to donate, and we will match cash donations dollar for dollar, and opportunities for staff to volunteer up to 5 paid days a year work to assist the initiative."

"Staff members who are the victims of such violence will also be given access to paid leave to assist in their recovery.The details of this will be worked through by the human resources department and provided to all staff.After witnessing Lu Jinhu's actions last night, we can understand how physical and psychological abuse can be crippling to victims."

"Due to this commitment, and the fact that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin will retain involvement with their recently announced initiative for children's services, we will make no further commitments of financial or any other support.XF International, will in the event that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin have no involvement with this at all donate some funds to the initiative."

"Almost perfect.The only thing you need to add, is about my wife being in the hospital and put in about you hoping that Lu Jinhu, Yang Lin and CEO Lu were not involved."

"Why that?"

"I need to see them start to twist in the wind.I have not resorted to violence or other means before now, as my wife has been so impacted by what has happened to her at Lu Jinhu's hands.But, and this cannot get out at the moment, the police officer who assaulted her at my wife's pushing admitted the three of them were involved in setting up the situation that led to her injuries."

"I wondered why you had not reacted.It never seemed like you before now, but I am starting to get an idea of what you want to do, make a long term move that will utterly destroy them and prevent they acting against you in the future.You can count me in for your plans, as those three deserve no sympathy from me or XF International as I detest bullies.With that change, are you happy for me to release it quickly."

"You know me too well.As I remember my British and Australian friends saying 'Revenge is a dish best served cold', and that is what I want and am determined to get."

"I Vice-CEO Mei will speak to Amanda so we can finalise the collaboration documents for signature, and I will bring them when Amanda and I come tonight.Let me know if there is anything else that we can do at the moment.Goodbye."

With that the call was ended.

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