Offer To The CEO

Chapter 154: Wednesdays Session - Part 4

154 Wednesday's Session - Part 4

Wednesday, continued ...

Anna paused after reading out the article."You can see that they did this in a rush. Poorly drafted but they wanted to make a point about the behaviour last night."

"I cannot believe it was on the front page.The paper I had only had a short little piece, with the notation that more to come on their website and more than likely there will be more in their paper tomorrow" responded Phillipa.

"Same in the three paper I looked at," came Hou Yi's response.He paused "Then I am guessing the on-line world is savaging them for this."

"Could not happen to a nicer couple," came Anna's sarcastic reply. Which provoked laughter from Hou Yi and Phillipa.

When they settled down, Phillipa observed Hou YI and Anna for a few of minutes while they were finishing their brunch.They, kept stealing looks at each other, when they thought the other was not looking.As soon as they realised the other observed them watching them, they looked away.

Phillipa decided that she needed to talk to Hou Yi immediately, before talking to Anna, either with or without Hou Yi present.

"Anna, Yi.I would love to sit here and gossip about what is in the papers and on-line, but we have more important things to deal with today.Anna, I am sorry, but I have to go back on our original plans to handle matters, at least for today.I need to have a discussion with Yi firstly, and then a discussion with you.Then we can can come back together to talk."

"OK Phillipa," said Anna, who was distracted by reading the various newspapers, and having a second cup of coffee.

"Come on Yi," said Phillipa, in a determined voice.Hou Yi realised that it was not worth arguing with his angry friend, so leaned over and kissed Anna on the cheek, before getting up and leaving with Phillipa.

As soon as they walked into his study and shut the door, Phillipa turned and angry spat out "What the f**k Yi.What in the world have you done?"

"I do not know what you mean Pip," said Hou YI sheepishly.

"Do not try and be cute.You completely ignored my advice from Monday.You simply need to be there to be a support to your wife, nothing more.She cannot cope now with any fears that you might leave her.She is fragile emotionally."


"And do not call me Pip, Yi.That does not get you out of anything.Be honest with me.I need that as I have to work with Anna carefully.They scared her so much last night.You did not see it, but before you got there she was physically shaking, trying to pull herself into the smallest target that she could possibly be.She was terrified that they were going to come after her again."

"Phillipa, as you told me Monday, you do not need to know what goes on behind closed doors, so I am not telling you."

"Yi do not test my patience.Tell me what happened once you left the theatre.I need the details if I am going to help your wife."

"No you do not."

"Yi" ground out Phillipa "You tell me now or you will have to find someone else to help you.Presently I am not your friend, I am the therapist trying to help you and your wife deal with the trauma in her past.I need to f**king know, and I need to f**king know now."

Hou Yi realised that Phillipa was more than angry with him.As his friends in Australia would say she was p*ssed off with him. He knew that her threats were real, and for Anna's sake the last thing he wanted to to was jeopardise the help that Phillipa could give them.Anna, due to her work already knew about Phillipa's reputation, and was putting all her trust in her to do what they had asked her to do.

Hou Yi sighed."Phillipa, when we got out into the car, she almost collapsed in shock.She wanted nothing other than staying in my arms as she felt safe there.She also quietly admitted that that was not the second time that he had been physically violent towards her.I knew better than to press her as to what he had done, but I got the impression that he assaulted her and used physical violence to manipulate her into s*xual intercourse during their relationship."

Hou Yi paused and realised that he did not want to say anything about what occurred when they arrived home.That was personal, and his most desired thing.No way did he want to tell any therapist about that, let alone his friend.

Phillipa was looking and Hou Yi and concluded that he was not telling her everything."Yi, what happened when you got home.Do not say that it behind closed doors.You need to be honest."

Phillipa looked across at Hou Yi who was blushing.Immediately Phillipa confirmed to herself, that they had had s*xual intercourse, which she wished they had not.However she needed Hou Yi to confirm it to her.

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