Offer To The CEO

Chapter 179: Not a chapter.

179 Not a chapter.


I figured I would put this longer Author Note here (at least for a few days until I remove it).It is not designed in any way to be a political statement, it was just somethingI wanted to post today of all days in the year (Plus I got back from dealing with the family issue a little bit earlier than expected).

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you who have taken the time to read this novel.

As a first time author I decided to stick to something I knew as themes.

However today on International Women's Day, I wanted to make a few comments.Throughout the novel so far we have seem our FL abused by her former partner and now the police. I know for many of you you have wondered why. much of why will be revealed was we progress further into the story, but despite what It may seem like Anna has gotten away lightly compared to some women when they are out of a relationship like she had with Lu Jinhu.Some can be stalked, harassed, sexually assaulted or even killed by their ex-partner.If you have not taken the time to read the second auxiliary chapter today of all days I urge you to do so (and please do not get offended about the political high horse I get on in the chapters as I do feel passionately about ending this type of abuse) as it gives you a little bit more information as to the reality for women like Anna (taken from Australian Information).

Anna shows us both strength and vulnerability from that abuse.

At the same time she is well educated and able to be a participant in the workplace.

She represents a multifaceted woman today, whose life is impacted by traditional views (such as influence her mother) and the modern world, and how views as to things change.

She represents a peice of each and every woman's story in some small way, as to the things that shape her to the woman that she is, and who Hou Yi fell in love with on sight.

Today celebrate women and each and every part of them that makes them unique, and strive for their protection.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.