Offer To The CEO

Chapter 181: Officer Mu talks - Part 2

181 Officer Mu talks - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

"This is where the situation gets worse.When the ambulance arrived, Lu Jinhu slapped Madam Hou across the face and told Madam Hou, he needed hospital treatment not her, so the ambulance was taking him to the hospital.Apparently, Madam Hou went to say something to Lu Jinhu, who turned, and this time hit her in the stomach and made the comment that it would continue until she agreed with hit."

"He then turned and told Madam Hou that she had to remain and deal with the car and the insurance company, as she was the one that was driving the car.His final instruction was that she was to come and collect him from the hospital and take him home and care for him.He told her clearly that she was not to make an appointment to see the doctors until after he deemed himself well enough that she did not have to care for him."

Officer Mu briefly turned and saw how much what he was telling Hou Yi was angering him but decided that he needed to continue telling Hou Yi what he found out.

"What this officer told me was the other feature that stuck out was the medical reports.All Lu Jinhu and the people in the other car suffered was a bit of bruising, and there was even a question in Lu Jinhu's medical records that queried why he was transported to hospital by ambulance."

"Madam Hou's report however indicated she had suffered a concussion, whiplash and broken a couple of bones in her fingers.The comment recorded in her doctors' records was that she stated as the break was not out of line, it needed nothing, and as to the other's nothing was different than normal."

"According to the officer, he attempted to speak to Madam Hou at home, but Lu Jinhu refused to allow it.The officer eventually spoke to her at work, but Madam Hou refused to press charges against Lu Jinhu, stating it would only make things worse.The Officer spoke to her employers raising his concerns and the told him that they would do what they could, including supporting her, but the reality was Madam Hou was ready to do anything all they could do is document what they saw."

"F**king hell, that a**shole.I could kill him."

"Sir please calm down.I was able to speak to her employers, and they have sent me via email, a list of suspected injuries caused by, as they call it domestic violence.There were around 40 instances where they felt he had been physically violent towards her.Usually it was bruising in the shape of a hand and finger prints on arms, but her excuse always was she tripped or fell, and he grabbed her arm to prevent her from hitting the ground.Only Madam Hou knows the truth in this respect."

"You know what that b**tard said in his press release today?He implied that my wife is a fraud, manipulator, and con-artist among other things.This totally disproves the claims that he made."

"Sir, I can only tell you what I know.Madam Hou, would be able to request the information about what they documented regarding suspected domestic violence, and the Officer who told me about the incident, said that you could request, under something called Freedom of Information, the police file on the matter.When I have it, I can give you all the details."

"That will take time."

"Sir, you are better getting it through legal means, then even I know it will be a more powerful weapon to use.Plus, the officer who is locating the file, is finding out if there are any more similar incidents that raise concerns about this domestic violence.You should request those as well."

"Officer Mu …"

"It is Tong Sir."

"I can only thank you for this information, Tong."

"It is not a problem.One thing I hate is having to deal with women who have been abused by partners.My father was violent to my mother, and I hate to see other women go through it.That is why I started investigating to determine the truth about what happened between Madam Hou, yourself and Lu Jinhu."

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