Offer To The CEO

Chapter 185: Admissions? - Part 1

185 Admissions? - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Senior Officer Fang realised that Alister Nang was serious.He knew of Hou Enterprises and unlike those who he knew had been victimised in the past by Inspector Gang, he was going up against someone that was extremely powerful, and that his family would be unlikely to protect him from.

The question was, was he willing to risk his future and support his superior or protect his future career and leave his supervisor deal with the matter on his own.As he thought about the situation, he realised that his inaction would be damming for the investigation.He should have stepped in and calmed Inspector Gang down before he went over the top, as he did.

He looked directly at Alister Nang and slumped in defeat.He had no option but to tell the truth.

After reading Senior Officer Fang's body language, Alister Nang, went to the door of the interview room where they were and signalled to the independent investigator that he should come in.This was quickly arranged when he spoke to Senior Station Management after observing Madam Hou on the ground.They had no desire not to get this investigation under way quickly, given the potential ramification of assaulting the wife of a major business CEO.Inspector Gang's family would not even be able to save him this time.

After the independent investigators entered the room, Alister Nang was handed some documents and was quietly informed that this was much of what he was waiting for.

The Investigators commenced recording the interview "Senior Officer Fang, this is a formal interview regarding an investigation of the actions of Inspector Gang, and any role that you have played in this part.For the recording there are two independent Investigators from the Anti-Corruption section of the police here in City T.I am the senior investigator and will be in control of this interview.My badge number is 425557, and …"

"I am the second and junior investigator, and my badge number is 426633."

"We also have in the interview a personally lawyer for Hou Yi, the CEO of Hou Enterprises and his wife Hou Anna, Alister Nang.Mr Nang, can you please confirm your presence for the recordings."

"This is Alister Nang."

"Senior Officer Fang, can you please confirm who you observe in the room?"

"There are two investigators, and a lawyer in the room."

"Thank you, Senior Officer Fang.Could you please inform us of what occurred this morning before you left the police station with Inspector Gang?"

"This Morning, we were approached by a junior staff member Officer Mu Tong, regarding the potential to charge Vice-CEO Lu Jinhu of Lu Corporation and his wife Yang Lin, the Yang family heiress, over two separate assaults on Madam Hou Anna, the wife of CEO Hou of Hou Corporation.Officer Mu informed us he had taken a statement from Madam Hou two weeks previously about an assault that occurred at the Key Plaza Hotel.He informed Inspector Gang that there was footage that confirmed the assault, however Madam Hou was scared about proceeding with charges."

"Officer Mu informed Inspector Gang and I, that there had 15 various well-known individuals in contact with the police by that time, providing information about a further assault by Vice-CEO Lu and Madam Lu last night at the theatre.According to the information Officer Mu had Madam Lu has slapped Madam Hou, and Vice-CEO Lu punched her in the stomach."

"Inspector Gang informed Officer Mu, that he needed to get into contact with CEO Hou and advise that Vice-CEO Lu and Madam Lu would be charged over both incidents, and to travel to CEO Hou's residence to take a statement.I understand that this is what Officer Mu did."

"I went to leave Inspector Gang's office, indicating that I had further things to do, but he ordered me to stay.He used police resources to determine the contact details for Vice-CEO Lu.He told me that this was for the purposes of talking to Vice-CEO Lu and advising him of what happened, so he could arrange for him and Madam Lu to come into the police station to avoid a scene."

"I still had no concerns about what was happening, as even though it was slightly unusual it was appropriate given the profile of the people involved.Inspector Gang when he telephoned Vice-CEO Lu put the call on speaker phone.He also told me to lock the door and sit down.Initially the conversation when as I expected it.Inspector Gang, advised Vice-CEO Lu, that there had been a number of allegations made against him and Madam Lu, and that they had two options, either come into the station to discuss the matters or they would be arrested to compel them to do this."

"Once that was said, Vice-CEO Lu insisted on knowing the details of the allegations against him, and Inspector Gang provided them, based on the written summary that Officer Mu had left with him.Again, while somewhat unusual, the profile of those involved did not make this seem a weird action.It was only once Inspector Gang told Vice-CEO all the details, that the conversation became more than weird."

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